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Superman is the secondary antagonist of the grim horror series DCeased, having succumbed to the Anti-Life virus that claimed many other heroes around the globe, (due to having to fight a possessed Flash), this would forever change the Man of Steel from a loving hero and father to one of the infected, who sought nothing other than the complete destruction of all life.


Superman was his world's greatest hero and a proud father; he would fight tirelessly to try and unite a crumbling world after Cyborg accidentally unleashed the Anti-Life Virus across Earth, which spread via technology and infected people almost instantly with a horrendous lust for violence and death.

Many heroes and villains also became infected by the virus, resulting in the world being shattered into multiple massacres from these super-beings, now driven by the sole desire to kill everything - after Flash became infected, Superman had no choice but to sacrifice himself for the survival of the few people left as the now monstrous Flash used the Speed Force to wipe out most of Earth's survivors in seconds. Superman used his own speed to ultimately charge Flash, killing the homicidal speedster but also causing himself to become infected with the Anti-Life Virus due to exposure from the battle.

Knowing he would soon turn into a monster even worse than Flash, Superman flew high into orbit but inevitably he would succumb to his bloodlust, losing all of his former humanity as he flew back down to Earth and began to go on a murderous rampage, determined to prevent Earth from launching space-ships known as Arks (and thus saving the human race from total extinction).

Superman was engaged by his former friends and family, with Wonder Woman forging a sword infused with Kryptonite to deal significant damage to Superman - severing his arm, yet the monster proceeded to kill Wonder Woman before she could end his threat.

Despite his vicious efforts Superman would be stalled by his own son, Jon Kent, who took up the mantle of Superman to stop his now insane father - yet as much as Jon was determined to save humanity and indeed did so as the Ark ships left into space he was still not capable of fully defeating the older Superman.

The entire Green Lantern corps would then arrive to quarantine Earth, and, if necessary, fight Superman. The infected Superman took note of this and decided he was not able to win that battle alone before he flew into Earth's sun and began to literally consume it from within.

Jon and other heroes were transported away by the Green Lanterns (who claimed they could not stop Superman's absorption of the sun) and Earth was lost, however in the process the Guardians of the Universe figured the Anti-Life Virus would at least end, or at the very least be contained.

The ultimate fate of Superman resulted in him being cured in DCEASED: War of the Undead Gods, and joining the fight against a resurrected anti-living Darkseid.


  • DCeased is currently set in its own universe, completely separate from the mainstream DC multiverse (it was also a limited series, meaning the actual fate of Superman is likely to remain forever a mystery).
  • The zombies in DCeased were not cannibalistic and were instead devoted solely to killing any life around them, this made them even more dangerous than traditional zombies and they also retained all the abilities of their hosts: this easily puts infected Superman as one of the greatest threats his native universe could possibly face.
  • The Green Lanterns' claim that their powers can not work on stars is not consistant with the power levels seen in Green Lantern lore, nor with those of the Guardians of the Universe but this can be explained both as a necessity for plot and that this story was set in an alternate reality from mainstream DC.
  • The idea of a zombie Superman harkens back to the original plot of Ultimate Fantastic Four #22, the twenty-second issue of Ultimate Fantastic Four which spawned the Marvel Zombies metaseries (from which DCeased takes inspiration). In Mark Millar's original script, the extradimensional infected superhero was going to be Superman, but Marvel ultimately replaced him with Sentry due concerns of potential legal issues with DC.


           DCeased (2019) logo Villains

Darkseid | Nightwing | Robin | Aquaman | Joker | Hal Jordan | Batman | Batwoman | Batgirl | Catwoman | Huntress | Captain Atom | The Atom | Giganta | Killer Croc | J'onn J'onnz | Flash | Superman | Wonder Woman | Fire | Ice | Big Barda

