“ | mission.The_Dark_Lord = destroy(The_Chosen_One); | „ |
~ The Dark Lord's only purpose before he went rogue. |
“ | he somehow figured out how to get my stick figure on his side so they teamed up and... destroyed my computer |
„ |
~ The Animator to his friend, talking about the Dark Lord's fall to villainy. |
The Dark Lord is the main antagonist of the Animator vs. Animation web series by Alan Becker, serving as a major antagonist in Season 1, the main antagonist of Season 2 and the overarching antagonist of Season 3.
He was a stick figure created by the Animator with the intent of eliminating the Chosen One, but ended up joining the latter in causing relentless destruction across the Internet. However, the Dark Lord's ruthlessness increases to the point that he creates an army of computer viruses to destroy every computer possible, horrifying even the Chosen One and motivating him to stop his "best friend". Thus, he would become the Chosen One's second archenemy and one of the strongest opponents the Stick Gang has ever faced.
The Dark Lord is a red hollow-headed stick figure of above-average height. In the climax of "The Showdown", he dons the Wristband of Power: a black wristband with red highlights on his right arm, and later transforms one of his blades into a second wristband for his left arm.
When first created, the Dark Lord was shown to be intelligent, but he was created for one thing and one thing only - Destroy the Chosen One. He somehow instantly got many programs on his side, but it was most likely due to the fact that the programs wanted revenge. He was extremely skilled and powerful in battles. Despite the name, he was created as a somewhat-heroic stick figure, meant to stop a rampaging, evil one that, ironically, had a name that is more common among heroes (although he can only be considered "heroic" due to being the lesser evil in the conflict, as the Animator wasn't a saint either). However, after seeing that the Animator never cared about him and that he was simply playing Solitaire while he almost died, the Dark Lord befriended the Chosen One to get rid of the Animator, and ultimately succeeded and even escaped, destroying the Animator's computer.
But, as soon as he became free, the Dark Lord lost any possible redeeming qualities and became a remorseless destroyer and possible mass murderer who destroyed countless websites and was implied to have killed many people, even other stick figures. While the Chosen One eventually realized they are going too far, the Dark Lord simply caused chaos without having second thoughts. Seven years after destroying the Animator's computer, he still wanted revenge, making the Animator the first target of the ViraBot. It was also shown that he seemingly wanted to conquer and/or destroy the entire Internet/Outernet, possibly even more. He is extremely determined and self-centered, as after seven years of friendship, he had no problems with killing the Chosen One only to complete his own goal. It also shows that the Dark Lord shows no care for anyone or anything except himself and his own destructive goals. He succeeded at first, but was punched away by the Chosen One, only for the black stick figure to kill the ViraBot sent to the Animator's PC.
Showing complete disregard for lives outside his own, the Dark Lord was heavily implied to have slaughtered hundreds upon hundreds of people during his seven-year-long rampage, already claiming several victims beforehand by destroying the Animator's computer and then went one step further by trying to destroy hundreds of computers around the globe with his virus army, willing to end a years-long friendship to achieve this goal. During his battle against the Chosen One and his allies (including the Animator), the Dark Lord shows a sadistic and psychopathic side as he decides to kill the Second Coming by himself with no help from the ViraBots, stabs Red before kicking his disintegrating body, and then kills Green, Blue and Yellow with no signs of empathy nor remorse.
The Dark Lord, as mentioned before, tried to destroy countless computers by infecting seven popular websites (YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Google, Twitch, Wikipedia and Discord) to get as many computers infected as possible, showing his intelligence and knowledge about humanity by correctly knowing which websites have the biggest amounts of users. Despite being artificial, the Dark Lord showed signs of both high-functioning and low-functioning psychopathy. He showed zero guilt, empathy or remorse, great intelligence, a slight amount of charisma (as shown through his interactions with the Chosen One), cares for no one but himself, acts on destructive impulse and has need for stimulation.
Throughout his entire life, he feared only one thing: Death. In all three moments when he can actually die, he stops being a destructive murderer and cowers in fear or tries to escape. However, it's not fair to call him a coward as death is a scary thing in both real life and fiction, along with the fact that the Dark Lord is willing to take on any powerful enemies if necessary, as he managed to punch down the Second Coming after the latter destroyed all the remaining ViraBots.
