Antagonists Wiki

The Void is the overarching antagonist of Cartoon Network's The Amazing World of Gumball.

It is a secret, parallel dimension that serves as a repository for entities that have been deemed "mistakes" or anomalies by the universe. It functions as a cosmic garbage dump, holding characters and objects who were removed from Elmore and the show's continuity.


The Void is depicted as a vast expanse with a TV static backdrop, filled with floating debris and glitching, miscellaneous objects or concepts drifting aimlessly. Additionally, it features numerous rock-like island formations and other chunks of floating land.


The Void serves as a repository for all the errors, anomalies, and forgotten elements of Elmore. Characters or objects that are considered mistakes or no longer relevant are banished to the Void. This includes prototype designs, discontinued characters, irrelevant cultural fads, obsolete inventions, and other inconsistencies within the show's universe. The mistakes sent to the Void are left floating around in limbo, and can occasionally be seen glitching or phasing in and out of existence.

Once something is banished to the Void, all evidence that it ever existed in the real world is erased. This includes everyone's memory of it, alongside anything that is associated with it or would allude to it. In order to conceal the evidence, the world will create a fold on itself. When the world folds over evidence in this fashion, you can force open the fold to reveal a portal into the Void. This portal will suck up anything near it and will eventually close itself to prevent anything from leaving the dimension and returning to Elmore. If one tries to escape the Void through this portal precariously or in a vulnerable position, it can result in disfiguration, as was the fate of Rob.

There is minimal gravity in the Void compared to the real world, and the direction of gravitational pull within the dimension fluctuates unpredictably.

The universal remote can also open a non-Euclidean portal to the Void via the "AV" button, and the same button can be used to change the appearance of the Void's expanse into a separate TV channel.


Season 3 - "The Void"[]

After realizing various oddities around Elmore, such as a blurred photograph and a missing locker, Gumball and Darwin eventually deduce that Molly, a former student and minor character from Season 1, has gone missing and been forgotten by everyone. They enlist the help of Mr. Small, who explains that things frequently go missing in Elmore, including his search for Janice, the love of his life whom he only remembers through a tin foil hat. Mr. Small later proposes that Molly was erased because she was considered "boring," highlighting Elmore's abnormality and it's propensity for making mistakes. The trio visits Molly's former treehouse location but discovers a paradoxical fold in the universe instead. Upon unraveling it, they uncover the Void—a chaotic expanse of TV static filled with all the world's mistakes. As they venture inside, Gumball and Darwin separate from Mr. Small, who continues his search for Janice. They locate Molly frozen in time inside her treehouse. Upon reanimating her, Molly initially believes she saw the boys just yesterday, unaware she's been trapped in the Void for over a year.

Together, Gumball, Darwin, and Molly attempt to escape the dimension but encounter challenges as the closing portal impedes their exit. Navigating the Void proves daunting due to its vast emptiness and the futility of its contents. They reunite with Mr. Small, who has found Janice—revealed to be an eccentric hippie van. Eventually, they manage to escape through the closing portal aboard Janice, returning to Elmore. In spite of their resolve to share their experience to the world, their memories of the Void are erased before they can spread the word.

Season 3 - "The Oracle"[]

At the very end of the episode, which reveals that Banana Barbara can predict the future through her paintings, she is seen depicting a terrified Watterson family in the Void as Elmore seemingly collapses into it.

Season 3 - "The Nobody"[]

After discovering a mysterious, polygonal, glitchy individual living in their basement, Gumball and Darwin interrogate him about his actions. He claims to be a "nobody" with no purpose in the world and cannot remember who he is. When they suggest he reinvent himself as Elmore's missing "bad guy," triggering his memory, he is revealed to be Rob, a minor character from the first two seasons. In a flashback, he recounts being trapped in the Void and calling out for help during Gumball and Darwin's quest for Molly, but went unheard. He managed to escape by clinging to the back of Mr. Small's van, Janice, but his precarious escape deconstructed and disfigured his body. Embracing his new role as Gumball and Darwin's arch-enemy, he claims they have given him a purpose in the world.

