Antagonists Wiki

Thanos is the main antagonist of the Infinity Saga in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

He was a powerful intergalactic alien warlord from the planet Titan who rules over a dead dimension and commands a massive army known as the Chitauri. He allied himself with Loki to invade Earth, and allied with Ronan the Accuser to destroy Xandar, both in exchange for the deliverance of two powerful Infinity gems, but they both failed to accomplish this task and betrayed him.

He appears in or is referenced in several of the movies in Phases 1 through 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He was portrayed by Damion Poitier in The Avengers, by Josh Brolin in Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, and by Sean Gunn (motion capture for Guardians of the Galaxy).


He serves as overarching antagonist of Phase 1 and 2 and the main antagonist of Phase 3

The overarching antagonist of Avengers,Guardians of the Galaxy,Age of Ultron and the titular main antagonist of Infinity War and Endgame

The main antagonist of Avengers series and the overarching antagonist of guardians of the Galaxy trilogy

He serves as unseen overarching antagonist of Phase 4 and 5,and the overarching and final antagonist of Avengers: Secret Wars.


Thanos's past is unknown at this point and how he came to power. Not even his species has been fully discovered, sans the assumption that he is an Eternal. It is known that at some point, he gained control over the deadly army of the Chitauri, and took the assassin Gamora as his daughter after killing her people. Also taken in was Nebula, a cyborg; she and Gamora had a sibling rivalry, but became attached, with Nebula saying "of all our siblings, I hated you the least", suggesting that there were many other siblings. Thanos once calls Gamora "my favorite daughter" without considering Nebula being present at the moment.

Thanos greatly desired the Infinity Stones, objects of immense power that held considerable dominance over the various forces that occupied the universe, and forged several alliances in order to locate them. According to Infinity War co-writer Stephen McFeely, he desires them so as to "re-balance the universe", but what this exactly means is unknown. He somehow obtained the Mind Stone, which could mind-control people, and put it into a spear of his own making; the other Stones, however, eluded him.

In The Avengers, Thanos appears in a post-credits scene, where the Other tells Thanos that the Tesseract, the Space Stone, is in a small world, a human world. It also informs him that Loki is ready to lead the Chitauri, and so he was given the scepter with the Mind Stone to go get the Tesseract. In a post-credits scene, Thanos is revealed to have been Loki's benefactor, having provided the Chitauri Army used by Loki in his attempted invasion of Earth. When advised by the Other that opposing the Avengers would be "to court death", as the human race was not as weak as Loki claimed, Thanos glances at the camera and flashes an evil grin.

Thanos plays a more active role in the film, where he has enlisted the help of Ronan, Korath, and his daughters, Gamora and Nebula, to retrieve the Orb (Power Stone) for him. As it turns out, Gamora is not actually Thanos's daughter, since Thanos killed Gamora's family and snatched her as an infant to train her into the perfect assassin, having abused and tormented her in the process of doing so. This causes Gamora to betray Thanos, which leads to a chain of events that leads to Gamora finding her true calling as a protector of the universe and a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. When Ronan and Nebula are called to discuss Gamora's betrayal, Ronan kills The Other, who was speaking for Thanos. Thanos does not react to this, but is angry at Ronan for not obtaining the Orb (and for apparently alienating Gamora). He says he will destroy Xandar for Ronan if he brings him the Orb, and will "bathe the star-ways with [his] blood" if he does not.

Thanos promised Ronan that he will help Ronan destroy Xandar in exchange for Ronan's services. However, once Ronan gets a hold of the Orb, he feels he no longer needs Thanos help and also decides to betray him. Nebula also decides to betray Thanos out of jealousy over Thanos showing preference for Gamora over her. Ronan and Nebula take Korath with them. In the end, Ronan and Korath are killed by the Guardians of the Galaxy (including Gamora), Nebula escapes and becomes a renegade villain independent of Thanos, and the Guardians give the Orb to the Nova Corps for safekeeping. Drax the Destroyer, who got revenge on Ronan for killing his family, decides to turn his attention to Thanos, as the latter was the one who sent Ronan to kill Drax's family.

However, Thanos is still determined to find the six Infinity Stones and the Infinity Gauntlet so he can use them to conquer the universe.

