Taurus is a character from the 1970 horror film Equinox.
A terrible demon born from the powers of Asmodeus, Taurus was unleashed on the group of youths to retrieve the dark book that contained the devil’s ancient spells and incantations. The ape-like beast killed the older man who gave the teens the book and then focused its rage on them, trapping them in a narrow crevice. The two men began hurling rocks at the thing, distracting it from the terrified females. Its distraction didn’t last for long, however. Grabbing a branch, it began to use it as a rake to pull the book toward it. Just as it clutched the ancient artifact with its hands, David leaped into the air and thrust a crudely made spear into its chest! The beast dropped the book and tried to overcome the pain, but it was futile. With blood spewing from its wound and nose, Taurus fell to its death, its immense body then vanishing.

The image of Taurus, seen in one of the pages of the dark book, as Jim tells David to look at him.

Taurus is born next to the cave before chasing the old man.

Taurus is about to grab the old man.

Taurus begins to grab the old man before killing him.

Taurus is about to kill the old man.

Taurus killing the old man, while Vicki begins to scream fearfully.

Vicki and Susan in a narrow gap, while Taurus stays away.

David prepared a spear to thrust into the chest of Taurus who tries to take the dark book

Taurus is about to take the branch.

Taurus is about to retrieve the book, using the branch that uses it as a rake.

Taurus took the book.

Taurus before being killed by David who uses the sharp wooden stick to stick the monster in the chest, dropping the book.

Taurus falling to the ground.

Taurus is about to remove the wooden spear from his chest.

This caused blood to gush from his wound and nose after he removed the spear from his chest, as he tried to overcome the pain.

Taurus kneels on the ground before dying after the thrust of the spear.

Taurus begins to die before falling to the ground and then vanishing.

Taurus' corpse discovered by Jim, David, Susan and Vicki while they look at the body of the strange ape.

Taurus' corpse vanished (which is now no longer there).

Full body of Taurus

Taurus with his green skin and white fur, as seen in The Beast