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Thulsa Doom is the main villain of the prehistoric fantasy, Conan The Barbarian. He was played by James Earl Jones.


Thulsa was the member of an ancient race of Atlanteans and Stygians, who became the last of his kind, grew really powerful, and what he believed learned the true meaning of strength. When Conan was a boy, Thulsa Doom with his snake army of followers destroyed his home town, stole their steel, and killed his fam. He then sold Conan into slavery and endured exprienced The Wheel Of Pain and became very strong to say the least.

After Conan's gladiator days, learning the way of the world, and during his adventure with his companions, Subotai and Valeria, he learns from her that Thulsa Doom is 1, 000 years old, he has many followers dedicated to him, is bad, a dark sorcerer, etc. After their incident and stealing at The Tower Of The Serpent of the kingdom of Stygia, King Osric, an old hero and ruler, says to them to steal his daughter back, who has become lied and manipulated by Doom and traveled east to his lair. The other heroes attempt to talk to him of giving up that quest although Conan disaggrees and goes to Doom's kingdom. He meets a good wizard and steals robes from an evil priest so he can get to Doom and get hi revenge.

But is caught by Doom and his henchmen and brought before him and beaten within an inch of his life. Doom questions him, says he's mad about what he has done in Zamora, talks to him about Conan's people's destruction and slavery when he was younger and that at the time he thought steel meant strength and the meaning of power but later discovered the true meaning of being strong and power is the manipulation influence of people like when he manipulated his mom and then cut her head off, and then he orders him to be crucified put to death at one of his execution sites, The Tree Of Woe, as punishment for standing up to him and his criminal deeds. But Conan survives and with the aid of his allies, they go to his home, this time at the back and learn that truly Doom is very evil and that he and his followers are eating people.

They make their way to his orgy chamber, where he turns into a large snake and escapes the heroes. Then Doom says for Rexor, his second in command minion, to help Thorgrim, another of his sidekicks, and says that Conan and the other heroes will regret it. He uses a snake as an arrow to destroy Valeria and succeeds and then goes to the righteous wizard's home to try and get King Osric's daughter back. The heroes and villains battle at The Mounds and the net result being Conan and the other heroes defeat Doom, who tries to kill The Princess but thanks to Subotai fails and he rides back in anger to his Mountain Of Power.

There determined to win, he sets in motion The Day Of Doom, when his followers will kill everybody and take over the world in this sick, twisted cleansing of his. He is then confronted by Conan, who with the help of The Princess is able to successfully get to Doom without any setbacks. Thulsa tries to mind control him with his words that he's his dad and the reason for his so-called life and that the earth will be destroyed if he kills him. But Conan succeeds with fooling him instead and kills him by chopping of his head and finally burning Doom's main temple with a large candle.

Personality: Doom is manipulative, bad to the bone, lying, strong, brilliant, feared, magical, dangerious,greedy, and selfish. Using lies and fooling people to get what he wants and looking for purpose, in all the wrong places. What is interesting though is he does show signs of piting people like Conan and his momdespite the fact that he's probably the most evil bad guy Conan has ever encountered.
