“ | You caught me! To you, who strayed so far from home. To me, who's trapped beneath these bones. We'll play forever, me and you, when you paint the land in nine bright hues! | „ |
~ The Collector to Emperor Belos. |
“ | What'cha playin'? | „ |
~ The Collector's first words to Luz and her friends upon regaining his physical form. |
“ | If we're gonna play "Owl House", we're gonna need an Owl House! We're gonna have a BLAST, everyone! | „ |
~ The Collector as he wrecks the Titan's skull. |
The Collector, also known as the Grand Huntsman, is the mysterious and childish last member of a race of cosmic beings and the deity of the Titan Trappers, imprisoned in a tablet within the Boiling Isles, who came in league with Emperor Belos, intent on gaining freedom on the Day of Unity. In the Season 2 finale, after Belos betrayed him on the Day of Unity, the Collector was freed by King Clawthorne, a young Titan. He then destroyed and almost killed Belos before beginning his "playtime" with King in tow, wreaking havoc and taking over the Demon Realm while Luz Noceda and her friends escaped to the Human Realm.
He is voiced by Fryda Wolff who also voiced the Enchantress in Avengers Assemble, Poison Ivy in DC Super Friends, the Matriarch from Killing Floor, and Faora from Justice League Action.
Origin and Imprisonment[]
One of the paintings shown in the Archive House, where presumably three Collectors are depicted along with the show's Collector.
The Collector hails from a race of celestial beings who seek to archive and catalogue all life in the Demon Realm. Although little is known about his own nature, it is shown that the Collector's childlike interests stood out from other Collectors, whose ways the Collector held in disdain and went as far as to omit them in a Collector guidebook. At an unknown point in time, the Collectors encountered another magical race, the Titans, and a war soon followed.
During this, the Collector was imprisoned inside the In-Between Realm supposedly by a titan, seemingly to keep the Collector from getting to the Titan's son, King, the Titan died after this and his corpse later became the Boiling Isles. An ancient tribe of witches known as Titan Trappers would come to worship a witch known as the "Grand Huntsman" and slayer of the Titans. Their leader, Bill, claimed to be working with or for The Collector and further proclaimed The Collector wants them to find the last of the Titans, as only it has the power to free The Collector from his prison.
A moon-emblazoned mirror, the key to freeing the Collector from his prison, was kept in the Titan's skull guarded by a beast named the Stonesleeper.
Scheming With Belos[]
“ | Those barbarians, those, those… WITCHES! It doesn't matter. I just need to live long enough to see this through... and you're going to help me, Collector. | „ |
~ Philip as he activates the Collector's mirror. |

The Collector as they appear in one of Philip Wittebane's journal entries.
Eventually, in the Boiling Isles' Deadwardian Era, Emperor Belos - in his original identity of Philip Wittebane - went on an expedition to the Titan's skull where he evaded the Stonesleeper and obtained the Collector's mirror. After activating it and conjuring the Collector's spirit, Belos learned about a "Draining Spell" that could fatally reap the magic of witches. Upon becoming the Isles' emperor, Belos plotted the "Day of Unity", a ploy to assemble every witch on the Isles and kill every single one of them with the Draining Spell, after which he would fulfil his end of the deal using Titan's Blood to free the Collector.
Centuries later in the present, Eda's apprentice, Luz Noceda, and Belos' grimwalker subordinate, Hunter, temporarily find themselves in the emperor's mind in the episode, "Hollow Mind", where they discover of the Collector's existence and allegiance with Belos. After escaping, Luz, King, and Hooty travel to Titan Trapper Island in "Edge of the World" for help against Belos, only to discover both King's Titan lineage and that the trappers worship the Collector. The trio swiftly escape the island, but not before King makes a psychic connection with the Collector in a botched ritual sacrifice by the trappers.
Awaiting Freedom[]
“ | Collector: (laughs) Almost free… almost free! King: Luz? Hooty? Woah, woah. Is someone there? Collector: I won't be alone! I won't be alone anymore! (laughs) King: Hello? Hello? Collector: Who said that!? Who's there!? King: …What? Collector: Wait! Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait-wait! Don't leave! COME BA- |
„ |
~ The Collector in King's dream. |

The Collector in his prison.
In "O Titan, Where Art Thou", King enters the In-Between Realm in his dreams, where he finds the Collector imprisoned inside an orb. The Collector goes into an insane rambling on how he's almost free and how he won't be alone anymore. When King calls out to the entity, the Collector's silhouette appears on the orb, where he notices King. King backs up only for the Collector to begin panicking and begging him not to leave, knowing he'll wake up soon, but King wakes up anyways.
