Antagonists Wiki
Bruce Wayne Earth -1 0001

The Devastator or also known as The Destroyer is a villainous version of Batman, he is Batman of Earth 1 who uses the powers of Doomsday, and eventually he is a member of Dark Knights, a vigilante group whose sole purpose is to help, god Barbatos throbbing the multiverse in darkness



The Earth 1, Batman go tired of relying on Superman as an example of a hero, and fearing that one day he would be dishonest and to the side of evil, Batman then planned everything if that happens. However, Superman later soon proves to be a psychopath, and starts killing his wife, Lois Lane, and began a killing only a because he heard someone say who would win, Superman or Batman, after killing all his friends he soon fights Batman. In the fight Batman soon used a Kriptonite spear against Superman, however, Superman soon intercepted his attack and amputated Batman's arm, and after being desperate Batman soon revealed that the spear was simply a small bluff to in his true arming, which is actually the Doomsday virus, Batman then injects the virus into himself, getting stronger than Superman, Batman kills Superman in revenge for killing everyone and betraying his confidence. But later, he is recruited by Batman Who Laughs, to join the Dark Knights.
