Wicked Jack is the main antagonist from the 2009 DreamWorks Animation Halloween Special, Monsters vs. Aliens: Mutant Pumpkins from Outer Space. He is a mutant pumpkin who was the leader of the group of smaller ones, which were pumpkins that were mutated by green goo that was poured out of an alien spaceship at the beginning of the special.
He was voiced by Rainn Wilson who also voiced Gallaxhar.
When an alien spaceship flies down to Farmer Jeb's pumpkin patch, shining a bright beam on it, the (unseen) aliens in the saucer pour green goo onto the pumpkins (as they were just flushing their toilets). After the flying saucer flies away, the goo caused the pumpkins to get mutated into evil mutants. When Farmer Jeb comes outside investigate, the pumpkins come to life and capture him.
Later the next day, on Halloween, people were coming to Farmer Jeb's pumpkin patch and start pumpkin picking, as the mutant pumpkins put up a banner that says, "Free Pumpkins for all Humans.", and a family buys the biggest pumpkin in the patch (which was Farmer Jeb's prize winner that wasn't for sale, but the mutant pumpkins got rid of the sign).
While Dr. Cockroach Ph.D, The Missing Link and B.O.B. were going around the neighborhood searching for alien life forms, and Dr. Cockroach gets a swirly pop on the way, a father brings the biggest pumpkin they've bought from the patch that he could find into the his family's house. A little boy in a cowboy costume then names him "Wicked Jack". When the boy started carving into the pumpkin to make a face, Wicked Jack comes to life. When the mother comes in, Wicked Jack scares the mother making her scream in fright and dropping a bowl of candy she was holding when he talks. He then grows arms, legs and hands in the form of branches and jumps off the counter on front of the boy and his parents and starts attacking inside their house.
Later, when all the pumpkins came to life, they started terrorizing all the kids trick-or-treating. When they started stealing and eating their candy, they began to grow bigger. Wicked Jack then breaks out through the roof of the house of the family he came to life in front of, now twice as big as all the other pumpkins as he eaten a whole house full of candy. He then talked to the other mutant pumpkins in a language that B.O.B. identified as produce, about his evil plan, but B.OB. states to him that he's not getting one more piece of candy and he and the other pumpkins are definitely not getting what's at the Murphy House. After B.O.B. accidentally shows them where the Murphy House is, Wicked Jack and all the other mutant pumpkins start to dart towards there to get the candy there. Dr. Cockroach then contacts Susan and alerts her they have a problem.
While Susan's parents, Carl and Wendy were getting ready for their Halloween Party, Wicked Jack and the other pumpkins approach the house, but Dr. Cockroach, Link, B.O.B., Susan and local kids get in their way. Susan tells Wicked Jack and the other pumpkins that, "Halloween belongs to monsters, and this monster's a pumpkin crushing giant!". Just as Susan was about to crush Wicked Jack with her foot, he backs away and then he and all the other pumpkins merge together they all form into one giant pumpkin monster, and Wicked Jack becomes the monster's head.
Now in this form, Wicked Jack could now perform techniques like punching, grabbing and if one of his body parts gets pulled off, they can wrap themselves around their victims to trap them. When Susan started punching and fighting Wicked Jack, she pulled off his monster form's arm and it wrapped itself around Susan, tying her up. Link then jumped into Wicked Jack's face, making him punch himself twice as he tried to punch Link, but he then sucks him in and spits him out of his mouth.
Dr. Cockroach then has an idea of how to defeat the mutant pumpkins, and suggests they should give Wicked Jack and the other pumpkins the candy and bloat them up even further which will cause them to explode. So the monsters and all the local kids start collecting lot's of candy and start throwing it at Wicked Jack and the other pumpkins. Dr. Cockroach also brought out a home made Gatling gun that shoots candy ammunition to increase firepower. As the monsters and the kids kept on throwing lot's and lot's of candy at Wicked Jack and the other pumpkins, making them eat a lot of it, the mutant pumpkins soon began to bloating too much and started exploding. However, the monsters and the kids then run out of candy and there was no more to be found. Wicked Jack then laughs evilly and he and the other pumpkins grow even bigger as a result of the amount of candy they received. Dr. Cockroach was then forced to sacrifice his precious swirly pop, so he throws it right at Wicked Jack. As soon as Wicked Jack eats it, it comes at price. Wicked Jack and the other mutant pumpkins have then eaten way too much and they started collapsing.
