Maria... I still remember what I promised you: For the people of this planet... I promise you... REVENGE!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic Adventure 2.
I'm Shadow the Hedgehog. The one and only ultimate life form.
~ Shadow introducing himself in Sonic Adventure 2.
Shadow the Hedgehog is a major antagonist in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
He appears as the main antagonist of Sonic Adventure 2, an anti-hero in Sonic Heroes, the titular main protagonist of Shadow the Hedgehog and the Episode Shadow DLC to Sonic Forces, the deuteragonist of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), a supporting character in both Sonic Colors DS and Sonic Generations, and a major character in Sonic Forces. Additionally a Replica of him also serves as a minor antagonist in Sonic Forces and an alternate reality version of him appears as a heroic antagonist in Sonic & The Black Knight.
Although he is Sonic's arch-rival, Shadow is not truly villainous; as he is mostly considered an anti-hero mostly due to how he still maintains something of a friendly rivalry with Sonic and has done some questionable things but at the same time from how he has done things such as sacrificed himself to save others multiple times and ultimately sets out to do good for humanity and protect the world in the end. However, at times, tragedies have occurred that have led him to commit villainous acts - either for revenge or to find his purpose.
Shadow was created as the "Ultimate Lifeform" by the late Gerald Robotnik, using the DNA of Black Doom, and is the final result of Project Shadow. His purpose was to provide ways of developing cures for deadly illnesses that had no cures, namely for NIDS (Neuro-Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) a terminal disease Gerald's granddaughter Maria Robotnik, whom Shadow was very close to suffered from, but he was captured and put into stasis by the military when he was deemed a threat to humanity. Shadow's last memories of Maria are her saying "Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog", and then being shot and killed immediately after.
Fifty years later, Shadow was released by his creator's grandson, Dr. Eggman, to help him conquer the world. Initially, Shadow sought to destroy Earth to avenge his late friend Maria, who had been killed by the military, but was persuaded to help save it from Gerald's doomsday plans by Amy Rose. In the process, Shadow lost his memories and sought to uncover his past, which brought him into contact with the Black Arms. Ultimately, Shadow thwarted Black Doom and saved the world. From there on, Shadow continued his mission to protect humanity by becoming a special agent of G.U.N. (Guardian Units of Nations).
In Japanese, he is voiced by Kōji Yusa, who is also the voice of Gin Ichimaru. In English, he has ben voiced by David Humphrey (from 2001-2004), Jason Griffith (from 2005-2010 as well as in Sonic X, who also voiced Jet the Hawk in the same time frame), and Kirk Thornton (from 2010-present as well as in Sonic Boom, also doing the voice of Orbot and who also voiced Tactimon).
The basic physical traits and abilities between Shadow and Sonic are virtually identical. As such, Shadow possesses many of the same skills and abilities Sonic does, along with greater raw power than Sonic, making Shadow one of the most powerful characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
Superhuman Strength: Although he is not nearly as strong as Power characters like Knuckles the Echidna, Shadow is quite physically strong. With effort, he is capable of overturning large objects, such as trucks, buses and large slabs of concrete.
Superhuman Speed: Like most other characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, Shadow is able to run at super speeds. With his Hover Shoes, Shadow can hover-skate at supersonic speeds, even nearing that of hypersonic speeds, and is fast enough to nearly equal the speeds that Sonic can run at, presumably making him the second fastest character in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. While most games place Sonic and Shadow as equals in speed, character profiles in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) and Sonic Rivals claim that Sonic is faster, while in Sonic Battle, Shadow's speed level is higher than Sonic's, although in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Shadow personally admitted that he was not faster than Sonic. While it is unknown how fast Shadow actually is without using his Hover Shoes, it has been hinted that Shadow can still move at speeds rivaling that of Sonic's, but he simply prefers not to.
Superhuman Agility: Shadow is highly acrobatic, agile and an experienced athlete, capable of gracefully leaping over many obstacles that comes in his way and performing various forms of nimble movements. He has as well radical reaction time to match his movements, being able to react to danger and even opponents capable of attacking at light speed.
Superhuman Durability: Shadow possesses incredibly high physical durability and is capable of surviving things that would normally be fatal to others, even by the standards of other superhuman creatures, making him nearly indestructible. As seen in Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow is completely bulletproof while becoming Dark Shadow, as he brushed off all the gun shots from G.U.N. soldiers as if they were not even there. He can also take a lot of major punishment in battle before he starts to wear down. The most prominent testament to Shadow's durability was during Sonic Adventure 2, where Shadow fell down to Earth and through re-entry in the atmosphere and still survived long enough for one of Dr. Eggman's robots to rescue him. However, he did still receive some injury, as evidenced by the amnesia he got from his fall towards the Earth. Even after receiving major damage, Shadow displays a remarkably fast recovery rate, allowing him to quickly re-enter a battle after just a few moments.
Inhibitor Rings: As shown in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), Shadow is able to release tremendous amounts of energy if he takes off the rings that are on his wrists. This gives Shadow a drastic increase in overall power, reaching the point where he can plow through what appears to be hundreds of perfect copies of Mephiles the Dark, who can be regarded as one of the more powerful foes in the series. While most of the media state that Shadow's increase in power through this method comes at the expense of reducing his stamina, causing him to become exhausted after its use, Shadow has shown no sign of fatigue in the videogame series when restoring to this method.
Immortality: Being the end-product of Project Shadow, which was meant to create an immortal life-form, Shadow is immortal and does not physically age. Also, given that Project Shadow was partially to develop cures for various kinds of illnesses, Shadow may be completely immune to diseases. Because he also possesses Black Doom's blood, Shadow is also immune to the paralysis nerve gas that was being leaked upon the Black Comet's descent onto Earth, and even shows resistance to mind control or forces memory loss by outside sources not regarding amnesia.
Jamaican Accent: Self explanatory.
Chaos Powers[]
Shadow is naturally able to tap into the arcane powers of any nearby Chaos Emeralds and utilize their Chaos Energy to empower himself and use a wide variety of Chaos Powers, such as Chaos Control, Chaos Spear, and Chaos Blast. Shadow can specifically harness both positive and negative Chaos Energy, depending on his state of mind. Shadow's trademark move and most frequently used Chaos Power is Chaos Control: this technique can warp space and time around him to his will - such as slowing down time or teleporting various distances. Shadow is perhaps the most adept user of Chaos Control in the series, since he makes the most extensive use of it and can be considered a master of this technique; he can shape Chaos Control into a variety of offensive and defensive attacks, and can even use it delicately enough to distort space in small centralized areas, such as around his fists, or use it to heal himself. It is currently unknown as to what extent Shadow can specifically use Chaos Control, as he has never been seen using it on another object without warping himself along with it, but it has been shown that he can warp objects and people with him, such as transporting the Black Comet off of Earth. Aside from its final usage in Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow has used Chaos Control with three Emeralds at most, using Chaos Control to save Rouge from Prison Island. As described in Shadow the Hedgehog, all of Shadow's Chaos powers increase in power with the number of Chaos Emeralds he possesses.
Weaponry and Vehicle Skills[]
In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow has shown that he can also skillfully use a wide range of firearms, semi-automatics, heavy assault, and close-combat weapons. He can also improvise with debris, and drive a wide range of vehicles, as shown in Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Riders and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). His driving skills compare that of Baby Driver.
