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Villain Overview

I will show no mercy!
~ Sektor
For the Lin Kuei!
~ Sektor in human form.

Sektor is a Lin Kuei warrior transformed into a cyborg and a supporting antagonist in the Mortal Kombat series. He is also one of Kuai Liang's most hated foes. He is a major antagonist in Mortal Kombat 3, a supporting antagonist in Mortal Kombat Armageddon, Mortal Kombat (2011), and Mortal Kombat X comic series, and a minor antagonist in Mortal Kombat 11.

Sektor was the moving force behind the Lin Kuei's Cyber Initiative, a mission to convert their clan into a much more powerful faction by turning their members into cyborg warriors. While in a sense this would prove successful, as the cyborgs were much stronger and capable than normal humans, they would lose their free will in the process, being programmed to maintain loyalty to their leaders and follow orders without question. Willingly cyberized, Sektor's hunger for power and dominance grew to greater heights, and it was his ambition that would lead the Lin Kuei down the path of evil if not stopped.


  • In Mortal Kombat 3, he was portrayed by Sal Divita, who also portrayed Cyrax and Smoke in the same game and Scorpion in Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero.
  • In Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm, he was voiced by Dorian Harewood, who also voiced Armory in Batman Beyond, Dr. Tenma in Astro Boy, Whirlwind and Whiplash in Iron Man: The Animated Series and Hammerhead in Spider-Man: The Animated Series.
  • In Mortal Kombat Gold, he was portrayed by Sultan Uddin, who also portrayed Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat: Conquest.
  • In Mortal Kombat (2011), he was voiced by Andrew Kishino, who also voiced Shang Tsung in the same game, Juggernaut in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, Janja in The Lion Guard, Mantis in Young Justice and Shredder in Batman vs. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • In Mortal Kombat: Legacy, he was played by Peter Shinkoda, who also played Nobu Yoshioka in Daredevil.
  • In Mortal Kombat X, he was voiced by Vic Chao, who also voiced Triborg and Goro in the same game and Tseng in Final Fantasy VII Remake.
  • In Mortal Kombat 11 and Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms, he was voiced by Dave B. Mitchell, who also voiced Geras in the former, Kintaro in the latter, Shocker in Marvel's Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man: Edge of Time, Gerard Valkyrie in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Warwick in League of Legends, Bazuso in Berserk: The Golden Age Arc, Clayface and Hush in Batman Unlimited and Ash in Alien: Isolation.


Original Timeline[]

Mortal Kombat 3[]

Sektor volunteered to be transformed into a cyborg out of loyalty to the Lin Kuei after the clan made the decision to start doing this to their best warriors. Sektor was sent to hunt down and kill the rogue ninja, Sub-Zero, after he deserted the clan.

The cyborg attempted this twice, first during Emperor Shao Kahn's invasion and the second time during Lord Shinnok's attempt at power, but failed both times. Sektor was eventually left the only functioning cyborg after Smoke was captured and left in one of Shao Kahn's fortresses deactivated, and Cyrax became a member of the Outer World Investigation Agency after they restored his soul.

Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition[]

However, Sektor's programming had been corrupted by his constant battles with the forces of Outworld. He rebelled against the Lin Kuei Grandmaster and took control of the clan by killing him. With this done, Sektor proceeded to make plans to turn all of the Lin Kuei into cyborgs, but was stopped by Sub-Zero. The cyborg was defeated and forced to flee, but he fled to Japan. There, the increasingly insane Sektor formed his own clan of cyborg ninjas, called the Tekunin, plotting to take over Japan. The Tekunin proved to be a dangerous threat to Earthrealm, with the Special Forces taking opposition to them.

Mortal Kombat: Armageddon[]


Sektor's appearance in Armageddon.

In the Konquest mode of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Sektor attacked and captured Taven in while he was in his father's temple. The cyborg brought him to his warship where he demanded the information about what Taven's father had told him in his message. However Sektor found his warship under attack by Sonya and her Special Forces, resulting in Taven getting free.

But before the demigod could escape the warship, the cyborg attacked him, saying that Taven wouldn't leave until he got all the information he needed. Sektor was beaten, but he apparently made it off of the warship. The cyborg planted a tracking device on him, which Sonya used to find Taven later.

