Winter Anderson is a secundary antagonist who appeared in American Horror Story: Cult. She is the youngest sister of Kai Anderson and her right arm.
Winter was the youngest sister, she had an abusive father who was addicted to alcoholism, her mother devastated by abuse and accusation of treason, she then killed her husband and then killed herself. Kai then calls his third Rudy Vincent that he decides to help hide the body by covering it with soda and pea to mask the smell. Shortly thereafter in 2016, she reacted negatively to Clinton's defeat, while Kai showed happiness in Trump's victory. In the following days Winter becomes the nanny of the lesbian couple Mayfair-Richards. She soon becomes Ivy's closest friend, who after Ivy herself was attacked by Trump's supporters who later become part of the Kai Anderson ''Cult'', but later. Afterwards Kai decides to put one of his most loyal Cult members to marry his sister and have a child with her to begin his plan. However his plan is frustrated when Beverly kills him. After a while, Kai becomes paranoid and kills his two brothers both Rudy and Winter, who he thought was the traitor who actually the traitor she Ally.