Combat Skills[]
In combat, Shadow is a fierce, dangerous, and extremely powerful force that few can defeat directly. He also never holds back on his immense strength, making him a powerful, brutal and deadly fighter with a distinct killer instinct. Shadow's skills are more than a match for even the strongest characters in the series, and has been able to take down some of the most fearsome foes seen in the Sonic the Hedgehog series on his own, such as Black Doom. To best put his skills in perspective, as seen in some of the scenarios in Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow is the only person so far who has been able to utterly defeat Sonic in combat.
Fighting Style[]
Shadow's fighting style focuses on direct, brutal, unrestrained and powerful hand-to-hand combat. In line with his nature and potent abilities, Shadow has adopted a fighting style where he fights his opponents using powerful blows, such as karate chops, swift punches and roundhouse kicks, to which of his attacks have a significant amount of force behind them. With the speeds Shadow can move at, he can disable the opponent through the force of his blows alone, while leaving them at the mercy of his incoming attacks.
Shadow's fighting style revolves around making heavy use of his Chaos Powers, especially Chaos Control and Shark Repellant. Using Chaos Control, Shadow can teleport up in front or behind his opponents in battle to launch surprise attacks. Also, Shadow can use Chaos Control to increase the damage he deals to his opponent when striking them, often resulting in significant forces being released and blowing the opponent a certain distance away.
To give himself the advantage over his opponents, Shadow will use powerful Chaos attacks involving Chaos Energy, such as energy bolts or even intense explosions.
Like Sonic and Silver, by harnessing the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, Shadow is able to use super transformation to enter a Super State that transforms him into Super Shadow. In this form, he is bestowed with the new abilities of flight and near invulnerability. Additionally, his innate talents such as strength, and power are greatly enhanced as well and his skills with Chaos Powers are increased to their full limit. During his first use of this transformation, Shadow found it difficult to stay in this state due to his inexperience with it, but he has since mastered it in Shadow The Hedgehog.
Shadow is simply a reclusive and antisocial loner. He is rarely seen with others for an extended period of time, and distances himself from essentially everyone. He is usually persuasive and soft-spoken, as he only says what he needs to before a fight. If Shadow makes a threat, he has every intention of carrying it out. Shadow constantly refers to himself as the Ultimate Lifeform, and is extremely arrogant, egotistical, and self-absorbed, belittling his opponents and insulting their lack of strength. Shadow also has a ruthless and cruel edge in combat that all other characters in the series lack, and displays a natural "killer instinct". At times, Shadow is the most violent and merciless character in the series.
Shadow's infamous ruthlessness and aggression leads to fear and a nervousness that inhibits characters from his unshakable intent or sheer power in combat. Numerous characters from the Sonic series have shown absolute dread from encountering Shadow. Shadow's enemies never treat him lightly; he is one of the very few people Sonic takes seriously and acts hostile towards.
Alongside his dark and destructive demeanor, Shadow can be smug, stubborn, and complacent. He treats others in a very callous and insensitive manner, throwing in his opinion no matter how cold-hearted it is and not caring for whatever the response is. He is also consistently serious and thoughtful, even when not on a mission and he has no regard for silliness. On occasion, Shadow shows some degree of mental instability, and signs of PTSD. This is proven by his frequent hallucinations about Maria's face and his numerous threatening speeches. In most games Shadow is featured in, he pursues his foes with disturbing determination. The canon ending of Shadow the Hedgehog showed Shadow willing to destroy anything in his way to get to Black Doom.
Shadow does have his fully good side however, demonstrated by his undying love and loyalty to Maria Robotnik, his care for others such as his best friend Rouge the Bat and his close companion E123-Omega and his respect for those he deems as worthy opponents such as Dr. Eggman as well as his rival Sonic who he demonstrates some amount of care for and has even saved from certain death.
Despite Shadow being considered neutral in terms of alignment, he is considered an anti-hero by the most part with his overall motivation, which is dedicating his life to protecting mankind. He has also been selfless and altruistic, such as nearly giving his life at the end of Sonic Adventure 2 to save Earth. Regardless, Shadow is still neutral, because he does whatever is necessary to get what he wants.
Professor Gerald Robotnik[]
Gerald: Shadow, I'm counting on you. Shadow: I know, Professor... The Ultimate life form born to ensure peace and justice amongst all of mankind. Now, I know what I have to do.
~ Gerald and Shadow.
Gerald Robotnik, Eggman's and Maria's grandfather, is Shadow's creator. As the ultimate life form, Shadow knows he will ensure peace and prosperity on all of mankind around the world for Gerald, especially to stop the Black Arms.
Maria Robotnik[]
Shadow, I believe in you...
~ Maria to Shadow.
Maria Robotnik, the cousin of the evil Dr. Eggman, is Shadow's closest and best friend since he was created by her grandfather. During his creation, she couldn't wait to meet him. They spent a lot of time watching the Earth together, since her dream was to see the Earth. But when the military force, G.U.N., attacked the Space Colony ARK, trying to destroy and shut down the research project that Gerald has been working on, Shadow lost Maria, and he had to fulfill her dying wish.
As a ghost or an angel, Maria will always be anywhere Shadow is to guide him on bringing hope to all of mankind.
Shadow... Can you hear me? This might be the last chance I have to speak to you, so... What I said about having created you, it was all a lie. Everyone thought you died during that horrible incident... but I rescued you with one of my robots. You lost your memories, that's all. You really ARE the ultimate lifeform my grandfather created!
~ Dr. Eggman to Super Shadow.
The evil Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik is Shadow's former master, and current enemy. When Eggman released Shadow, having mistook him for Sonic, he asked what Shadow meant when he said he would grant Eggman a wish, and Shadow told him to bring more Chaos Emeralds to the Central Control Room on the Space Colony ARK. He accompanied him along with Rouge to rule the world with the seven Chaos Emeralds, to reactivate the Eclipse Cannon. However, it was eventually revealed Shadow manipulated Eggman so that the doctor would unwittingly help him destroy the planet. Although everyone thought Shadow sacrificed his life to save the Earth, Eggman rescued him with one of his robots. That was the reason he lost his memories, before he helped Eggman take back his reign from Metal Sonic. Eggman supported Shadow to defeat Devil Doom and Solairs.
Before the War to Take Back the Planet, Shadow raided Eggman's facility, and teased Eggman over the inefficiency of his Defense Jackal Squad, after wiping most of the squad out leaving the captain, Infinite, alive, but not before calling him worthless.
Sonic the Hedgehog[]
He was what he was. A brave and heroic hedgehog, who gave his life to save this planet. Shadow the Hedgehog...
~ Sonic to Rouge about Shadow.
Sonic is Shadow's Arch-rival. When they first met, Sonic realized G.U.N. mistook him for Shadow, because he stole the Chaos Emerald from the National Reserve Bank, Shadow escaped from the city leaving Sonic behind, as the military arrested him again. Later they fought and race each other; Once on prison island, before it blew up, and once on the Space Colony ARK, as he revealed to steal Shadow's powers to control time and space. Suddenly, when the Space Colony ARK fell out of orbit on a collision course to the Earth, Shadow was able to help Sonic and his friends to defeat the Ultimate life prototype; the Biolizard. and stop the power of the Chaos Emeralds. When Shadow lost his memories, he helped Sonic stop his robot copy, Metal Sonic from defying Eggman's reign.
