Antagonists Wiki

Tybi is the Tertiary Femme Antagonist from Gacha League who makes Her Debut in Light Novel of Put The Record On where can be founded in Phantom Vigilantes. She cares about taking down DJ Kōda the Elder Brother of DJ Phantom and He fakes all of the Kodas like Both of Them that clones to be the Purple Nations.

She mades Her Debut in CyanP and She has appeared in the animated series, named Cyanthia. She also appears and returns in Gacha Life 2 - The Club where She affiliates Pandora and Neon alongside with the Other Lunime Troublemakers Forever.

She is released to be the Younger Sister of Reaperess Magy who loses Their Parents and She was incarcerated by Mr. Whale. She had a War of the Vinyl Club that Mr. X and Kilios were back to became a Now Remain Heroes who are caused by DJ Lyte and His Friends before Cykopath was a Last Person the stands the World War III.

She was voiced by Aya Uchida in Anime Adaptions and Sarah Williams in Netflix Adaptions. The Whom in Seiyuu who is also known as Kaede Furutani from Yuru Yuri and the Whom in Dub titles who also voices Nonon Jakuzure from Kill la Kill.


Tybi is a Small Girl with a Pink Hairstyle (Similar to Eve who is an Adoptive Daughter of DJ X) and Eyes. She wears a Pink Jacket, Skirt and Shoes with a Light Sports Bra, Socks and Gloves. Her Panties was a Light Pink.

In 1 Year Pass after Gacha Summoner and His Friends finishes Sol and Team Corruptions in orders to restores the Worlds, Her Hairstyle changes into Unkempt after DJ Kōda slices Her Short Ropes to stops His Brother, DJ Phantom.

She may wears the Same Clothes as of Her Elder Sister, Magy but a Different colored which is upgraded by Pandora, Her Jacket, Tie, Gloves, Skirt and Shoes where Pink and Her Shirt, Panties and Socks were Light Pink.


She is a Bloodthirsty, Psychopath, Sadistic, Necessary, Trash-Talker and Mischievous. She is known to be called Thrill-Seeking Femme Fatale who cares about taking down Every Innocent People who ever gets in Her ways.

Her Twin Elder Sister was Reaperess Magy who takes Her Heroic Vigilantism in orders to defends and saves Everyon from the Team Corruptions. She is also considered to be Infamous, Enforcive, Deceitful, Short-Tempered, Obsessed and Stalker.

Like Aysel, She wants to sheds Bloods before Lupus was Extra Worse rather than Both of Them who fights and attacks Kuku Kanzaki, Swimmer Aoi, Baller Kugari, Kazeto Nekoshima and Queen Karma. She serves Pandora and Neon Her Goals so She can continues Herself to kills Everyone else.


  • The Whom was Minami Kotori from Love Live in Seiyuu who had the Same Surname of Maaya Uchida that They Both have Same Relationships of Cousins. In Video Game Franchises direct to videos Series, They are Both Sisters.
  • Her Hairsyle was Similar to DJ Eve who is an Orphan Adoptive Daughter of DJ X.
  • She was Originally going to make Her Debut in Anime Gacha before Lucas Lee changes His Mind in orders to replaces Reaperess Magy Her Role.
  • This has been a Real Reason why did She kills a lots of People it's Be cuz She understands Hot Headed Xenophobe.
  • She is a 2nd Villainess to appears in the Light Novel Series of Put The Record On the 1st was Aysel who is a Light Unit in Anime Adaptions.
  • She seeks to finds a Worthy Rivals like Lupus who is a Bloodthirsty Barbarian in The X Soldiers.

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See also[]

  • Reaperess Magy (Her Twin Elder Sister)
  • Lupus (Her Male Counterpart)
  • Kuku Kanzaki (Her Gacha Memories Counterpart)