The White Bone Demon, also known as The Voice in the Shadows or Baigujing, is the main antagonist of the second half of Season 1 of the 2018 Amazon Prime original Dreamworks series Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Destiny.
She is a ruthless demon who was defeated and imprisoned in the spirit kingdom of Sun Wukong. After a certain amount of time she manages to contact Shi Long and using her resentment against her father, manipulate her to get a new body and plunge all of China into the age of darkness.
She was voiced by Elisa Gabrielli, who also voiced Nana in the Madagascar franchise.
The White Bone Demon is smart, cunning, ruthless, heartless and manipulative demon, although she pretends to be kind and caring in order to manipulate others to achieve her goal.
It is also implied that the reason for all of her terrible crimes lies in her sadism, since there is no background to her.
Unlike most villains in the franchise, the White Bone Demon lacks any redemptive or comedic qualities, which, coupled with her gruesome crimes, makes her one of the most evilest villains in the franchise.
According to legend, the White Bone Demon once wandered China, disguising herself as a harmless old woman, who would enter villages to beg for food. But in reality, she sought to devour the souls of those who took pity on her, taking on her true form to consume them. But one day, she made the mistake of trying to make a meal out of Sun Wukong, who managed to defeat her with the power of his magic crown. Wukong destroyed the demon's body, and forced her spirit into the Spirit Realm.
Despite this, the White Bone Demon was eventually able to communicate with Shi Long, preying upon her jealousy of Xiao to win her loyalty. In exchange for Shi Long's help in creating a new body and an army for her to lead, the demon claimed that she would help Shi Long become Empress of China. On her orders, Shi Long invaded the red jade mine and stole all of the precious mineral for use in their scheme. They also stole Sun Wukong's crown, which was added to the massive iron body Shi Long had constructed for the demon.
Before Emperor Kang Zi died as a result of Shi Long's poisoning, her agents also succeeded in stealing the Wellspring from beneath Panda Village in order to provide a power source for the demon's new body. This was then encased in the Red Jade of Lang Gong, which was stolen from Sun Wokong with his crown, which Wokong had to take the fall for the loss of the red jade since he also stole it but also planned on receiving. However, the theft of the Wellspring also caused a terrible drought that began to affect much of China.
In the end, having received a mechanical body, the White Bone Demon battles Po and the Four Constellations but was defeated. Shi Long then whines how they could've ruled China together, but the demon regains strength, gets up and betrays Shi Long by eating her (who is lucky to have survived) and tries to destroy Po, his disciples, the Four Constellations, and all their friends, sadistically saying that she intends to bring an age of darkness to China. The battle lasted to the desert Xiao stabs with her chain sword at the crystal heart of the demon, breaking it and destroying her body and the demon itself, seemingly forever. However, it is unknown if the White Bone Demon is actually destroyed since a female bat was seen emerging out of the body, grinning evilly at the end of the episode.
The White Bone Demon is based off of the antagonist of the Chinese novel Journey to the West, Baigujing (literally "White Bone Demon" in Chinese), albeit there were multiple liberties that deviate from her source material (such as her ability to devour souls, something that the original Baigujing in the myth could not). This version is easily more evil.
"Baigujing" (traditional and simplified Chinese: 白骨精; pinyin: báigǔjīng) when it is translated into English, means "white bone spirit".
Despite being the main antagonist of the second half of Season 1, she rarely appears, with her major appearances mostly being in the final 2 episodes.
Live-Action Films The Mouse |
Sadako Yamamura |
Ocean Entity |
Dr. Reingold |
Benny |
Ruby |
Commando Elite (Major Chip Hazard, Butch Meathook, Nick Nitro, Brick Bazooka, Link Static, Kip Killigan, & Gwendy Dolls) |
Gil Mars |
Steamboat Willie |
Vivian Thompson |
Frank Fitts |
General Roth'h'ar Sarris |
Commodus |
Jacob |
Norman Spencer |
Genus |
General Granger |
General Russell Woodman |
Voltan |
Morlocks (Über-Morlock) |
Lamar Burgess |
Connor Rooney |
Harlen Maguire |
Dietrich Banning |
Samara Morgan |
Anna Morgan |
Galem Burke |
Frank Abagnale Jr. |
Dean Gordon Pritchard |
Larry Quinn |
James Rethrick |
Madame Vandersexxx |
Claire Wellington |
Vincent |
Paco |
Felix Reyes-Torrena |
Count Olaf |
Hook-Handed Man |
Henchperson of Indeterminate Gender |
Bald Man |
White-Faced Women |
Officer LeFlore |
Jack Byrnes |
Chris Wilton |
Martians |
Dr. Bernard Merrick |
Tom Lincoln |
Jackson Rippner |
Hatsumomo |
Curtis Taylor, Jr. |
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille |
Norbit's Parents |
Rasputia Latimore |
Big Black Jack Latimore |
Blue Latimore |
Earl Latimore |
Deion Hughes |
Buster Perkin |
Stranz Van Waldenberg |
Fairchild Van Waldenberg |
Katie Van Waldenberg |
Robert Turner |
Decepticons (Megatron, Starscream, Barricade, Frenzy, Blackout, Scorponok, Bonecrusher, Brawl, Dispensor, The Fallen, Soundwave, Sideways, Grindor, Ravage, Alice & Scalpel) |
Constructicons/Devastator (Demolishor, Rampage, Long Haul, Mixmaster, Scrapper & Scavenger) |
Lila Cantrow |
Assef |
Sweeney Todd |
Nellie Lovett |
Judge Turpin |
Beadle Bamford |
Jonas Fogg |
Adolfo Pirelli |
Predatory Vines |
Tran |
Les Grossman |
Jake |
Max |
Anna Ivers |
Theodore Galloway |
George Harvey |
Hilly Holbrook |
Setrakus Ra |
Jerry Dandridge |
Evil Ed |
Tak Mashido |
Farra Lemkova |
Ricky |
Zeus |
Julian Assange |
Dino Brewster |
Deja Thoris |
Louis |
Carl, Rudy, Stevie and Vern