Overall, the Dark Lord is a remorseless and heartless psychopath who wanted nothing more than to cause as much destruction and death as possible.
Season 1[]
Animator vs. Animation 3[]
On October 2, 2011, a certain stick figure by the name of the Chosen One (who had been enslaved and used as a pop-up blocker for four years) escapes and once again begins fighting the Animator. The battle continues on to a Word document where the Animator and Clippy fight the Chosen One using text-based attacks. As the Chosen One and the paper clip fight, the Animator creates a new red stick figure to be the Chosen One's equally powerful enemy, originally calling it simply "The Chosen One's enemy" and then changing it to "The Dark Lord". A single order is then put into his programming: Destroy the Chosen One.
The Dark Lord then fights the Chosen One through the Word document, and the Chosen One barely closes the program and the two land on the desktop. The Chosen One and the Dark Lord fight through Solitaire, with the Animator eventually bringing them on the top of the window. The Dark Lord calls the desktop icons to his aid and they all begin battling the Chosen One. When accidentally hit by some of the icons, the Dark Lord charges at the Chosen One, but the stick figure manages to throw the Dark Lord into a game of Minesweeper. The Dark Lord tries to get back into the action, but has to solve his way out. The Chosen One soundly defeats all the icons and ends the battle by throwing Firefox into Minesweeper and blowing it up, with the Dark Lord still inside.
Beaten, the Dark Lord surrenders to the Chosen One and covers himself in fear. The Chosen One spares the Dark Lord and offers that they both destroy the Animator's computer. The Dark Lord, realizing his creator never cared about him, agrees and assists his former foe in wreaking havoc on and destroying the computer with an extra-powerful Blue Screen of Death that terminates the entire computer, presumably killing himself and the Chosen One in the process.
Chaos Throughout the Internet[]
However, it is revealed that the Dark Lord and the Chosen One were able to escape just before the computer was destroyed and escaped into the Internet. For the next seven years, the two stick figures spread chaos and destruction across the Internet, to a point where even the Chosen One was appalled by the Dark Lord's ruthlessness and depravity, especially once they've reached websites inhabited by their own kind. If Word of God is to be taken, then the two might've also conquered the Internet for themselves. In 2011, the same year the Dark Lord was created, they had reached Newgrounds, where they killed countless people, including the stick figure Mitsi; who just so happened to be the wife of their "older brother", Victim.
Eventually, they reached a mysterious area called the Outernet which, from the various hints given both in the series and by Word of God, is a place composed of multiple realms that's inhabited by various programs, mostly stick figures. The two would stop their rampage and move to a tower with a city nearby, right next to a barrier that lead to countless computers and other devices. At one point, the Dark Lord created a Wristband of Power, which gave him new abilities, an immunity to lasers and enhanced speed. Alongside this, he begins working on something else: An army of computer viruses called "ViraBot.exe" that corrode anything they touch. Eventually, the Dark Lord realized that the Animator has recovered from 2011 and now has a new computer. Still vengeful, he decides to make the Animator the ViraBot's first victim.
Season 2[]
The Flashback - Animator vs. Animation 7[]
On October 18th 2018, the Chosen One opens the door to the Dark Lord's room and sees him working on a ViraBot. The Dark Lord expresses his plans to unleash the virus on every computer in the world. However, the Chosen One realizes that he has gone too far, and envisions a horrific future where he uses an army of viruses to terrorize and kill stick figures throughout the Outernet. As the Dark Lord tries to send the ViraBot to the Animator's new computer, the Chosen One stops him. When the Dark Lord persists, the two fight. The machine that sends the virus out is destroyed, but not before ViraBot is sent to the Animator's computer and the Dark Lord is punched into the air by Chosen One, with the latter doing what he never thought that he would: go and save the Animator's computer so that the ViraBot threat does not continue, causing the events of Animator vs. Animation 5 and 6. He succeeds in this task, and then returns to the Outernet to deal with his former friend.