Season 4 - "The Disaster"[]

After Rob destroys Gumball's life with the universal remote, he opens a portal to the Void and tries to kick Gumball into it. The two struggle for control of the remote, but Gumball is eventually launched to the very edge of the portal. Rob throws the remote into the Void, forcing Gumball to pursue it to undo the damage done to his family. Rob seals the portal to the Void like a sliding door, and the show's end credits roll along the static of the Void after it shuts. While plummeting through the dimension, Gumball eventually manages to grasp the remote and rewinds the entire episode.

Season 5 - "The Re-run"[]

In a repeat of "The Disaster," Gumball once again confronts Rob but manages to defeat him this time, sending him into the Void using the remote. However, regretting his decision, Gumball jumps into the Void to save Rob. He finds Rob sitting dejectedly on a floating chunk of island, staring into the static abyss of the Void. Despite Gumball's offer to help, Rob refuses and runs away, prompting Gumball to chase after him within the Void. In his pursuit, Gumball inadvertently alters the 'channel' of the Void's expanse, leading him to consider the possibility that his reality might be a fictional TV show. Eventually, Gumball catches up with Rob, who, remorseful, decides to undo everything he has done with the remote, allowing both of them to escape from the Void.

Season 6 - "The Future"[]

Rob, noticing that the prophetic paintings of Banana Barbara have gone from depicting tangible events to pictures of only the Void's static, kidnaps her to understand. He brings her to a warehouse where he forces her to paint the future, but she insists that the paintings of static are "only whats left." Gumball, Darwin, and Banana Joe eventually teleport to the warehouse and battle Rob, who was ultimately erased from existence by Barbara's painting. Feeling remorseful, Gumball asked Barbara to paint him back into existence. However, the painting she created showed him falling into the Void, affirming that "there is no future."

Season 6 - "The Inquisition"[]

After Rob's plan to forcibly turn all the students into live-action humans failed, he desperately tried to explain his actions, claiming it could save their lives. However, he was knocked unconscious and later woke up alone at the school, at night. He ranted about how the transformation was their only chance to escape into "the other place" before something happened to this world, but he cut himself off upon hearing crumbling sounds. The floor burst apart beneath him, revealing the Void, which began destroying the universe around him. He grabbed onto the edge before ominously remarking, "Oh no, it started." He fell into the Void, screaming, and the episode eventually freeze-framed, echoing Banana Barbara's painting from the end of "The Future."

External Links[]

  • The Void on the The Amazing World of Gumball Wiki.
  • The Void on the Villains Wiki.


           Cartoon Network 2010 logo Villains

Code Lyoko
XANA | William Dunbar | Men in Black | Scyphozoa | Laura Gauther

TV Movie Villains
Albadon | Astaroth | Troy Adams | Steve | Big Rob | White Diamond | Spinel | Sonny Appleday | Grandfather | Father | Senior Citi-zombies | Agent Trout | National Wildlife Control | Pizza Rat

Crossover Villains
Lord Fuse | The Announcer's Remote Control | Delightful Reaper | Alpha | Strike

Sym-Bionic Titan Villains
General Modula | Galalunan Commander

What A Cartoon!
Yuckie Duck | Sledgehammer O'Possum | Dogg | Big Bad Wolf | Wind Up Wolf | Luther | Fox Chef | French Chef | Tumbleweed Tex | Noof | Mad Bomber | Reilly | Blammo the Clown | Boid | Aliens

Dexter's Laboratory
Mandark | Quackor | Crazy Robot | Badaxtra | Hookocho | Lalavava | Comrade Red | Mental Mouse | Huntor | Peltra | Simion | Orgon Grindor | Dynomutt X-90 | Ultrabot 2000

Cow and Chicken
Red Guy | Rooster | Cerberus | I.R. Baboon | Big Foot | Buffalo Gals | Bully from Scottsdale | Butch | Chachi | Dick | Dr. Chunks | Fluffy the Anaconda | Grizzly Beaver | Headhunters | Jolly Roger | Laughing Hyenas | Luigi Rustknocked | Man-Eating Giraffes | Photocopy | Queen of Yurp | Scott Weil | Sow | The Milkman