During the Solaris incident, he saved Sonic from being attacked by Silver. But when Sonic was killed by Mephiles, he was ashamed that he was too slow to stop Mephiles, to save Sonic again. Luckily with Sonic revived into Super Sonic, he and Silver teamed up in their super forms to Destroy Solaris.
During the War to Take Back the Planet, Shadow saved Sonic from a Phantom Copy of himself made by Infinite, and teamed up with the Resistance to stop Eggman and Infinite from ruling the world with the power of the Phantom Ruby.
Rouge the Bat[]
Shadow... Even if you believe everyone in the world will be against you. Know that I'll always remain by your side. Remember that.
~ Rouge to Shadow.
Rouge the Bat is Shadow's partner in Team Dark. He confronted Rouge in the Central Control Room on the Space Colony ARK, when she claimed that the six Chaos Emeralds are hers. But when she asked if Shadow's the real ultimate life form, if his memories are not real, he tells her that he is still himself, and he'll fulfill his promise to Maria. Having lost his memories, he teamed up as leader of Team Dark, with Rouge as his Co-leader, and E-123 Omega, as their partner.
During the Solaris incident, Rogue tells Shadow that even if he believes everyone in the world will turn on him, she'll remain by his side.
E-123 Omega[]
E-123 Omega is Shadow's robotic partner. When he lost his memories, he was under attack by Omega, thinking that he's a robot, but he teamed up with Rouge and Shadow to form a team. During the Solaris incident Omega came to support Shadow on fighting Mephiles in Silver's world. Shadow even repaired Omega from the damage Mephiles did to him. He helped Rouge and Shadow defeat Mephiles once and for all, and save Sonic from death by finding the seven Chaos Emeralds.
During the Black Arms incident, Omega was seen fighting Eggman's forces, and Shadow may assist him or the doctor depending on the player's choice.
The evil Black Doom, leader of the Black Arms, was Shadow's arch-nemesis and at the same time biological father, as his DNA was used to create the hedgehog. Black Doom intended to enslave humanity to use them as a food source for the Black Arms, but Shadow was able to kill Black Doom and save all of mankind.
Mephiles is Shadow's second arch-nemesis, and his deadliest enemy. Like Black Doom, they both may not care about humanity, but they have opposite jobs; Mephiles tries to kill humanity, and Shadow tries to protect humanity from evil threats.
Silver the Hedgehog[]
Silver was once Shadow's enemy, when Silver ambushed Sonic, having called him the Iblis Trigger. But after saving Sonic from Silver, he told him the Mephiles is trying to destroy the past and kill humanity. And so, they ran back in time from Ten years ago to investigate the Solaris Project. When Sonic was killed by Mephiles, and Solaris was resurrected, Silver had to help Shadow and the rest of Sonic's friends to bring him back to life while Princess Elise III watches over Sonic.
Miles "Tails" Prower[]
Miles Prower, AKA, "Tails" used to be Shadow's enemy, but Tails supported Shadow on taking back the Rings Eggman collected having to build a Circus Theme Park, and save the President in his escape pod.
Knuckles the Echidna[]
Knuckles is one of Shadow's sidekicks who can protect anything from a threat; Knuckles protects the Master Emerald, and Shadow protects humanity and the Earth. While Shadow kept the prototype busy, Knuckles and Sonic rushed to get the Chaos Emeralds. Knuckles supported Shadow on saving Central City, from the smallest bombs, and defeat the Black Arms in the Temples of the Black Arms' Canyon, and get to the center of the Black Comet, to find the Chaos Emerald the Black arms stole.
Amy Rose[]
I know that people fight over the most trivial things. Some people may be selfish, like the professor said, but they're basically good. If they try their best and never give up on their wishes, they always have a reason to be happy. That's why you should help them out. Saving them is a good thing!
~ Amy Rose to Shadow.
Amy Rose was one of Shadow's close friends. She once mistook him for the likes of Sonic, and was frightened by Eggman in horror. She later convinced Shadow why humanity has a reason to be happy, and he tells Amy that he has to keep her promise to Maria, and Amy herself. He then, helped Amy rescue Cream and Cheese in Eggman's Cryptic Castle.
Cream the Rabbit[]
Good day, Shadow. Thank you SO, so much for rescuing me the other day. Cheese and I will be cheering you on during your training! Good luck!
~ Cream the Rabbit to Shadow.
Shadow rescued Cream from Dr. Eggman's Cryptic Castle in his own game.
G.U.N. Commander[]
Shadow, do you read me? First... I want to apologize for the other day. Actually, I just became a grandfather last week, and I was thinking of maybe having you over. I know that training is tough, but try and do your best.
~ Cmdr. Abraham Tower.
The leader of the Guardian Units of Nations, known only as the Commander, used to be Shadow's enemy because of blaming Shadow for supposedly killing those he loved, especially Maria, and destroying the Space Colony ARK, but when Shadow saved the Earth from the Black Arms, he realized that he was wrong about Professor Gerald, and apologized to Shadow for the blame. And so, he accepted Shadow into the ranks of his organization and even invited him over to a party after his grandchild was born.
The President & The Secretary[]
President: We're all counting on you Shadow. Secretary: Best of luck.
~ The President and the Secretary.
The President of the United Federation, along with his Secretary, supported Shadow on saving mankind from the Black Arms, and the Eggman Empire.
Metal Sonic is Shadow's enemy when he overthrew Eggman and defied his reign. Despite this, the two worked together once to stop Eggman Nega from destroying the world, and Shadow even showed concern for Metal Sonic when he thought the robot would destroy himself.
The Chaotix[]
The Chaotix team (Vector, Espio, and Charmy), used to be Shadow and Team Dark's enemy, but later they became friends when they worked together to defeat Metal Sonic from becoming stronger than ever.
Classic Sonic[]
Shadow cheered the Sonic from the past Dimension during the Time Eater incident, and he supported him during the War to Take back the Planet. In the end of the War, he said goodbye, to him before he returned to his dimension.
I've only become what I am because of you, yet you don't remember. But I suppose that's the way it goes. It simply means that the old me was too weak, too pathetic to remember. And now, you've become nothing more than an insect, waiting to be crushed underfoot.
~ Infinite to Shadow.
Infinite is Shadow's enemy when they first met in Eggman's facility, in the jungle, having to wipe out the rest of Jackal Squad. They later met up again, when Infinite defeated E-123 Omega, and trapped Shadow into Virtual reality. Although Shadow escaped, he realized that Infinite is going to destroy Sonic. But Shadow helped Sonic and the Avatar to defeat Infinite once, and for all.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog, horrified by Maria Robotnik's sacrifice.
~ Shadow
What the...!?
~ Shadow
~ Shadow.
~ Shadow
~ Shadow
~ Shadow
I am the Ultimate!
~ Shadow
~ Shadow the Hedgehog throwing arrows called "Chaos Spears".
Chaos spear!
~ Super Shadow throwing a fully-charged Chaos Spear.
Chaos Control!
~ Shadow controlling time and space via the supernatural technique called "Chaos Control".
Chaos Blast!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog destroying everything in a large blast area via the destruction technique called, "Chaos Blast".
