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White Diamond is the overall main antagonist of the Cartoon Network TV series Steven Universe.
She is a Homeworld Gem who is the superior and leader to all gems including the other Diamonds and along with Yellow Diamond, Blue Diamond and formerly Pink Diamond, formed the Great Diamond Authority.
Her mural was first introduced in the second season in the episode "It Could've Been Great", and reappeared in "Back to the Moon". Her first official appearance was in the Season 5 episode "Legs From Here to Homeworld".
White Diamond, or White for short, is a Homeworld Gem and the leader of the Great Diamond Authority that formerly ruled over the Gem race. She held supreme authority over all Gems, including her fellow Diamonds, and was seen as a being beyond the rest of her kind. For eons, White Diamond remained on the Gem Homeworld, secluded inside her ship, until she finally left Homeworld to help Steven Universe heal the corrupted Gems. She made her debut in "Legs From Here to Homeworld".
With the beginning of Era 3 and the abolition of the Great Diamond Authority's tyranny, White Diamond started dedicating her time to help Gems with their self-worth problems by using a reversed version of her powers, allowing them to take control over her so that they can get in contact with their own selves.
She is voiced by Christine Ebersole.
Before era 3[]
White is described as being difficult and has a temper that can take a while to cool down: She appeared both calm and understanding during her first meeting with Steven, greeting him (as Pink Diamond) warmly despite his appearance bearing no resemblance to how Pink Diamond actually looked. However, White is curt and dismissive, interrupting Steven whenever he tries to speak to her, and then immediately sends him away to another room without warning as soon as she is done. She treats the entire affair with the Earth, the Rebellion, Pink's faked shattering and absence for the last 6,000 years with a mixture of patronization and nonchalance, remarking it all being simply one of "Pink's games" and asks Steven (as Pink) if he "had fun" and "got it out of [his] system."
According to Yellow Diamond, White never leaves her ship and never lets anyone in a few cases or incidents (such as Pink/Steven's return to Homeworld), so it may be possible that she is a bit reclusive. According to Blue Diamond, she has no sense of humor, being furious with Pink for naming a batch of Pyrite "fool's gold". Despite this, White has a certain soft spot for Pink, joining the other Diamonds in Blue's Pool Chamber to play games such as guessing what song Pink was singing underwater.
It is displayed in "Change Your Mind" that White Diamond is an arrogant perfectionist, making the other gems better by generously "removing their flaws". When she took control of the Crystal Gems, she told Steven that "there is nothing to hinder [her] white light sparkling through them" and saying that they are now "perfect". White Diamond has strict expectations on the way other Gems should behave, causing an immense pressure that Yellow Diamond says could "crack a Gem." She takes this obsession so far that she breaks down after she becomes emotional, going as far as saying emotions are a flaw. This reveals her biggest flaw/fear: atelophobia.
After era 3[]
Once White Diamond's worldview was shattered by the revelation that Steven is his own being and not Pink Diamond, it takes White time to adjust to the new ways of Era 3. It can be seen at the end of "Change Your Mind" that White has difficulty in socializing with others she once considered "beneath" her, and even looked uncomfortable when healing the Corrupted Gems. However, support from her fellow Diamonds along with Steven reassured her that she was doing the right thing.
White Diamond's progress can be noted in Steven Universe: The Movie, where she presents herself to Gemkind as a more caring and gentle ruler. She, along with the other Diamonds, are clingy towards Steven, wishing to have him around because he reminds them so much of Pink. Though White's positive demeanor appears forced, she is being genuine and actually wants to make a change for the better by listening to all of Steven's lessons, even if she finds them annoying at times. For example, White makes sure to be extra careful with her words and the way she describes things in order to not offend anyone.
In "Homeworld Bound", without Steven around, White is able to independently take the initiative to do the right thing and right her wrongs, like the other Diamonds are doing as well. Instead of mind-controlling other Gems to make them "perfect", White travels to different planets on charitable escapades to allow other Gems to control her instead, so that they may get in touch with themselves. While White talks with Steven, she appears very gentle and speaks softly with him, as she does with other Gems.
In "I Am My Monster", White finally makes the connection that mostly everyone around her continues to suffer because of her. White began to break down as she realized that the rules she previously imposed on Homeworld caused Yellow, Blue, Pink, and the rest of Gemkind to suffer due to a ripple effect that leads back to her. Though she mistakenly made the situation about herself and not Steven, she is corrected by Connie and joins everyone in saving Steven from himself.