In "Clouds on the Horizon", the Collector accompanies Belos as the latter sets up the functioning Portal Door in the Titan's skull, exactly where he found the Collector centuries ago. The Collector sadistically asks Belos if he's nervous to return home, bringing up the facts that the Human Realm must've changed drastically over the four centuries he's been gone, and that Philip himself has changed in the measures taken to extend his lifespan. Angered, Belos tries to attack the Collector by morphing his arm but misses.
The Collector rejoices at the fact he will soon be free from his prison, stating there are "so many games" he wants to play once liberated. He adds that, if he and Belos require a third player, another Grimwalker could be made; Belos rejects this idea, saying he will only make another once Hunter is dealt with. The Collector then painfully begs Belos to release him early, whining that the human did promise. Belos also rejects this, saying that the Draining Spell must first work, which the Collector himself promised in the bargain. The entity grumpily remarks that Belos should have more faith in pinky swears. The Emperor then says their partner's patience will be rewarded, as the Day of Unity is merely 24 hours away. The Collector watches with Belos as witches from all over the Isles approach the Titan's head, grinning widely.
Starting a New Game[]
“ | He's my friend, right? Uh, he—he wouldn't lie— he wouldn't! He wouldn't! We've spent hundreds of years playing his game. I—I—I wanna play a new game. | „ |
~ The Collector questioning if Belos will honor the deal he made. |
Later, King once more hears the Collector's thoughts; he is talking to himself and expressing doubt that Belos will uphold his end of the bargain. The Collector desperately tries to convince himself that the Emperor is his friend, but notes that the two of them have spent centuries "playing [Belos'] game", and angrily states he wants to play a new game. In "King's Tide", the Day of Unity finally comes, and the Collector is excited by the prospect of freedom.

The Collector confronts Belos.
However, Belos reveals that he won't be releasing him, both because he's only using the Titan's Blood from the key to activate the Portal and because he doesn't want anyone else learning about their powerful spells, and instead drops his mirror down a pit in the Titan's skull. Later in the episode, while Luz and her allies battle Belos, an equally betrayed Kikimora brings King down to the pit. There, he makes a deal with the Collector, who recognized King as the Titan's son, to free them and play a game of "Owl House" in exchange for ending Belos' Draining Spell. King uses his Titan powers to break the Collector's mirror, allowing him to escape it and regain his physical form before he stops Belos from killing Luz and instead splatters his body against the skull's wall.
Right afterwards, he honors his end of the deal and ends the Day of Unity by moving the eclipsing moon out of the sun's way. However, the Collector decides that to play Owl House, he and his "playmates" are "gonna need an Owl House" and begins to use his powers to break the skull to pieces. While Luz and company escape to the Human Realm through the Portal as it explodes, King is pulled back to the Collector to play with him.
Reign of Chaos[]
“ | King: Collector, buddy, you gotta stop doing that. Think about what you’re doing to these people! Collector: You are so BORING! I’m just playing pretend! King: Even playing pretend has consequences. A cranky old witch taught me that. |
„ |
~ King talking to the Collector about their "playtime". |
The Collector rejoicing his freedom.
After the Collector pulls King back, he creates the Archive House, a place for he and King to live. King explains "The Owl House" to the collector, saying it's kind of like playing pretend. He starts turning people into puppets, much to King's dismay, in order to help with the game, and creates spies to help with this. He also captures Eda, and stores her in a room guarded by puppets, under the impression that she's in Owl Beast form and can't change back, despite this not being the case.
The Collector starts playing with King and his puppets, acting out scenes that very loosely depict events in the show. Luz describes it as "a twisted version of her life". At one point in time, Terra Snapdragon played Eda, but later got turned into a puppet due to not doing a good enough job. King tries to get him to stop, but he refuses and they head back to the Archive House where he has Odalia Blight put away the puppets and serve Eda pizza bagels.
The Collector talks to King in the Archive House.
After this the two head to bed where King tries to reason with The Collector about not endangering people's lives with dangerous games. However, The Collector has no sympathy for how fragile a mortal's life is, then The Collector ask Kings him a bedtime story which is in fact The Collectors' creed, but he botched part of the text to add that "playing games and having fun is more important and the others stink".
