I, Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you!
~ Vigo
Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back!
~ Vigo's last words before being decapitated in his former life.
On a mountain of skulls, in the castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood! What was will be! What is will be no more! Now is the season of EVIL!
~ Vigo
No! I, Ray, am Vigo, shall rule the Earth! Begone, you pitiful half-men!
~ Vigo (while temporarily possessing Ray Stanz), before being defeated and destroyed by the Ghostbusters via their positively charged Mood Slime.
Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf, also known by his historical alias "Vigo the Carpathian", is the main antagonist of Ghostbusters II. He is a 16th/17th century medieval tyrant, and an oppressive and bloodthirsty sorcerer. After his death in the 17th century, his ghost took up residence in his portrait, and eventually began plotting his resurrection in order to conquer the world.
He was portrayed by the late Wilhelm von Homburg, and voiced by the late Max von Sydow, who also portrayed Lamar Burgess in Minority Report, Ming the Merciless in Flash Gordon, Leland Gaunt in Needful Things, Varden Reynard in Rush Hour 3, and Ernst Stavro Blofeld in Never Say Never Again.
Vigo was born in 1505 A.D. within the Balkan kingdom of Carpathia in Hungary near the border of Italy. After rising to power, Vigo ruled his homeland and later the conquered Romanian region of Moldovia with an iron fist, earning him the labels "'Scourge of Carpathia" and "Sorrow of Moldovia". History would remember him as a powerful magician and an intelligent genius, but also as an oppressive tyrant, an egotistical autocrat, a psychopathic lunatic, and a genocidal madman. His titles also included Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer, Vigo the Despised, and Vigo the Unholy. 4 centuries later, Dr. Peter Venkman would jokingly add "Vigo the Butch" to the list of Vigo's nicknames.
Vigo finally died in the year 1610 at the age of 105 when his subjects rebelled; leading Vigo to be poisoned, shot, stabbed, hung, stretched, disemboweled, finally drawn, and then quartered (to which Venkman commented, "Ouch."). Following his decapitation, his head issued a final prophecy before dying: "Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back.".
True to his word, he returned in modern day New York in 1989 and took up residence in his self-portrait that was created long before the events of his death. Vigo used the River of Slime, generated by Mood Slime, which flowed through abandoned subway tunnels to a location underneath the city's Manhattan Museum of Art, where the Vigo painting along with the dead tyrant's evil spirit (mostly in his floating head form which symbolic representation of his final death in life) resided. The mood slime boosted Vigo's powers and make him available to channel people's negative emotions needed for the manifestation of the army of angry spirits, that soon started terrorizing New York City. Although the slime granted Vigo power enough to manifest, he could not regain a physical form. For this reason, Vigo needed a baby to possess.
Vigo manipulated the Museum's Curator Dr. Janosz Poha into bringing Dana Barrett's baby, Oscar, to the Museum of Art, so that on the eve of the new millennium, he could possess her child and be reborn and freely rule the world once again. Vigo's plans were halted by the Ghostbusters. They attacked him with positively charged slime and blasted him back into the painting, completely draining all of his powers. After that, the painting of Vigo redesigned itself as an image depicting the Ghostbusters as heavenly saints.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game[]
Vigo returns in Ghostbusters: The Video Game, again voiced by von Syndow. He appears in the firehouse in his painting near Janine's desk on the right from the firehouse doors; in the Wii version, it is in the basement near the storage facility. If the player interacts with the painting, it will talk to them, with over 100 different line variations. Its reason for existence is unknown, seeing as it was melted at the end of the film to reveal a painting of the Ghostbusters.
An explanation could be that this is not the original painting, but a replica that Vigo's spirit now inhabits.
Another possibility is that the painting of Ghostbusters (which itself was created by changing Vigo's powers into positive energy) still held what was left of the Scourge of Carpathia after his defeat, and after some time it returned to its normal form (Vigo painting). However, Vigo's spirit is now nearly powerless and unable to act outside the painting, making it inessential to even put him into Containment Unit.