At the Battle of Armageddon, Sektor joined the Forces of Darkness in the fight to gain Blaze's power. In the end, however, he was killed on the steps of the Pyramid of Argus. In his non-canon ending, Sektor defeated Blaze, causing the power of the firespawn to surge through him. This caused his mind to link with that of Cyrax and Smoke and they joined together into an abomination of flesh and technology.

Alternate Timeline[]

Sektor is depicted as the son of the Lin Kuei Grandmaster, a position the former hoped to usurp from him. He is later said in Mortal Kombat 11's Sub-Zero ending to be the one who corrupted Bi-Han.

Mortal Kombat (2011)[]

Sektor appears as one of the Kombatants at the Mortal Kombat as a human Chinese member of the clan who, along with Cyrax, was paid handsomely by tournament organizer Shang Tsung to compete and kill Earthrealm's fighters. The two are arguing over the Cyber Initiative, with Sektor embracing the Grandmaster's plan while Cyrax was reluctant to surrender his humanity.

Their argument is interrupted, when they see Scorpion walk by, and they begin to taunt him. Scorpion faces both of them in a two-on-one battle, and ultimately both are defeated. Later, when Cyrax refuses to kill Johnny Cage, he and Sektor have another argument, this time leading to a fight between the two of them.

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Sektor in Mortal Kombat (2011).

The next time Sektor is seen, he has been automated by the Lin Kuei, along with Cyrax. While Cyrax attempts to capture Sub-Zero for automation, Sektor goes after Smoke. Neither of the automated warriors are successful in their first pursuits, with Sektor being interrupted by Raiden. After Sub-Zero defeats Scorpion, the Lin Kuei cyborgs return to capture him. Cyrax and Sektor appear and ask for Shao Kahn's permission to take Sub-Zero away for automation, in return for the Lin Kuei's loyalty and service, which the Emperor accepts.

After Khan's defeat by Liu Kang, Sektor served as one of his generals in his subsequent invasion of Earthrealm. He is seen conversing with Cyrax and Noob Saibot, when the newly reprogrammed Cyber Sub-Zero returns from Earthrealm. Sektor secretly scanned Sub-Zero's neural net, and found that his personality had been restored. Under the pretense of a new mission, Sektor takes Cyber Sub-Zero to the Subway, reveals that he knows he has been reprogrammed. The two cyborgs fight, but Sektor is defeated. Sub-Zero then extracts important information on Kahn's plans from Sektor's database. Sektor, Cyrax, and a squad of Lin Kuei cyborgs later ambush the Earth warriors. He briefly battles Stryker, then fights Smoke and almost kills him, when Nightwolf interferes. Sektor then faces Nightwolf in battle, but is ultimately defeated.

Mortal Kombat X[]

Following Sub-Zero's death at the hands of Sindel and subsequent resurrection as a Revenant by Quan Chi and Shinnok, Sektor took control of the Lin Kuei, intending to turn the entire clan into cyborgs like himself and mold them into his own personal army. However, his ambitions were brought to an end by the return of Sub Zero, who had been freed from Quan Chi's control and returned to humanity thanks to the actions of Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage.

Sub Zero, with the help of Cyrax who is freed from Sektor's master control via stolen USB virus given from Kung Jin defeated Sektor and dismembered him, but chose to keep him alive in his disassembled state in order to study his cyberized memories. This allowed him to discover that, during the events of the previous game, Sektor had made a deal with Quan Chi: Quan Chi would exterminate the Shirai Ryu for Sektor, and in return, Sektor would pledge the Lin Kuei to Shinnok's service. However, Sektor refused to uphold his end of the deal, claiming that Quan Chi resurrecting Hanzo Hasashi as Scorpion violated the terms of their agreement.

Sub Zero revealed this new information to Hanzo, who like him had been freed from Quan Chi's control and had discarded his old moniker of Scorpion. This finally brought an end to Hanzo's vendetta against the Lin Kuei, and directed his rage and vengeance against Quan Chi, the true source of his suffering. Whether or not Sub Zero chose to fully destroy Sektor after this is unknown.

Mortal Kombat 11[]

Taking place during the near end of Mortal Kombat 2 tournament in Mortal Kombat (2011), the past iterations of Sektor and Cyrax are brought by Kronika to the future-present timeline. They are joined by Frost, Kuai Liang/Sub-Zero's former apprentice in this time period, vowing to help Sektor’s new era of the Cyber Lin Kuei, granting her a second master control program as his successor during her transformation as a first ever female cyborg, allowing the master control program on the brainwashed cyborgs remained online, should Sektor die before her.

