Antagonists Wiki
Because you deserved it, bitch!
~ Warren Mears

Warren Mears was the main antagonist of the sixth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He is a young scientist who he and his friends are one of Buffy's biggest enemies, especially toward Willow, since he accidentally killed Tara in an attempt to kill Buffy. He changed over time, from a comedic villain, to a treacherous, psychopathic misogynist.



Warren initially lived in Sunnydale, California, and was bullied for being a nerd. He was also very clumsy towards women. And with that, he built a robot called April to supply his needs. But when he met a girl named Katrina Silber. He started dating her, and left April, it gave Scooby Gang a problem, and Buffy. When the girl obsessively searches for Warren, Buffy finds out about him, and the two decide that April was be put down and after a long fight her battery is drained dead. disgusted by Warren's lies Katrina decides to break up with him.

Season 6[]

As Big Bad[]

Warren later appears as the main antagonist of season six. He soon decides to take down Buffy, and the Scooby Gang, and thus take on Sunnydale. He then manipulates two teenagers named Jonathan and Andrew, who are just as smart as he is. Around the season, they had many clashes against the Scooby Gang. Even when Warren decides to take revenge on Katrina for having rejected him. Warren then tries ta rape her, but when she reacts, he kills her. Warren also secretly planned with Andrew to kill Jonathan, he takes Nezzla'khan's Orbs, and he humiliates Buffy, but when Jonathan betrays him, making him run away.

Then, annoyed that Buffy had written his plans, Warren shoots her, but the shot goes to Tara. Making Willow furious. Willow then soon becomes Dark Willow, and chases Warren, she then kills him skinned.


After his death, The First Evil, used his appearance to manipulate Andrew, and made him kill Jonathan to break the seal on Sunnydale. He also used Warren's appearance, along with other Big Bads, that Buffy faced, to tease Spike.


In the beginning, Warren was unwanted an introverted. However, that charges when, he when he met, Katrina. And after in the series, Warren turns out to be more of a manipulator, misogynist and a treacherous psychopath.

Powers and Ability[]

Warren Mears had no supernatural powers, because he was a human, but he was a genius, and a scientist. In addition, he was also very knowledgeable about the supernatural. And then when he takes Nezzla'khan's Orbs, Warren gains superhuman strength, and invulnerable.


As much as it may seem, the same, the same actor who played Warren Mears, also married Amber Benson, who she also played Tara, meaning a great coincidence, since Warren killed Tara.
