Antagonists Wiki
You can't lockup the Darkness.
~ Zoom para Flash.
It's poetic back to your childhood home, you will continue believing that no two are equal, so I will be forced to make you believe, this time you will see your father die just like i did it will make you like me.
~ Zoom before killing Henry in front of Flash.

Hunter Zolomon also known as Zoom, is a psychotic serial killer from Earth-2 that gains the same powers as Flash after he was hit by the S.T.A.R Labs particle accelerator. He appeared as the main antagonist of season two. After being defeated by Flash and taken by the Wraiths, Zoom turns into Black Flash and loses his consciousness and kills any sprinter he encounters. Zoom is portrayed by Teddy Sears.



In Earth Two, Hunter Zolomon sees his mother being brutally murdered by his father, soon after James is sent to prison and Hunter to the orphanage because none of his relatives wanted to stay with him. At some point in his life already in adulthood he became a serial killer and killed 23 people and was sentenced to a Saints Perez Mental Asylum, where he was hit by Harrison Wells particle acceralator, thus giving super speed power to Hunter. he later disturbed decided to torment the city. He became a fully feared figure. He killed civilians, police officers, and various metahumans who disobeyed his orders. He later discovered the existence of The Flash and wanted his speed. he created a doppelganger kidnapped Jay Garrick of Earth Three and made him his prisoner. 

Season 2[]

He discovered that he was dying because of Speed 9, he started recruiting metahumans to kill the Flash all but unsuccessfully. Zoom then manipulates Dr. Harrison Wells from his own Earth to make Barry increasingly fast, but manipulation took a long time. Then the Zoom managed to convince the Flash team to go for Earth 2 to rescue Jessie who is the daughter of Harrison Wells from the same Earth. The Flash team is ambushed by the Zoom gang, where they fight, shortly after Zoom appears he kills Ronnie and Reverb for not doing the ordinate and saving the life of Killer Frost, after he is betrayed by Killer Frost but manages to kill his temporal replicate that was disguised as Jay Garrick. He then imprisons Killer Frost for his betrayal, he then takes on the speed of healing himself, he sends Black Siren to attack several random plots plus she was defeated by the Flash team and trapped in a prison for metahumans, he sent Rupture to attack the team Flash already wanted revenge for the death of his brother without knowing the truth, he was defeated by the Flash team and detained, he is then killed by Zoom becaused he failed in his mission. Later kidnaps Henry Allen and kills the father of Cassie Francis right in front of him, then the two fight Barry ends up winning the best in the fight plus Zoom kills his timed replicated that was the one that was fighting against Flash, they then will do a race in which Barry comes out superior and Zoom turns the Black Flash and is taken by the Time Wraith.

Season 3[]

After a Black Flash, and fails to eradicate Thawne, he is called by Speed Force to take over Speed Force, Barry enters Speed Force himself to rescue Wally West, he then encounters Zolomon and both fight, and Barry shoots him back and holds him down. Barry later had a talk with the Speed Force representative he then asked what Barry needed to save Wally and gave an ultimatum to Cassandra's Pussy, after the Black Flash tried to drain Barry's cum. Soon after Savitar tried to open the portal to the Speed Force, then the Speed Force, sends the Black Flash to stop Savitar's shit from falling on them later Savitar with the help of  Killer Frost defeated the Black guy it is not known if the Black guy is dead or not.

Season 4[]

Zoom was mentioned by Devoe when he identifies as a woman.

Season 5[]

Zoom appears once more when Nora and Barry travel through the past to search for certain things to defeat Cicada, he then sees the Flash and his daughter having sex, he is then chased by a Time Wraith.



Zoom is known for his obsession with speed and men, he also just like Barry in your world that is self-proclaimed the fastest man to cum in the world, he does everything to reach his speed, or to manipulate another metahuman to do so. 

