Tomura Shigaraki is the main antagonist of the anime/manga series My Hero Academia, serving as the archenemy of the series' main protagonist Izuku Midoriya. He is the leader of the League of Villains, Tomura's goal is to become Japan's next great villain.
He is voiced by Kōki Uchiyama, who also voice Rui in Demon Slayer anime and Arisa Sekine as a child in Japanese and Eric Vale and Emily Fajardo as a child in the English.
His Evilness Ranking[]
What Makes Him Heinous?[]
- When his powers manifested, he willingly murdered his father out of spite for the abuse he put him through before destroying his home (although to be fair, his father did violently abuse him and was the cause of him becoming a monster, so he did deserve it).
- Forms the League of Villains in an attempt to become Japan's next greatest villain.
- In an attempt to kill All Might, Shigaraki launches an attack on the U.A. U.S.J facility, endangering the lives of several of the students, even trying to kill some of them to draw All Might out.
- Threatened Kurogiri out of anger for him allowing Iida to escape.
- When Stain shows admiration for All Might, Shigaraki attempts to kill him by launching several Nomus into Hosu City while also killing several innocent people in the process.
- Tries to kill Himiko Toga and Dabi for choosing to support Stain instead of him.
- Finds his motivation and drive to kill All Might when he meets Izuku Midoriya in a mall after threatening to kill around 20 to 30 people if Midoryia doesn't talk with him.
- Has the Vanguard Action Squad attack the U.A training camp and kidnap Bakugo while ordering them to try and kill Midoryia and Todoroki, leaving to several students being seriously damaged by poisonous gas. These events would lead to All Might's second battle with All For One and eventual retirement.
- Attacks Overhaul's transport to jail (in the manga, killing a police officer in the process) and proceeds to brutally mutilate him, decaying and severing his arm (while having Mr. Compress compress the other), leaving Overhaul a broken, quirkless man (though Overhaul absolutely deserved it since he was a hypocritical, vile sociopath and child torturer) and leaving him unable to ever heal his boss from his coma (though this part was unknown to Shigaraki).
- Alongside the rest of the League, murdered the Creature Rejection Clan in the manga (though they deserved it, as they were a racist cult).
- Manipulates Gigantomachia to turn against the Meta Liberation Army, another villain group, while he takes out their leader, Re-Destro after killing several members of the group in battle.
- Kills Nine for no reason after he's defeated by Midoryia and Bakugo.
- Starts the Paranormal Liberation War, an event which caused the collapse of Hero Society and thousands of deaths, putting Japan into a state of misery.
- Unleashed a decay wave that destroys a city and murders Pro Heroes X-less and Crust as many other civilians while almost killing many other Pro Heroes, forcing some of them to amputate their limbs to survive.
- Nearly decayed Ryukyu.
- Seriously injured Endeavor.
- Maims Gran Torino who is a elderly man, which nearly kills him.
- Stabs Bakugo while trying to impale Midoryia and badly injures Midoryia in their fight.
- Joins All for One to steal One for All from Midoriya.
- Alongside All For One, kills Stars and Stripes while trying to steal New Order.
- During the second war, tried to kill several Pro-heroes and very nearly killed Mirko.
What Make Him Inconsistent?[]
- He has a genuinely tragic backstory that still holds up as he was abused by his father due to loving heroes and wanting to be one, while none of his family protected him from the abuse and he accidentally ended up killing them after his Quirk manifested while he only murdered his father because of the abuse he put him through with his home being destroyed in the process. Nobody in hero society came to help him when he was left alone on the streets, with only All for One coming to save him and raised him to be a villain. Even Deku wants to save him because of this, not the monster that is Tomura Shigaraki, but instead the boy that is Tenko Shimura (whose crying vestige as a little child still exists in the vestige world, calling out for Deku and desperate to be saved).
- Shigaraki is genuinely protective of his teammates as he got angry when Overhaul killed Magne and injured Compress, with him quickly trying to kill Overhaul as retribution for this. This was the big contrast between him and Overhaul that led to Shigaraki betraying the latter as he was appalled at how Overhaul treats his minions, even expressing genuine faith in Himiko and Twice in the process when they go to sabotage Overhaul. He states he has no need for his own future and only wants the League to live how they see fit and while he wants to destroy everything he despises, his allies' wishes are the only exceptions to his goals.
- During their attacks on the U.A. training camp, he claims that teamwork is a strength and he views his comrades as reliable with real strength and he refuses to manipulate his teammates. He also was disgusted by the Metal Liberation Army for messing with Twice (one of his teammates)'s fear of cloning, expressing anger at them for "toying with people's hearts", suggesting some standards.
- He truly views All for One as a parental figure and with admiration and respect since he was the one person who came to save him when he was all alone. He shows concern for his master when he goes to fight All Might with his weakened body, even trying to run back to the battlefield to save his master and admits that he’s grateful for everything All For One did for him. When he finds out that All For One is using him as a vessel just to get stronger, he expresses hatred towards him for betraying his trust and wishes to not be used as another pawn.
- Still holds some affection for his family, especially his mother and sister whom he regretted killing during the night his home was destroyed. In the vestige world, he holds no grudge against his sister for telling their dad about the picture and even turns back into a child in front of his mother, proving part of him still cares for them.
- He and Stain are currently the only two Inconsistently Heinous My Hero Academia villains.