He and Frost, aided by their old Lin Kuei ally Bi-Han, now known as Noob Saibot, pull off their scheme by massacring Kuai Liang’s Lin Kuei, and using their hearts and brains to be implanted into cyborg bodies, brainwashing them, right before the future-present Scorpion (now human) and Sub-Zero arrived too late. It is explained before the second tournament started in his timeline that Sektor ripped Cyrax's heart before forcefully automating him into a cyborg. While Sektor is elsewhere within a recently built Cyber Lin Kuei factory, he is alerted by Frost of Sub-Zero and Scorpion’s arrival, and Cyrax’s recovery of his human soul. He is presumably killed by either Scorpion or Sub-Zero, with the former getting his vengeance on Sektor for his involvement with Quan Chi's massacre of the original Shirai Ryu. Though the mass production of Cyber Lin Kuei is stopped by Cyrax’s sacrifice, shutting his system, Sektor’s body is quickly brought by his allies, where two iterations of Kano revives and upgrade him in return for Kronika offering them control over every market in the Realms.

He and Kano led the Black Dragon and remaining Cyber Lin Kuei in a raid on Special Force base, taking Sonya Blade of his timeline a hostage. When the older Johnny Cage attempted to rescue her with a tank, Sektor called in a missile to destroy it, but the Black Dragon aircraft he was on was also destroyed. After ordering another extraction vehicle, Sektor confronted Johnny, confident in victory as Cyrax was able to defeat his younger self, but the older Johnny was able to defeat him. The modern Kano managed to take Johnny’s past-self a hostage as well, leaving Sektor to self-destruct alongside Cassie Cage, Jacqui Briggs, young Jax Briggs, and the older Johnny, until Raiden arrived on time to evacuate his surviving allies.

Mortal Kombat 1[]

While Sektor does not feature within the story mode of this game, he appears in his original design as a "Kameo" character.

Sektor is mentioned, alongside Cyrax, when Smoke questions Scorpion on becoming the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster. Scorpion iterated that with Sub-Zero's betrayal and corruption of the Lin Kuei, Cyrax and Sektor's loyalty to Sub-Zero is absolute and that they would rather abet his corruption than oppose him. As revealed in Sub-Zero's ending, Sektor uses his technological expertise to devise an alternative army for the Lin Kuei, made from technology, rather than magic.

Other Media[]

Defenders of the Realm[]

Sektor made short appearances in the cartoon series Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm. In the first episode, Kombat Begins Again, Sektor and Cyrax led an attack on Earthrealm that was thwarted by Earth's warriors and Sub-Zero. Sektor had two lines of dialog during his confrontation with Kitana. During a brief flashback scene in Old Friends Never Die, he was portrayed as an African-American man with long dreadlocks.

Mortal Kombat: Legacy[]

Mortal Kombat Legends[]


He represents the closest thing to evil a cyborg can be, and combines traits of both a stealthy ninja and a ruthless killing machine suitable for modern warfare. In contrast to his counterpart Cyrax, Sektor never concerned himself with regaining his human self, and may be unable to. As far as this could be said about a cybernetic organism, it is likely that he suffers from a form of insanity. Even in his human form, Sektor was utterly devoted to the Lin Kuei clan and, unlike Cyrax, Sub-Zero, and Smoke, never questioned nor resisted the Cyber Initiative, the idea of becoming glorified mechanical warriors. He is capable of independent thought and action as Cyrax and Smoke are; however, unlike the other two cyborg ninjas, the only emotions Sektor really exhibits are but rage and inhumanity. That said, he was one of few kombatants who thought Frost was worthy of leading the Lin Kuei Clan. However, he only took her in because of they both hated the current Sub-Zero.

Sektor also shows little regard for any of his allies. He sees them as merely pawns to ensure that the Lin Keui continue to thrive. While this might appear noble to some, Sektor proves with his actions that he never cares about his clan; only his vision on how they should operate. He becomes easily angered whenever they fail, and for the most part, outright embraces being evil. This makes him as if not even worse than Frost as he is equally as self-serving on top of being even more ruthless.

Powers and Abilities[]

File:Sektor missile.jpg

Sektor using his missiles.

Sektor has a number of special abilities thanks to his being a cyborg, such as enhanced strength and built in weaponry. This includes a series of missile launchers built into his chest and flamethrowers on each arm. He wields a set of energy swords called Pulse Blades and he wielded a Laser Pistol. While he perfers using his fists and feet, hs is skilled enough to hold his own against opponents who are also highly skilled with these types of weapons.

