Antagonists Wiki

Zesha serves as One of the Minor Anti Antagonist from the Video Game Series direct to videos Show of Gacha League who makes Her Debut in CyanP as She appears in the Animated Series, Cyanthia. She has Both appeared in Gacha Life 2 - The Club and Gacha Life 3 - The WonderEnd.

She is a Water Unit who joins Team Corruptions and is One of the Troublemakers in the Histories the Others was Lupus, Aysel and Tybi. She also cares about taking down DJ Vinyl and DJ Phantom was freed by Gacha Summoner against the Corruptions Be cuz He has to defends All of the Innocent People.


Zesha has Toned Body with Blue Pigtails and Eyes. She wears a Blue Bra, Gloves and Belt with Dark Blue Pants and Shoes.


She is Bloodthirsty, Cruel and Serial. She is a Ninja who kills Everyone when She loves to fights and attacks People and serves Team Corruptions Goals in orders to corrupts Every Universe.

She is Infamous and Enforcive when She serves Cykopath (before He was freed by Gacha Summoner, DJ Lyte, DJ X, DJ Rodri and DJ Clonuk). She also hates DJ Vinyl for coming back to life thanks to DJ Phantom being cured by Him and Ellie The Fairy.

In Gacha Club, alongside with the Other Lunime Troublemakers Forever just like Lupus, Aysel and Tybi, Zesha was bailed out of Jails causes by the Team Pandora named Pandora, Neon and Merupo who has hired Her upgrading All of Her Looks and Weapons.

She met a Girl named Niero Garnetta who is a Twin Younger Sister of Reia Garnetta which explains that She is a Good Version of Her. In the Aftermath after the Ending of Gacha Life 2, She saves Her own Leader, Neon the Whom who bails out Her of the Jail so She can continues Herself to kills Everyone else for getting in Her ways.


  • She has No where to take down a Strongest Member of the DJ like DJ Vinyl who is the Twin Elder Brother of DJ Lyte the Leader of the Vendetta Group, Vinyl Club.


She is Originally going to make Her Debut in Gacha Resort before Lucas Lee changes His Mind in orders to replaces Niero Garnetta Her Roles.

At the End of Gacha Life 2, She is exposed to saves Neon's Lifeless Body thanks the Redemption of DJ Vinyl with DJ Phantom exchanging Bella's Role in Third Protagonist to Anti-Antagonist.

In 1 Year Pass, She is a Combantant to survive the Invasion of Put The Record On X Xkour Extreme Parkour X ChibiOn (Similar to Candy Wendy who survives Her Lifleess Body causes by Nightgleam Gabi and Dimensional Amelia).

She is a Minion of Cykopath (before He was freed in Corruptions by Gacha Summoner, DJ Rodri, DJ Clonuk, Lucas Uber and Xavier Mas).

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