Meanwhile, Belos, after absorbing one of his unfinished grimwalkers, jumps to a window of The Collector's castle and possesses the Raine Whispers puppet. He then sneaks into The Collector's room and tries to possess him, but he is quickly restrained when The Collector wakes up by his presence. Belos convinces The Collector that he was magically brought to life and has come to warn him that King is plotting against him. The Collector doesn't believe him at first, until he eavesdrop on King's conversation with Eda and Lilith, coming up with a plan to stop The Collector once and for all but failing to see that King wants to try talking him down instead of sealing him away again. Belos even tells The Collector that Luz has returned and is also plotting to destroy him.
The Collector prepares to "play a new game" with Luz.
While Luz and her friends are celeberating for her new palisman, The Collector is observing them from above with Belos (still posing as Raine) by his side. Convinced and manipulated by his words that Luz has come to defeat them, The Collector has decided it is time to play "a new game" and angrily snaps his fingers, ending the episode.
“ | How to describe you? Oval? Oblong? A round boy? | „ |
~ Philip Wittebane inspecting the Collector's mirror. |
The Collector first appears in Eda Clawthorne's dream (implied to be set at least hundreds of years prior to the series' events), where he wears a cloak that has celestial decorations on it; one side is black with moons and stars, and the other is grey with black suns. His face is obscured by a shadow with a moon symbol on it.
As a shadow, he appears as a two-dimensional being with a half-split design; again, with one side black with three sun symbols, and the other grey with three crescent moon symbols. He also has a half-moon face pattern, and his head is shaped like a cowl. This form is projected by a dark, circular mirror with a crescent moon symbol upon it.
Upon regaining his physical form, the Collector appears as a yellow-skinned boy with a patch of blue skin on both his left leg and the left side of his face (the latter, which includes freckles, simulating a crescent moon), as well as white hair and eyes with yellow sclera and orange irises. He wears pajama-esque clothing, consisting of a dark nightcap with purple rims and starry dots and a baggy white-and-navy onesie with split accents; his right light sleeve is patterned with dark suns, while his left dark sleeve is patterned with blue moons. He also wears dark slippers with white buds and a yellow necklace with a white tag of a black smiling crescent moon attached to it.
“ | King: The Collector. I've never heard that name. Eda: Me neither. What kind of jerk puts "the" in front of their name anyway? Luz: But the Collector may know how to make a real portal door. He may know why mine is so unstable. |
„ |
~ Luz Noceda and the Clawthornes discussing the Collector. |
The Collector is a childish and reckless entity whose personality mirror that of a pre-character development Luz Noceda. Just like Luz at the beginning of the series, the Collector is an impulsive child who was trapped and lonely and just wanted to be free, play games, and make friends, but his idea of fun gets other people hurt, and he doesn't acknowledge/recognize this and doesn't feel any guilt for his actions. The Collector is childish and that's exactly the problem. However, the Collector also appears to have as much malice in his heart when he begins tearing apart the Boiling Isles at the end of Season 2 as Luz did when she brought snakes and fireworks to school at the beginning of Season 1, without even considering the negative impact on the inhabitants of the isles.
Though the Collector has an underdeveloped and warped sense of morality, he is not completely amoral. In contrast to the deceitful and manipulative Emperor Belos, the Collector is honest and holds pinky swears for instance to be sacred. This is shown when he was upset that Belos lied revealed his deception and betrays him, and later when he kept his word to stop the draining spell when King freed him.
The Collector loves speaking in riddles, though he shows irritation when he was unable to come up with a word to rhyme with "unity."
For all his power, it appears that the Collector is not truly malicious, and at his heart, he is a child who only wishes to connect and make friends. However, having spent a long time imprisoned to be sought after for his magical power, the Collector fears being alone, and is wary that people will use him and leave him. A passage in the Collector's storybook further implies that, while the Collector wanted to find friends, he viewed his race's observance and vindictive ways with disgust, as they killed many titans, living the collector devastated. Coupled with his desire to be friends with King and make him happy, his reactions indicate that the Collector yearns to have a companion like him who understands him.
However, in this desire for attachment, the Collector becomes bitter and resentful when those he befriends hold their own relationships with other people. This is displayed by his initial belief that King was his friend and would never turn against him, but after coming to believe King was planning to stop him, he became vengeful of King's double-cross and decided to take matters into his own hands.
