Antagonists Wiki

When I was Bruce Wayne, I thought that with enough preparation, I would always win. But I was wrong. I was trapped in an unwinnable war, refusing to see the obvious answers right in front of me. The answers that are so clear to me now with victory right around the corner. To win, you need to adapt, and to adapt, you need to be able to laugh away all the restraints. Everything holding you back. You see... a Batman who laughs... is a Batman who always wins.
~ The Batman Who Laughs.
Now I'll take my new form, child. Don't be afraid. Blue is for soldiers of morning, of light. But me... I am no dawn. No, you can call me... THE DARKEST KNIGHT.
~ The Batman Who Laughs transforming into The Darkest Knight.
Batman has always been a reactionary idea. He was born in response to those gunshots in the alley. And just as he is a reaction, so too are the twisted Batmen of the dark. Even the most dominant is still a reaction to some fear that has shaped him, built him into a newer, crueler incarnation, perfectly designed to overcome it. Now, understand this, I know that I am not a Batman of any kind. Not a Batman Who Laughs, not a Batmanhattan, not even a culmination of all dark Batmen. I am more. And to be more, I must not be a reaction. I must be the thing that creates the reaction. I will be the bullet. The multiverse will be the dark alley. And its worlds will fall like pearls before me.
~ The Darkest Knight.

The Batman Who Laughs is one of the main antagonists of the DC Universe.

He is a "Jokerized" evil version of Batman who originated from the Dark Multiverse. He is the team leader of the Dark Knights and their goal was to help their master Barbatos plunge the entire Multiverse into complete and utter chaos and darkness. This course of action makes themselves enemies of the Justice League. The Batman Who Laughs traces his origin to a different Earth, which had him actually slay his own version of the Joker. After gaining the powers of Doctor Manhattan via transferring his brain into an alternate Bruce Wayne known as Batmanhattan, he becomes a being of pure darkness with omnipotent power known as The Darkest Knight. He is one of the archenemies and the most evil version of Batman.


Joker says that to accept that there's no meaning in your actions is to win. I say, to believe there is a meaning in all your actions is to win. That demon, what he says is that there is no meaning in your actions, therefore the only meaningful act is to win. He is the fear that we're both right, Joker and I. The fear that without any grander meaning, at heart we are cold, animalistic, selfish things.
~ Bruce Wayne about The Batman Who Laughs.

The Batman Who Laughs was once much like Prime Earth's Batman except that he ended up killing his version of the Joker. After doing this, Bruce was exposed to a nano-toxin that slowly transformed him. It rewired his mind not only to think more like Joker, but also twisted his moral core into something evil. However, despite these changes, Bruce still managed to retain the orderly and logical aspects of his mind as well as his highly keen and calculating intellect. Thus, he became someone with Batman's tactical genius and combat training and Joker's lack of morality. He also has the latter's desire for chaos and destruction.

The Batman Who Laughs seems to have a fixation on winning and believes that he can always do so against his opponents, simply because he had shed the self-imposed rules that restrained him from using more cruel and lethal methods in the past. Indeed, without his code holding him back, the Batman Who Laughs has been able to adapt to various situations and triumph against all sorts of remarkable odds. Laughs can also be quite arrogant, having already destroyed his own world and gaining knowledge from many others. He is also highly sadistic, with this aspect of him showing when he prevents the Grim Knight from killing Jim Gordon so he can experience a far crueler fate and comes to the Court of Owls with no intention but to "hear them all die screaming."

While he still is one of the most malevolent characters in the DC mainstream universe, it is assumed Bruce did not become a villain of his own free will. By this logic, it would appear Laughs may be more tragic than the Joker despite his evil surpassing his. When it comes to his actions, the idea of a version of Batman having the Joker's twisted morality would mean that it is possible The Batman Who Laughs might disregard the concepts of good and evil aside to do what he thinks is best, which in this case means winning, since he thinks it is the only meaningful act. However, considering he managed to retain some of his previous mindset when it comes to his genius, Laughs may still have some sense of right and wrong as well, albeit in a twisted and distorted manner. Since he has gained cosmic awareness, however, this is no longer the case; Laughs possesses the awareness that what he did was wrong, but he still desires to cause destruction and engage in cruel acts without any remorse. Thus, Laughs loses his tragic aspects as well any Freudian Excuses, becoming far worse than the Joker ever was.

As The Darkest Knight, he is more arrogant than ever. However, this led to his downfall, as he proved incapable of expecting Wonder Woman's capacity to kill him.

Powers and Abilities[]

The Batman Who Laughs has all the training, discipline, and experience of the Prime Earth Batman. In addition, he possesses information about the strengths and weaknesses of numerous superheroes and supervillains in the DC Universe, as he had already killed them in his own reality. He also has knowledge from various other worlds he has visited and can adapt to almost any situation.

All of these factors. combined with the fact that those born in the Dark Multiverse are extremely resistant to attacks by those from the central Multiverse makes The Batman Who Laughs immensely dangerous. However, he possesses a couple of notable weaknesses. He is highly vulnerable to both Nth Metal and Element X. Also, despite how different he has become, Laughs is still Batman and can be caught off-guard by situations Batman is not prepared for such as Batman and Joker teaming up. This, along with his arrogance, means that surprise factors can lead to his defeat.

It is revealed in The Batman Who Laughs miniseries that Laughs has the ability to sense people's urges, which can be used to find what he desires. However, he needs to wear a visor made of Dark Metal in order to focus his senses and pinpoint what he is searching for.

After absorbing the powers of an alternate reality Doctor Manhattan and being reborn as the Darkest Knight, the Batman Who Laughs now has nigh-omnipotent powers at least on par with Manhattan - which easily ranks him one of DC's most powerful antagonists (since Manhattan was never truly defeated, simply convinced to alter his plans).


Batman Who Laughs and Robins

Laughs and his Robins.

The Groblins (also known as Dark Robins, Rabid Robins, or simply Robins) usually seen accompanying The Batman Who Laughs are a group of children that were presumably among the many Jokerized by the Joker after he had killed their parents in an alley. Laughs later took them in and groomed them into animalistic "pets" that have lost their humanity. Because of this, the only word they know how to say is "crow" and will viciously attack anyone they are sent to hunt, unless The Batman Who Laughs or one of his allies tells them to heel by saying the word "bar".


Damian Wayne of Earth -22.

Damian Wayne of Earth -22 was also transformed into a Groblin. Unlike the other Groblins, Damian is still capable of speech and retained his ability to think more rationally. He assisted his father in battling against the Gotham Resistance until he was killed by his Prime Earth counterpart using an arrow made from Nth Metal.

The Batman Who Laughs can transform more children into Groblins should he choose to use a device he calls the Robin Pit, which immerses them in a green solution that causes them to lose their free will and develop the physical characteristics associated with Groblins, such as pointed ears, pale skin, green hair, and fangs. He gave the Grim Knight a few Groblins who were all alternate versions of James Gordon Jr. from different worlds and later used the Pit to forcibly convert another sociopathic version of himself into a Groblin, although he retained his intellect using a specially prepared pill.

It appeared that Billy Batson of Prime Earth became a Groblin, after he was infected with Dark Matter by a special Batarang during the Year of the Villain saga. However, Billy might have just been in disguise in order to ambush Batman and Superman.