Following Ultron's defeat at the hands of the Avengers, Thanos appears in the film's mid-credits scene. Fed up with his henchmen failing him and betraying him, he goes into a white room in an unknown location and takes the Infinity Gauntlet from it's hiding place, swearing to collect all of the six Infinity Stones himself.


           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Villains

Ten Rings
Mandarin | Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar | Abu Bakaar | Ahmed | Omar | Ten Rings Agent | Jackson Norriss | HYDRA Buyer | Death Dealer | Razor Fist | Gao Lei

Strategic Operations Command Center
Abomination | Thunderbolt Ross

Hammer Industries
Justin Hammer | Jack | Hammer Drones

Frost Giants
Loki Laufeyson | Laufey | Grundroth | Hailstrum | Raze | Jotunheim Beast

Hive | Red Skull | Arnim Zola | Daniel Whitehall | Wolfgang von Strucker | Grant Ward | Gideon Malick

Centipede Group
John Garrett | Ian Quinn | Raina | Edison Po | Deathlok | Debbie | Vanchat | Scorch | Kaminsky

Alexander Pierce | Crossbones | Jack Rollins

Winter Soldiers
Vasily Karpov | Winter Soldier | Josef | Wilfred Nagel

Aida | General Hale | Wilfred Malick | Heinz Kruger | HYDRA Lieutenant | Velt | Jasper Sitwell | Russo | Senator Stern | List | Scarlet Witch | Quicksilver | Mitchell Carson | HYDRA Buyer | Sunil Bakshi | Absorbing Man | Agent 33 | Blizzard | Kebo | Werner von Strucker | Giyera | Lucio | Alisha Whitley | Primitives | Hero Mercs | Dr. Leopold Fitz | Alistair Fitz | Ruby Hale | Qovas | Senator Atwood | HYDRA's Champion

Adolf Hitler | Roeder | Hutter | Schneider

Black Order
Thanos | Ebony Maw

The Other | Leviathans | Chitauri Gorillas

Proxima Midnight | Corvus Glaive | Cull Obsidian | Nebula | Outriders | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Aldrich Killian | Eric Savin | Trevor Slattery | Ellen Brandt | Sweat Shop Agent | Ponytail Express | Maya Hansen | Vice President Rodriguez | Extremis Soldiers

Dark Elves
Malekith the Accursed | Kurse the Strong

Duhg | Kronan Marauder

Kree Empire
Supreme Intelligence | Ronan the Accuser

Yon-Rogg | Minn-Erva | Korath the Pursuer | Att-lass | Bron-Char

Kree Watch
Kasius | Sinara | Faulnak | Vicar | Tye

Vin-Tak | Soh-Larr | Sakaaran Mercenaries | Exolon Monks

Yondu Ravager Clan
Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Horuz | Vorker | Tullk | Oblo | Taserface | Gef | Retch | Halfnut | Brahl | Narblik | Huhtar

Inhuman Afterlife
Jiaying | Gordon | Calvin L. Johnson | Raina | Alisha Whitley

Red Room
General Dreykov | Taskmaster | Madame B | Dottie Underwood | Black Widows

Kingpin's Criminal Empire

Tracksuit Mafia
Echo | William Lopez | Clown | Ivan Banionis | Tomas | Enrique | Dmitri

James Wesley | Leland Owlsley | Christian Blake | Carl Hoffman | John Healy | Bullseye | Vanessa Marianna | Tammy Hattley | Felix Manning | Eleanor Bishop

The Hand
Madame Gao | Nobu Yoshioka | Bakuto | Alexandra Reid | Elektra Natchios | Murakami | Sowande

Felix Blake | Holden Radcliffe | Anton Ivanov | Tucker Shockley | Ellen Nadeer | Victor Ramon | Hellfire

Kaecilius | Lucian Aster

Ayesha | Sovereign Admiral | Zylak | Sovereign Chambermaid

Arishem the Judge | Eson the Searcher | Ego the Living Planet | Tiamut the Communicator

Bestman Salvage
Vulture | Tinkerer | Shocker #1 | Shocker #2 | Randy Vale

Berserker Army
Hela Odinsdottir | Skurge | Fenris Wolf

Sakaaran Guards
The Grandmaster | Topaz | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Fire Demons
Surtur | Fire Dragon

Cerberus Squad
Agent Orange | Blacksmith | Jigsaw | Morty Bennett | Carson Wolf | Punisher