¡Mucha Lucha!
Queen Voladora | Monster of San Luis Rey | 6-Armed Monster | Carlton Cold Jones | Heavy Traffic | Primadonna Hodges | Cindy Slam | Potato Patata Jr. | El Perrito | El Custodio | El Dolor De Kurtz | El Evil Cheese Grande | El Evil Dentista of Doom | El Haystack Grande | Coco Demento | El Maléfico | El Pared | El Toro Amarillo | Esteban | Futboloco | Mask Savages | Masked Toilet | Mysterioso Grande | Mr. Fishy Fish | El Oscuro Invasor | Rick O' Shea | Private Reinhardt | Queen Voladora's Mummified Mommy | Slurf | Timmy of a Thousand Masks

I Am Weasel
I.R. Baboon

Edgar & Ellen
Edgar and Ellen | Pet | Stephanie Knightleigh

Krypto The Superdog
Mechanikat | Snooky Wookums | Delilah | Bud and Lou

The Life & Times of Juniper Lee
Auntie Roon | Auntie Roon's Minions | Loki | Thor | Demoness | Jonathan | Kai Yee | Lex | Sandman | Vikki Devvyne | Taylor Evermore | Wrongness

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Terrence | Berry | Duchess | Extremesaurs | Kip Snip | Lord Snotzax | Lil' Lincoln | Nemesis | Omnizot | Wild Mac | World

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Axel & Rod Skidmark | Eldwin Blair | Mr. Darrell | Mr. Master | P.A.L. | Rumaki | Sunekura | Sauerkraut Malone | Julie

My Gym Partner's a Monkey
Bobby Lion | Bull Sharkowski | Chad | Euripides Sharkowski | Larry Raccoon | Lola Llama | Possum Girl | Principal Wolverine | Rick Platypus | Mr. Cheetah | The Spiffies | The Ferals | Ted Oxpecker

Class of 3000
Preston | Dustin | Eastley | Big D | Mr. Yin and Mr. Min | Blob | Dr. Nefario | Kaylie and Mackenzie

Miss Endive | Gorgonzola | Reuben | Chestnut | Funjl | Meaches | Gumbo | Mr. Fugu | King of the Sky | Sour Ron | Kevin | Frank | Scary | Puckerberry Overlords | Sour Wife | Rosemary | Cinnamini Monster | Weirdos | Frau Broten | Florentine | Jeffrey | Peking Duck | Jam | Mr. Samball | Robert Limburger | Pepperjack | Flendive | Crazy Fruit | Meanie Cream Cake | Mold Pixie | Steve | The Teriyaki Triads | Roquefort | Ms. Butterscotch

The Secret Saturdays
V.V. Argost | Munya | Argost's Army | Rani Nagi | Zak Monday | Doc Monday | Drew Monday | Fiskerton Monday | Zon Monday | Abbey Grey | Baron Finster | Francis | Shock Troopers

The Mr. Men Show
Little Miss Naughty | Little Miss Scary | Mr. Rude | Mr. Stubborn | Aliens | Alien Space Pirates | Mr. Metal | Lions | King Kong | Sea Monster | Snow Monster

Hero 108
High Roller | Sparky Black | Sparky White | Chameleons | Eagles | Whales | Zebra Brothers | Bounty Hunters | Chiung Ming | Cocky Aliens | Commander of Darkness | Flying Fish | Infinitum | Komodo Dragons | Minotaur King | Moosie Ghostface | Red Seahorse Prince | Shadow Monster (entity) | Soil Monster | Soldiers of Darkness | Spotter | Stone Monkey Deity | The Object-Morphing Demons | Tri Puppy | Twin Masters | Wolf Eels | Seahorse Prince | Blue Seahorse Prince

Nixels | Major Nixel | King Nixel | Nixel Guard | Nixie | Painted Nixels | Slap Nixel | Tentacle Nixel | Muscle Nixel | Boomerang Nixel | Cannon Nixel | Boxing Nixel | Catch Up Nixel

The Looney Tunes Show
Cecil Turtle | Yosemite Sam | Elmer Fudd | Marvin the Martian | Wile E. Coyote | Sylvester | Taz | Daffy Duck | Henery Hawk | George P. Dog