Dnnn't! Nnnn!
~ The Batman Who Laughs prior to his transformation, before the Joker shoots a child's parents.
~ Pre-Batman Who Laughs after breaking his bonds and began attacking the Joker.
STOP! ...stop...stop...
~ Pre-Batman Who Laughs killing the Joker and breathing the Joker gas from the corpse.
He was dying Clark, the chemicals that made him the Joker, they were starting to eat him away from the inside. That's what pushed him to take things too far...why he pushed me...
~ Pre-Batman Who Laughs explaining to Superman why he pushed him.
He said he wanted to make something new out of the best of both of us. Both my trauma and his blended together... they might be beyond saving, Clark.
~ Pre-Batman Who Laughs also explaining what the Joker wanted to do before he dies.
HA!...I'm...I'm sorry. That wasn't...funny.
~ Pre-Batman Who Laughs chuckling after hearing Superman saying about a nurse almost being killed, a sign that he's about to lose his humanity.
Something you weren't prepared for. *laughs*
~ The Batman Who Laughs now becoming Jokerized as he shoots the Batfamily dead.
Aw. That's can lie to mine.
~ The Batman Who Laughs revealing his new family.
I know. Catch.
~ The Batman Who Laughs throwing the Black Kryptonite towards Superman's family, making Superman and his son kill Lois Lane.
Don't be the victim who drowns. Don't sink with the rest. Be active. Rise up, … reclaim the light, … and be the one who does the drowning.
~ The Batman Who Laughs talking to The Drowned.
Stop me if you've heard this one... worlds will live, worlds will die... but imagine if your every fear, each bad decision, gave birth to a malformed world of nightmare. A world that shouldn't exist. And desperate as it fights to survive in the light of the true multiverse far above... these worlds are doomed to rot apart, and die, because they are wrong at their core. Welcome to the Dark Multiverse. Home to stories that should never be... It's all one big cosmic joke, except no one on this side is laughing. ...well, almost no one...
~ The Batman Who Laughs explaining the Dark Multiverse.
I know I'm not exactly the Bruce you were hoping for. But I am Bruce. We all are. Let me remind you of a story we have in common. On my world, I developed ways to eliminate the Justice League… then they found out and were so disappointed in me. I betrayed their trust. It was a dark time for the League. But in all honesty… I was holding back. Now imagine if seven Bruce Waynes put their heads together… what horror they could be capable of. If they were to… say… develop separate murderous Batcaves meticulously designed with each of you in mind. So I hope you appreciate our work, because… you're going to die here. Ha. Ha. Ha.
~ The Batman Who Laughs.
You know I am something twisted and wrong, and that terrifies you.
~ The Batman Who Laughs to the Riddler.
It was simple, really. Killing my world. No matter what they threw at me-armies of villains, alien tyrants, the wrath of god-they were all just problems to solve. One by one. Methodically. With precision. And blood.
~ The Batman Who Laughs.
I think he understood on some level. The Joker. Not entirely, of course. He was too single-minded for that, but he saw the potential. He saw that the two of us were incomplete without the other. He knew that we needed to evolve into something new, together. Something more. He used to call me a bat-king, ruling over my dark kingdom. And what is a king, really? It's a powerful card. The highest valued face card in the deck. Not infallible, to be sure, but potent. And the joker card? On its own? It has no inherent value. It's defined by what is played against. Dangerous in its potential more than anything. But if you hold the two together in a hand, they can hold nearly any value. They can shift and adapt to any threat they face. And so can I.
~ The Batman Who Laughs.
Take a good look Bruce. What do you see? You've never fought someone with all your training. Your discipline. See it yet? I'm not him in a batsuit. I'm you. You. How you are supposed to be without the codes. Without the rules. Except one. BATMAN. ALWAYS. WINS.
~ The Batman Who Laughs to Batman of Prime Earth.
You hear that? People think of birth as loud, and death as silent. Things start with a bang, end with a whimper, but I'll tell you a secret. See, endings...endings are the loudest of all.
~ The Batman Who Laughs.
I'm not mad. Just open-minded.
~ The Batman Who Laughs.
You're standing on the edge right now, Lex. You could be the ultimate version of yourself. Let go of what always held you back, like I did. The universe isn’t destined for you. But you can still take it.
~ The Batman Who Laughs talking to Lex Luthor.
He's not the Joker, Jim. He's Batman. He's me. Joker has points to prove—to me, to the world. The Batman Who Laughs...he's not here to prove anything. He's here to win, to kill anything and everything that's a threat.
~ Batman describing The Batman Who Laughs to Jim Gordon.
Out of every version of us across the universe, you're the most miserable. The least accomplished. You don't understand why yet, but you will. See, to me, to us, you're the nightmare Batman. The bad joke.
~ The Batman Who Laughs to Batman of Prime Earth.
Right now you're trying to see past it...past the danger. The terror... You're trying to see things through the eyes of your Robins, aren't you? Through the eyes of your so-called children...but they knew, Batman. The hope you saw in people, it was a lie. That's why Dick, that's why all of them, stayed high above. (...) Yes. The hard truth is, you're finally starting to see things clearly...because for the first time ever, you're looking at Gotham through the eyes of your real're truest child...The Batman Who Laughs. In other
~ The Batman Who Laughs to Batman of Prime Earth.
But my favor...all I wanted...was to hear you all die screaming. a guy out?
~ The Batman Who Laughs to the "littlest one" of the Court of Owls before killing her.
That's the secret I've been waiting to tell you all this time... the point of Gotham was to conquer!
~ The Batman Who Laughs to Batman of Prime Earth.
It all comes down to this. Everything. A thousand versions of myself, at war with me, all led by one creature. This is the final battlefield. I feel it.
~ Batman to fight The Batman Who Laughs.
Aw, that's what I said when I was where you are in my transformation. I even called the family over to let them know it would all be okay. While waiting for them, I got a pitcher of water for the table. That's all the exertion it took. And when they arrived, I killed them all. Then I had a cool glass of water.
~ The Batman Who Laughs response to Batman's claim that he will never be like him.
The happiest Bruce Wayne--The one I'll use for the last bit of my serum--is the version who finally let's go of his sadness, his mistaken ideals...and becomes who he was always meant to be...the true bat of Gotham. Meaning, the happiest in Bruce in existence... (...) you, right at this every moment!... Right now. When you become me.
~ The Batman Who Laughs to Batman of Prime Earth.
The World's Finest--back together again.
~ The Batman Who Laughs to Superman.
You're not going to kill me. You're too smart for that. You know I came here because I wanted to see how much you already knew. You've got a good start, I'll give you that. You've moved a few pieces along in this game. But you're going to need my help when you get stuck. Because I'm not from here. I don't give a damn about the little ants you're trying to convince to be gods. I barely give a damn about you. I've walked the cosmic folds of this multiverse. I've stood by the side of beings who could shatter reality with a well-placed punch. You won't kill me, because you're smart, and you know I know things that no other being in this universe knows. And there's a deeper reason. A more Human reason... you and Batman are probably the two greatest strategic minds of your world. But your Batman has rules that I don't. You're not going to kill me. Hell. A few months down the road, and I bet you'll unlock the chains yourself. Because you're going to want to know, when all the chips are on the table, and we both become all we can become... who is going to win? You...or me?
~ The Batman Who Laughs talking to Lex Luthor about upcoming events.
Yes. You just gave me everything I need. To remake the Multiverse in my own image. So let me be the first to welcome you... to the Last 52.
~ The Darkest Knight.
Heh. I know, I know. You want to be a bird, but that's because you're still young. You want to inspire others to follow you. But it never works, son. Good, evil, there is no higher calling. And in the end, what you learn is that there is no winning them over, there is only winning over them.
~ The Batman Who Laughs to the Robin King.
Don't give me too much credit, Deathstroke. It's not hard to predict what Batman can do... when you are Batman. We needed the World's Greatest Detective to unlock the secrets of the island. He needed an emotional engine to drive him. Catwoman. I know a thing or two about other realities too. You might say all this is right in my wheelhouse.
~ The Batman Who Laughs to Deathstroke.
Oh, stop it, Lex. I know you didn't get rich by giving up your best material for free. But let's not start fighting again. We got exactly what we wanted... all of us.
~ The Batman Who Laughs responding to Lex Luthor on the topic of his secret identity.
The gold looks good. Now tell me I was right, tell me, Diana, and I'll let you and your friends live. Well?(Wonder Woman hits him with his miniaturized earth) GAW!
~ The Darkest Knight making a deal with Wonder Woman, only for her to reject it.
Picture it, picture the world you could have!
~ The Darkest Knight pleading Wonder Woman to not kill him.