Sektor also can teleport, possesses a cloaking device, contains a compactor which is also hidden in his chest, which is powerful enough to crush a human being in a matter of seconds. Sektor also wields a device known as the Scarecrow, which can rip his opponent's body into six pieces, if Sektor tosses the device on his opponent's chest. Sektor is also a master in multiple martial arts including Ninjitsu, Sambo, and Kenpo.


As a Human[]

  • Enhanced Strength: As human, Sektor has impressive strength. Similar to Cyrax, he can take on the likes of large opponents like Shokan.
  • Enhanced Speed: He can move at impressive speeds that far exceed peak humans.
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Stamina: Like other Lin Kuei ninjas, Sektor can fight for a long time without being exhausted.
  • Enhanced Endurance: Sektor can tolerate large amounts of physical pain and can still stand and fight after that.
  • Enhanced Senses: As a ninja, Sektor has incredible senses. He can sense Scorpion walking toward him and Cyrax when he was talking to him.
  • Teleportation: Sektor has the ability to teleport.

As a Cyborg[]

  • Cybernetic Enhancement: Sektor has believed in the Cyber Initiative and was the first to be turned. As a "cybernetic organism", Sektor possesses enhanced strength and stamina, as well as great onboard weaponry. As with the case of Cyrax, he appears to specialize in long range combat. His chest cavity is loaded with rockets and heat-seeking missiles, and he has a flamethrower built into his right arm. Unlike the other cyborgs, Sektor embraced his new machine body and decided to upgrade it rather than remove it. As of Armageddon, he commands an entire squad of AI controlled machines built in a similar vein to his original design as well as Cyrax's new design. Due to his upgrades, he possesses a jet propulsion system on each of his joints and new armor plating. He also now has two pulse blades to verse his foes in close quarter combat if needed to. He also possesses the ability to turn invisible.
    • Mechanical Strength: With his cybernetic enhancement, he is able to lift tons of weight.
    • Mechanical Speed: He can move twice as fast than the speed of light since his transformation
    • Mechanical Agility
    • Unlimited Stamina: Sektor can now fight tirelessly without needing to relax or breathe.
      • Self-Sustenance: Sektor doesn't need to eat or drink when he is a cyborg.
    • Mechanical Durability
    • Unlimited Endurance
    • Invulnerability: With his armor plating, he can resist powerful punches and kicks. He cannot be injured with his enhancement.
    • Sensor Systems
    • Invisibility: His enhancement gave him the ability to turn invisible.
    • Self-Destruction: In MK11, it's revealed that he can rig his suit to explode and can destroy other things along with him.
    • Flight: He has thrusters on his arms and legs that can give him the ability to fly.
    • Immortality: Because Sektor was turned into a cyborg, he cannot age anymore.


  • Expert Martial Artist: Sektor has known to be a master of many forms of hand-to-hand combat. He has been able to best Smoke in the second time they crossed paths. By mixing up his cybernetic enhancements with martial arts he becomes a formidable opponent for his enemies.
    • Ninjutsu
    • Sambo
    • Kenpo
  • Master Acrobat: While Sektor was human he has shown to be an impressive acrobat. He can leap great distances and can flip forward and backward at great heights.
  • Weapon Mastery: As human, he is very proficient in using flamethrowers, rockets, and missiles. When he was cybernetic, he fully enhanced himself, being able to use pulse blades.
  • Genius Level Intellect: Other than his cybernetic upgrades, he is known to be very intelligent in cybernetics and technology. His IQ is measured to be 150.
  • Indomitable Will





  • Lin Kuei Grandmaster] (Formerly/killed by Sektor)
  • Cyber Lin Kuei/Tekunin
  • Shao Kahn (killed by Raiden and the Elder Gods, revived in Mortal Kombat 11)
  • Cyrax (formerly)
  • Noob Saibot
  • Shang Tsung
  • Baraka (killed by D'Vorah in Mortal Kombat X, revived in Mortal Kombat 11)
  • Reptile
  • Ermac
  • Quan Chi (killed by Scorpion in Mortal Kombat X)
  • Goro (dead)
  • Skarlet
  • Kintaro (killed by Sonya, Cassie and Jacqui in the Mortal Kombat X comics)
  • Sindel
  • Cyber Sub-Zero (formerly)
  • Motaro (killed by Raiden in Mortal Kombat (2011))
  • Mileena (killed by D'Vorah in Mortal Kombat X)
  • Young Erron Black
  • Baraka (killed by D'Vorah in Mortal Kombat X)
  • Revenants
  • Kano
  • Frost- Student
  • Triborg (member of the Tekunin)
  • Kronika
  • Geras
  • Kabal



