He is a green elf that wears a dark blue cap, a green suit and green shoes.
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He has a magic scepter, which he uses to eradicate numbers in Numberland. He used it to trap the King of Numberland in his tower. But in the end, when the king of numbers was set free; he actually reveals that he doesn't like numbers because he cant even count. Eventually, the trio teach him to count and he likes them.
He Goes To Find The King With Numbers In Numberland To Capture 3 Keys
Nella the Princess Knight Badalf the Wicked Wizard | Freezy | Frozey | Snowpuff | Terry | The Frostbite Brothers | Tricksy | Dandydragon | Dermok
Shimmer and Shine Nazboo | Sea Monster | Uzma the Sea Enchantress | Zeta the Sorceress
Sunny Day Lacey | KC | Scratch
Team Umizoomi Big Trouble | Dump Truck | Grog the Goblin | Little Trouble | Squiddy the Squid | Shape Bandit | The Troublemakers | Trouble Truck | Zilch
Santiago of the Seas Barbarito | Bonnie Bones | Bonnie Bones' All in One | Enrique Real de Palacios III | Escarlata La Pirata | Pepito | Primera | Sir Butterscotch
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! Big Blue Beastie-Beast | Buck-Buck Beavers | Buzzy Bees | Dark Zone Aliens | Dr. Cluckenstein | Dr. Crunchauser | Gidget |Hopping Dipple Dop | Old Man Grumpus | Snappity-Snap Fish | The Buzzlebug