  • The Batman Who Laughs was created by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo.
  • In Dark Knights: Metal issue 6, The Batman Who Laughs' fingers were amputated by the Joker. However, during his appearances in comics since then, he still has them. It may be possible that he replaced them with prosthetics.
  • The Batman Who Laughs represents Prime Earth Batman's fear of the Joker and his own madness, as well as who Batman would have become if he had went through with killing Joker.
  • The Batman Who Laughs' name was taken from the silent films that helped inspire the creation of Batman and the Joker: The Bat and The Man Who Laughs.
  • The Batman Who Laughs can be seen as the literal interpretation to one of Joker's longtime goals for Batman; to have the Dark Knight kill him and make Batman a murderer no better than himself. However, The Batman Who Laughs is perhaps far worse than what the Joker could expect from Batman of becoming like him.
    • Indeed, even the Joker loathes The Batman Who Laughs to the point of teaming up with Batman to stop him, refusing to accept him as a teammate in the Legion of Doom and quitting the Legion (after non-lethally gassing them) as a result. Furthermore, when referring to him, the Joker drops his usual joking demeanor and turns deathly calm and serious, without neither smiling nor laughing. That said, he still tried to transform Batman into his own version as he thought that the only way he could stop him was to become him.
  • Most fans initially assumed that The Batman Who Laughs was blind because of the spiked visor which covers both his eyes while others believed that he just wore it because that contributed to his disturbing appearance. However, since the release of The Batman Who Laughs miniseries, it's explained that he uses it to focus his senses and the spikes are not solely for aesthetics.
  • According to The Batman Who Laughs, the death of the Commissioner Gordon of his world motivated him to hunt down and kill the Joker.
  • The Batman Who Laughs is one of the only villains thus far that Batman has openly expressed an intention to kill.
  • During his confrontation with the Gotham Resistance, The Batman Who Laughs claimed that the Harley Quinn of Earth -22 was his ally. However, as pointed out by Raven, this might have been a lie in an attempt to manipulate the Harley Quinn of Prime Earth. Considering that the Joker of Earth -22 killed all members of Batman's rogues' gallery before The Batman Who Laughs killed him, it's possible that Raven was right.
  • The Batman Who Laughs was the winner of DC Comics' 2019 "Villain of the Year" award.
  • Noob Saibot received a skin based on The Batman Who Laughs in Mortal Kombat 11 when the Joker was added as a DLC character.
  • He became a playable character in Fortnite during the Batman X Fortnite comics.
  • His visor was confirmed to allow him to remember stuff while he is in the loop.
  • Due to possessing similar appearances, he is often compared to Judge Dredd antagonists, Judge Death.

External Links[]


           TheBatman Villains

2-Face-2 | Abraham Langstrom | Alfred Protocol | Alfred Stryker | Alice | Amanda Waller | Amygdala | Anarky | An Innocent Guy | Ares | Arkham Knight | Arnold John Flass | Azrael | Baby Doll | Bane | Barbatos | Bat-Mite | The Batman Who Laughs | Black Glove | Black Mask | Blockbuster I | Blockbuster II | Brain | Broker | Brother EYE | Calculator | Calendar Man | Castle Bat | Captain Fear | Captain Boomerang | Carmine Falcone | Catman | Catwoman | Cheetah | Cheshire | Circus of Strange | Clayface | Clayface (Matt Hagen) | Claything | Clock King | Clownface | Club of Villains | Cluemaster | Composite Superman | Condiment King | Copperhead | Cornelius Stirk | Court of Owls | Crazy Quilt | Crime Doctor | Curtis Base | Dark Archer | David Cain | David Li | Dark Knights | Deacon Blackfire | Deadshot | Dealer | Deathstroke | Dick Grayson (Frank Miller) | The Dawnbreaker | The Devastator | Dr. Crane | Doctor Death | Doctor Double X | Doctor Phosphorus | Doctor Randolph Porter | Donna Troy | Dr. Silversmith | The Drowned | Electrocutioner | Emperor Penguin | Enigma | Ernie Chubb | Faceless | Falcone Crime Family | Film Freak | Firebug | Firefly | Flamingo | Floronic Man | Gearhead | General Ulysses Armstrong | Gilda Dent | Gorilla Boss | Gotham City Police Department | Gillian B. Loeb | Great White Shark | The Grim Knight | Harley Quinn | Holiday | Holly Robinson | Humpty Dumpty | Hugo Strange | Hush | Instigator | Jack the Ripper | James Gordon, Jr. | Jason Todd | Jeremiah Arkham | Joe Chill | Joker (Earth-22, 2008 Graphic Novel) | Judge of Owls | Joker's Daughter | Key | KGBeast | King of Cats | King Snake | King Tut | Killer Croc | Killer Moth | Kite Man | Lady Shiva | League of Assassins | Leviathan | Lex Luthor | Lock-Up | Lord Death Man | Mad Hatter | Mad Monk | Magpie | Malochia | Man-Bat | Mary Keeny | Maxie Zeus | Maxwell Lord | The Merciless | Merrymaker | Micheal Atkins | Monk | Mr. Bloom | Mr. Freeze | Mrs. Freeze | Mayor Oswald Cobblepot | Mr. Toad | Mr. Whisper | Mutants | Neo Joker | Neron | Nightslayer | Nocturna | Omega | Onomatopoeia | Orca | Outsider | Owlman | Phantasm | Penguin | Penny Plunderer | Phosphorus Rex | Planet Master | Poison Ivy | Polka Dot Man | Professor Arnold Hugo | Professor Pyg | Prometheus | Punchline | Ra's al Ghul | Ragdoll | Ratcatcher | Reaper | Red Death | Reverse-Flash | Riddler | Robin King | Roland Daggett | Roxy Rocket | Royal Flush Gang | Rupert Thorne | Saint Batman | Sal Maroni | Scarecrow | Sensei | Sewer King | Signalman | Simon Hurt | Sinestro | Snowman | Solomon Grundy | Spellbinder | Squid | Steeljacket | Suicide Squad | Talia al Ghul | Talon | Tally Man | Ten Eyed Man | Terrible Trio | Thomas Wayne | Tiger Shark | Timecode | Tony Zucco | Tweedledum and Tweedledee | Two-Face | Ubu | Vandal Savage | Ventriloquist | Ventriloquist II | Ventriloquist III | Vertigo | Victor Zsasz | Whisper A'Daire | White Rabbit | Wrath | The Wonderland Gang | Zebra-Man