~ One of Shadow the Hedgehog's catchphrases
It all starts with this...
~ One of Shadow the Hedgehog's catchphrases
Outta my way!
~ One of Shadow the Hedgehog's catchphrases
This is the ultimate power!
~ One of Shadow the Hedgehog's catchphrases
Ultimate victory!
~ One of Shadow the Hedgehog's catchphrases
DEATH to all who appose me!!
~ Dark Shadow's catchphrase.
~ One of Shadow the Hedgehog's catchphrases
Sonic Adventure 2[]
The Professor said his life's work was dedicated to all of those who live down there. He once told that the reason for his existence was making people happy through the power of science.
~ Shadow to Maria about what it's like on Earth.
Maria... I just don't know anything anymore. I often wonder why I was created; What my purpose is for being here. Maybe if I go down there, uh.. I will find the answers. Maybe...
~ Shadow while watching the Earth from above with Maria Robotnik fifty years ago.
My name is Shadow. Since you were so kind to release me, my master, I will grant you one wish. Behold the true power I possess!
~ Shadow's first words in Sonic Adventure 2.
Hmph, Pathetic humans!
~ Shadow after defeating Hot Shot.
Dr. Eggman: So, Shadow... YOU are the military's top secret weapon!? But what did you mean when you said you will grant me a wish? Shadow: Bring more chaos emeralds. Dr. Eggman: Shadow, wait! Shadow: I'll be waiting for you, in the Central Control Room, on the Space Colony ARK. Dr. Eggman: ARK?
~ Shadow to Eggman, before he escapes from prison island.
Hmph, how pathetic!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog when surrounded by Military & Police forces.
I took the Chaos Emerald from the national reserve bank, and now the military and police are chasing me. I don't care if they know who I am, because they'll never catch me. It's just a waste of time.
~ Shadow's recap for Radical Highway.
It all starts with this... A jewel containing the ultimate power!
~ Shadow with the stolen Chaos Emerald from the National Reserve Bank.
My name's Shadow. I'm the world's ultimate life form. There's no time for games... FAREWELL!
~ Shadow introducing himself to Sonic before leaving.
Shadow: I've been waiting for you, doctor. Now, I will show the glorious achievement of what the world's leading scientist, Professor Gerald has created. The ARK was the first space colony created by mankind. Not many people know that the ark contained a top secret research facility where weapons of mass destruction were being created. This is one of them. A weapon capable of destroying an entire planet... code named: The Eclipse Cannon. Eggman: Destroying an entire planet, was this my grandfather's legacy? Shadow: But, it's been deactivated for sometime, now. To reactivate it, large amounts of energy are necessary. Eggman: Oh... So THAT'S Why we needed the Chaos Emerald! Shadow: Exactly. To reactivate the machine, We need the seven chaos emeralds. Once you have that, then you'll have the ultimate power of destruction to use as you please. And then... The world could be yours!
~ Shadow to Eggman that the world will belong to Eggman.
Ahh... Shoot! Troublemaker!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog on his way to rescue Rouge after she's trapped inside a locked safe with some of the Chaos Emeralds.]
Fog. It doesn't bother me.
~ Shadow about the Fog in the White Jungle, also a brief future reference in Disney's Frozen
Shadow: That blue hedgehog again of all places..! Sonic: I've found you... faker!! Shadow: Faker!? I think you're the fake hedgehog around here! YOU'RE comparing yourself to me?! HA! You're not even good enough to be my fake! Sonic: I'll make you eat those words!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog during his first clash with Sonic.
There's no time to play games. You won't even get the chance!
~ Shadow.
I'm the coolest!
~ Shadow
Darn! Not bad for an imposter.
~ Shadow's first defeat.
I guess he was just a regular hedgehog after all.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog witnessing the capsule Sonic's trapped inside explode.
So that was your plan from the very beginning, huh? Or was it a direct order from the president?! NOW I know who you are! You're that government spy, Rouge the Bat, aren't you?!
~ Shadow confronting Rogue in the Space Colony ARK's central control room.
If you wanna live, leave the Chaos Emeralds where they are. The fake emerald is good enough for you.
~ Shadow's command to Rouge.
Even if my memories are not real, it's still me; Shadow. And I will fulfill my promise to Maria. That's the only thing that matters to me, now.
~ Shadow to Rouge about his past memories before going after the guy trying to get to the Eclipse Cannon.
You never cease to surprise me, blue hedgehog. I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog meeting Sonic the Hedgehog again on the Space Colony ARK.
It WAS a Chaos Emerald, wasn't it? But, there's no way you could've activated the chaos control, using an emerald that's fake.
~ A surprised Shadow when he saw the fake Chaos Emerald Sonic has.
So, there's more to you than just looking like me. What are you anyway?
~ Shadow to Sonic about their difference.
I see... But you know, I can't let you live. Your adventuring days are coming to an end!
~ Shadow, as he and Sonic begins their race for the Emerald.
Before this is over... I'll show you the true power of CHAOS CONTROL!
~ Shadow before he battles Sonic for the final time.
Impossible...! I am the ultimate life...
~ Shadow the Hedgehog upon his defeat in the second and final clash and his final words after Sonic defeated him.
It's all going according to plan. There's no reason for me to help them. Besides, there's no way to save anyone.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog trying and trying to ignore.
That's what I've promised her. And I must keep that promise. That's what Maria wished for.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog.
I've gotta go now! I have to keep my promise to Maria - And you.
~ Shadow to Amy Rose.
Thanks to Amy, I was able to remember Maria's wish. When I finally realized it, the Ultimate life prototype tried to stop me. I'll take care of this, Sonic. You go try to stop the power of the Chaos Emeralds.
~ Shadow's recap for the fight against the Biolizard in the Cannon's core.
Get out, you ugly prototype!
~ Shadow after defeating the Biolizard who is still alive.
Sonic, leave it to me, I'll destroy him!
~ Super Shadow
Here I come, you creep!
~ Super Shadow the Hedgehog
He's still very powerful! What kind of monster is this?! How are you doing, Sonic?
~ Super Shadow commenting on the Finalhazard.
(panting) Sonic... I think I've discovered what the ultimate lifeform might be you!
~ Super Shadow the Hedgehog while fighting the Finalhazard at 3:50 as Sonic.
Maria... watch me. I will fulfill your wish!
~ Super Shadow's determination
I must destroy all the evil the professor has created.
~ Super Shadow the Hedgehog, after defeating the Finalhazard.
~ Super Shadow the Hedgehog to Sonic the Hedgehog before casting Chaos Control with him to intercept the ARK.
Maria... this is what you wanted, right? This is my promise I made to you.
~ Shadow's redemption and last words before supposedly dying at the end of Sonic Adventure 2.
Sonic Heroes[]
Stay here!
~ Shadow to Rouge, despite not remembering her, before he tries to battle E-123 Omega by a mistake, Sonic Heroes.
Tell me, Doctor! What was I doing... asleep on that base? And what about my memory?
~ Shadow being confronted by Eggman.
Don't underestimate me, Doctor.
~ Shadow after defeating the Egg Hawk.
You should thank me for letting you live.
~ Shadow to Team Chaotix.
Is that so? Well then... It'll be a date to DIE for!
~ Shadow confronting Team Sonic.