The Showdown - Animator vs. Animation 8[]
Meanwhile, the Dark Lord is working on his computer in his shack, as he already recovered from the punch. Suddenly, the Chosen One opens the door and punches him, and the Dark Lord lands on his feet. The Chosen One runs up to him and punches him yet again. The Dark Lord grabs a cliff, but slips off it before he can crawl up. He lands on another cliff and fires a giant fireball where the Chosen One is. He calms down and tries to fly away, but the Chosen One is revealed to be still alive as he fires at his former friend with his laser eyes. The two fight until the Dark Lord lands up in the ocean. The Chosen One continues fighting until the Dark Lord is smashed against the cliff, with the former angrily staring at the latter until he decides to charge.
Meanwhile, unknown to both of them, five stick figures followed the Chosen One after ViraBot was killed - The Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures, with the Second Coming being somehow "The Chosen One's Return". The five finally get out of the ocean as they notice seven giant metallic circle door, which lead to the real Internet, and later enter the Dark Lord's shack. Here, Yellow and Blue see tons of ViraBots inside a huge hole. Green looks at the computer and Red notices the Wristband of Power. He stretches it until it falls on a button. The circular doors open.
After a bit of fighting, they enter one of the doors, and land on YouTube. The two use the red bar to their advantage, with the two being hit by attacks from the past. They leave YouTube and enter Twitter, then Reddit, then Google, then Twitch, then Wikipedia, then Discord and they return to the place they were in. The Dark Lord hits the Chosen One with a fireball, grabs him, and punches him into the water, having enough time to return to the shack. The five stick figures hide in the hole the ViraBots were in, and the Dark Lord opens the door and puts on the wristband, gaining power similar to the ones the ViraBots have. He then fights the Chosen One again as the normal stick figures panic, except Yellow, who uses his technology skills to use.
Back at the Animator's computer, he's trying to clean up the mess until he gets a notification from Yellow. He closes it, and then gets a similar notification but with a stick figure on it. As he decides to close it again, he changes his mind as he notices that the portal is still open. He accepts the notification and notices that it's coming from the Dark Lord's console and was send from Yellow thanks to a warning message. Instantly realizing that his prior creation is a big danger to his friends, he clicks "Yes" and launches the Animator Combat Tool, and with Yellow's help the Animator's cursor enters the area where the five stick figures are located. The Dark Lord sees the cursor and stares at it, confused, until the Animator grabs him and starts beating him up alongside the Chosen One. The Dark Lord (who suddenly has a second wristband) unleashes a horde of ViraBots. They attack the Animator until the Chosen One helps him. However, the Dark Lord punches him away and stabs the cursor with his powerful ViraBot-like blades as the viruses start biting the cursor. Suddenly, the program closes, leaving the Animator unable to do anything.
The Fighting Stick Figures panic until the Second Coming rushes over to the Chosen One, who is slowly getting defeated by the ViraBots. Suddenly, he blocks the Chosen One from the ViraBots and challenges the Dark Lord to a fight. The Dark Lord orders his minions to go away as he summons his own blade to kill the new opponent, until the Fighting Stick Figures also appear to challenge him. Red prepares to charge at the Dark Lord, but he just flies behind him, kicks him, and stabs him when on the ground, killing him. Green, Yellow, Blue and the Second Coming all charge at him, but he effortlessly beats all of them without being hit even once. Eventually, he starts choking Yellow, but Green grabs his arm. The Dark Lord responds by stabbing Green in the chest, Blue in the neck when he also charges at him, and then Yellow in the head when he starts hitting him. The Second Coming, who is laying on the ground, tries to reach out to the Chosen One, who is being defeated by the ViraBots, but the Dark Lord stabs him from the back. Enraged that the orange stick figure is still alive and has the fighting spirit despite being stabbed two times, he throws him in the air and slashes him multiple times, leaving visible scars on the stick figure, before finally throwing him to a hole in the cliff. With the Fighting Stick Figures dead, the Second Coming defeated, the Chosen One unable to do anything due to the damage and the Animator's program closed down, the Dark Lord orders the ViraBots to invade the Internet.