Theatrical Movies
Batman (1966): Penguin | Catwoman | Joker | Riddler
Batman (1989): Joker | Joker Goons (Bob Hawkins) | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill | Harvey Dent
Batman Returns: Penguin | Red Triangle Circus Gang (Organ Grinder, Poodle Lady, Tattooed Strongman, Stungun Clown, Thin Clown, Fat Clown, Sword Swallower, Knifethrower Dame & Fire Breather) | Max Shreck | Catwoman
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm: Phantasm | Joker | Salvatore Valestra | Arthur Reeves | Chuckie Sol | Buzz Bronski
Batman Forever: Riddler | Two-Face | Sugar | Spice | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Neon Gang (Neon Gang Leader) | Salvatore Maroni
Batman & Robin: Poison Ivy | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Snowy Cones Thugs | Golums | Jason Woodrue
Batman Begins: Ra's al Ghul | League of Shadows (Ra's Decoy) | Scarecrow | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Victor Zsasz, & Arnold Flass) | Joe Chill
The Dark Knight: Joker | Joker's Thugs (Thomas Schiff, Chuckles, Kilson, Happy, Dopey, Grumpy & Bus Driver) | Two-Face | Sal Maroni | The Chechen | Gambol | Lau | Bank Manager | Michael Wuertz | Burmese Bandit
The Dark Knight Rises: League of Shadows (Bane, Talia al Ghul & Barsad) | Catwoman | John Daggett | Phillip Stryver | Ra's al Ghul | Scarecrow
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Lex Luthor | Doomsday | Anatoli Knyazev | Mercy Graves | Cesar Santos | Amajagh | Joe Chill | Zod | Joker | Steppenwolf
Suicide Squad: Eyes of the Adversary (Enchantress & Incubus) | Suicide Squad (Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Slipknot & Amanda Waller) | Joker's Gang (Joker, Jonny Frost, Panda Man & Monster T) | Griggs
The Lego Batman Movie: Joker | Harley Quinn | Phantom Zone Criminals (Zod, Sauron, Kraken, Lord Voldemort, Agent Smith, Jaws, Gremlins, Medusa, Lord Vampyre, Wicked Witch of the West, Flying Monkeys, The Swamp Creature & Daleks) | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Two-Face | Bane | Riddler | Salvatore Maroni
Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Wall Street Three | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend
The Batman (2022): Riddler | Falcone Crime Syndicate (Carmine Falcone, Penguin, William Kenzie, Vinnie, & The Twins) | Catwoman | Salvatore Maroni | Riddler's Cult | Pete Savage | Gil Colson | Don Mitchell Jr. | Train Gang | Joker

Direct-to-video Movies
Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero: Mr. Freeze | Dr. Gregory Belson
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker: Joker | The Jokerz (Chucko, Dee-Dee, Ghoul, Bonk, & Woof) | Harley Quinn
Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne
The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold
Batman: Under the Red Hood: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Ms. Li
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday
Batman: Year One: Batman | Gotham City Police Department (Commissioner Loeb, Arnold John Flass, & Howard Branden) | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone & Johnny Viti) | Catwoman | Joker
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Joker | Mutant Leader | Ellen Yindel | Harvey Dent | Selina Kyle
Son of Batman: Deathstroke | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Ubu | Killer Croc | Man-Bats
Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider, KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy
Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered: Bat-Mite | Lex Luthor | Joker | Penguin | Man-Bat | Captain Cold | Black Manta
Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha Vanaver, Talon, Owls Lieutenant, & Talon Warriors) | Dollmaker
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts: Animalitia (Penguin, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Cheetah & Silverback)
Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem: Joker | Scarecrow | Clayface | Silver Banshee | Solomon Grundy
Batman: Bad Blood: League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, The Heretic, Onyx, Firefly, Tusk, Mad Hatter, Electrocutioner, Hellhound, Calculator, & Killer Moth) | Black Mask
Batman: The Killing Joke: Joker | Vinnie & Joe | Paris Franz
Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants: Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Cheetah | Hush | Mad Hatter | Two-Face | Bane | Chemo | Killer Croc | Clayface | Joker | Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders: Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Catwoman | Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Clock King | Egghead | False Face | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Minstrel | Mr. Freeze | Sandman | Shame | Siren
Batman and Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Floronic Man
Batman vs. Two-Face: Two-Face | Hugo Strange | Catwoman | King Tut | Bookworm | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Clock King | Egghead | Mr. Freeze | Shame | Harley Quinn
Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Riddler | Clayface | Joker | Mr. Freeze | Catwoman | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight: Jack the Ripper | Barbara-Eileen Gordon | Selina Kyle | Harvey Dent | Hugo Strange
Batman Ninja: Joker | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Gorilla Grodd | Bane | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Deathstroke | Two-Face
Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman) | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Ubu) | Joker | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Freeze | Scarecrow | Two-Face | Poison Ivy | Bane
Batman: Hush: Riddler/Hush | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Bane | Joker | Harley Quinn | Clayface | Scarecrow | Lex Luthor | Lady Shiva | Two-Face | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Thomas Elliot
Batman: Death in the Family: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Talia al Ghul | Cheetah | Two-Face
Batman: Soul of the Dragon: Nāga | Kobra (Jeffery Burr, Schlangenfaust, Lady Eve, King Snake & Rip Jagger) | Ben Turner | Shiva | Richard Dragon | Jade
Batman: The Long Halloween: Holiday | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Milos Grapa, Alberto Falcone, Johnny Viti, & Sofia Falcone) | Two-Face | Joker | Solomon Grundy | Salvatore Maroni | Poison Ivy | Penguin | Scarecrow | Mad Hatter | San Ho Hui (Mickey Chen) | Calendar Man | Catwoman

Batman 60s show
Joker | Penguin | Catwoman | Riddler | Mr. Freeze | The Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Egghead | Clock King | Queenie Goldstein | Sandman | Dr. Cassandra Spellcraft | Cabala | Minstrel | Shame | False Face | The Siren | Undine | Chandell & Harry | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Cornelia | Baby Jane Towser | Lydia Limpet | Zelda the Great | The Puzzler | Olga, Queen of Cossacks | Marsha, Queen of Diamonds | Lord Marmaduke Ffogg | Lady Penelope Peasoup | Ma Parker | Freddy the Fence | Lola Lasagne | Nora Clavicle | Colonel Gumm | Minerva | Killer Moth | Calamity Jan