What's wrong with me?
~ Shadow the Hedgehog getting an E-rank in Sonic Heroes.
Perfect, as always!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog getting an A-Rank in Sonic Heroes.
You'll regret this, Doctor. Even if I'm not real, I'm still the ultimate life form, Shadow the Hedgehog!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog invading the Egg Fleet.
Some things never change, do they?
~ Shadow to Rouge at the end of Team Dark's story.
Okay, guys. We'll buy you some time, that way you can use your super powers.
~ Shadow to Team Sonic that the three other teams will go first.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog's very first encounter with Metal Sonic.
Sonic, we're counting on you!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog to Sonic the Hedgehog and his team after the battle with Metal Madness.
You won't be able to move when he casts Chaos Control. Turn the Control/Left Analog/Left Thumb stick quickly to minimize the stop time.
~ Shadow's hint about when Metal Sonic uses Chaos Control.
Sonic Battle[]
There's no need to repeat past tragedies! Nobody else ever needs to go through the things that I have!
~ Shadow
Looks like you'll never understand. The builders will never know how their creations truly feel.
~ Shadow
I am the ultimate life form, Shadow the Hedgehog. I will crush anyone who stands in my way!
~ Shadow introducing himself.
You best try your hardest, or else you'll get hurt.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog, before fighting Emerl.
Shadow the Hedeghog[]
Shadow the Hedgehog... Why does that name haunt me...? It's the only thing I can remember... And... that gruesome image...
~ Shadow the Hedgehog suffering from amnesia.
Hmm. Look how pathetic they are! I don't have time for these humans.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog upon witnessing the arrival of the Black Arms.
Just what was that all about? If he says he knows the truth about who I am... Then like it or not, I have to believe him. The only way I'm going to get the secrets to my past is to get those Chaos Emeralds!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Hmph, perfect!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog getting an A-Rank in his own game.
Disgusting Black Creatures! Get outta my sight.
~ Shadow after completing the Hero mission of Westopolis.
You might look like me, but I know you're just a fake.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog in the multiplayer battle mode.
Outta my way! Coming through! (GUN Soldier: S-STOP! Don't move, or we'll shoot!) Stupid humans. Humph!
~ Shadow attacking GUN Soldiers.
Anybody who gets in my way is my enemy.
~ Shadow after completing Dark mission of Westopolis.
I don't know how he is, but for now, I have to believe him. That's it.
~ Shadow about Black Doom.
Where's that DAMN FOURTH Chaos Emerald!?
~ Shadow entering the Circus Park, before spotting Tails on his Cyclone vehicle.
Maybe... HE can tell me about those Black Creatures.
~ Shadow's idea on asking Eggman how he knows the Black Arms.
If you want to stay clear of trouble, then stay away from the Doctor.
~ Shadow to Amy, Cream and Cheese.
I bet no one expected this baby could fly.
~ Shadow in the Sky Troops Cutscene.
Having a little trouble with those GUN agents, are we?
~ Shadow to Doom's eye in the Death Ruins.
Sonic... Now I remember! That day, we fought here aboard the ARK.
~ Shadow to Sonic as he got the Chaos Emerald before him.
Mark my words, Black Doom. These so-called-pathetic humans are not my enemies.
~ Shadow to Black Doom.
A Chaos Emerald? You've gotta be kidding me, guys! This is like taking candy from a baby, which is fine by me!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog before taking a hidden Chaos Emerald on aboard Tails' spaceship.
I'll be there Maria! I swear! Whatever it takes, I'll take care of the ARK and the professor!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog promising Maria Robotnik to save the ARK from the Artificial Chaos.
Something tells me that I don't want to touch that green energy fluid.
~ Shadow about the Green Energy fluid.
Shadow: If what you say is true, then I will respectfully accept my fate. Commander: You mean to tell me that you really don't remember a thing? Shadow: But I just need some time... to uncover the real truth.
~ Shadow to Cmdr. Abraham Tower before leaving him to buy himself some time.
That rail's got a high-voltage current running through it. Don't touch it, it's dangerous.
~ Shadow about Electrified Rails.
This switch changes the rail path for the escape pod, it seems. Striking it will change the setting from right to left.
~ Shadow about the junction switch.
(cackling) The pieces are coming together. This ultimate life form they keep referring to is the black hedgehog, and he... Died! And I'm it's copy. I must be the android Dr. Eggman created. And it's clear what needs to be done! Doctor... You're going straight to the place you've created me from.
~ Shadow believing that he is actually a Shadow Android and ready to drive Eggman out for creating him.
Do whatever you need to, Knuckles. I've got my own reasons for being here.
~ Shadow to Knuckles on the Black Comet.
Yes Doctor, you will regret ever having created're going straight to hell!
~ Shadow vs Egg Dealer in Lava Shelter.
Goodbye, Doctor!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog putting a presumed end to Doctor Eggman.
I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, and I made a promise that I intend to keep. With the power of these emeralds, Black Doom and his army are finished! This is WHO I AM!!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog in his Pure Hero ending.
It's do or die, Sonic the Hedgehog.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog after defeating Sonic the Hedgehog and Diablon in the Final Haunt.
I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, and I've left the past behind me. No one can tell me what to do now! I WILL DESTROY YOU, BACK DOOM!
~ Shadow's rage on Black Doom.
I've heard enough. You're boring me to death, Black Doom! You're going DOWN!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog confronting Black Doom.
You have no control over me, Black Doom. I now understand the reason why I'm here. I've made a promise, and I'm here to keep it! Today... I put my past behind me!
~ Shadow to Black Doom before he puts an end to him.
This is the end of you, and the end to my cursed past!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog after finally killing Black Doom.
Only one thing left to do... to put the past behind me!!
~ Shadow putting an end to the Black Arms, and saving all of humanity.
Goodbye forever, Shadow the Hedgehog.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog abandoning his past.
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)[]
Understood. Initiating the mission now.
~ Shadow as he infiltrates Dr. Eggman's base in White Acropolis.
It's a request from the president.
~ Shadow when Rouge escaped with the Scepter of Darkness.
My assignment was to rescue you, nothing more.
~ Shadow to Rouge about what he needed to do in.
Humph. Let's get this over with.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog facing Egg Cerberus.
Ha! There's no strength in numbers!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog destroying enemies.
Who are you? And how do you know my name?
~ Shadow the Hedgehog meeting strangers who know him.
Same to you.
~ When Sonic tells Shadow to not be late.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog shouting at Rouge to stay away from the Chaos Emerald because Iblis is emerging.
Why are you here? Did you ruin this world?
~ Shadow's curiosity of Silver's future.
Shadow: That's absurd. Whatever it is you want to do, you can do it alone. Mephiles: You forgive humanity this folly, then? Shadow: I determine my own destiny.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog refusing to join Mephiles' side.
Don't bother to try and deceive me. I know who I am!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog as his first fight with Mephiles begins.
I'm Shadow. Shadow the Hedgehog.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog introducing himself in Sonic's way.
With a Chaos Emerald's power, I control time and space. You can't break free.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog to Silver about Chaos Control.
Shadow: Mephiles isn't trying to help you create a better future, he's trying to eliminate the past. Silver: What? What're you talking about? Shadow: To discover what happened, it seems we must see what took place 10 years ago. Follow me if you want the truth.