Sektor succeeded in finding new recruits willing to undergo the process to become cyborgs and secretly created a home base for his clan in Japan. Like a virus, Sektor's new faction of ninjas grew in number and their presence in that nation became cause for alarm. Soon, all of Japan will be controlled by the Tekunin.
~ Sektor's ending in Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition.
Sonya Blade, this is Grandmaster Sektor of the Tekunin clan. our consciousness is no longer bound to flesh. The destruction of this ship only postpones our eventual rise to ultimate domination.
~ Sektor to Sonya, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
You are not leaving until I get all the information I need. Even if I have to beat it out of you. Fight!
Upon defeating Blaze, the power that surged Sektor linked him with his fellow cybernetic ninjas, Smoke and Cyrax. Becoming one mind, they were joined in an abomination of flesh and technology. The realms will soon tremble at the coming transformation. All will bow to the new god!
~ Sektor's Mortal Kombat Armageddon ending.
Target aquired!
~ Sektor while using his missiles.
Sektor: Smoke, you have disobeyed the directive to remain at the Lin Kuei temple.
Smoke: Sektor?!
Sektor: You will return with us to begin your transformation.
Smoke: You actually did it, you’re a cyborg!
Sektor: We are the Lin Kuei. More stealthful than the night, more deadly than the dawn!
~ Sektor confronts Smoke after being transformed into a cyborg
You are weak, Smoke. Now do you understand? The power of the Grandmaster's vision?
~ Sektor mocking Smoke.
Quan Chi: The Lin Kuei need to abide by their agreements, Sektor. The Grandmaster gave Shinnok his word.
Sektor: Shinnok's currency is lies. As is yours.
Quan Chi: Payment is due. I exterminated the Shirai Ryu as promised.
Sektor: Hanzo Hasashi lives. He's your specter, Scorpion.
Quan Chi: I created Scorpion from Hasashi's soul after he died. We observed the agreement.
Sektor: The letter, not the spirit. You are owed nothing!
~ Sektor to Quan Chi.
The past you know is no longer set. The Cyber Lin Kuei will usher in Kronika's New Era!
~ Sektor to Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat 11.
Scorpion: You started this fire. Selling out your clan so Quan Chi would slaughter mine.
Sektor: He should have killed you as he promised. Now I finish what he could not.
~ Sektor to Scorpion before their fight.
Sektor: Johnny Cage. Cyrax defeated you when you were younger and stronger. As I am his superior, I am yours.
Johnny Cage: You're forgetting the time I beat Shinnok, mano-a-mano. Oh, wait! You were dead when that happened.
~ Sektor to Johnny Cage before their fight.


  • Sektor and Kintaro are the only two characters from the games leading up to Mortal Kombat Trilogy that do not appear in the movies.
  • In Mortal Kombat: Deception's Konquest mode, Sektor makes an appearance in Edenia, where he gives Shujinko a quest to get parts form Orderrealm for him. Sektor refers to himself in the third person here, while in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, he speaks normally. This may because he was damaged and needed parts, making him speak in a less well-educated manner.
  • In Mortal Kombat: Deception's Konquest mode, Sektor will say "ERROR! ERROR!" if attacked.
  • Of the playable cyborgs in the Mortal Kombat series, Sektor is the first that is actually evil, as he is the only one who has complete moral agency over his actions
  • Sektor's original name was Ketchup. This was changed because the name sounded too soft for a game like Mortal Kombat.
  • It is unknown who voiced Sektor in Defenders of the Realm and Armageddon respectively.
  • Sektor appeared in season 2 of the popular web series Death Battle! where he fought against Fulgore from Killer Instinct and lost.