1970s Filmation series
Joker | Catwoman | Penguin | Riddler | Clayface | Mr Freese | Sweet Tooth

Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures
Joker | Two-Face | Harley Quinn | Penguin | Catwoman | Rupert Thorne | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Mad Hatter | Killer Croc | Clayface | Ra's al Ghul | Mr. Freeze | Man-Bat | Ventriloquist and Scarface | Roland Daggett | Clock King | Bane | Hugo Strange | Lloyd Ventrix | Kyodai Ken | Baby Doll | Emile Dorian | Red Claw | Boss Biggis | Sewer King | Talia al Ghul | Maxie Zeus | Lock-Up | Professor Milo | Count Vertigo | Daniel Mockridge | Grant Walker | Gil Mason | Arkady Duvall | Ferris Boyle | Arnold Stromwell | Tony Zucco | H.A.R.D.A.C. | Randa Duane | Batman Clone | Calendar Girl

The Batman (2004)
Joker | Penguin | Bane | Catwoman | Mr. Freeze | Ethan Bennett | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Firefly | Riddler | Punch & Judy | Kabuki Twins | Hugo Strange | Cluemaster | Ragdoll | Temblor | Poison Ivy | Tony Zucco | Count Vertigo | Harley Quinn | Maxie Zeus | Clayface | Gearhead | Francis Grey | Killer Moth | D.A.V.E. | Dracula | Rumor | Toyman | Mirror Master | Lex Luthor | Black Mask | Sinestro | Joker 2.0 | Prank | Killgore Steed | Team Penguin | Julie | Spellbinder | Blaze | The Joining | Cosmo Krank | Marty Slacker | Scorn | Wrath | Metallo | Shadow-Thief

Batman: The Brave and The Bold
Joker | Music Meister | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Clayface | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Lex Luthor | Flower Children | Harley Quinn | Morgaine Le Fey | Sweet Tooth | Queenie Goldstein | Bane | Kite Man | Black Manta | Gentleman Ghost | Major Force | Mirror Master | Metallo | Brainiac | Flamingo | Mxyzptlk | Toyman | Thinker | Doctor Sivana | Mister Mind | Black Adam

Beware the Batman
Anarky | Ra's al Ghul | Deathstroke | Harvey Dent | Killer Croc | Simon Stagg | Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad | Man-Bat | Cypher | Magpie | Lady Shiva | Tobias Whale | Phosphorus Rex | Lunkhead | Humpty Dumpty | Silver Monkey | Key | Bethany Ravencroft | Daedalus Boch | Junkyard Dog | Sapphire Stagg | Matatoa | Anatol Mykros

Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Joker | Scarecrow | Queen of Fables | Darkseid | Parademons | Penguin | Mr. Freeze | Bane | Lex Luthor | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Riddler | Deadshot | Calendar Man | Condiment King | Solomon Grundy | Kite Man | Doctor Psycho | Clayface | King Shark | Nora Fries | Sy Borgman | Doctor Trap | Frank the Plant | Felix Faust | Toyman | Metallo | Livewire | Parasite | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grodd | Black Manta | Cheetah | Giganta | Sinestro | Maxie Zeus | Eris | KGBeast | Two-Face | Catwoman | Nick Quinzel | Sharon Quinzel

Video Games
LEGO Batman
Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Two-Face | Bane | Clayface | Killer Croc | Killer Moth | Mad Hatter | Man-Bat | Mr. Freeze | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Ra's al Ghul | Hush

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Joker | Lex Luthor | Harley Quinn | Riddler | Two-Face | Catwoman | Bane | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Captain Boomerang | Clayface | Mad Hatter | Ra's al Ghul | Killer Croc | Bane | Killer Moth | Mr. Freeze | Man-Bat | Hush | Zod | Sinestro | Brainiac | Gorilla Grodd | Captain Cold | Black Manta | Black Adam | Bizarro

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Brainiac | Joker | Lex Luthor | Cheetah | Solomon Grundy | Firefly | Killer Croc | Sinestro | Atrocitus | Larfleeze | Star Sapphire | Composite Superman | Bane | Arkillo | Condiment King | Music Meister | Captain Cold | Black Adam | Black Manta | Black Hand | Bronze Tiger Cyborg Superman | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Lobo | Dex-Starr | Doomsday | Gorilla Grodd | Harley Quinn | Hush | Kalibak | Killer Moth | Man-Bat | Mad Hatter | Manchester Black | Metallo | Mr. Freeze | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Parasite | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Polka Dot Man | Red Hood | Riddler | Toyman | The Trickster | Ultra-Humanite | Catwoman | Bizarro | Amanda Waller | Captain Boomerang | El Diablo | King Shark | Killer Frost | Plastique | Terra | Zod | Faora | Joker | Two-Face | Ra's al Ghul | Bane | Catwoman | Scarecrow | Blight | Joker | Mr. Freeze | Arrow Deathstroke | Malcolm Merlyn | Darkseid

Superman | Wonder Woman | Yellow Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Nightwing | Cyborg | Raven | Solomon Grundy | Catwoman | Bane | Black Adam | Deadshot | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Joker | Deathstroke

See Also
Arkhamverse Villains | Batgirl Villains | Batman Beyond Villains | Batwoman Villains | Birds of Prey Villains | Catwoman Villains | Gotham Villains | Harley Quinn Villains | Nightwing Villains | Outsiders Villains | Red Hood Villains | Robin Villains | Telltalle Batman Villains

           Justice League Villains

Abra Kadabra | Amanda Waller | Amos Fortune | Amazo | Anarky | Angle Man | Anti-Justice League | Anti-Monitor | Appellaxians | Aquarius | Asmodel | Atomic Skull | Axis America | Bane | Barbatos | The Batman Who Laughs | Black Adam | Black Hand | Black Lantern Corps | Black Manta | Black Mask | Black Spider | Blockbuster | Blue Beetle (Dark Multiverse) | Brainiac | Bronze Tiger | Brother Eye | Brotherhood of Evil | Cadre | Calculator | Calendar Man | Captain Boomerang | Captain Cold | Castle Bat | Catalyst | Catman | Catwoman | Cheetah | Chemo | Cheshire | Circe | Clayface | Clock King | Cluemaster | Copperhead | Construct | Cosmic King | Crazy Quilt | Crime Syndicate of America | Crucifer | Cyborgirl | Darkseid | Dark Supergirl | Deadline | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Demolition Team | Demons Three | Despero | Doctor Alchemy | Doctor Destiny | Doctor Double X | Doctor Impossible | Doctor Light | Doctor Manhattan | Doctor Phosphorus | Doctor Polaris | Doctor Poison | Doctor Psycho | Doctor Regulus | Doctor Sivana | Dominators | Doomsday | Dragon King | Dumas | Earthworm | Eclipso | Electrocutioner | Elite | Empty Hand | Enchantress | Epoch the Lord of Time | Eradicator | Evil Star | Fatal Five | Felix Faust | Fiddler | Floronic Man | Funky Flashman | Gamemnae | General Eiling | Genocide | Gentleman Ghost | Golden Gilder | Goldface | Gorilla Grodd | Great Darkness | Gunhawk | Harley Quinn | Hector Hammond | Hellgrammite | Human Flame | Hyena | Ibac | Icicle | Imperiex | Intergang | I.Q. | Johnny Sorrow | Joker | Key | Killer Croc | Killer Frost | Killer Moth | Kite Man | Kobra | Kobra Cult | Krona | League Buster | League of Assassins | Legion of Doom | Lex Luthor | Libra | Lobo | Mad Hatter | Mageddon | Magpie | Manchester Black | Manhunters | Matter Master | Maxwell Lord | Mekanique | Merlyn | Mirror Master | Mister Atom | Mister Mind | Mister Nebula | Mr. Freeze | Mongul | Mordru | Morgaine Le Fey | Multiplex | Nekron | Nekron (Pre-Crisis) | Neron | Neutron | Nightshade | Obsidan | Ocean Master | Overman | Pariah | Parademons | Parasite | Penguin | Perpetua | Pied Piper | Plastique | Poison Ivy | Professor Ivo | Professor Zoom | Prometheus | Psycho-Pirate | Queen Bee | Queen of Fables | Ra's al Ghul | Rainbow Raider | Rama Khan | Red Death | Red King | Red Panzer | Red Volcano | Riddler | Roulette | Royal Flush Gang | Satanus | Scarecrow | Science Squad | Secret Society of Super Villains | Shadow-Thief | Shaggy Man | Shark | Simon Stagg | Sinestro | Solomon Grundy | Star Sapphire | Starbreaker | Starro | Steppenwolf | Suicide Squad | Superboy-Prime | Tattooed Man | Terra-Man | T.O. Morrow | Two-Face | Upside Down Man | Ultra-Humanite | Vandal Savage | Volcana | Warp | Weather Wizard | White Martians | Wizard