Suddenly, the Second Coming gets superpowers after the brutal assault "awakened something in him", as series creator Alan Becker claims. He attacks the ViraBots, before he teleports behind the Dark Lord and starts beating him up while wiping out the surviving ViraBots. The Dark Lord punches the Second Coming away and tries to escape, but the enemy throws a rock at him with telekinesis, and once again starts beating him up until he summons his own, green laser eyes and hits the Dark Lord with the laser beam. As he lands on the ground, the Second Coming uses his laser eyes to drag the stick figure through the ground until he stops on a mountain, where the laser eyes cause an explosion, destroying the mountain and defeating the Dark Lord, possibly killing him in the process.
With the threat neutralized, the Second Coming uses the Dark Lord's console to revive the Fighting Stick Figures and open the Animator Combat Tool yet again, allowing the Animator to interact as the Chosen One watches. The Second Coming lands on the shack's floor unconscious as the Animator drags him to his friends, where he eventually wakes up, not remembering anything from his superpowered state. The five stick figures go back to their computer by riding on the Animator's cursor while waving the Chosen One goodbye.
Actual Shorts[]
King Orange vs. The Dark Lord[]
Somehow ending up inside the Nether, the Dark Lord encounters none other than King Orange, the other major villain of the series. Summoning a spike/blade from his wristband, he decides to kill him. King Orange uses his staff, which wields the power of the Double Minecraft Game Icon, to attack him. While the Dark Lord can easily destroy all of the king's attacks with one shot thanks to his own weapon, his opponent still finds a way to counter-attack and make the battle equal. He eventually launches a gigantic beam out of his staff, but the Dark Lord proves himself to be too durable to be affected by it. Suddenly, a gigantic pig with Herobrine's glowing eyes and several angel wings appears before them and decimates them in one shot.
The scene then cuts to reality, which shows that Yellow and Green were playing pretend with figurines of their opponents, and that the giant god-pig is just Red's fourth pig. Green ragequits, throws the Dark Lord toy on the ground and leaves.
Showdown in the Street[]
A short episode showing how the citizens of a stick figure city reacted to the Showdown; more specifically, a corn dog salesman who couldn't care less as long as people buy his food.
Season 3[]
The Dark Lord is first seen in a flashback during Animator vs. Animation 9. The Chosen One reminds himself of how the Second Coming defeated him using his powers, and decides to go get help from the orange stick figure to defeat the Mercenaries. Later on, during Animator vs. Animation 10, the Dark Lord can be seen when Agent searches through the Chosen One's memories, which includes his defeat, causing everyone to find out the Second Coming has superpowers, including himself. He makes a brief cameo in Animator vs. Animation 11, which shows his rampage at Newgrounds.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Self-awareness - The Dark Lord knows he's a computer program.
- Internet travel - The Dark Lord can travel across Internet websites with no issue.
- Pyrokinesis - Compared to the Chosen One's army of powers, the Dark Lord is limited to fire: he can shoot fire, breath fire, and launch gigantic fireballs. Despite this very limited skillset, he's still strong enough to go toe-to-toe with the Chosen One.
- Genius-level intellect / Inventive and programming abilities - The Dark Lord is an extremely intelligent individual, on the level of Yellow and King Orange, being able to create an army of highly advanced computer viruses and a wristband that makes him stronger.
- Expert martial artist - Self-explanatory; the Dark Lord is an extremely skilled fighter far beyond even the Stick Gang.
- Superhuman strength, speed and reflexes - The Dark Lord is far faster and stronger than any normal stick figure.
- Extreme durability - The Dark Lord knows how to take a hit: he's taken dozens of hits from both the Chosen One and the Animator, and quickly recovers from them all. While the ViraBots get one-shot by the Second Coming's superpowered hits, the Dark Lord tanks numerous punches from him. It's even possible he survived the mountain explosion at the end of "The Showdown".
- Swimming skills - The Dark Lord has been briefly shown to swim.
Wristband of Power[]
In the climax of AvA V, the Dark Lord puts on the Wristband of Power, whose title is rather self-explanatory, and later clones it. Its abilities are as follows:
- Enhanced speed - The Dark Lord is even faster then he already was, easily outspeeding the Chosen One.
