Starkiller Base, also known as the Starkiller or popularly known as the Death Star III, is a First Order superweapon built out of ice planet Ilum. It was the most destructive weapon in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and was capable of destroying entire star systems.
We don't know much about the Starkiller's history before the film. We do know, however, that General Hux oversaw the superweapon's construction, with the approval of Supreme Leader Snoke during the construction, and that it was built in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy.
The Force Awakens[]
Hux's Speech & the Destruction of Hosnian Prime.
After Hux's speech, it destroys the Hosnian Prime system and the seat of the New Republic.
At the planet D'Qar, Finn revealed to the Resistance the base's critical weak point: the base's thermal oscillator. Using the information from Finn, a squadron of Resistance starfighters, led by Poe Dameron, attack the thermal oscillator, but they were only able to damage the outside.
Han and his team delved deeper into the oscillator to let the starfighters to destroy it from the inside. There, Han is killed by Kylo Ren, so Chewbacca detonates it in anger. This allowed the Resistance starfighters to destroy the base from the inside.
Poe Dameron leads his team into the newly-formed opening, and fire. They leave, and the thermal oscillator explodes.
Meanwhile, Hux tells Supreme Leader Snoke about the planet-converted superweapon's destruction. The Resistance starfighters and the Millennium Falcon quickly leave as Starkiller Base explodes and collapses into a yellow star, destroying it forever.
Powers and abilities[]
Starkiller Base had the potential to destroy entire star systems including the Hosnian Prime, and it could cause far greater damage than the first two Death Stars, which can only destroy one planet at a time. The Starkiller had to be destroyed.
- Starkiller Base is named because it sucks entire energy from stars, then uses it to destroy entire planets. It could have even been named from Starkiller himself.
- There could be other Starkiller Bases out there that are currently under construction.