Theatrical Movies
Justice League: Steppenwolf | Parademons (Parademon Scout) | Darkseid | Black Clad (Black Clad Alpha) | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Ares
Zack Snyder's Justice League: Darkseid's Elite (Darkseid, Steppenwolf, DeSaad, Granny Goodness, & Parademons) | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Black Clad (Black Clad Alpha) | Ares | Joker

Direct-to-video Movies
Justice League: The New Frontier: The Centre | Captain Cold
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths: Crime Syndicate of America (Owlman, Ultraman, Superwoman, Johnny Quick, Power Ring, J'edd J'arkus, & Black Power) | Lex Luthor | White Martians | President Slade Wilson | Rose Wilson
Justice League: Doom: Legion of Doom (Vandal Savage, Bane, Cheetah, Ma'alefa'ak, Metallo, Mirror Master, & Star Sapphire) | Royal Flush Gang (King, Queen, Jack, Ace, & Ten)
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox: Professor Zoom | Wonder Woman | Aquaman | Ocean Master | Black Manta | Deathstroke | Lex Luthor | Clayface | Rogues (Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, Top, Heat Wave, & Mirror Master) | Joker | Yo-Yo
Justice League: War: Darkseid | Desaad | Parademons | Ocean Master
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis: Ocean Master | Black Manta | The Trench | Lex Luthor
Justice League League: Gods and Monsters: Will Magnus
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Trigon | Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul
Justice League vs. the Fatal Five: Fatal Five (Emerald Empress, Mano, Persuader, Tharok, & Validus) | Bloodsport | Two-Face | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy

Video Games
Injustice: Gods Among Us: One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Yellow Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg, Shazam, Nightwing, Raven, Hawkgirl, Sinestro, Black Adam, Killer Frost, Solomon Grundy, Catwoman, Bane, & Doomsday) | Joker | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Ares
Injustice 2: Brainiac | Gorilla Grodd | Captain Cold | Reverse Flash | Cheetah | Deadshot | Poison Ivy | Bane | Scarecrow | One Earth Regime (Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Nightwing & Black Adam) | Dr. Fate | The Lords of Order | Grid | Atrocitus | Joker | Darkseid

See Also
Justice League Dark Villains | Justice League International Villains | Justice Society Villains | Young Justice Villains

           TeenTitansLogoPrimeEarth Villains

Andre LeBlanc | Anti-Monitor | Arsenal | Bane | The Batman Who Laughs | Blackfire | Blizzard | Brother Blood | Brotherhood of Evil (Brain, Monsieur Mallah, Madame Rouge & General Immortus) | Brutale | Calculator | Cheshire | Clock King | Damien Darhk | Deathstroke | Deuce & Charger | Deathwing | Ding Dong Daddy | Doctor Light | Doctor Polaris | Duela Dent | Electrocutioner | Firefly | Gentleman Ghost | Gizmo | Harley Quinn | Holocaust | Ice Kate | Jericho | Jinx | Joker | Kid Kold | Killer Croc | Kwiz Kid | Legion of Doom (Superboy-Prime, Sun Girl, Headcase, Inertia, Indigo, Persuader, Zookeeper) | Lex Luthor | Mad Hatter | Mammoth | Mantis | Match | Mister Freeze | Mister Twister | Neron | Neutron | Ocean Master | Penguin | Phobia | Plasmus | Poison Ivy | Prometheus | Psimon | Puppeteer | Pylon | Ravager | Riddler | Royal Flush Gang | Suicide Squad | Shimmer | Sunburst | Terra | Terra (Dark Multiverse) | Terror Titans | The Agent | Trident | Trigon | Twister | Two-Face | Veil | Ultra-Humanite | Warp | Wildebeest | Wintergreen

Teen Titans (2003)
Slade | Terra | Trigon | Blackfire | H.I.V.E. Five (Jinx, Gizmo, Mammoth, Billy Numerous, See-More, & Kyd Wykkyd) | Dr. Light | Cinderblock | Brother Blood | Brotherhood of Evil (Brain, Monsieur Mallah, Madame Rouge & General Immortus) | Control Freak | Puppet King | Killer Moth | Mad Mod | Mother Mae-Eye | Mumbo Jumbo | Plasmus | Overload | Nega Cyborg | Nega Starfire | Nega Beast Boy | Fang | Kitten | Angel | Adonis | Johnny Rancid | Malchior | Master of Games | Ternion | Glgrdsklechhh | The Source | Guard | Kardiak | White Monster | Thunder & Lighting | Atlas | XL Terrestrial | H.I.V.E. Academy | Private H.I.V.E. | H.I.V.E. Headmistress | H.I.V.E. Soldiers | Krall | Radiation Creature | I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. | Professor Chang | Sammy & Cash | Steamroller | Wrestling Star | Baron Ryang | Punk Rocket | Soto | Space Monster | Katarou | Red X | Trogaar

Teen Titans Go!
Trigon | Terra | Slade | Cinderblock | Plasmus | H.I.V.E. Five (Gizmo, Jinx, Mammoth, See-More & Billy Numerous) | Brother Blood | Dr. Light | Control Freak | Mumbo Jumbo | Mad Moe | Killer Moth | Kitten | Mother Mae-Eye | Punk Rocket | Brotherhood of Evil (Brain, Monsieur Mallah & Madame Rouge) | Rose Wilson | Raging Raven | Blackfire | Darkseid | Doomsday | Pain Bot | Sandwich Guardians | Ed | Flex | Muscle | Magic God | Vegetor | Twin Destroyers of Azarath | Slime Monster | Scary Teri | The Invisible Man | Pelicans | Perfect Sandwich | Death | Honk | Giant Robotic Alien | Klatak | Legion of Doom | Santa Claus | Tooth Fairy | Halloween Spirit | Hurt Bot | The Whisper | Money Mummy | Dr. Otto Von Death | Lumino | Piglets | Evil Dragon | The Lumberjack | Dr. Military | Toy Master | Richard Nixon | Muscleor | Punk Crabs | Ultralak | Taker | Ratings Monster | Beetlejuice | Strike