Powers and Abilities[]
“ | Kikimora: It's pointless. Belos can't stop the spell any more than they can. Only the Collector has that power. King: Who… is the Collector? Kikimora: Neither witch nor demon. A child from the stars. Belos only talked to him when thought no one was around, but I was always listening. Belos was afraid of him… King: An opportunity! Take me to him. Kikimora: If that means kicking the Emperor's butt, gladly. |
„ |
~ Kikimora telling King about the Collector. |
- Omni-Magic: The Collector contains omnipotent magical powers beyond nearly all witches and demons’ comprehend, proven to be one of extraordinary powerful beings in Demon Realm along with his kin. According to Kikimora, Belos couldn’t stop The Draining Spell so only The Collector have the power to cancel his own spells, meaning not even more than any highly skilled and powerful witches in Boiling Isles couldn’t match his own magic. Since he isn’t demon nor witch, it’s assume that he doesn’t need magic rules to perform his own, hence how he’s only being that Emperor Belos afraid of.
- Reality Warping: The Collector has immense level of magical power that border-lining Godhood as he can warp realities as easily like walking in the park. It is clearly shown when he casually moves the moon with his finger to stop the Draining Spell. He can even spread large amounts of sparkling waves that bend The Boiling Isles into a childlike landscape.
- Magic Knowledge: Furthermore, he also has vast knowledge about magic as Belos's powerful magic stemmed from his teachings.
- Matter Transmutation:
- Telekinesis:
- Supernatural Strength:
- Star Manifestation:
- Matter Transmutation:
- Clairvoyance:
As a Shadow[]
- Shadow Control:
- Shapeshifting:
- Emperor Belos (formerly)
- Titan Trappers: (status unknown)
- Bill the Elder
- Tarak
- King Clawthorne (one-sided on his side)
- The Collector's Spies (minions)
- "Mamadalia"
- Everyone else on the Boiling Isles:
- Luz Noceda
- Willow Park
- Gus Porter
- Amity Blight
- Hunter
- Previous Golden Guards
- Eda Clawthorne
- Lilith Clawthorne
- Hooty
- Viney
- Skara
- Barcus
- Jerbo
- Mattholomule
- Principal Bump
- Emira Blight
- Edric Blight
- Alador Blight
- Raine Whispers
- Darius Deamonne
- Eberwolf
- Katya
- Derwin
- Amber
- Steve
- Owlbert
- Ghost
- Clover
- Emmiline
- Flapjack (deceased)
- Bat Queen
- Gwendolyn Clawthorne
- Jean-Luc
- Keeper
- Tiny Nose
- Warden Wrath
- Kikimora
- Terra Snapdragon
- Adrian Graye Vernworth
- Mason
- Vitimir
- Hettie Cutburn
- Osran
- Abomatons
- Boscha
- Tibbles
- Piniet
- Roselle and Dottie
- Merchant
- Bria
- Gavin
- Angmar
- Camila Noceda (all possibly)
- Owl Beast
- Titans (except King):
- Emperor Belos (attempted victim)
“ | Don't bother, beast. You can't run away anymore. It's. Over. | „ |
~ The Collector upon catching the Owl Beast. |
“ | Belos: What can I do for you, Collector? Collector: I'm bored! Is the Draining Spell ready yet? I wanna play and see everything go all… (Imitates screams) Belos: You'll have your fun on the Day of Unity. Collector: Betrayed, beguiled! Alone, deceived! We'll have our revenge on… ugh, "unity" is so hard to rhyme. |
„ |
~ The Collector conversing with Emperor Belos. |
“ | Collector: Ooooh, you were maaaad! I thought you were gonna go all… (Imitates screams) …on that kid. Belos: Not as long as he stays in the right path. I say, "The Titan has big plans for you," and he does what he's told. Unlike the previous attempts. Collector: I'm starting to think you make those things just to destroy them. You have fun with it. Admit it! (laughs) |
„ |
~ The Collector and Belos on Hunter and the Golden Guards. |
“ | Collector: Heh, heh, heh… you nervous? You haven't been home in like, how many hundreds of years? What if it's all changed? What if you changed? You got so used to eating Palismen, you can barely keep your human shape anymore! (Belos tries to attack the Collector and misses) Collector: I can't wait to get out of this prison! There are so many games I wanna play! If we need a third player, we can make another Grimwalker! Belos: No. Not until I've dealt with this one. Collector: Just free me already! You've proooomiiiised! Belos: The Draining Spell must work first, like you've promised. Collector: You need to have more faith in pinky swears. Belos: Don't worry, Collector. Your patience will be rewarded. The Day of Unity… is about to begin. |
„ |
~ The Collector and Emperor Belos having another conversation. |
“ | Collector: But... but you said! You said you'd let me out! I hate it here! Belos: Just a little longer. We have to wait 'till after the Draining Spell. Collector: You better not be fibbing. You pinky swore me. Belos: Patience, Collector. You can trust me. (King scoffs) Collector: Hmm? Who's there?! |
„ |