~ Shadow telling Silver that Mephiles is lying to him.
We'll have to split up. I'll pursue Mephiles.
~ Shadow demanding Silver to find their own target from the accident.
You have no desire for revenge. You only crave destruction. Your only lust is to fuel Iblis until there is nothing left of time itself.
~ Shadow to Mephiles.
Certainly, It might have been possible, if he was still alive.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog mourning the death of Sonic the Hedgehog.
The time space rift is expanding. There's no more time, I need to hurry.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
A Super-Dimensional being… Heh. This might even be a fair fight!
~ Super Shadow When first facing Solaris.
I will release you from the chains of your past.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog As Super Shadow to Solaris.
Time to unleash the ultimate power!
~ Super Shadow
Mario & Sonic series[]
How humiliating.
~ Shadow.
I'll show you my ultimate power.
~ Shadow after his introduction at the start of a Vancouver Olympic Event event
I let you win.
~ Shadow losing an event.
Sonic Free Riders[]
They have no idea how unfortunate they are!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog taunting the Babylon Rogues in Sonic Free Riders.
Three person team? I could've won that by myself.
~ Shadow thinking about having three people in a team after winning a race.
This had to be a mistake! How could I lose!?
~ Shadow the Hedgehog after being beaten by the Babylon Rogues the third time.
Well, for a random robot we picked up off the street, I'd say he's doing pretty well.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog thinking that E-10000B is doing good.
If you don't believe me, let's go again.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog, after winning a race.
This victory will be an honor of our fallen comrade.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog claiming that defeating Team Rose will honor the broken E-10000B in Team Dark's story.
They'll witness the true speed!
~ At the start of a race.
Sonic Generations[]
You're finally here, Sonic. I don't know where we are, nor do I care. This is where I finish you, Sonic.
~ Shadow, after being approached by Sonic for the first time, Sonic Generations.
Hah, back for more, Sonic? Guess you never learn your lesson.
~ Shadow upon approached by Sonic again.
Why you...!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog, after losing rings when hit by Sonic the Hedgehog.
Eat THIS!!
~ Shadow throwing Chaos Spears after getting two to three energy cores.
Get lost.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog taunting Sonic the Hedgehog.
You've got this, Sonic!
~ Shadow cheering the two Sonics up.
This one looks like fun.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog demanding that he and the rest of Sonic's friends will help the two Sonics.
Let's finish this one off quick!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog ready to fight the Time Eater.
Sonic, you can switch with the Y/Triangle Button.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic, attack with the A/X Button.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic, press LB and RB/L1 and R1 Buttons at the same time to combine your powers.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Quickly rotate the left stick to escape.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Switch and go after it!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog when the Time Eater changes areas.
It's attacking!/Look out!/It's a warping arm attack!
~ Shadow watching an arm warp out and in.
That's a homing shot!/Be careful, Sonic!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog about a shot that tracks Super Sonic.
You won't be able to move if that gets you!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog about the restraint trap.
Keep dodging or you'll be crushed!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Charge into the core!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Hey, don't let your guard down, now.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog after the first and third hits.
Time energy is building up!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Time's going to slow down!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
The time flow will be restored!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Incoming laser!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Hmph. Is that all you've got?
~ Shadow, losing to Sonic in Sonic Generations, OR winning a race in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed[]
What's wrong? Gettin' tired of being so weak?
~ Shadow's all-star move, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.
Someone needs to be taught his place.
~ Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Forces[]
It was one month before the doctor took over the world. The first time I encountered... him.
~ Shadow telling the story of Infinite.
Hmph, should've hired some defense squads for the defense squad, eh, doctor?
~ Shadow Teasing Eggman for hiring the Jackal Squad.
Worthless. Don't show your pathetic face around me ever again.
~ Shadow after defeating Infinite since a couple of months ago.
Rouge: Shadow, We've got a report from the Intelligence Division. They've located an unknown base of operations, that seems to be totally outside the chain of command for Eggman's Army. There's a large-scale troop presence. Suspiciously large for a place with no strategic value. Shadow: I can't imagine the doctor would do something like that without reason. Rouge: No kidding. And there's a rumor going around that 'ol rotten Eggman has been developing some kind of new weapon, so... Shadow: Yeah... looks like this won't be your garden variety recon mission. Rouge: Do it to it, Shadow. Omega went on ahead of you, so you can link up with him on sight. Shadow: I'm more than enough on my own. I'll handle things my way. Rouge: Heh, Omega said the same thing. You two go together like chili and hot dogs. Shadow: Cut the chatter, I'm on my way.
~ Shadow in the intro of Episode Shadow.
Got it!
~ Shadow following orders in his own game and Sonic Forces.
You should've known better than to send Omega an op like this.
~ Shadow disappointed to Rouge about Omega going on ahead of him.
Already on it! Heh, I knew it. So much for recon!
~ Shadow following Rouge's orders as Rouge lost Omega's signal.
Omega, what happened? What's going on over there?!
~ Shadow trying to provide support to Omega.
I don't know you. And the only thing of no consequence around here is that big mouth of yours.
~ Shadow having forgotten the first time he met Infinite.
What the-! Where am I? That guy... What happened to Infinite?
~ Shadow confused about who is Infinite.
This is where Omega was destroyed... but there's no sign of him here.
~ Shadow finding where Omega disappeared.
Ugh... What is this? My head...!
~ Shadow the Hedgehog hearing the words "I am not weak" echo through his mind.
Ngh... What...? Where? I'm back here? No, is this an illusion?
~ Shadow the Hedgehog after escaping virtual reality.
Sonic? What are you plotting? (hears an explosion) What--IS this...?! STOP!! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, INFINITE!?
~ Shadow the Hedgehog realizing Infinite's going up against Sonic the Hedgehog and chases after him.
Rgh! Withdrawing now! What's the meaning of all this? [escapes]
~ Shadow before escaping the collapsing facility.
Rouge, are you telling me the truth?
~ Shadow the Hedgehog while Rouge is explaining what happened.
What is it, Rouge? What happened?
~ Shadow the Hedgehog when Rouge shouts his name to get over here.
That was a fake.
~ Shadow after saving Sonic's life from his duplicate.
Shadow: Infinite can create virtual reality projections. They have mass and form, but no heart and soul. Sonic: Virtual Reality? So all those familiar faces who were a part of Eggman's army... Shadow: Replicas. The problem is, they may not be real, but their powers are as formidable as the originals. According to Rouge, Infinite can create unlimited numbers of them. Sonic: So fight after fight, he can just keep cranking up counterfeits? Shadow: Exactly. As it stands, there's no way we can win this. Sonic: Of course we can win this! We always do! We just haven't figured that part out, yet.
~ Shadow to Sonic.
This should effectively put a stop to the doctor's greatest weapon.
~ Shadow After the Death Egg blows up.
There's no more time. We have to break into the fortress now.
~ Shadow before the final battle begins.
The Doctor hasn't given up. Don't let your guard down yet.
~ Shadow at the beginning of the Iron Fortress.
As Lancelot[]
I am Lancelot, King Arthur's closest and most trusted Knight. I am also the greatest of all the Knights of the Round Table. I shall strike down all that dare do harm to my king.