New Looney Tunes
Yosemite Sam | Ivana | Rhona Roundhouse | Carl the Grim Rabbit | Elmer Fudd | Marvin the Martian | King Thes | Cal | Jack | Eagle Scout | Hazmat | Count Bloodcount | Sir Littlechin | Computer Virus | Winter Stag | Krakos the Polar Bear | Scarecrow | Vera the Vulture | Ninjas

Mighty Magiswords
Queen Porcina | Morbidia | Gateux | Phil The Pilefer | Glori | Nohyas | King Rexxtopher | DeBizz | Helmut | Manfish the Fish Man | Frostferatu | Brocoli Dumplin Kids | Brotherhood of Thieves | Francis Thingshooter | Naso | Birda | Purrlance | Mr. Flumooks

Over the Garden Wall
The Beast | Adelaide | Dog | Evil Spirit | The North Wind

Belson Noles | Balance | Brenda Shoop | Joshua | Mildred | Cooter | Malakevin | Mountain Lion | Mr. Noles | Seabass

Uncle Grandpa
Pizza Steve | Aunt Grandma | Cheesepuff Mike | Bottom Bag | Chinease Take Out Delivery Guy | Christopher Columbus | Cloud Wizard | Curly | Emperor Krell | Evil Forces Shadow Guy | Foreign Madman | Free Sample Elves | Galaxy Guardians | Gary | G-Dog | Gornak | Green Alien | Jimmy | Kevin E. Peepants | Kid Cousin | Larry | Leo | Lexus, Lisa, & Lori | Moe | Mouse | Mole People | Moon Man | Mud Goblins

Generator Rex
Black Knight | Van Kleiss | The Pack (Biowulf , Breach , Skalamandar, Bouncer, I-Bol & Circe ) | Consortium | Dr. Branden Moses

Annoying Orange
Broccoli Overlord | Broccoli Minions | Grapefruit | Big Rock Candy Monster | Teddy Juicer

Apple & Onion
Beef Jerky | Cheesesteak | Duck | Maritimers (Crab Cake, Tempura Shrimp & Tuna Can)

Summer Camp Island
Basketball | Jabberwock | Jeremiah

Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum Ice King Marceline Abadeer Lich Ricardio Flame Princess Gunter Tiffany Oiler Earl of Lemongrab Bandit Princess

Teen Titans
Slade Terra Trigon

See Also
Adventure Time Villains | Ben 10 Villains | Camp Lazlo Villains | Codename: Kids Next Door Villains | Courage the Cowardly Dog Villains | Craig of the Creek Villains | Ed, Edd n Eddy Villains | Infinity Train Villains | Johnny Test Villains | OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Villains | Regular Show Villains | Robotboy Villains | Samurai Jack Villains | Steven Universe Villains | Teen Titans Villains | Teen Titans Go! Villains | The Amazing World of Gumball Villains | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Villains | The Powerpuff Girls Villains | Total Drama Villains | Victor and Valentino Villains | Villainous Villains | We Bare Bears Villains

           The Amazing World of Gumball logo Villains

Around Elmore
Gumball Watterson | Nicole Watterson | Rob | Miss Simian | Tina Rex | Mr. Rex | Tobias Wilson | Banana Joe | Bobert | President Alan Keane | Colin and Felix | Masami Yoshida | Yuki Yoshida | Ocho Tootmorsel | Clayton | Jamie Russo | William | Gaylord Robinson | Margaret Robinson | Felicity Parham | Billy Parham | Jodie Mallard | Mowdown | Reaper | Scythe | Rotten Cupcake | Julius Oppenheimer Jr. | Harold Wilson | Frankie Watterson | Jackie Wilson | Sal Left Thumb | Elmore Prisoners | Internet | Cube Dogs | Alligator | Mayor of Elmore | Tree Librarian

The Void | Kenneth | Jealousy | Virus | Carlton and Troy | Evil Turtle | Evil Turtle's Babies | Zach Watterson | Ant-One | Anton Clones | Butterfly | Mr. Chanax | Huggers | Troll | Gargaroth | Chi Chi and Ribbit | Frank and Howdy | Grady | Hobo | Mr. Gruber | Rainbow Factory shareholders | Fuzzy | Game Child | Vladus Lokowitchki | Ripley 2000 Manager