~ The Collector and Belos having another conversation. |
“ | Collector: We did it! It's done, it's done! Now you can set me free and we can play new games! Belos: I'm afraid that's impossible. Collector: Uh, excuse-a-what- now? B—But you said you'd use the Titan blood to help free me! Belos: I'm sorry, but I just realised I only have enough Titan's blood to open the portal. Collector: But you said we were friends! We pinky swore! You LIED! LIAR! LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR, LIAR! Oooohhh, liaaar! |
„ |
~ The Collector realising Belos has betrayed him, and his villainous breakdown. |
“ | Belos: You… Collector: I gave you the Draining Spell. I taught you magic stronger than anybody's! Belos: And that's why I won't release you. Can't have you giving that to anyone else. Goodbye. (Belos drops the mirror) Collector: WOOOOAAAAHHHH! You're a liar, liar, pants on fireeee! |
„ |
~ Belos and the Collector conversing following the former's betrayal. |
“ | Leave me alone. I don't associate with fibbers. (opens his eyes) Wait. I know someone's there! I can feel it. But why can't I see you? (King takes off his collar; The Collector gasps in shock) You look like that bully who put me in here. No. Way! Are you his little Titan baby!? I always wanted to play with you! But your dumb pops hid you… hey, do you like hide-and-seek? I'll hide first! | „ |
~ The Collector meeting King. |
“ | Collector: Wait! If you're a Titan, you can let me out! I can stop the Spell! Aaand we can play together! King: Golly! You'd do that? Collector: Wait. You're not tricking me into doing your chores like Philip? Are you? King: I would never! Pinky swear? (The Collector laughs) King: I'll even let you out right now! What do I need to do? Do you need my blood? Collector: No, silly! Just follow my lead… |
„ |
~ The Collector and King teaming up to release the former. |
“ | Belos: Collector! …You're free. Just as promised. Collector: As promised? I remember someone throwing me off a bridge. I'm not angry, though. Say, you wanna play tag? I'm it. |
„ |
~ The Collector to Belos upon being freed, before reducing him to a stain on the wall. |
“ | (Chuckles) Too slow! (Notices the teens) …You guys look slow too. Do you need a head start? | „ |
~ The Collector notices Luz and her friends after Belos is destroyed. |
“ | King! You promised you'd play with me! You pinky-swore! | „ |
~ The Collector dragging King towards him. |
- Despite being voiced by a female voice actress, Philip referred to the Collector with masculine pronouns in "Elsewhere and Elsewhen". This leaves the Collector's gender currently ambiguous.
- Dana Terrace, the series' creator, confirmed on Twitter that the Collector goes by both masculine and neutral pronouns (he/him/they/them).
- The Collector's design was inspired by the works of Remedios Varo, a surrealist painter known for her astrological imagery. Some fans have pointed that his design also resembles the one of Dimentio, Eclipso, and the Daycare Attendant.
- His prison orb also resembles a Beast Ball, a type of Poké Ball from the Pokémon franchise.
- Prior to the airing of "King's Tide", it was commonly speculated that the Collector would possess Luz (just like the Core possessed Marcy Wu in Amphibia and Bill Cipher possessed Dipper Pines in Gravity Falls), mainly due to the fact that his teaser art looked similar to Luz's face and that he was lacking a physical form during Season 2B. This is later proven false.
- That said, in Season 3, Belos would end up briefly possessing Hunter.
- Brazilian fans of the series normally nicknamed the Collector as "Enzo Gabriel", which in Brazil is a name given to boys that are normally playful and rebellious, but also fitting more into his physical appearance.
- With "For the Future" revealing the Collector is just one of many Collectors, some fans started speculating that some of the Collector's past actions have in fact belonged to the past Collectors, especially since he seemingly doesn't enjoy their genocidal intentions. Some have even started claiming that he is not the Grand Huntsman as believed, and that the Huntsman is actually the Collector seen in the Owl Beast's flashback in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door".
- In all of his appearances, the Collector is credited as "The Collector". However, with the reveal that the term "Collector" is also the name of his species, the use of "The" may be intended to distinguish the character from other Collectors.
External Links[]
- The Collector on the Disney Wiki
- The Collector on the The Owl House Wiki
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Emperor's Coven Coven Leaders Collectors Hexside Titan Trappers Others |
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