The Trench Coat Lady is the tertiary antagonists of Where's Waldo? episode "The Birthday Blow-Out". She is the Pirate Captain's mother.
The Trench Coat Lady steals the chocolate cake recipe from Chef Cesariny who waits around at Birthday Land. She is seen riding the present hot air balloon and falls down to river by the gray porcupine who shot this balloon. She escapes from the present hot air balloon, snow skating and entering the pirate ship.
At the pirates ship, the Trench Coat Lady is baking chocolate cake while Waldo greets her for a recipe. She is angry confronts Waldo for accusing her for stealing and asks him anymore questions for her, but the chocolate cake is ready. She has a change of heart and tells Waldo that it's her son's birthday while starts to cry over her actions. The Trench Coat Lady give a chocolate cake recipe back to Waldo. She, Waldo and Woof brings a chocolate cake to her son.
At the end, the Trench Coat Lady and the pirates celebrate Waldo's Birthday at Wenda's theater.