The Pride
Jonah | Leslie Dean | Tina Minoru | Robert Minoru | Geoffrey Wilder | Catherine Wilder | Victor Stein | Janet Stein | Dale Yorkes | Stacey Yorkes

Sambisan Militants
Sambisan Captain

Talos | Norex

Mysterio's Crew

Molten Man | Hydro-Man | Sandman | Elemental Fusion

William Ginter Riva | Victoria Snow | Gutes Guterman | Janice Lincoln | Doug

Roxxon Corporation
Peter Scarborough | Terrors

Sarge's Squad
Sarge | Snowflake | Jaco | Pax

Chronicom Hunters
Sibyl | Atarah | Malachi | Luke | Baal-Gad | Abel | Isaiah

Sonny Burch's Gang
Sonny Burch | Uzman | Anitolov | Knox | Stoltz

The Coven
Morgan le Fay | Cassandra | Bronwyn

Georges Batroc | Ferdinand Lopez | Gerald Durand | Louie

Flag Smashers
Flag-Smasher | Dovich | Gigi | DeeDee | Lennox | Nico | Matias | Diego

Time Variance Authority
He Who Remains | Ravonna Renslayer | Miss Minutes | Hunter D-90 | Minuteman 90018371

Soul Eaters

Iron Man | Captain America | Hawkeye | Falcon | Doctor Strange | Wong | Ebony Maw | Cull Obsidian | Hank Pym | Janet van Dyne | Hope van Dyne | Happy Hogan | Sharon Carter | Scarlet Witch | Thanos

Ikaris | Sprite

Kro | Enkidu

Green Goblin | Sandman | Doctor Octopus

Electro | Lizard

Disciples of Ammit
Arthur Harrow | Ammit

Clan Destine
Najma | Fariha | Aadam | Saleem

Assorted Variants
Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Boastful Loki | President Loki | Glamshades Loki | Pokey Loki | Bicycle Loki | Infinity Ultron | The Collector | Yellowjacket | Strange Supreme | Sinister Strange | Prince Killmonger | Arnim Zola | Venom | Karl Mordo (Earth-838)

Iron Monger | Samuel Sterns | Tough Guy Leader | Whiplash | Anton Vanko | The Destroyer | Georgi Luchkov | Herman | White Power Dave | The Collector | Garthan Saal | Moloka Dar | Monstrous Inmate | Ultron | Ultron Sentinels | Ulysses Klaue | Yellowjacket | Helmut Zemo | Karl Mordo | Dormammu | Abilisk | Mac Gargan | Aaron Davis | Erik Killmonger | W'Kabi | Linbani | Linda | Dave | N'Jobu | Ghost | Bill Foster | Elihas Starr | Akihiko | J. Jonah Jameson | Valentina Allegra de Fontaine | Camilla Reyes | Franklin Hall | Lorelei | Marcus Daniels | Christian Ward | Jakob Nystrom | Lash | Katya Belyakov | Johann Fennhoff | Turk Barrett | Bill Fisk | Lash | Whitney Frost | Kilgrave | Will Simpson | Dorothy Walker | Audrey Eastman | Diamondback | Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades | Eli Morrow | Lucy Bauer | Harold Meachum | Jim Pierce | Maximus | Lewis Wilson | Tony Gnucci | Lance | Paulie | Leo | Frank Dean | Darius Davis | Detective Flores | Graviton | Grill | Samuel Voss | Alisa Jones | Karl Malus | Pryce Cheng | Detective Connors | Bushmaster | Steel Serpent | Typhoid Mary | Rosalie Carbone | Frank Dean | Darius Davis | Detective Flores | Topher | Anthony Wall/AWOL | Anderson Schultz | John Pilgrim | Eliza Schultz | Krista Dumont | D'Spayre | Mayhem | Lia Dewan | Izel | Shrike | Id Simmons | Trish Walker | Gregory Sallinger | Nathaniel Malick | Kora | Marduk Helstrom | Kthara | Basar | Magoth | Raum | Agatha Harkness | Tyler Hayward | Sharon Carter | Alioth | Khonshu | Anton Mogart | Wendy Spector | Ribbon Demon | Gargantos | Gorr the God Butcher | Zeus | Black Berserkers | Rapu | Hercules