Titans (2018)
Trigon | Dr. Adamson | Nuclear Family (Nuclear Dad, Nuclear Stepdad, Nuclear Mom, Nuclear Sis & Nuclear Biff) | Angela Azarath | Joker | Deathstroke | Cadmus Laboratories (Mercy Graves & Walter Hawn) | Dr. Light | Wintergreen | Shimmer | Blackfire | Scarecrow | Jason Todd | Cyrus Beake

Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo: Uehara Daizo | Brushogun | Saico-Tek | Nya-Nya | Deka-Mido | Timoko | Mecha-Boi | Scarface
Justice League vs. Teen Titans: Trigon | Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul
Teen Titans: The Judas Contract: H.I.V.E./Church of Blood (Brother Blood, Mother Mayhem, Deathstroke & Terra)
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies: Slade | Balloon Man
Teen Titans Go! vs. Teen Titans: Hexagon (Trigon (Teen Titans Go!) & Trigon (Teen Titans)) | Master of Games | Gentleman Ghost | Megan Claus | Raven's Demon

Video Games
Injustice: Superman | Nightwing | Cyborg | Raven | Bane | Catwoman | Solomon Grundy | Killer Frost | Deathstroke

           Justice SocietyVillains

Adolf Hitler | Amos Fortune | Atomic Skull | Avatar of Tech | Black Adam | Blackbriar Thorn | Brainwave | Brutale | Captain Nazi | Crime Champions | Darkseid | Demons Three | Doctor Destiny | Doctor Polaris | Dragon King | Eclipso | Empty Hand | Evil Star | Extant | Felix Faust | Fiddler | Fisherman | Fourth Reich | Gambler | Gentleman Ghost | Gog | Ian Karkull | Icicle | Injustice Society | Johnny Sorrow | Key | Kid Karnevil | King Kull | Kobra | Kulak | Major Force | Mekanique | Mirror Master | Monocle | Mordru | Nekron | Onimar Synn | Per Degaton | Plasmus | Psycho-Pirate | Roulette | Science Squad | Secret Society of Super Villains | Solomon Grundy | Spectre | Spirit King | Sportsmaster | Thinker | Ultra-Humanite | Vandal Savage | Weather Wizard | Weeper | White Dragon | Wizard | Wotan

Justice Society: World War II
Charles Halstead | Brainiac

Injustice Society of America (Icicle, Brainwave, Sportsmaster, Tigress, Solomon Grundy, Gambler, Dragon King, Anaya Bowin, & Wizard) | Eclipso | Injustice Unlimited (Cindy Burman, Fiddler, & Artemis Crock) | Shade

           Harley Quinn (2016) DC logo Villains

Amanda Waller | Basilisk | Black Mask | Bud and Lou | Catwoman | Calendar Man | Clock King | Dark Knights | Deadshot | Egg Fu | The Enchantress | Female Furies | Floronic Man | Gotham Sirens | Granny Goodness | Harley Quinn | Hugo Strange | James Gordon, Jr. | Joker | Joker's Daughter | King Shark | Lord Death Man | Mercy Graves | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Punchline | Riddler | Scarecrow | Sportsmaster | Suicide Squad | Two-Face | Zod

Suicide Squad: Eyes of the Adversary (Enchantress & Incubus) | Suicide Squad (Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Slipknot & Amanda Waller) | Joker's Gang (Joker, Jonny Frost, Panda Man & Monster T) | Griggs
Batman and Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Floronic Man
Suicide Squad: Hell To Pay: Professor Zoom | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Bronze Tiger, Copperhead, Punch, Jewelee, & Count Vertigo) | Killer Frost | Blockbuster | Silver Banshee | Vandal Savage | Scandal Savage | Professor Pyg | Tobias Whale | League of Assassins (Deathstroke) | Two-Face
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn): Harley Quinn | Huntress | Black Mask | Victor Zsasz | Stefano Galante | Carlo Rossi | Happy | Joker
The Suicide Squad: The Thinker | Starro | Silvio Luna | Corto Maltese Armed Forces (Mateo Suarez & Vera) | Suicide Squad (Bloodsport, Ratcatcher 2, Harley Quinn, Peacemaker, King Shark, Polka Dot Man, Captain Boomerang, Blackguard, Mongal, Javelin, The Detachable Kid, Weasel, Savant & Amanda Waller) | Kaleidoscope | Calendar Man | Double Down | Karma | Ratcatcher | Polka Dot Man's Mother | Bloodsport's Father

Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Clayface | King Shark | Joker | Scarecrow | Queen of Fables | Penguin | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Doctor Psycho | Riddler | Two-Face | Catwoman | Bane | Mr. Freeze | Deadshot | Solomon Grundy | Calendar Man | Condiment King | Felix Faust | Lex Luthor | Toyman | Metallo | Livewire | Parasite | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grodd | Black Manta | Cheetah | Giganta | Sinestro | Maxie Zeus | Eris | KGBeast | Bud and Lou | Nora Fries | Sy Borgman | Doctor Trap | Frank the Plant | Kite Man | Nick Quinzel | Sharon Quinzel | Darkseid | Parademons

Video Games
Batman: Arkham Knight: Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Penguin
Injustice: Superman | Poison Ivy | Deadshot | Scarecrow | Wonder Woman | Joker Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Brainiac | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, & King Shark) | Superman (Arkhamverse | Flash | Gizmo | Penguin

           183-1830366 dc-entertainment-announces-new-amazon-miniseries-and-dc Villains

Anti-Monitor | Atomic Skull | The Batman Who Laughs | Black Adam | Black Manta | Brainwave | Carol Ferris | Darkseid | Despero | Dominators | Doomsday | General Wade Eiling | Giganta | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Legion of Doom | Lex Luthor | Major Force | Nekron | Plastique | Queen Bee | Scarecrow | Sinestro | Star Sapphire

            Jonah Hex Comic logoVillains

The Batman Who Laughs | Buffalo Will | Court of Owls | El Papagayo | George Barrow | Gray Ghost | Long Tom | Quentin Turnbull | Reinhold Borsten | Religion of Crime | Vandal Savage | Z.C. Branke

Jonah Hex: Quentin Turnbull | Burke
DC Showcase: Jonah Hex: Madame Lorraine

           John Constasntine Hellblazer logo Villains

Beelzebub | Blythe | Brujería | Cain | Demons Three | Despondeo | Felix Faust | First of the Fallen | Gabriel | Great Darkness | Lucifer Morningstar | Mnemoth | Nergal | Neron | Nicolas Nolan | Papa Midnite

Constantine: Gabriel | Mammon | Balthazar | Lucifer Morningstar
Constantine: City Of Demons: The Movie: Nergal
Constantine: The House of Mystery: Nergal | Beelzebub | Ashox