- Flight - While he previously needed to shoot out fire from his hands to fly, with the wristbands the Dark Lord has the natural ability to float.
- Immunity to laser beams - The Dark Lord is immune to laser beams with the wristband, easily gliding over the Chosen One's beams.
- Control over the ViraBots - Upon cloning the wristband, the Dark Lord had complete control of the ViraBots.
- Virus blades - The Dark Lord could spawn massive, black-and-red blades from his hands when having the wristband, which could hurt even the Chosen One and erased anything that doesn't have erasure-immunity. He can also spawn more then one from one hand if he needs to.
- Corrosive spikes - Like the ViraBots, the Dark Lord can make red spikes appear from thin air that erase anything they touch.
- Laser eyes - While used only twice, very briefly with the screen not focusing on it, the Dark Lord can shoot out pitch black lasers from his eyes. They are stronger then the Chosen One's, and appear more unstable, moving more rapidly.
- Shooting virus-orbs - The Dark Lord can shoot out black orbs from his hands that erase anything they touch.
Kill Count[]
Confirmed Victims[]
- Yahoo! Messenger - Briefly seen flying into his and the Chosen One's white void near the end of Animator vs. Animation 3.
- Clippy - Last shown being alive, although defeated by the Chosen One, meaning he was killed off-screen when the Animator's computer was destroyed.
- My Computer - Killed when the computer was destroyed.
- Countless Internet citizens - The Dark Lord and the Chosen One, particularly during the Newgrounds raid, claimed many victims during their seven year old rampage, including stick figures.
- Fighting Stick Figures - All four of them were stabbed with a wristband spike and disintegrated afterwards, before being revived minutes later.
Implied Victims[]
- Orbit - Assuming he wasn't killed by the Chosen One beforehand and simply knocked out, then he perished alongside the computer.
- Windows Movie Maker - Assuming he wasn't killed by the Chosen One beforehand and simply knocked out, then he perished alongside the computer.
- Google Chrome - Assuming he wasn't killed by the Chosen One beforehand and simply knocked out, then he perished alongside the computer.
- iTunes - Assuming he wasn't killed by the Chosen One beforehand and simply knocked out, then he perished alongside the computer.
- Internet Explorer - Assuming he wasn't killed by the Chosen One beforehand and simply knocked out, then he perished alongside the computer.
- Skype - Assuming he wasn't killed by the Chosen One beforehand and simply knocked out, then he perished alongside the computer.
- The Dark Lord is very similar to King Orange as both are the main antagonists of an entire season that didn't start out as horrible people, were planning an omnicide and have an army of minions at their disposal (the ViraBots for the Dark Lord and both the Piglin Brutes and the Dark Mobs for King Orange). The main difference between them is that King Orange was an Average Joe with a tragic past who managed to redeem himself and lived as a result, while the Dark Lord was an all-powerful (fallen) minion of the villainous Animator who lacked sympathetic qualities and stayed a villain, presumably dying in the process (although this wasn't confirmed).
- Fittingly, an Actual Short would have them meet and fight in a fictional-fictional scenario.
- The Dark Lord had planned to send at least 9 ViraBots to each continent besides Antarctica. To be precise, he tried to send out two to North America, one to South America, one to Africa, one to Europe, three to Asia, and one to Australia.
- There were also three unknown circles on the map: One in Russia, one in China, and one between France and Great Britain.
- However, looking at the way the Dark Lord drew the blueprint, it's implied the ViraBot he send to Alan was supposed to in some way connected to six of the eight remaining ViraBots, implying it could have created them, with two of them (the ones in India and China) seemingly being launched by the Dark Lord himself.
- Additionally, the same ViraBot that got launched to Alan was in some way connected to all three unknown circles.
- The ViraBot that was launched to Alan was called Virus-0, while the one send out to Australia was composed of random gibberish along the lines of "XNTXFC0-2-WP" (possibly WIP or VIP?).
- He also planned to send out an army of ViraBots to YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Google, Twitch, Wikipedia and Discord.
- The Dark Lord used to be one of the more popular options for the true identity of the Second Coming's Doppelganger before it was revealed to be a witch.
