Antagonists Wiki

The F.L.E.A.S. is the main antagonistic faction of Dav Pilkey’s Dog Man children’s graphic novel series, serving as the titular main antagonistic faction of Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas and the main antagonistic faction of Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild. The members appear, albeit mostly disbanded, on Dog Man: For Whom the Ball Rolls, and will have a titular return in some capacity in Dog Man: 20,000 Fleas Under the Sea.


In the fifth book, Piggy, Crunky, and Bub have built The Robo-Brontosaurus and are planning to use it to take over the world and get revenge on Petey for what happened when they were in their youths.

Petey the Cat escapes prison and is on the run. He locates his son, Lil Petey, and tells him that they have to get out of town, and quickly. The F.L.E.A.S are looking for Petey, and Piggy pretends to be a psychiatrist for him, shortly after Piggy reveals his true identity by taking off his fake psychiatrist disguise at the jail. Chief calls Dog Man and tells him to meet up with them at the jail. Chief and Milly show up a few minutes after and wonder where Dog Man is. Meanwhile Chief and Milly fight the F.L.E.A.S anyway, in which case they render the F.L.E.A.S immobile for the time being. Not too long after Dog Man finally showed up and runs toward Chief, jumping on him and licking him once he has ran after him. While Dog Man is jumping on Chief, the F.L.E.A.S take advantage of this distraction and make their getaway. Sarah, Zuzu, Milly, and Chief notice and start going atfer them, and in doing so end up getting captured by the F.L.E.A.S. Dog Man ends up captured too along with the others.

Later in the book, Lil Petey asks Petey for helping in saving Chief, Sarah, Milly and Zuzu, to which Petey agrees, with the stipulation that Lil Petey has to stop calling him Papa. Atfer Dog Man and 80-HD got to the scene and saved the their friends, Petey leaving them to fight them!

While Petey and Piggy where are arguing, Lil Petey, Crunky, and Bub were catching fireflies. Piggy ends up finding them goofing off, and tells them not to associate with the enemy, whilst mentioning to Crunky and Bub that he is their boss. Lil Petey responds to this by holding a vote of who think Lil Petey should be the boss of Piggy. Crunky and Bub raise their hand, showing they think Lil Petey should be Piggy's boss.

Later, Dog Man gets chased into a growth factory by the Brontosaurus, Lil Petey and 80-Hd spray paint the Robo-Brontosaurus brown to make it look like an squirrel, Dog Man plays with it thinking it's a chew toy and destroys the Brontosaurus, thus saving the day.

After shrinking Dog Man back to his old size they have shrink the F.L.E.A.S to the sizes of real fleas leaving them on Dog Man’s fur!

In book 6, they shrink Petey’s robot to the size of Dog Man and using it to framed Dog Man! Later they steal Living Spray from the That Living Spray Factory Outlet Over There and use it to bring Claymation Philly to life! Atfer escaping from the claymation philly attack, But this time on Petey’s fur!

In book 7, Atfer Petey was finally free, Big Jim gave him a hug which causes The F.L.E.A.S on Big Jim's fur.

After Crunky and Bub got rid of Piggy who landed on a moth called “Daryl”, Bub and Chunky hypnotized Big Jim into a cupcake theme superhero called “Commander Cupcake”

Meanwhile, Piggy decided to use Daryl to help him steal the Hope Diamond Mood Ring (which Daryl thinks they are protecting it)!

But after Daryl see Petey’s Ratterfly (which he thinks is Uncle Larry) cause Piggy fell into Big Jim’s hand and sending him and the other two to jail.


  • As revealed on Instagram by Pilkey, the F.L.E.A.S. were originally going to have a fourth member, a penguin named Honk. However he remained unused. However, Pilkey stated that he would be re-concepted for Dog Man: Fetch-22, but with a different name. However the final book did not include him either.


           Dog Man logo Villains

Crunky | Bub
The Robo-Brontosaurus

Robo-Time Industries
Dr. Scum | Petey the Cat | Mayor
Robo-Chief | Burgle Balls | Robo-Shark Duck
A.I. Buddies
Dr. Scum | Dog Man

Leader Weenie | Philly
Mecha-Weenie Leader | Supa-Mecha Philly
Claymation Philly

The 22 Psychokinetic Tadpoles
Naomi | Melvin the Frog

Petey the Cat | Grampa | Dr. Dilbert Dinkle | Flippy the Fish | Deputy Doo Doo | Vacuum | Robo-Baby | Mecha Petey | Mean Officers | Flat Petey | Beasty Buildings | Dog Jail Warden | Judge | Fair Fairy | Barky McTreeface | Munchy | Sippy Cups | Junior

See Also
Captain Underpants Villains | Dog Man Antagonists

           Captain underpants logo Villains

Main Villains
Benjamin Krupp/Captain Underpants | Tippy Tinkletrousers | Melvin Sneedly/The Bionic Bogger Boy

Book Villains
Bank Robbers | Dr. Diaper | Dr. Diaper's Robots | Talking Toilets (Turbo Toilet 2000) | Zorx, Klax & Jennifer | The Evil Zombie Nerds | Dandelion of Doom | Wedgie Woman | Robo-George and The Harold 2000 | Carl, Trixie, and Frankenbooger | Captain Blunderpants/Nice Benjamin Krupp | Evil George Beard | Evil Harold Hutchins | Giant-Evil Sulu | Kipper Krupp | Loggie, Bugg and Finkstein | Petey the Cat | Zombie Nerd George Beard and Zombie Nerd Harold Hutchins | Supa-Mega Tippy Tinkletrousers | Slightly Younger Tiny Tippy Tinkletrousers | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Thirty-Nine-&-Three-Quarters-Year-Old George Beard & Forty-Year-Old Harold Hutchins | Old Benjamin Krupp | Sir Stinks-A-Lot | Mecha Petey | Flippy the Fish

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Flabby Flabulous | DJ Drowsy Drawers | Homework Hydra | Messica Gorgon | T.P. Mummy | Avacadwoe | Claylossus | Socktopus | Theodore Murdsly | Alternate timeline Melvin Sneedly | Alternate timeline Benjamin Krupp/Captain Stretchypants | Smartsy Fartsy | The Fart Army | Melvinborg | Teachertrons | Furcules | Queen Zombee | Zombees | Poopacabra | Chupacabra | Malison | The Saurus Brothers | The Splotch | Crocobats | Butt-erflies | Cloggernaut | Clogneta | Brainy Blabulous | Cruelius Sneezer | Tubbadump | Dr. Disgruntled | Fingers the Petty Thief Panther | Nanobots | NanoZero | H2O Bliterater 2000 | Camplafire | Ragely J. Snarlingtooth | Altitooth | Barfilisk | Melvinathan | Salamangler | Camoflush | Camoflush’s Rule Breakers | Blah Borelock | Gumbalina Toothington | Combotato | Laserlightmare | Sugamechanger | Sebastian | Poopertrators | Evil Living Halloween Decorations | Hack-O-Ween Balloons | Dupe Licitous | F.L.U.S.H.E.R | Squorg and Garg | The Biglyans | Hangry Hypnosinger | Greego and Dohlar | Captain Pandernuts/Mr. Purpk | Arice | Utopiqua Kids | Jacked Santa

Super Diaper Baby
Deputy Doo Doo | Rip Van Tinkle | Petey the Cat

Ook and Gluk
Chief Goppernopper | J. P. Goppernopper | Goppernopper's Guards | Mechasaurs

See Also
Dog Man Villains