Manny | Papa Midnite | Mnemoth | Felix Faust | Pazuzu | Invunche | Imogen | Nergal | Thomas Galen

Video Games
Gabriel | Mammon | Balthazar | Lucifer Morningstar

           CatwomanTitle Villains

Angle Man | Amygdala | Anarky | Bane | Billy Numerous | Black Lantern Corps | Black Mask | Calculator | Captain Cold | Carmine Falcone | Catman | Catwoman | Chesire | Cheetah | Chemo | Court of Owls | Deadshot | Deathstroke | Falcone Crime Family | Gorilla Grodd | Gotham Sirens | Harley Quinn | Hellhound | Hugo Strange | Hush | Joker | Killer Croc | Lady Shiva | League of Assassins | Lex Luthor | Magpie | Maxie Zeus | Mercy Graves | Merlyn the Archer | Mister Freeze | Neron | Nightslayer | Phantasm | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Punchline | Ratcatcher | Red Claw | Riddler | Scarecrow | Snowflame | Solomon Grundy | Suicide Squad | Talia al Ghul | Two-Face

Catwoman (2004): Patience Phillips/Catwoman | Hedare Beauty (Laurel Hedare & George Hedare)
DC Showcase: Catwoman: Rough Cut
Catwoman: Hunted: Catwoman | Leviathan (Barbara Minerva/Cheetah, Black Mask, Tobias Whale, Boss Moxie, Tzin-Tzin, La Dama & Mr. Yakuza) | League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, Cheshire & Nosferata) | Solomon Grundy

Gotham City Sirens
Gotham City Sirens: Catwoman | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy
Others: Joker

Video Games
Batman: Arkham City: Catwoman episodes: Catwoman | Two-Face | Poison Ivy | Hugo Strange | Two-Face's Gang | TYGER
Batman: Arkham Knight: Catwoman's Revenge: Catwoman | Riddler | Riddler Thugs
Injustice: Superman | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Deadshot | Bane | Grid

           Batwoman logo  Villains

Abbadonia | Alice | Amygdala | Bane | The Batman Who Laughs | Black Mask | Bloody Mary | Bruno Mannheim | Catwoman | Christopher Falchion | Court of Owls | Cutter | Deathstroke | Delores Winters | Duela Dent | The Drowned | Firefly | Fright | Green Fairy | Harley Quinn | Hugo Strange | Hush | Intergang | Joker | Killer Croc | Killer Moth | Killshot | Kobra Cult | Kyle Abbot | La Llorona | Lamprey | Mad Hatter | Many Arms of Death | Maro Ito | Medusa | Morgaine Le Fey | Mortician | Mr. Freeze | Nathan Grantham | Nocturna | Night-Thief | Nyx | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Professor Pyg | Ra's al Ghul | Religion of Crime | Riddler | Rush | Scarecrow | Scatter | Scorpiana | Sister Shard | Tahani | Talia al Ghul | Two-Face | Victor Zsasz | Whisper A'Daire | Wolf Spider

Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne
Batman: Bad Blood: League of Assassins (Talia al Ghul, The Heretic, Onyx, Firefly, Tusk, Mad Hatter, Electrocutioner, Hellhound, Calculator, & Killer Moth) | Black Mask

Season 1: Wonderland Gang (Alice, Jonathan Cartwright, & Chuck Dodgson) | August Cartwright | Hush | Crows Security (Catherine Hamilton-Kane & Miguel Robles) | Magpie | The Executioner | The Rifle | Anti-Monitor | Monitor | Lex Luthor | Bruce Wayne (Earth-99) | Shadow Demons | Nocturna | Duela Dent | Mabel Cartwright | Johnny Sabatino | Tim Teslow | Safiyah Sohail | Joker
Season 2: Many Arms of Death (Safiyah Sohail, Tatiana, The Pike, & Dire-Flail) | False Face Society (Black Mask, Rudy, & Circe Sionis) | Alice | Enigma | Crows Security (Russell Tavaroff & Miller) | Ethan Rogers | Hush | Victor Zsasz | Candy Lady | Amygdala | Ellis O'Brien | Kilovolt | Cluemaster | Gotham City Police Department | Wonderland Gang (Jonathan Cartwright) | Catherine Hamilton-Kane | Joker
Season 3: Marquis Jet | Alice | Poison Ivy | Mary Hamilton | Liam Crandle | Killer Croc | Professor Pyg | Victor Zsasz | Kiki Roulette | Joker | Jonathan Cartwright | Black Glove Society (Virgil Getty)

Superman | Brainiac | Wonder Woman

           Lobo DC logo Villains

Atrocitus | The Batman Who Laughs | Butt Thump Willie D | Darkseid | Deathstroke | Devilance | Doomsday | Klarion the Witch Boy | Inspector Rigor Mortis | Johnny Caesar | Killer Croc | Lady Styx | Lobo | Neron | Penguin | Porque "Bronc" Chauvez | Red Lantern Corps | Royal Flush Gang | Santa Claus | Scarecrow | Sinestro | Sinestro Corps | Star Sapphire | Suicide Squad | Su-Lehmon | Superboy-Prime | Two-Face | Ventriloquist and Scarface

2000 Webseries
Fat Whutzat | Lobo | MBA | Mudboy | Snake | Sunny Jim

           Plastic Man % 281943-1956% 29 logo 2 Villains

Amazo | Anti-Monitor | The Batman Who Laughs | Bizarro | Catman | Catwoman | Clayface | Clock King | Cluemaster | Deathstroke | Doctor Dome | Doctor Psycho | Dollmaker | Hugo Strange | Icicle | Killer Croc | Kite Man | League of Assassins | Lex Luthor | Lobo | Mad Hatter | Man-Bat | Parasite | Per Degaton | Poison Ivy | Prankster | Queen Bee | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Simon Stagg | Solomon Grundy | Sportsmaster | Talia al Ghul | Toyman | Two-Face

           Fortnite-logo Villains

Imagined Order
Geno | Doctor Slone | Gunnar

The Last Reality
The Cube Queen

Guest Stars
Thanos | Chitauri | Black Widow | Demogorgon | Psychos | Pennywise | Catwoman | Kylo Ren | Michael Myers | Stormtroopers | Harley Quinn | Deadpool | Black Manta | Doctor Doom | Mystique | Sentinels | Galactus | Rick & Morty | The Joker | Poison Ivy | Venom/Eddie Brock | Kratos | Taskmaster | Green Arrow | Predators | The Terminator | Xenomorphs | Deathstroke | Loki | Bloodsport | Starro | Dude | Carnage | Frankenstein's Monster | The Mummy | The Batman Who Laughs | Lex Luthor | Jinx | Dark Phoenix | Sasuke Uchiha | Boba Fett | Cobra Kai | Green Goblin | Fennec Shand | Rogue | Prowler | Scarlet Witch | Ghosts | Darth Vader | Gaara | Itachi Uchiha | Orochimaru | John Cena | Vegeta | Beerus | Frieza | Darth Maul

Big Chuggus | Cuddlepool | Cyclo | Ice Queen | Jaeger | Midas | Shogun | Tempest