After Carl and Wendy come out of the house and see Wicked Jack, they get surprised and Wendy faints. Susan then tells her parents to give her one second, and she tells Wicked Jack that, "No one ruins a Murphy Halloween!", and she punches Wicked Jack's monster form's head off, knocking him into the air. However, Wicked Jack then forms his top branch like helicopter blades and starts flying. He laughs evilly again and asks Susan, "Trick-Or-Treat?", and Susan answers saying, "I'm gonna say, trick.", and she whistles and Insectosaurus shows up and flies right into Wicked Jack and he gets smashed into pieces killing him.
After Wicked Jack and all the mutant pumpkins are defeated, all the candy they stole and ate started raining down from the sky and all the local kids get their candy back, and Dr. Cockroach gives his swirly pop to a little girl.
Live-Action Films The Mouse |
Sadako Yamamura |
Ocean Entity |
Dr. Reingold |
Benny |
Ruby |
Commando Elite (Major Chip Hazard, Butch Meathook, Nick Nitro, Brick Bazooka, Link Static, Kip Killigan, & Gwendy Dolls) |
Gil Mars |
Steamboat Willie |
Vivian Thompson |
Frank Fitts |
General Roth'h'ar Sarris |
Commodus |
Jacob |
Norman Spencer |
Genus |
General Granger |
General Russell Woodman |
Voltan |
Morlocks (Über-Morlock) |
Lamar Burgess |
Connor Rooney |
Harlen Maguire |
Dietrich Banning |
Samara Morgan |
Anna Morgan |
Galem Burke |
Frank Abagnale Jr. |
Dean Gordon Pritchard |
Larry Quinn |
James Rethrick |
Madame Vandersexxx |
Claire Wellington |
Vincent |
Paco |
Felix Reyes-Torrena |
Count Olaf |
Hook-Handed Man |
Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender |
Bald Man |
White-Faced Women |
Officer LeFlore |
Jack Byrnes |
Chris Wilton |
Martians |
Dr. Bernard Merrick |
Tom Lincoln |
Jackson Rippner |
Hatsumomo |
Curtis Taylor, Jr. |
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille |
Norbit's Parents |
Rasputia Latimore |
Big Black Jack Latimore |
Blue Latimore |
Earl Latimore |
Deion Hughes |
Buster Perkin |
Stranz Van Waldenberg |
Fairchild Van Waldenberg |
Katie Van Waldenberg |
Robert Turner |
Decepticons (Megatron, Starscream, Barricade, Frenzy, Blackout, Scorponok, Bonecrusher, Brawl, Dispensor, The Fallen, Soundwave, Sideways, Grindor, Ravage, Alice & Scalpel) |
Constructicons/Devastator (Demolishor, Rampage, Long Haul, Mixmaster, Scrapper & Scavenger) |
Lila Cantrow |
Assef |
Sweeney Todd |
Nellie Lovett |
Judge Turpin |
Beadle Bamford |
Jonas Fogg |
Adolfo Pirelli |
Predatory Vines |
Tran |
Les Grossman |
Jake |
Max |
Anna Ivers |
Theodore Galloway |
George Harvey |
Hilly Holbrook |
Setrakus Ra |
Jerry Dandridge |
Evil Ed |
Tak Mashido |
Farra Lemkova |
Ricky |
Zeus |
Julian Assange |
Dino Brewster |
Deja Thoris |
Louis |
Carl, Rudy, Stevie and Vern