Ancient History[]
Nothing is known about White Diamond's exact past, but she believed she existed to "make everything better" by imposing a strict system of hierarchies and castes upon the Homeworld empire. Her order persisted unchanged for many thousands of years. White Diamond owned the most colonies at the time of Earth's colonization. According to Blue Diamond, White was once closer to the other Diamonds, even taking part in games that Pink played with them. However, White was not open to the idea of Pink running a colony, believing she was unfit to run one, causing Pink to throw a temper tantrum that damaged Pink Pearl's physical form. White Diamond would frequently lock Pink in a tower for acting out. After Pink's alleged shattering on Earth, White grew distant from the other Diamonds to the point of never leaving her ship.
Around 5,050 Years Ago[]
When Pink Diamond was believed to have been shattered and Earth was no longer deemed to be a viable colony, White left Homeworld and she participated in the Corrupting Light attack that corrupted every Gem on Earth exposed to the attack. After that, she returned to Homeworld and stayed until the dawn of Era 3.
"Legs From Here to Homeworld"[]
Steven, the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds travel to Homeworld to ask White for assistance in healing the Corrupted Gems. Before they even arrived at Homeworld, White appeared to already know that they were coming and that "Pink" was still alive because when they do reach the planet, Homeworld is cheering for the return of Pink Diamond.
White controls White Pearl to retrieve Steven, and when she does, White speaks to Steven as if he is Pink. White tells Steven that everyone is so relieved that Pink is alive and that she is relieved that her little game is finally over. White then sends Steven to Pink Diamond's room.
White Diamond is not seen in "Familiar", but she is mentioned several times. Steven relates to Pearl how he doesn't think she understands that he's not Pink Diamond and later tells Yellow Diamond about his conversation with her, to which she remarks that it's incredible to he managed to get in even a few words to her, but laments that she never allows anyone else to see her in spite of Yellow's success as a conqueror. When Steven talks to Blue Diamond, she recalls an incident where Pink named a batch of Pyrite "Fool's Gold", which apparently infuriated White.
In Pink Diamond's room, Pearl tells Steven that Pink Diamond used to throw parties for all the Diamonds and their courts to attend, including White. This prompts Steven to don Pink Diamond's outfit and throw a ball for all of the Diamonds, where he plans to persuade White to help heal the corrupted Gems.
"Together Alone"[]
White appears once in the episode and is mentioned several times. She appears in Steven's dream, still in her ship and smiling at him. Blue Diamond says that since White might be coming to the Era-3 Ball, everything will have to be perfect. Steven hopes that White will come to the ball, but she does not show up. Instead, White Pearl takes her Diamond's place in observing the event, though everyone is unaware that White Diamond is actually speaking and observing the ball through White Pearl. While smiling blankly for most of the event, she suddenly looks displeased when Steven and Connie fuse in front of the assembled Gems.
"Change Your Mind"[]
When Steven and Connie try to escape Homeworld with the help of Blue and Yellow, White Diamond (speaking through White Pearl) tells them that they aren't going anywhere. She then merges her ship with Pink's. However, both Blue and Yellow Diamond's ships, piloted by Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot attack her ship and manage to knock it over. Later, Steven, Yellow, and Blue try to convince White to stop her ways and help everybody. White, however, ignores this completely, attacking both Blue and Yellow and turning them into mindless, obedient servants, like her Pearl. White transports Blue and Yellow inside her ship (which merged with theirs) and attacks the Crystal Gems. She knocks them off the platform, and Steven drops Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl's gemstones. While falling, Steven manages to fuse with Amethyst, who then throws him over to Pearl. Steven and Pearl fuse and save Ruby and Sapphire. Steven and Garnet then fuse into Sunstone, but White stomps on them with the leg ship. Sunstone lifts up the foot, however, and attacks the ships. White simply swats them away, and the gems decide they have to fuse into Obsidian. They fuse and attack White, along with Connie, Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot. They all start destroying the ship, with Obsidian managing to slice off both of the ship's hands. The Gems unfuse after being smashed against a pillar, and they enter White's ship through its eye.
White asks what Steven is doing and asks if he wants his legs and his planet back. Steven asks what White did to the other Diamonds, but White shushes him. She says that both Yellow and Blue are imperfect due to their light, but she is perfect, due to her having every light in the spectrum. She then says that Pink is the part of her that she has to repress. She then suddenly attacks the Gems, turning Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl into slaves like Blue and Yellow. White says that she removed their flaws and that her white light is sparkling through them. She states that they are brilliant and that the flaws Steven caused them to have are gone, and they are perfect as her. Steven tries to tell her that they are perfect the way they are, but White says that Pink likes to surround herself with inferior gems so she can be the best of the worst.