Another theory is that after the shockwave at the beginning of the game could have reverted the painting back to its original form.
Other Media[]
The Scourge of Carpathia also faced the animated version of the Ghostbusters, but the encounter was never seen. It was however mentioned by Egon in the episode "Partners in Slime".
However, the encounter was chronicled in the comic book adaptation of the second movie by NOW Comics. In this, the live action Ghostbusters were replaced with their animated counterparts. It also contained the first appearance of Louis Tully and the only appearance of Dana Barrett in a RGB continuity.
The Sorrow of Moldovia himself was also the final boss in the videogames based on Ghostbusters II.
He was also the main antagonist in an adventure based on the second movie in a re-issue of the role-playing game. To defeat his defenses in order to approach him, the players had to utilize effigies of The Tinman, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion from Frank Baum's "Oz" series. When Vigo's painting melts, the Oz characters are shown instead of the Ghostbusters.
Powers and Abilities[]
Vigo is an extremely powerful spirit in Ghostbusters II, but this was because he was powered by the River of Slime and its negative energies (people's bad vibes and emotions). Vigo can change matter as well as utilize telekinesis, mind control, and telepathy, but has since lost most of his powers because of the positive energies stirred by the Ghostbusters and the slime-enhanced Statue of Liberty.
Although, technically speaking, Vigo is ranked as a class 4 ghost, the River of Slime boosted his powers to a class 7 - making him almost as strong as Gozer.
Ghostbusters II[]
Listen to me...!
~ Vigo
The Real Ghostbusters (NOW Comics)[]
The Sorrow of Moldovia...
~ Vigo aka the Sorrow of Moldovia.
Ghostbusters (IDW Comics)[]
Hahahaha! My army grows!
~ Vigo who has amassed his demonic army of spirits.
Who dares?!
~ Vigo
Yes! Yes! Free me!
~ Vigo
~ Vigo
~ Vigo upon defeat.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game[]
Psst! Over here.
~ Vigo, calling out to whoever is near or senses his dark spiritual presence within his infamous bewitched painting.
Another thousand failures and I'll have enough negative energy to return to the world of the living. Hahahaha!
~ Vigo about the Mood Slime's power to absorb negative emotions from the world of the living.
Araghhh...the smell of happiness stings my nose!
~ Vigo
Be gone, peasant.
~ Vigo
Bow to your master.
~ Lord Vigo
Call me Vigo the Despised or Vigo the Unholy or...ahh...uh...never mind.
~ Vigo, who is also known as Vigo the Despised and Vigo the Unholy.
Come here boy! I'll wear you like pants.
~ Vigo dearing the Rookie to look closer into the tyrant's cursed painting in order to possess his body.
Compete for my amusement.
~ Vigo
Congratulate yourself now mortal, while you still have time.
~ Vigo
Congratulations. Come stare into my eyes to claim your reward.
~ Vigo
Death is in the air.
~ Vigo
Distant worlds beckon. Evil spirits howl.
~ Vigo
Don't you know me? I am Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf.
~ Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf
Did you know that the human large intestine, when stretched out, will wrap around a city block? You have to get a running start.
~ Vigo
~ Vigo
Find me a child that I may live again.
~ Vigo, seeks a very younger human host to possess.
Foolish Mortal!
~ Vigo
From the dust of the dead rise the unholy.
~ Vigo, aka Vigo the Unholy.
Get me outta here, will ya?!
~ Vigo
~ Vigo laughing evilly.
Have you ever savored the exquisite anguish of tortured souls?
~ Vigo
Have you savored the exquisite anguish of tortured souls? Salty...
~ Vigo
How about a little sacrifice? Not a baby, but maybe a dog or a cat?
~ Vigo
I am Prince Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf!
~ Vigo Von Homburg Deutschendorf, aka Prince Vigo.
I am Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer.
~ Vigo the Cruel, aka Vigo the Torturer.
I am Vigo the Destroyer!
~ Vigo, now calls himself "Vigo the Destroyer".
I dreamt I was in a painting with ponies. It was nice.
~ Vigo
I loathe the living.
