Antagonists Wiki

Spelunk is the antagonist-turned-supporting character of the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. He is a mole who lived in the Marble Zone, mining for treasure.

He was voiced by Jay Brazeau.


Spelunk is the most removed mole from society ever seen. He hoards a massive amount of treasure and anyone that gets near it will never be able to see the surface world again. Spelunk appears in "Subterranean Sonic" as he stops Sonic and Tails from getting his treasure and then tries to kill them with a cannonball, but they manage to avoid it. The cannonball ends up trashing Scratch and Grounder. Sonic and Tails come across minecart tracks which they assume will lead them out of the underground tunnels. They run along the tracks, but are stopped by an angry Spelunk coming straight at them in a minecart. Sonic and Tails try to outrun him when they notice a family of turtles crossing the tracks. Sonic dresses as a crossing guard and stops Spelunk, allowing the turtles to cross the track.

Running up a flight of steps, Sonic and Tails have almost reached the surface. Spelunk realizes he's been tricked by Sonic and pulls a lever which smooths out the staircase. He traps Sonic and Tails into a cage which the bars are made from diamondius, the hardest substance on Mobius, so Sonic cannot cut through them.

Spelunk blames Sonic, saying this never would've happened if he hadn't set foot in his domain and opens a pit in the cage by where Sonic and Tails are being left to die. The cave crumbles and a large diamond breaks the cage open, freeing Sonic and Tails. Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder fall into the pit.

With the cave crumbling, Sonic decides to escape, but Spelunk doesn't want to leave his treasure behind. After Sonic saves him from being crushed by a falling boulder, which was from Robotnik digging into the cavern, Spelunk has a change of heart and allows Sonic and Tails to leave.

Spelunk says he's never met such greedy, miserly jerks before in his life, but Sonic and Tails point out that he is one himself. Spelunk thanks Sonic for showing him the error of his ways and he decides to use his fortune to buy chili dogs for Sonic and Tails. As they walk, Sonic, Spelunk, and Tails see Robotnik, Scratch and Grounder on top of the rising geysers.

Spelunk later reappears in "Hero of the Year" that he attended a banquet in Sonic's honor.


Initially, Spelunk was mean, selfish, and greedy who not were trusting of anyone. His evil nature that he was willing to capture and destroy anyone who trespassing the Marble Zone and do anything in order to keep his treasure for himself and regarded the treasure buried in his cave as his only friends. However, after Sonic risked his life to save his, Spelunk realized the error of his ways, becoming much more friendly and charitable.



           The Incredible World of DiC Logo Villains

Animated Television
Doctor Claw | M.A.D. | MAD Cat | MAD Ninja | Jungle Bob | Squint | King Koopa | Koopa Pack (Mouser, Tryclyde, Fryguy, Clawgrip, Koopas & Hammer Bros.) | Goombas | Bob-ombs | Bloopers | Ganon | Mother Brain | Eggplant Wizard | King Hippo | Koopa Kids (Bully Koopa, Big Mouth Koopa, Kooky Von Koopa, Cheatsy Koopa, Kootie Pie Koopa, Hip Koopa & Hop Koopa) | Odlaw | Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Scratch and Grounder | Coconuts | Dr. Robotnik (SATAM) | Snively Robotnik | Cluck | SWATbots | Pepito | Dr. Robotnik (Sonic Underground) | Sleet and Dingo | Maria Not | Gem Stone | Enchantra | Cassandra | Olivia | Peculiar Purple Pieman | Sour Grapes | Mountain Lion | Wolf | Bear

Live-Action Television

Animated Features
Madame LaCroque | Maximo and Dumbella Richard | Henri | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Ilya | Star Schnitzel-Nightningale | Emma Richard

Live-Action Features

See Also
Care Bears Villains | Inspector Gadget Villains | Madeline Villains | Sabrina: The Animated Series Villains | Sonic Cartoon Villains | Strawberry Shortcake Villains | Super Mario Cartoon Villains | The Legend of Zelda Villains | Where's Waldo? Villains

           SonicSATAMLogo Villains

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Super Special Sonic Search and Smash Squad
Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Scratch and Grounder | Coconuts | Arms | Frankly | Humpty | Davy Sprocket | Skweel | Dynamight | Spike | Sir F-Fuzzy Logik | Dragon Breath

Beatnik Giant | Blackbot the Pirate | Boogey Man | Boss Scorpion | Breezie | Bruno | Buzz Bombers | Captain John Paul Memo | D.U.F.U.S. | Despicable Desperados | Dr. Qwark | Dr. Warpnik | Easy Eddie | Fire Dragon | Fuzzy Wuzzy | Guido | Harry the Hawker | High Voltage Flimflammer | Julius Robotnikus | Katella | Lava Monsters | Lt. Bananas | Momma Robotnik | Mayor Fumfer | Metal Claus | Music Destroyer | Omletta | Pot of Chili Robot | Race Bots | Robotnik Jr. | Robotnikhotep | Smiley the Shark | Snow Beast | Space Monster | Spalding | Spelunk | Toad Warriors | Treasure Chest Crab | Wes Weasley

Sonic the Hedgehog (1993)
Dr. Robotnik | Snively Robotnik | Cluck | SWATbots | Assault Bots | Bomber-One | Buzz-Bombers | Dinobot | Gargoyles | Rabots | Sallybot | Shredder | Snake Probes | Stealthbots | Tech-Bots | Naugus | Lazaar | Nasty Hyenas | Gopher Highwayman | Evil Duck

Sonic Underground
Dr. Robotnik | Sleet and Dingo | SWATbots | Bartleby MontClair | Agent N | ART | Death Pods | Flybots | Guardian Bot | Hip Hedgehog | Janitor Bot | Kar-lek | Speed-Bot | Stealthbot | Surveillance Bot | Vince | Royal 'Corrupt' Hedgehogs

Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
Dr. Robotnik | Hyper Metal Sonic | Metal Robotnik

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Villains | Sonic X Villains | Sonic Boom Villains | Sonic Prime Villains
