Antagonists Wiki
~ The Cartoonist bent on Shero

The Cartoonist also known as Cizer is the main antagonist of the 2016 Turkish adult animated film Bad Cat. which is based the comic series of the same name. He is a cartoonist who is owner of a Siamese cat named Princess, but after Shero accidentally killed herself, he became obsessed with getting revenge on him,

He was voiced by Okan Yalabik in the Turkish version (who also voiced Adnan) Conrad Vernon in English and Takatora Shimada in the Japanese dub.


Cartoonist appears to be a tall and slim man with blonde hair, brown eyes and a pair of long buck teeth. After becoming a zombie. His hair turned from blond to white and his head was slightly cracked. He wears an orange shirt, as well navy-blue and brown shoes.


Cartoonist is first seen sleeping on the desk and getting woken up by Princess, He hugs Princess and realizes that he's late, so he turn on the radio and leaves for work. Shero and Blacky break into the apartment and try to seduce Princess, but they accidentally made her drop a lamp on herself and gets electrocuted to death. Cartoonist comes back and the two cats hide in the bathroom. Cartoonist finds her corpse and cries over her death. Shero and Blacky try to escape and Black closes the door. Cartoonist hears this and grabs some scissors as he breaks into the door. Blacky tries to explain, but Cartoonist throws the scissor into his chest, killing him. Cartoonist grabs his knife to Shero, but Shero lunges at him and attacks his face. He gets has stabbed in the fight and they fall out of the window because Cartoonist accidentally tripped over Blacky's corpse. Cartoonist dies upon impact and his head cracks open, while Shero manages to survive.

His body is taken to an ambulance and his body begins convulsing, despite his brain being in a the jar. The nurse electrocute him to an excessive level, and he awakens from his nightmare in the form of a zombie. He attacks the doctors and throws them out of the ambulance as he carjacks it.

He eventually finds Taco on the street and tries to run him over as he mistaken him for Shero but Taco manages to survive. He comes across the two canine thugs named Adnan and Kopek (Who fought with Shero earlier) and attacks them. He asks them where Shero is they direct him to his location. They manage to find Shero and Misscat on the roof and capture them. Adnan attacks them until Cartoonist stops him and tells him that they're mine. He pulls the electric cords out of the tower and fatally electrocutes Adnan. he attempts to kill Misscat, despite the fact that she had nothing to do with the incident. Taco comes and knocks Kopek out and manages to untie Shero, freeing him. Kopek tries to intervene, but the pair knock him aside. Cartoonist gives himself more power and they lunge at each other, causing the pressure to push them back. Shero hits him with a cylinder, sending him flying into a dumpster. Kopek and Adnan's corpse fell in with as well and the garbage men take them away. However, as the truck drives off. Cartoonist pulls one of the workers in and the carjacks the truck.

After Shero and Taco form a bond, Taco tries to buy liquor from Semi's store, but Cartoonist suddenly passes by and abducts him. Shero chases after truck and manages to onto it with the help of a pizza delivery man. Taco attacks Cartoonist and Shero manages to rescue him before the truck falls into a pond. Shero manages to come out, but Cartoonist pulls him under the water and an fierce battle takes place. Cartoonist strangles him. but Shero manages to free and shoves a bottle down his throat, giving him the chance to escape.

The authorities later pull the truck out of the water and Cartoonist's body. the people notice and the construction worker tries to veer it away, but the crane leads him to be hit by power lines, bringing Cartoonist back to life and electricity goes out as Cartoonist shouts out Shero's name. The police officers then arrest Cartoonist and throw him into their car. While Shero, Taco and Riza rob a bank, the police hear about it on the radio, so Cartoonist hijacks the car to get to the bank. The police arrive at the bank and the trio manage to escape. As Shero and Taco flee with the money, the officers continue shooting at them, but Cartoonist stops them so he can get his revenge. He follows them to the roof of a building and shoots at them as they hide behind a chimney. He follows them, but finds them gone, unaware that they're hiding under the gutter. Shero attacks Cartoonist from underneath the roof and Cartoonist falls onto a car. Cartoonist's gun fires and Taco takes the bullet as he sacrifice himself to save Shero.

While Shero and Taco attempt to cure Taco, Misscat watches from above and Cartoonist kidnaps her they manage to cure Taco and Rifki and Riza return with the stolen money to clear all of Shero and Tank's debts. During their barbeque, they find Misscat tied up to Semi's tanks, Cartoonist tries to light up the tanks in an attempt to everybody, Including himself. but Shero stops him and attacks him. Tank joins in and they fight Cartoonist together. Tank then throws him into a dumpster and the tanks fall onto him, crushing him. Shero lights his cigarette and throws it into the dumpster, causing to explode and his life his good.


  • He is based on Bulent Ustun, the original author of the Bad Cat comics. His shirt also resembles Ustun's shirt.
  • It is unknown how Cartoonist knew Shero's name. as he only met him in the kitchen before his death and he never mentioned his name to him, It's possible that he learned Shero's name because of when Blacky pleaded for Shero to tell Cartoonist about what happened to Princess; "Tell him Shero, I swear, It's truth".
  • His name means "artist" in Turkish. he is simply credited as "Cartoonist" in the English version.
  • His name is never mentioned in the film.
  • At the moment where Cartoonist grabs his scissors before attacking Blacky and Shero, it can be seen a comic page that show him and Shero falling out of the window, which exactly what happen.