Antagonists Wiki
Background information
Feature films The Call of the Wild (1972)

The Call of the Wild (1976)
The Call of the Wild: Howl Buck
Call of the Wild: Dog of the Yukon
The Call of the Wild (2002 animated film)
The Call of the Wild (2020 film)

Television programs Call of the Wild (2000 series)
Video games
Park attractions
Actor Kino (1996)
Voice Frank Welker
Performance model
Inspiration Spitz from Jack London's novel
Character information
Other names Devil Dog, Dirty Thief
Personality Treacherous, wicked, evil, greedy, sadistic, callous, sociopathic, tyrannical, oppressive, heartless, jealous, quarrelsome, murderous, ruthless, dangerous, mean, cold-hearted, calculating
Appearance White dog (Novel and two film adaptations)

Black dog (1972 film) German shepherd (2000 TV series) Siberian husky (2020 adaptation)

Occupation Leader of the sled team (formerly)
Goal Kill Buck and remain in his leadership of the sled team (failed)
Home Spitsburgen (formerly)


Enemies Buck (Archenemy), Curly, Billie, Joe, Francois, Dolly, Francois, Perrault
Likes Killing, seeing dogs suffer, antagonizing Buck, being the top dog of the sled
Dislikes Buck, threats to his leadership
Powers and abilities Strength
Weapons Teeth and claws
Fate Defeated by Buck and mauled to death by the other dogs.

Spitz is the main antagonist of Jack London's 1903 book The Call of the Wild, and its adaptations. He is Buck's archenemy.


He was brought from Spitsbergen from a whaling captain to the Yukon, where he is shipped on the Narwhal with Buck, Curly and Dave. When Spitz met Buck, he stole his meat, only to receive a painful whip from Francois.

Upon their arrival at the Klondike, Curly tried to make friends with a wild husky. This was a fatal mistake, as the other huskies attacked her and mauled her to death as Francois and Perrault came to her aid. Spitz laughed at her and Buck hated him.

Spitz began antagonizing other dogs who were brought to the team, especially Billie, but learned to leave Sol-leks alone. Spitz's rivalry with Buck begins to grow and they begin battling each other. The two mushers break up the fight, however. When another husky attack occurred, one of the dogs named Dolly contracted rabies and attacked Buck until she was put out of her misery by Francois. Spitz then ambushed Buck until he was whipped again. The two mushers were aware that the fight to the death was inevitable and one placed bets on one dog: Francois on Buck and Perrault on Spitz.

Eventually, the team began following Buck's leadership and started rebelling against Spitz, only for him to retaliate. When a rabbit chase with a large pack of police dogs occurred, Buck led the chase. As Buck closed in on the rabbit, Spitz caught it in the air and the battle began. At first, Spitz had the upper hand, but Buck manages to break his fore legs and defeat him. As Spitz limped away, the other dogs mauled him to death and Buck eventually claimed leadership.
