Antagonists Wiki

Orson Krennic's antagonism levels[]

He is the one of the main antagonists, due to having parts of his own, while Tarkin was never involvedin these same parts. Tarkin is the true main antagonist, due to having bigger plans and ambitions, but Orson Krennic was THAT CLOSE to be the true main antagonist, because he also did commit lots of crimes, and he had more screen time of course. Thx. HuxRen123 (talk) 15:39, December 31, 2016 (UTC)

So you've changed your mind again about what kind of antagonist he is because three weeks ago on December 31st, you said he was the "secondary main antagonist". Do you actually know what kind of antagonist he is, or are you changing the antagonist level just to change the antagonist level? —RRabbit42 (leave a message) 15:04, January 16, 2017 (UTC)

Not a complete monster[]

He has some tragic feelings about his actions, and yes, he really does like Galen Erso. He isn't a complete monster. However,Grand Moff Tarkin is. HuxRen123 (talk) 17:58, February 11, 2017 (UTC)