~ Vigo
I loathe you from the darkest spume of my craven, boiling bowels!
~ Vigo
I see the evil of the times to come. In time all music will be free, but for the cost of your soul.
~ Vigo about modern music.
I see the evil of the times to come. "It" is just a scooter.
~ Vigo about the invention of scooters.
I see the evil of the times to come. Millennial apocalypse! Your world unravels...maybe. Maybe not.
~ Vigo about the false end of the world beginning and ending on the New Year's Eve of the year 1999 A.D..
I see the evil of the times to come. No flying cars - ever! HAHAhahahaha!
~ Vigo about lack of "flying cars" due to mankind's incomplete intellectual evolution.
I see the evil of the times to come. The glove won't fit.
~ Vigo about the sins of the controversial O.J. Simpson case of the 1990s.
I see the evil of the times to come. They're all juicing. All of them!
~ Vigo about the excessive usage of steroids.
I see the evil of the times to come. Three more far away wars will come and they will tarnish even the undisputed glory of the first three.
~ Vigo about the three possible future global conflicts on Earth that will surpassed even the "soon-to-be" three World Wars.
I see the evil of the times to come. You will choose a king far more evil than myself to rule you. Twice!
~ Vigo about an unidentified "evil king" that will befall humanity.
I see the evil of the times to come. You will remember paying $1.45 for gas and will weep hot tears for yesterday.
~ Vigo about the "evils" of gas price ratings.
I see the fear in your soul. You're losing the battle you engage in.
~ Vigo
I tire of the pity meanderings of you simpering fools.
~ Vigo
I should've painted myself a bathroom in this thing.
~ Vigo about wishing he should have painted a bathroom within his bewitched portrait.
I was just beginning to savor your burgeoning anger towards one another!
~ Vigo
If only I could have delivered such humiliation in person.
~ Vigo
If this were my castle, I'd have you strung up for that.
~ Vigo
In my day, we had no time for such trifling amusements.
~ Vigo
In my grasp, your bones will turn to dust.
~ Vigo
In the grand scheme, you all must realize these diversions mean nothing!
~ Vigo
It is the dawn of another struggle for power!
~ Vigo
Judgment approaches.
~ Vigo
Just another thousand years, Vigo, hang in there. Hang in.
~ Vigo
Keep walking. Go on!
~ Vigo
Look deep inside yourself and ask if this was a true victory.
~ Vigo
May an army of demons devour you!
~ Vigo
May the hooves of a thousand steeds trample you underfoot.
~ Vigo
~ Vigo laughing evilly.
Mmmm...not bad for a mortal.
~ Vigo
My dreams are blood-soaked dark things filled with furious vengeance.
~ Vigo
My scalding wrath shall pour out upon your tender soul.
~ Vigo
My sword will taste your flesh.
~ Vigo
My veins spurt white hot bile and broken glass as I'm forced to look upon you.
~ Vigo
No heart ever beat as black as my own. Come closer...and I'll let you hear it.
~ Vigo
Nobody ever listens to me.
~ Vigo
Not even these shackles can hold the demon-beast of Romania forever!
~ Vigo who once called himself the "Demon-Beast of Romania".
Now is the season of evil.
~ Vigo going on with his "Season of Evil" rantings.
On a mountain of skulls, in a castle of pain, I shall sit on a throne of blood once more.
~ Vigo
Oh, such delicious despair.
~ Vigo
Oh! The battle intensifies!
~ Vigo
Ohhh...this bores me.
~ Vigo
Oh, this really is a good likeness of me.
~ Vigo
On a river of blood, I will rise.
~ Vigo
Pay tribute to Lord Vigo, peasant.
~ Vigo, aka Lord Vigo.
Please stop burning the microwave popcorn.
~ Vigo
Prepare yourselves for the inevitable.
~ Vigo
Psst! Shoes are untied.
~ Vigo
Rivers of blood flow beneath us.
~ Vigo
So many mothers have twisted in agony at the horror I visited upon their sons.