~ Shadow as Lancelot
Lancelot: I have found you, apprentice knight, enemy of my King! Sonic: Who the heck are you?! Shadow? Lancelot: I am Lancelot, Knight of the Round Table. I challenge you to a duel!
~ Lancelot's first words
What shall it be? Will you abandon your sword and flee?
~ Lancelot
Very well, then! Brace yourself, Knave the Hedgehog!
~ Lancelot before he battle Sonic.
Now we shall see what you can do!
~ Lancelot
Knave the Hedgehog, eh? A fitting name, I'd say.
~ Lancelot teasing Sonic.
Are you truly a knight? You seem more like a court jester.
~ Lancelot to Sonic.
I was far too careless. Tsk...
~ Lancelot's first defeat.
I thought I was the Ultimate Knight...
~ Lancelot's second defeat.
We have orders from the king. Have you any last words?
~ Lancelot to Merlina.
For the kingdom and its people!
~ Lancelot with the other knights of the round table.
Anyone who can remain hidden from me can rightfully boast a great deed.
~ When starting a "find the hidden fairies" mission.
Time to fly!
~ During the "Reach the Goal" mission in the Shrouded Forest.
There is nothing that I cannot do.
~ While fighting during a mission in Great Megalith.
A stone? In the Dragon's lair?!
~ When starting the "Reach the Goal" mission for the Dragon's Lair.
A battle against a dragon? This is going to be interesting indeed.
~ After encountering the dragon in the Dragon's Lair.
You are the one and true king Arthur?!
~ Lancelot, Gawain, and Percival's last words realizing the truth about Sonic.
Shadow claims that Sonic was a faker since they both look alike (despite Sonic's quills being blue and Shadow's black quills with crimson markings), even for speed types since Sonic Adventure 2 and other games.
The look and feel of Shadow's character was based on movie franchises such as Underworld, Constantine, and The Terminator.
In the Sonic Boom cartoon, Eggman breaks the 4th wall stating that Shadow is "the second most popular character in the whole canon".
In ScrewAttack's DEATH BATTLE, Shadow has fought three opponents thus far, those being Vegeta, Mewtwo, and Ryūko Matoi, losing against all but winning against Ryūko.
In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the game incorrectly states Shadow's first appearance was in Sonic Heroes when he first appeared in Sonic Adventure 2. This was corrected in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
In early development for Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow was originally named Terios the Hedgehog, and had a much stronger resemblance to Sonic than he did in his final design as Shadow. It's unknown why this was changed.
Several things about Shadow's personal life have been revealed during the annual Q&A "Sonic The Hedgehog Twitter Takeovers". These include but are not limited to; him smelling like lavender, him volunteering at soup kitchens during his spare time, his favourite drink being black coffee, his favourite anime being Kill la Kill and his favourite singer being Taylor Swift (although his favourite genre is apparently classic rock).
Battle Kukku Empire Great Battle Kukku | Battle Kukku XVI | Dr. Fukurokov
Witchcarters Witchcart | Bearenger the Bear | Hocke-Wulf | Carrotia the Rabbit
Storybook Villains
Sonic and the Secret Rings: Erazor Djinn | Captain Bemoth | Ifrit Golem
Sonic and the Black Knight: Merlina | King Arthur | Knights of the Underworld
LEGO Dimensions LEGO Chaos | LEGO Dr. Eggman | LEGO Metal Sonic
Live-Action Robotnik's Forces Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Agent Stone | Badniks (Unit & Matryoshka Drones) | Lindsey and Jason | The Buyer | Agent Willoughby | Agent Mason | Professor Gerald Robotnik
Extraterrestrials Echidna Tribe (Pachacamac, Echidna Warrior & Knuckles the Echidna) | Shadow the Hedgehog | Rava the Destroyer | Scavengers | Giant Owls | Iblis | Metal Sonic
Others Roadhouse Thug | Pistol Pete Whipple | Jack Sinclair | Cattleprod Bounty Hunter | Chain Bounty Hunter
Others Babylon Guardian | Biolizard | King Arthur | Boom Boos | Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Scorpius | Dark Gaia (Dark Gaia's Minions) | Erazor Djinn | Fang the Sniper | Feist | G-merl | King Boom Boo | Ifrit | Merlina | Professor Gerald Robotnik | Pachacamac | The End
Red Heroes Dr. Curien |
Lassic |
Shadow the Hedgehog
Other Characters Dremagen |
Metal Sonic |
Dr. Eggman |
Banana Thieves |
Death Adder Jr. |
Caterkiller |
Buzz Bomber |
Kapu Kapu |
Crabmeat |
Galsia |
Sir Coffer Gus
Trophies/Spirits/Stickers Acro |
Affinity |
Akuma |
Alraune |
Albert Wesker |
Amalthus |
Andrew Oikonny |
Antasma |
Aparoids |
Aparoid Queen |
Arlon |
Ashnard |
Axel |
Baba |
Baby Bowser |
Babylon Rogues (Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, Storm the Albatross) |
Balrog |
Banzai Bills |
Bass |
Big Boss |
Bio Rex |
Birdo |
Black Shadow |
Blood Falcon |
Bokoblins |
Blippers |
Bloopers |
Bombers |
Bonkers |
Boos |
Boom Boom |
Boom Stompers |
Box Boxer |
Boxy |
Broom Hatters |
Bugzzy |
Bumpety Bombs |
Bulborbs |
Burt the Bashful |
Buzzy Beetles |
Byrne |
Cackletta |
Calamity Ganon |
Camus |
Cappys |
Captain Syrup |
Carmilla |
Chandelure |
Chaos |
Chaos Kin |
Chargin' Chucks |
Chozo Soldiers |
Clubberskulls |
Colonel Pluck |
Condor |
Careening Dirigibugs |
Cragalanche |
Creepers |
Creeping Chrysanthemums |
Count Bleck |
Count Cannoli |
Cranky Kong/Donkey Kong (arcade) |
Daphnes |
Dark Man 4 |
Dark Matter |
Dark Matter Blade |
Dark Mind |
Dark Monita |
Darknuts |
Daroach |
Deadly Six (Zavok, Master Zik, Zeena, Zomom, Zazz, Zor) |
Death |
Deathborn |
Devil Jin |
Demise |
Demon King Arzodius |
Diggernaut |
Dimentio |
DJ Octavio |
Don Bongo |
Donkey Kong Jr. |
Drackys |
Dragaux |
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik |
Dry Bones |
Eagle |
E-123 Omega |
Edelgard von Hresvelg |
Eggplant Wizard |
EggRobos |
Emerl |
E.M.M.I. |
Ender Dragon |
Erazor Djinn |
Evil Ryu |
Father Balder |
Fawful |
Fiery Blowhogs |
Flages |
Fortitudo |
FU |
Fynalle |