- When asked about the Dark Lord's fate on Patreon, Alan Becker replied with "I'm still deciding lol", showing that the Dark Lord's fate isn't even decided and he could come back in the future.
- Similarly, when Alan was asked about the Dark Lord's return in Season 3, he said that "anything's possible".
- The Dark Lord shows ViraBot's powers to the Chosen One by stabbing a globe with one of the virus' blades. While this could be simply the Dark Lord showing his creations powers on a random object, it could also be the Dark Lord showing his plans to attack every computer in the entire world, if not outright destroy it, with the ViraBots.
- Similarly, on his console, the doors that link to various Internet websites (Twitter, Google, etc.) are linked to words such as "dimension", "world" and "subspace". This implies each website is a different dimension, which in turn would make the Dark Lord a multiversal terrorizer who tried to become a multiversal destroyer.
- This would be finally confirmed when Alan Becker confirmed the existence of a place called the Outernet, and that it's made of multiple realms, with huge implications it would be one of the places the Dark Lord would attack.
- Similarly, on his console, the doors that link to various Internet websites (Twitter, Google, etc.) are linked to words such as "dimension", "world" and "subspace". This implies each website is a different dimension, which in turn would make the Dark Lord a multiversal terrorizer who tried to become a multiversal destroyer.
- The Animator is the one who truly caused the Dark Lord to fall into villainy, all because he created him to kill the Chosen One while he was chilling by playing Solitaire instead of helping him fight the Chosen One. While it doesn't justify his crimes, this callous act influenced the Dark Lord's personality and his obsession with revenge in the first place.
- The Dark Lord is considered an evil counterpart to the Chosen One since both were created by the Animator and were forced to fight each other before they teamed up to destroy his computer and escape. However, the Dark Lord stayed evil while the Chosen One redeemed himself. He serves as what the Chosen One could've become if he let his hatred over the Animator gets the best of him and never realized how many people he hurt.
- In the official reaction episode to "The Flashback", the video description states that "it's time to conquer the Internet", implying the Dark Lord and the Chosen One not only wrecked havoc across the Internet, but also took over it. However, this was never confirmed beyond this one line and is not supported by anything in the franchise proper, especially since the home of the two stick figures is apparently part of the Outernet. However, it's unknown just what the Outernet is and it might be either a part of the Internet or something else entirely.
- One of the creators of the "King Orange vs. The Dark Lord" episode stated that King Orange is stronger than the Dark Lord if using specific blocks (like netherite or bedrock). Depending on how well he would do against Herobrine, this makes the Dark Lord the third or fourth strongest character in the franchise.
- The Dark Lord also made a minor cameo in the AvM Shorts episode "The Ultimate Weapon", a picture of him being seen when alexcrafter28 uses Google to search up Red and the Second Coming.
- While his age was never confirmed, it can be presumed the Dark Lord is a young adult as he's slightly taller than the Stick Gang and Purple, who are teenagers, but shorter than King Orange and Dark Blue, who are old enough to have children.
- It's unknown why the Chosen One is wanted by Victim's organization but the Dark Lord isn't. As his existence is completely dismissed when searching through the Chosen One's memories, everyone focusing on either the Second Coming's powers or the Animator, it's likely he's dead or just not relevant to the plot of Season 3.
- This is cleared up in Victim - Animator vs. Animation 11. When Victim watched Agent's memories, Mitsi is shown dying to a fireball before the Chosen One flies down, all while the Dark Lord was not seen. This caused Victim to form a furious vendetta against the Chosen One for killing his girlfriend and spent years tracking him down.
- As the Wristband of Power gives the Dark Lord laser immunity, it's possible he was always planning to betray the Chosen One or was expecting him to switch sides.
- It's heavily likely his actions resulted in Dark Blue abusing Purple in a misguided attempt to toughen him up, which would make him the overarching antagonist of the AvM Shorts.
External Links[]
- The Dark Lord on the Pure Evil Wiki
- The Dark Lord on the Villains Wiki
- The Dark Lord on the Animator vs. Animation Wiki
- The Dark Lord on The Ultimate Evil Wiki
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