~ Vigo
Such a pity victory in the face of the vast pool of chaos rising around you!
~ Vigo
Sure, my cranium is large, but so is my devastation!
~ Vigo
That was almost as painful as being stabbed and pulled apart...ermmmmm, but perhaps not.
~ Vigo
The dead shall walk and the mighty shall fall.
~ Vigo
The demons in this realm are gathering to conquer. You have not a chance.
~ Vigo's "warning" about demons on Earth.
The end is near.
~ Vigo
The fires of hell feed me.
~ Vigo
The screams of the damned call for you!
~ Vigo
The stench of fear permeates this place.
~ Vigo
The time of war is over.
~ Vigo
Time is but a window - and that window is closing.
~ Vigo
Time to end this foolish display!
~ Vigo
This pitiful makeshift prison will not last forever.
~ Vigo about his cursed painting prison.
Vigo the Carpathian will taste the blood of men, again.
~ Vigo, aka Vigo the Carpathian.
What a miserable pile of weakness.
~ Vigo
What a wretched display of ineptitude.
~ Vigo
What I sense coming is far more horrible than I. Are you prepared?
~ Vigo
What was will be. What is, will be no more.
~ Vigo
When my vindication comes, you'll wish you'd been born inside-out.
~ Vigo
When the day comes, you will be the first.
~ Vigo
With every passing day, you grow weaker, and I gain power.
~ Vigo
You call that an accomplishment?
~ Vigo
You sniveling, pitiful, half-man.
~ Vigo
You will know the torments of a million babies eaten alive in searing fire.
~ Vigo
You win this round, Ghostbusters!
~ Vigo to the Ghostbusters.
You'll be squirming soon enough.
~ Vigo
Your inexorable march towards finality begins here, Ghostbusters.
~ Vigo to the Ghostbusters.
Your weaknesses feed me! Please continue to fail!
~ Vigo
Your zipper is down.
~ Vigo
As stated from Egon's research from the Occult Reference Net in Ghostbusters II and the Tobin's Spirit Guide entry found in Stylized Version of Ghostbusters: The Video Game) Vigo's surnames are Von Homburg Deutschendorf. This is a combination of those of Wilhelm von Homburg, the actor who portrayed him in Ghostbusters II, and William T. Deutschendorf and Henry J. Deutschendorf II, the actors that portrayed Oscar.
A painting of Vigo is seen above the shoulder of Artie Lester in What in Samhain Just Happened?! on page 9 as he shows Janine Melnitz inside Tobin's Mansion.
Movies Ghostbusters (1984): Gozer | Stay Puft Marshmallow Man | Walter Peck | Terror Dogs (Zuul & Vinz Clortho) | Library Ghost Ghostbusters II: Vigo | Janosz Poha | Scoleri Brothers | Mink Coat Ghostbusters (2016): Rowan North | Marshmallow Man | Mayhem | Electrocuted Ghost | Gertrude Aldridge Ghostbusters: Afterlife: Gozer | Ivo Shandor | Terror Dogs (Zuul & Vinz Clortho) | Muncher | Mini-Pufts
Television The Real Ghostbusters: Grundel | Samhain | Cathulhu | Cult of Cathulhu (Spawn of Cathulhu & Clark Ashton) | Tiamat | Old One | Old One Cult (Dmitri Smerdyakov) | Wat | Quetzalcoatl | Spectral Mass | Winchester Wolf | Apshai | Anshar | Kishnar Extreme Ghostbusters: Achira | The Ringleader | Demonic Clowns | Tempus | Mistress | Demi-Dog | Cohila | Harasvelg | Shanbahac
Comics Tiamat |
Senta |
Morgan Le Fay |
Idulnas |
Gozerian Terror Bear |
Gozo |
Video Games Cult of Gozer (Ivo Shandor, Black Slime Behemoth, Azetlor, Spider Witch & Chairman) |
Chef Ghost |
Sloars |
Juvenile Sloar |
Gozerian Servitors |
Cult of Dumazu (Dumazu & Ismael McEnthol) |
Janna |
Ghost Abby