Steven says that it isn't true and that even if it was, she'd be talking about his mom and not about Steven. White laughs at this and says "your mom" in a mocking tone, but Connie arrives and White makes Pearl attack her. Steven tries to help but White makes Garnet and Amethyst grab him. Pearl disarms and grabs Connie. Steven tells her to let Connie go, but White says that it must feel good to surround himself with lower life forms, blaming everything on someone else. She says that that was why he became Rose in the first place, in order to deceive his friends. Steven disagrees, saying that he isn't Rose, but White points out that he knows things that he couldn't possibly know if he wasn't Pink. Steven says that he was just connecting with her, but White says that even though Pink took the form of Steven, her light is still shining through. She then picks Steven up, saying that it's time to come out. She then removes his gemstone, which appears to reform, but whilst it shows the shapes of both Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz, ultimately the gemstone generates a holographic, seemingly emotionless Steven. When White questions where Pink is, the Gem Steven shouts "She's gone!" with such force that White is forced backward, then walks back towards his human half, which is severely weakened. It appears that neither of the two Stevens is complete without the other one. White and the Gems under her control try to stop the reunion, but Gem Steven creates a featureless, multi-faceted shield which blocks all of White Diamonds' attacks, then "pops", creating a powerful shockwave which forces everyone back.
After Steven and the Gem Steven re-fuse, White Diamond angrily pounds her fists on the floor, stating that Steven should appear as Pink Diamond, that he is not half-human, and that he is acting like a child. Steven retorts that he is a child, and asks what White's excuse is. Her and her slaves' cheeks turn pink, confusing White, and all the gems previously under her control return to normal. Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot arrive with the intent to fight White but stop upon seeing the state that everyone is in. White asks herself what is happening, and she reaches out to Yellow and Blue. Both of them back away from her, saying that she is "off-colored" after seeing her pink cheeks. White is startled, questioning if she is actually flawed. Steven tells her to let people be who they are and tells her that she can be what she wants to be.
White says that she should know better, and that she should be better, and that she should make everything better. Steven says that she can, but she has to leave her own head. She then travels with Steven and the gems to Earth and witnesses the Off Colors arrive, meeting with the people of Beach City including Steven's father Greg Universe and Lion, and later helps cure all the Corrupted Gems. She then leaves Earth with Yellow and Blue as they go back to Homeworld.
Steven Universe: The Movie[]
White, along with Yellow and Blue, starts the film by singing "The Tale of Steven", which praises Steven and his contributions. Afterward, White tells "The Story of Steven", which explains the origins of Steven and how he dissolved the Gem Empire, as well as the backstory of Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz. White announces in a broadcast to Homeworld Gems throughout the universe that Steven will be taking the place of Pink Diamond as part of the Great Diamond Authority. However, Steven declines and explains his home is on Earth with his friends. White tells Yellow and Blue Pearl to end the broadcast, to which Yellow Pearl remarks her time is up anyway. Steven says he thought that went well, but White and the other Diamonds attempt to convince him to stay on Homeworld by singing "Let Us Adore You", as well as explaining their recent good deeds, but Steven still refuses and warps back to Earth. Sometime later, White and the rest of the Diamonds arrive on Earth and explain they want to live with Steven, which Steven is skeptical of. They are then introduced to Spinel and grow fond of her, and sing "Let Us Adore You (Reprise)". The Diamonds then leave Earth with Spinel, and return to Homeworld.
"Homeworld Bound"[]
White, along with the other Diamonds, assists Steven in his attempt to control his new powers. White expresses that she can help Steven with his self-worth by allowing him to possess her form, exhibiting this new ability by allowing Spinel to control her. As White allows Steven to control her, he becomes aggressive towards the concept, recalling the events of "Change Your Mind", disrupting the ability, confusing and scaring White from what she had seen. The Diamonds beg Steven to stay so they could help, as he leaves the palace and warps away.
