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Tyrannosaurus Rex is a t-rex that Tippy Tinkletrousers use to get the boys and Captain Underpants. He only appears in the tenth Captain Underpants book, Captain Underpants and the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers.


When George, Harold, Sulu, Crackers, Captain Underpants/Mr. Krupp and Tippy Tinkletrousers (along with Tiny Tippy and Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy) are in dinosaur times, Tippy chase the heroes into the jungle by riding a T-Rex.

When Tippy and his bomb blow up in Mexico, Tippy along with the T-Rex and the other dinosaurs got kill.


           Captain underpants logo Villains

Main Villains
Benjamin Krupp/Captain Underpants | Tippy Tinkletrousers | Melvin Sneedly/The Bionic Bogger Boy

Book Villains
Bank Robbers | Dr. Diaper | Dr. Diaper's Robots | Talking Toilets (Turbo Toilet 2000) | Zorx, Klax & Jennifer | The Evil Zombie Nerds | Dandelion of Doom | Wedgie Woman | Robo-George and The Harold 2000 | Carl, Trixie, and Frankenbooger | Captain Blunderpants/Nice Benjamin Krupp | Evil George Beard | Evil Harold Hutchins | Giant-Evil Sulu | Kipper Krupp | Loggie, Bugg and Finkstein | Petey the Cat | Zombie Nerd George Beard and Zombie Nerd Harold Hutchins | Supa-Mega Tippy Tinkletrousers | Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy Tinkletrousers | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Thirty-Nine-&-Three-Quarters-Year-Old George Beard & Forty-Year-Old Harold Hutchins | Old Benjamin Krupp | Sir Stinks-A-Lot | Mecha Petey | Flippy the Fish

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Flabby Flabulous | DJ Drowsy Drawers | Homework Hydra | Messica Gorgon | T.P. Mummy | Avacadwoe | Claylossus | Socktopus | Theodore Murdsly | Alternate timeline Melvin Sneedly | Alternate timeline Benjamin Krupp/Captain Stretchypants | Smartsy Fartsy | The Fart Army | Melvinborg | Teachertrons | Furcules | Queen Zombee | Zombees | Poopacabra | Chupacabra | Malison | The Saurus Brothers | The Splotch | Crocobats | Butt-erflies | Cloggernaut | Clogneta | Brainy Blabulous | Cruelius Sneezer | Tubbadump | Dr. Disgruntled | Fingers the Petty Thief Panther | Nanobots | NanoZero | H2O Bliterater 2000 | Camplafire | Ragely J. Snarlingtooth | Altitooth | Barfilisk | Melvinathan | Salamangler | Camoflush | Camoflush’s Rule Breakers | Blah Borelock | Gumbalina Toothington | Combotato | Laserlightmare | Sugamechanger | Sebastian | Poopertrators | Evil Living Halloween Decorations | Hack-O-Ween Balloons | Dupe Licitous | F.L.U.S.H.E.R | Squorg and Garg | The Biglyans | Hangry Hypnosinger | Greego and Dohlar | Captain Pandernuts/Mr. Purpk | Arice | Utopiqua Kids | Jacked Santa

Super Diaper Baby
Deputy Doo Doo | Rip Van Tinkle | Petey the Cat

Ook and Gluk
Chief Goppernopper | J. P. Goppernopper | Goppernopper's Guards | Mechasaurs

See Also
Dog Man Villains