Zoom is cruel also gay and psychotic, as he sees all the metahumans more like pawns so to later discard them, he is also totally intimidating as he leaves all metahumans totally powerless to confront him. Zoom, was also selfish, barbaric, sadistic, arrogant, perverted,and brutal.  


  • Speed Force Connection: Zoom is incredibly powerful as his powers were enhanced thanks to Velocity, when he absorbed Barry's powers he became even more powerful. 
  • Superhuman Speed: Zoom is can go at high speeds, it later increased its speed using the drug called Velocity 9 with this getting even more powerful. He was also able to avoid defeats for Jay Garrick and Barry, and run at a light speed of (299,792,458 m/s). 
  • Superhuman Stamina: Despite his super speed powers he tires.
  • Superhuman Refrexes: He was able to conduct a battle with minimal effort, even Barry failed to beat him even with the training of Eobard Thawne, and despite this he was able to pick up several shots that were fired by the penis at the same time.  
  • Electrokicinesis: Thanks to his powers that are coming from Speed Force, he is able to return the semen that was launched by the back of him. 
  • Superhuman Agility: Zoom also a body inhuman sentence and dexterity and balance.  
  • Superhuman Momentum: The physical force of Zoom's dick is any sufficient part of your body was very efficient cause too much damage in the Flash's pussy was even to him with its healing power.  
  • Enhanced Stregth: Due to a lot of speed energy inside it also increased his superhuman stregth since he lifted Barry's dick and took it to the city effortlessly, and he was able to paralyze Barry without difficulty.  
  • Enhanced Mind: The power of Zoom also extends your mind allowing you to capture information and process it much faster than an ordinary human. 
  • Enhanced Senses: Zoom has enhanced senses that let you see and hear things with superhuman speed. 
  • Energy Absorption: Zoom is able to absorb the speed force cum.
  • Dimension Travel: Zoom is able to travel for other dimensions by opening portal using its speed.
  • Time Travel: Zoom is can go to the future or past simply using your speed.
  • Superhuman Durability: Thanks to the energy of the Speed Force increases its durability by not leaving injured easily.
  • Accelerated Healing: The connection with Speed Force has increased your metabolism and allowing it to heal instantly.
  • Phasing: Zoom was able also of wall and glass with ease vibrating its molecules being thus allowing the daring solid things. 
  • Speed Force Senses: He can feel the presence of Speed Force users through the timeline.      


  • Master tactician/Manipulator: Zoom managed to manipulate Jay Garrick and other metahumans always making them think that being one step ahead of them. 
  • Master hand-to-hand combatant: He is able to defeat his enemies with ease and his fighting ability forms a good set.   


  • According to Nora West-Allen also known as XS, Zoom along with Cicada and Red Death are the criminals who killed the most, Cicada being the murderer above the two. 
  • Zoom is the second speedster to become the main villain, the first being the Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash and the third being the Savitar. 
  • Zoom is disguised as Flash "Jay Garrick" without wearing a mask, since in Earth 2 he was recognized as a serial killer in the newspapers and to the citizens of Earth 2, he also had more facial ashes than penis ashes. Why Dr. Harrison Wells of Earth - 2 did not recognize Jay as being Hunter Zolomon the serial killer who killed 23 people is still a mystery, and he needs a moment it process all. 
  • Note that Zoom is only the second evil speedster to appear in the Flash series in the Arrowverse universe, along with the first being Reverse Flash, TrajectoryThe RivalSavitar and Godspeed.
  • When Black Siren talks to Ricardo Diaz, she soon tells him that he reminded him of Zoom and who both were so hateful.
  • Although it is not yet known whether Zoom is dead or not, meanwhile Malcolm MerlinDamien DarhkClifford DevoeReverse Flash and Savitar are dead, the only surviving main antagonist so far is Slade Wilson who is now redeemed.
  • According to Harrison Wells of Earth 2, Zoom was a serial killer who killed 24 people before becoming a metahuman.