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~ Tom's owner yelling at Tom.
The same to you, man!
~ Tom's owner yelling at the traffic.

Tom's Owner is an unnamed character who appeared only in the Gene Deitch era (1961-1962) of Tom and Jerry shorts, serving as Tom's owner, as well as an antagonist. He appeared in yellow shorts, which were: Down and Outing (1961), High Steaks (1962) and Sorry Safari (1962).

While it was frequent for Tom to be reprimanded by his owners, only the Deitch Era owner went into villainy territory as he was shown to sadistically enjoy beating his cat for the smallest infractions. He is the only owner of the Tom and Jerry franchise to never reprimand Tom of his actions.

He was voiced by the late Allen Swift.


Tom's owner is an overweight, average height, middle-aged, bald white man with very severe temper problems, often going red in the head when furious. Also, when he is angered, his teeth often become pointed and sharp. His face also turns bright red when he is even more angry at Tom.


Don't touch my guns!
~ Owner yells at Tom.

Tom's owner is much more brutal and violent in punishing Tom's actions when compared to Tom's previous owners: beating, pummeling and thrashing Tom repeatedly, screaming at him, stomping on his hand and causing it to swell, searing his head with a grill, forcing him to drink an entire carbonated beverage, slamming his fingers with a lunchbox lid and even wrapping a shotgun over his head and then firing it. He never reprimands Tom for his actions but always hurts him right away.

He also often ties Tom up very tightly in order to keep him out of trouble. He often smiles or laughs maliciously after punishing Tom. He appears to have rage issues in general as in Down and Outing, he is shown driving recklessly by driving at high speeds and not looking at the road, then yelling at another driver when called out for his careless driving.

However, when he doesn't have problems, he acts like a normal person and looks happily. He often sings a tunes for himself when he is calm, happy, and enthusiastic. He appears gluttonous as he has a giant barbecue with many plates full of steak only for himself in High Steaks (given his overweight appearance). He also throws a fit and viciously pummels Tom when only one of his many steaks gets slightly damp.

In Down and Outing (1961), his punishments towards Tom were stomping on his hand and let it graphically swell, viciously beat Tom twice for slamming his shoe with and oar and by pulling him into the water with a fishing rod, which caused the owner to beat Tom and tie him up to a bucket.

In High Steaks (1962), his punishments are that he seared Tom's face with a meat searer, slammed a tennis racket on his head, forcing Tom to drink an entire bottle of carbonated soda, and viciously beat Tom after knocking down his steaks (and him) to then tie him up to a chair to keep Tom out of trouble.

In Sorry Safari (1962), his punishments are wrapping a shotgun around Tom's head and then firing it, slamming Tom with a coffee mug after a lion tried to kill the owner while he used the mug to defend himself instead of a shotgun, and his final punishment was slamming Tom's fingers against a lunchbox and causing Tom's fingers to look like piano keys.

Unlike Tom's previous owners, he speaks quite rarely. He has no lines of spoken dialogue in High Steaks while he speaks only once in Down and Outing and he has two lines of dialogue in Sorry Safari.


Down and Outing[]

High Steaks[]

Sorry Safari[]


  • He was very unpopular among many fans of the series, as he was shown to be extremely brutal and violent towards Tom for his actions, sometimes bordering on a type of abuse called animal abuse/cruelty. Gene Deitch decided to permanently eliminate the character after Sorry Safari. He was since replaced by a thin female owner on Buddies Thicker Than Water (1962).
  • He is presumably unaware of the mouse Jerry's existence as the two never act in.
  • He never interacts with Jerry Mouse in any of his 3 appearances.
  • He played three different roles in all shorts he appeared in: a fisherman in Down and Outing, a chef in High Steaks, and a hunter in Sorry Safari. Also, Sorry Safari is the only short where he gets his comeuppance at the end (as well as only short where he never ties Tom up in order to keep him out of trouble).
  • Down and Outing is the only short where Tom tries to escape from him in order to avoid getting pummeled.
  • He bears a slight resemblance to Clint Clobber, one of Gene Deitch's original characters who appeared in Terry Toons shorts from 1957 to 1959. It was rumored that the two characters were the same, which all fans keep calling him "Clint Clobber", because he was an unnamed character. According to Deitch, however, these similarities are completely coincidental.
  • It is possible that he is in fact Rick from The Tom and Jerry Show (2014).
  • In the Creepypasta Tom's Basement, he was depicted as a secret serial killer who hid all his victims in his basement and everytime Tom gets near the basement door he would lose his cool and viciously pound Tom in a brutal fashion.
  • Due to negative reception from fans, Tom's Owner is never seen or heard from again after Sorry Safari.
  • Gene Deitch once stated that he had received a death threat due to the shorts' quality. He since mellowed out and even accepted to talk about these cartoons and the threats of working behind the Iron Curtain, which the fans accepted as soon as they understood his reasoning.

External Links[]


           Tom and Jerry Logo Villains

Alley Cats | Arthur Slugworth | Augustus Gloop | Barney Bear | Bulldog | Butch Cat | Butch Dog | Captain Kiddie and Squawk | Cat Guards | Devil Jerry | Dr. Applecheek | Dr. Malevolent | Dr. Zin | Drizelda | Ferdinand | Flappy | Flying Monkeys | Freddie | Gorthan | Grammy | Joey | Invincatron | James Moriarty | Jeannie | Jerry | Joseph Walters | King of the Cats | King Thingg | Lackey | Lickboot | Mechano | Mike Teavee | Mr. Salt | Nome King | Nomes | Prince John | Pristine Figg | Sheriff of Nottingham | Simon Legree | Spike | Squirty | Steed Dirkly | Straycatchers | Terrance Mendoza | Tin, Pan & Alley | Tom | Tom's Owner | Veruca Salt | Violet Beauregarde | Wicked Witch of the East | Wicked Witch of the West | Winkie Guards | Ginormous | Wolf