Gabriel Belmont |
Gangrel |
Galacta Knight |
Galactic Fiend Kraken |
Garon |
Gengar |
General Guy |
Geese Howard |
Gharnef |
Ghasts |
Ghosts |
Gleeoks |
Goda |
Gold Bone |
Golems (Kirby) |
Golems (Dragon Quest) |
Gomorrah |
Gooper Blooper |
Gordos |
Goro Akechi |
Great Reaper |
Great Sabrecats |
Grief |
Gruntilda |
Guardians |
Hades |
Hawke |
Heihachi Mishima |
Helmaroc King |
Hewdraw |
Hooktail |
Hoopa Unbound |
Hot Heads |
Igor |
Infinite |
Ing |
Inspired |
Iori Yagami |
Iridescent Flint Beetles |
Iridescent Glint Beetles |
Iron Golems |
Jade Face |
Jeanne |
Jin |
Jin Kazama |
Julius |
Juri Han |
Kalypso |
Kamek |
Kammy Koopa |
Kanden |
Karate Kong |
Kass |
King Bob-omb |
King Boo |
King Dice |
King Dodongo |
King Hippo |
King Knight |
King Olly |
King Slimes |
Kip |
Kludge |
Kracko |
Kraid |
Kritters |
Kuma II |
Kyle Merkulov |
Leon Powalski |
Lethiniums |
Liquid Snake |
Loptr |
Lord Fredrik |
Louie |
Lurchthorns |
Lyon |
MB |
M. Bison |
Magnamalo |
Magolor |
Mahvas |
Majora |
Malladus |
Malos |
Masked Man |
Master Belch |
Master Kohga |
Mecha Ridley |
Medeus |
Medusa |
Megontas |
Meta-Knights (Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Mace Knight, Trident Knight, Blade Knights, Heavy Lobster) |
Metal Sonic |
Metroid Prime |
Mimicuties |
Moblins |
Mockiwis |
Moley |
Monoeyes |
Mouser |
Mr. Frosty |
Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright |
Mugly |
Nabbit |
Natah |
Necrozma |
Nihilego |
Nightmare |
Nina Williams |
Ninja Kong |
Nipper Plants |
Nruffs |
Nutskis |
O'Chunks |
Octoman |
Octoroks |
Olaf |
Ornes |
Pandora |
Panther Caroso |
Paper Bowser |
Parasite Queen |
Paz Ortega Andrade |
Peckish Aristocrabs |
Phantom Ganon |
Pico |
Pidgits |
Piglins |
Pigma Dengar |
Pigmasks |
Plague Knight |
Plasma Wisps |
Plasm Wraith |
Pom Pom |
Pompy |
Poppy Bros. Jrs. |
Princess Shroob |
Quaggled Mireclops |
Queen Metroid |
Queen Sectonia |
Rabbid Kong |
Rabbids |
Raphael the Raven |
Reapers |
Redd |
Reshiram |
Rhea |
Revolver Ocelot |
Riku |
Risky Boots |
Robot Masters (Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Metal Man, Air Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Wood Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Spark Man, Snake Man, Shadow Man, Drill Man, Dive Man, Skull Man, Gravity Man, Napalm Man, Knight Man, Wind Man, Slash Man, Sword Man, Galaxy Man) |
Rockys |
Rodin, the Infinite One |
Roger the Potted Ghost |
Rouge the Bat |
Roxas |
Rufus Shinra |
Ryuichi and Ryuji |
Sagat |
Salamence |
Scarfies |
Scurvy Crew |
Shadow Beasts |
Shadow Queen |
Shaft |
Shake King |
Sheegoth |
Shield Knight |
Shotzos |
Shroobs |
Shy Guys |
Sidesteppers |
Sigma |
Sir Kibbles |
Skeletons |
Skuttlers |
Slimes (Dragon Quest) |
Slimes (Minecraft) |
Smoky Progs |
Snowmads |
Solidus Snake |
Space Pirates (Kid Icarus) |
Space Pirates (Metroid) |
Specknoses |
Specter Knight |
Squeakers |
Starmans |
Stu |
Swooping Snitchbugs |
Sylux |
Tacs |
Tatanga |
Thanatos |
The Devil |
The Skull |
Therion |
The Three Mage-Sisters (Francisca, Flamberge, Zan Partizanne) |
Tiki Tak Tribe (Tiki Tong, Kalimba, Gong-Oh, Maraca Gang, Wacky Pipes, Cordian, Banjo Bottom, Xylobone) |
Trace |
Travis Touchdown |
Turks (Elena, Reno, Rude, Tseng) |
Turret Tusk |
Twinbellows |
Twinrova |
Ultimate Chimera |
Vaati |
Validar |
Vega |
Viridi |
Viruses |
Vivian |
Vorash |
Waddle Dees |
Waddle Doos |
Walhart |
Walkys |
Wart |
Weavel |
Wheelies |
Whispy Woods |
Whomps |
Wigglers |
Wollywogs |
Xord |
X-Parasites |
Yaldabaoth |
Yuga |
Yveltal |
Zangief |
Zant |
Zekrom |
Zero |
Zingers |
Zoda |
Miscellaneous Billy Kane |
Chang Koehan |
Choi Bounge |
Dr. Coyle |
Dragonborn |
Organization XIII (Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Vanitas) |
Ryuji Yamazaki |
Saïx |
Solon |
Spiders |
Springtron |
Team Rocket Grunts |
Yiga Foot Soldiers
Bad Guys Original: Lord Vortech | Vortech Minions | The Tri DC Comics: Bane (LEGO Batman) | Brainiac | General Zod | Goons | Harley Quinn (LEGO Batman) | Joker (LEGO Batman) | Lex Bots | Lex Luthor | Riddler | Scarecrow (LEGO Batman) | Two-Face (LEGO Batman) The LEGO Movie: Bad Cop | Lord Business | Super Secret Police The Lord of the Rings: Gollum | Orcs | Saruman | Sauron | Trolls Back to the Future: Portal 2: Cave Johnson | GLaD0S]] | Turrets | Wheatley The Simpsons: Mr. Burns Jurassic World: Indominus rex Scooby-Doo!: Legends of Chima: Cragger The Wizard of Oz: Flying Monkeys | Wicked Witch of the West Doctor Who: Cybermen | Daleks | Dalek Emperor | Davros | Weeping Angels Ninjago: Anacondrai Cultists | Clouse | Lord Garmadon | Master Chen | Nindroid Army | Overlord Ghostbusters: Ghosts (Ghostbusters) | Gozer | Library Ghost | Stay Puft Marshmallow Man | Terror Dogs Midway Arcade: Death | Demons | Ghosts (Gauntlet) | Manti Leader | Monsters | Mukor | Sorcerers | Theif Ghostbusters (2016): Rowan North Adventure Time: Candy Zombies | Earl of Lemongrab | Fern | Ice King | The Lich Mission: Impossible: Jim Phelps | Claire Phelps Harry Potter: Bellatrix Lestrange | Death Eaters | Dementors | Draco Malfoy | Lord Voldemort The A-Team: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Credence Barebone | Gnarlak | Mary Lou Barebone | Percival Graves | Queenie Goldstein Sonic the Hedgehog: Badniks | Chaos | Dr. Eggman | Mecha Sonic | Metal Sonic | Robo-Sonic | Shadow the Hedgehog | Tails Doll Gremlins: Brain Gremlin | Daffy | Gremlins | Stripe E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial: The LEGO Batman Movie: Agent Smith | Bane (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Clayface | Harley Quinn (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Joker (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Kraken | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Two-Face (The LEGO Batman Movie) Knight Rider: The Goonies: LEGO City Undercover: Forrest Blackwell | Rex Fury The Powerpuff Girls (2016): Mojo Jojo Teen Titans Go!: Billy Numerous | Mammoth | Terra Beetlejuice: Beetlejuice