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Zombies, also known as Zeds, are a major hostile species in the Madness Combat series. Mostly dead individuals reanimated by Jesus, the only zombies not to be revived by Jesus being Tricky the Clown (who was revived thanks to the Sheriff activating the Improbability Drive) and the zombies in Madness: Project Nexus (who were revived as a result of Project Nexus). In Madness: Project Nexus, if someone gets killed by a zombie, he will reanimate as one.


Madness Combat[]

The zombies only appeared in episodes 1-5, where in each of these episodes, they are revived by Jesus to take down Hank at all costs. However, despite their superior numbers and strength, Hank is able to take the zombies out easily before engaging into a fight with Jesus. However, the only zombie that Hank has trouble killing is Tricky, who has gotten himself an Improbability Drive that allows him supernatural powers that surpass those of other zombies.

Eventually, in episode 7, Jesus destroys the Drive, which deprives Tricky of his power before being killed by Jesus, making him the last zombie to die in the series.

Madness: Project Nexus[]

Zombies appear in Episode 1.5 of the Story Mode. Dr. Christoff releases them during his rebellion against the project. At first, the zombies attacked Dr. Christoff, agents, riot guards and scientists indiscriminately. However, in the last level, Phobos regains control over the Nexus and makes the zombies loyal to him, causing them to only attack Dr. Christoff.

Zombies also appear as the enemies of Zombie Arena Mode. There are five types of zombies that can appear: regular zombies, zombie Agents, zombie A.T.P. Engineers, zombie A.T.P. Soldats and zombie G03LMs. Each type has different levels of resistance and aggression.

Madness: Project Nexus 2[]

Zombies appear in both the story mode and arena campaign in Project Nexus 2 and are set to have the "Zed Survival" game mode based around them. They are the result of Dr. Crackpot's "Plan Zed" which would use S3L-F experiments, originally used for sleepwalker patients, on corpses. This resulted in the uncontrollable hostile Zeds.

Zombies are slow-moving enemies that will dive at close range to grapple onto the player and their allies and begin to destroy their Corpus. They are most easily killed by long ranged weapons. A special variant is set to appear, the swamp zed. They are distinctively paler than normal zombies and have a withered jawline. They function like normal zombies but are able to hurl poisonous/caustic substances at their foes. While not deadly on its own, it hurts the target over time and prevents them from regenerating health.


           MC logo Villains

Hank J. Wimbleton

Agency Against Hank Wimbleton
The Auditor | Jesus | Tricky the Clown | The Sheriff | Grunts | Elite Bodyguards | 1337 Crew | A.T.P. Engineers | A.T.P. Soldats | Mag Agents | Retainers

Nexus Core
Director Phobos | Mag Agent: Gestalt | G03LMs | Riot Guards | Sleepwalkers | Zombies | Skeletons | Abominations | Dr. Crackpot

Matter and Energy Reclamation Corporation
Church and Jorge

The Employers
The Auditor | The Stygian | The Conductor | The Deliberator

Higher Powers | Sun | Scrapeface

           ; Newgrounds icon Villains

Dad 'n Me
Dad 'n Me | Sunchips | Wilbur

Hobo | Inmates | Aliens | Hobo's Clones | Tank | Police Force | Satan | Demons

Newgrounds Rumble
Convict | Hank | Grunt | Nene | Piconjo

Madness Kombat
Hank | Tricky

Kognor | Priest | Radiel the Necromancer | Undead Giant | Undead King

Badly Drawn Dawg | Cancer Cells | Phlovomites

Salad Fingers
Dr. Papanak | Glass Brother | Glass Mother

Nene | Darnell | Goth Punks (Alucard, Casandra, Cyclops, Hanzou) | Uberkids | Big Brown Bary | Convict | Piconjo

Riddle School
Diz | Viz | Quiz | Mr. Munch

Alonzo | Cubi | Kamikaze | Pyro Guy | Zombies

Friday Night Funkin'
Daddy Dearest | Mommy Mearest | The Monster | The Spirit

Thugmens | Henchmens | Bad Captain | Tim | Skittles

Cyber Hell
Damian| The Beast | RoboJesus | Wako

Chaos Faction
Vortigon | Vortigon's Chaos | Dad 'n Me | Grunt

Epic Battle Fantasy
Goku | Lance | Akron | Godcat | The Glitch | The Devourer

Saga of The Dead
Dr. Allen Creasman Tyler | Zombies

Alien Assassin | BlockHead | Combat Teams | Chef | Dad | The Father | Littlest Penguin | Skull Kid | Shotgun Man | Thugs | Worker | Pink and Blue Unicorns | The Boss | Dr. Fetus | Zone-tan

See Also
David Firth's Villains | Castle Crashers Villains | Madness Combat Villains | Henry Stickmin Villains | Sky 9 Villains | Animator vs Animation Villains | Eddsworld Villains | Klay World Villains | The Binding of Isaac Villains | Spooky Month Villains | Happy Tree Friends Villains | Reincarnation Villains