"I Am My Monster"[]
White, Yellow, Blue and Spinel go to Earth to check on Steven. After noticing Steven as a giant monster, she asks why something like this always happens when they visit. When Garnet tells them the monster is Steven she is shocked saying it's impossible. After Yellow and Blue's tactics to change Steven back are unsuccessful, she thinks if she connects with him and he speaks through her, maybe they would understand what he's going through. Unfortunately, when she tries this she loses her concentration and falls. White comes to the conclusion the monster isn't Steven anymore. Later she concludes that everyone around her continues to suffer because the rules she previously imposed on Homeworld caused Yellow, Blue, Pink, and the rest of Gemkind to suffer due to a ripple effect, causing her to break down. Though she mistakenly makes the situation about herself and not Steven, she is corrected by Connie and joins everyone in saving Steven from himself. Afterwards she is seen with everyone else happy to see Steven back to normal.
White Diamond possesses standard Gem abilities, but since she is a Diamond, her abilities are expected to be much greater than other Gems. Since both Yellow and Blue Diamond showed fear of her, it could be concluded that she is much more powerful than the other Diamonds and gems are. Because of this, it is presumed that she has a high intelligence level (she was able to control and command the entire Gem race for millennia, as the main ruler) or even subtle traces of omnipresence.
Unique Abilities[]
- Aura Projection: The Diamonds can project an aura around them that they can control, either radiating it from their entire bodies or emitting it from specific parts of their bodies such as their hands. White's aura was shown around her hand as a solid, bright and white corona-like flare around it. Not much has been shown of her aura's effect, but she used it during the Diamonds' final attack against the Crystal Gems.
- Corruption Induction: Though the attack was meant to destroy the Crystal Gems, White, Yellow and Blue's collective powers instead corrupted every single remaining Gem on Earth.
- Corruption Reversal: Along with Pink/Steven, Yellow and Blue, White has the ability to reverse the effects of the Corrupting Light on Gems. The four reversed the corruption using the water of Rose's Fountain in "Change Your Mind".
- Mind Control: By zapping another Gem's gemstone with a white ray of light she projects from her eyes, White Diamond removes that Gem's color, turning it into a gray that then spreads out from the gemstone, controlling the affected Gem. Controlled Gems generally mimic her movements, speech, and possibly emotional state (her blush spread to all under her control), though White can command them to perform specific actions or say certain things. In this state their physical form can move abnormally such as turning their head 360 degrees. Once released, Gems are disoriented and appear to have no memory of what happened or what they did whilst they were controlled: A controlled Pearl was still able to draw her (also colorless) Gem Weapon to fight Connie, but it is unclear if this is the Gem's individual weapon or a facsimile. A weakened emotional state may disrupt White's control, as it was undone when she realized a flaw in herself that Steven exposed and blushed in "Change Your Mind". It is unclear if this was a deliberate action on White's part or an unconscious reaction. White Diamond states that controlling other Gems involves "shining her light through them" and that she doesn't want to "spread [herself] too thin", implying a possible limit to the number of Gems she can control at any given time. The ray can be easily blocked by Gem Steven's Shield.
- Power Bestowal: When White Diamond takes control of a Gem, they can gain access to new abilities, such as transportation via a white bubble/capsule, intangibility, and the projection of her controlling light from their eyes.
- White Capsule Generation: Much like her mind-controlled victims, White Diamond can generate a kind of white capsule around herself or other gems with several utilities. However, as little is known about it, it is not made clear if this is an actual ability of White or a variation of her ship's technology, since similar "capsules" have already been seen exiting the Gem Warship in The Return.
- Levitational Transport: The capsule can float around the air, as seen in "Legs From Here to Homeworld" and Steven Universe: The Movie.
- Teleportation: The capsule can also teleport White Diamond, as seen in "Legs From Here to Homeworld" and Steven Universe: The Movie.
- Corruption Induction: Though the attack was meant to destroy the Crystal Gems, White, Yellow and Blue's collective powers instead corrupted every single remaining Gem on Earth.
- Spectral Mimicry: By channeling all the colored lights radiated from her stone, White Diamond can dye herself in the color of a particular gem and also copy all the gem's acts, as shown in "Homeworld Bound". The irradiated colors that are concentrated shine and consume all around her, varying mainly between green, yellow, blue and red, as seen when she copies Spinel and Steven. The copied gem can also control White Diamond's moves and acts, resembling the opposite of White's Mind Control Ray. As Spinel said, White can "channel [the gems] thoughts into her body".
- Water-Walking: In "I Am My Monster", it is shown that White Diamond can walk and run on the surface of water in a similar way like Lion and Opal. She also shares this ability with Yellow and Blue Diamond.
- She was the sixth main antagonist of Season 5 after Lars Barriga, Peridot, Jasper, Holly Blue Agate and Aquamarine.
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Great Diamond Authority Homeworld Gems Fusion Gems Gem Monsters Other |
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