Antagonists Wiki

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Yhwach or also known as Yuhabahha or referred to as Your Majesty is a main antagonist of Bleach franchise. He is Quincy and a monarch and the main orchestrator of the Bleach series events.



Yhwach was the parent of the Quincy Clan. And if it also meant that he was the ancestor and that he conferred his powers that are unknown at the present time. And about 1,000 years ago, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto fought against Yhwach. Only a few moments during the battle Yamamoto used his Bankai against Yuhabahha, who was Zanka no Tachi. However he then survived, and after the fight Yamamoto saddles him. After 900 years ago he was conscious, he then began to drain Quincy's living spiritual energy, he also left he dead and alive and killed the Hollows. Then at some point in history after the defeat of Sosuke Aizen. Yhwach invades Hueco Mundo along with his Vandenreich and meanwhile Yhwach defeats Tier Harribel. He then imprisons her in Hueco Mundo, then he and the Vandenreich invade the Soul Society. Later it is revealed that Ichigo's current old Zangetsu has Quincy's powers and takes the form of Yhwach at 1,000.


Yhwach is totally unresolved in relation to conflicts, which he will try to prevent anyway, he uses brutal and cruel methods to achieve his goals no matter what he has to sacrifice. He has a great contemp for Arrancars, and is without any pity for his race, he would kill them, even those who have sworn allegiances to him. And when he judges those who have fulfilled its use, and the same disrespect goes to his subordinates, regardless of race, specimen or even positions, since he always possessed this attitude. He was also totally arrogant, narcissistic and with a god complex, as he killed several Quincy members of his kind just because they revolved against him, calling them inferior to him.


He is a middle-aged man with long hair and a mustache. He wears a black cape and a white outfit along with a white boot.



  • Yhwach is the only villain of Bleach and to fight another main antagonist of another.