Xander Coddington is the main antagonist of the Nickelodeon live-action Halloween television film A Really Haunted Loud House. He is a preteen boy who was the leader of Xander Nation.
He is voiced by Martin Fajardo.
Xander appears in the dental appointment where the Louds were treated. He is recognized by Lincoln to be the new kid who moved to Royal Woods and become famous for having parties. Lincoln introduces himself and invites Xander for a trick-or-treating round, but Xander said that trick-or-treating is lame because big kids are too old for that.
At school, Xander is accompanied by his two friends Jenna and Johnny while he invites Lincoln and Clyde for the party night, which the two boys accept this. As they made their decision, this results with Lincoln letting his family down for the Halloween event called Spooktacular without the surprise finale he performed for.
At Halloween night, Rita throws the candies away by replacing them with toothbrushes for the trick-or-treaters due to the recent visit at the dentist. After the musical, Lana shoots toothbrushes with her big cannon to the trick-or-treaters and they starts to riot against the Louds for candy, even spreading the situation through the neighborhood with their phones.
At Xander's house, Lincoln and Clyde attempts to be cool like the other kids or they're uninvited if they mess up. Taking the advantage to use their music talent, Lincoln accidentally throws the microphone at Xander's forehead. Later, Johnny announces to the partygoers that the Louds give away toothbrushes instead of candies. As Xander and his gang complains about dental care, Lincoln suggests to mess up his house and Xander likes his idea. Lincoln and Clyde realizes that the Xander and his gang attacking was the Loud house which his family are in danger.
At the Loud house, Lincoln and Clyde acts as double agents so the rest of the Louds can help them sabotage Xander and his gang's advances by using the Spooktacular event. During the battle, the preteens fall into traps which has set up by the Louds around the house. Xander prepares for his grand finale is stink bombs which he sets up in the Loud house. To stop Xander's plot, Lincoln initiates his own surprise finale was a line of drones and then controls the drones to splash soy sauce on Xander and Jenna by carrying him up to drop him into a coffin with the skeleton, which he is terrified and orders his gang to run away.
Later, Xander decides to have revenge on the Louds by stealing Lisa's giant pumpkin with the help of his older brother Paul who works at Mount Crushmore. Lincoln and Clyde manages to catch up with the truck and hide in the giant pumpkin to see what Xander is up to. Seeing Xander in livestream and hearing Lily's words "Lincoln in pumpkin!", the rest of the Louds jump into Vanzilla and drives off to rescue Lincoln and Clyde.
At Mount Crushmore, Xander announces to his gang that Lisa's giant pumpkin will be destroyed for revenge to the Louds, but Lincoln's family arrives to confront the Xander Nation from crushing the giant pumpkin. Lincoln confesses Xander that he let his family down to join Xander's group which it's nothing more important than his family. Xander was angered over being double-crossed and demands his gang to attack the Louds to get revenge on Lincoln.
During the final battle, the Louds unleash the werewolf which Lynn Sr. dressed up to give Xander's gang some trouble. The Louds cause chaos the garage by scaring Xander's gang away. After Xander's gang defeated, Xander and Paul are preparing to destroy Vanzilla. Lisa plans to sacrifice her giant pumpkin while Lana uses her cannon to shoot the toothbrush at the crane lever to drop the giant pumpkin at Xander and Paul. When Xander is furious over being humiliated, Leni shows him the livestream that Xander is going viral, which he screams in defeat.