External Links[]


           Kombat2 MortalKombat Villains Kombat2

Main Villains
Blaze | Daegon | Dark Kahn | Havik (New Era, Titan Havik) | Kronika | Onaga | One Being | Quan Chi (New Era) | Shang Tsung (New Era) | Shao Kahn (General Shao) | Shinnok

Secondary Villains
Cetrion (Dark Cetrion) | D'Vorah | Dark Raiden (New Era) | Frost | Geras | Goro (New Era) | Kano | Kintaro | Mileena | Noob Saibot (New Era, Order of Darkness) | Sektor (New Era, Khaos Timeline, Order of Darkness) | Sindel (2nd Timeline) | Skarlet

Other Villains
Baraka (Order of Darkness) | Chameleon | Cyrax (Khaos, Order of Darkness) | Drahmin | Darrius | Dairou | Ermac (Order of Darkness) | Erron Black | Hotaru | Hsu Hao | Jade | Jarek | Kabal | Kira | Kobra | Kollector | Mavado | Moloch | Motaro (New Era) | Nitara (New Era, Order of Darkness) | Rain (New Era) | Dark Rain | Dark Liu Kang | Dark Kitana | Reiko (New Era, Emperor) | Reptile (Order of Darkness) | Scorpion (Order of Darkness) | Sheeva | Smoke | Dark Kung Lao | Dark Smoke | Tanya | Dark Li Mei (Empress) | Dark Geras | Tremor | Triborg

Undead Villains
Jade | Jax | Kabal | Kitana | Kung Lao | Kurtis Stryker | Liu Kang | Nightwolf | Sindel | Smoke | Sub-Zero

Guest Star Villains
Alien | Catwoman | Darkseid | Deathstroke | Freddy Krueger | Homelander | Spawn | Jason Voorhees | Joker | Kratos | Leatherface Lex Luthor | Omni-Man | Predator | Terminator

Non Playable Villains
Barakion | Female Ermac | Female Reptile | Female Scorpion | Female Sub-Zero | Fire Cage | Firefly | Forrest Fox | Frostbite | Guard of Thunder | Dark Janet Cage | Jataaka | Jawspell | John Khaner | Johnny Savage | Kang Quan | Katara Vala | Kia | Kitana Kahn | Klockodile | Lin Kuei Grandmaster | Lizard Queen | Lucifer | Malebolgia | No Face | Oni Warlord | Quan Li | Quantum-Chi | Quinn | Red Dragon | Reiko Starr | Rojack | Ruutuu | Scorp Lao | Screen Demon | Sento Storm | Shao-Zero | Shock Priestess | Stung Lao | Tasia | Warlord

Evil Races
Centaurians | Demons | Dragons | Hellspawn | Kytinn | Oni | Shokan | Tarkata | Tormentors | Wraiths | Zombies

Evil Organizations
Army of Darkness | Black Dragon Clan | Brotherhood of Shadow | Cyber Ninjas | Dragon King's Army | Festival of Death | Forces of Darkness | Kahn Guards | Masked Guards | Red Dragon Clan | Shaakans | Shadow Assassins | Shadow Priests | Tekunin | The Deadly Alliance

Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins (1995): Shang Tsung | Goro
Mortal Kombat (1995): Shang Tsung | Kano | Goro | Sub-Zero | Scorpion | Reptile | Shao Kahn
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation: Shao Kahn | Sindel | Shinnok | Mileena | Motaro | Sheeva | Ermac | Jade | Baraka | Cyrax | Smoke | Scorpion | Sub-Zero | Reptile | Rain
Mortal Kombat: Rebirth: Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Reptile | Baraka
Mortal Kombat: Legacy: Gadsen | Liu Kang | Baraka
Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge: Scorpion | Quan Chi | Shang Tsung | Goro | Shao Kahn | Kano | Baraka | Reptile | Moloch | Motaro | One Being
Mortal Kombat (2021): Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Mileena | Reiko | Kano | Kabal | Goro | Reptile | Nitara
Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms: Shao Kahn | Shinnok | Shang Tsung | One Being | Scorpion | Lin Kuei Grandmaster | Sektor | Legends | Mileena | Smoke | Reiko | Kintaro | Jade | D'Vorah | Baraka | Li Mei
Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind: Kano | Shang Tsung | Kabal | Kira | Kobra | Erron Black | Ferra and Torr | Drahmin | No Face | Tremor | Jarek | Kronika
Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match: Shinnok | Sareena | The Director | David Doubldy | Jataaka | Kia | Drahmin | Moloch

Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm: Karbrac | Hideyoshi | Komodai | Oniro | Ruby | Zaggot | Zara | Zenkaro
Mortal Kombat: Conquest: Bannak | Baron Reyland | Cilene | Jola | Kebral | Kiri and Ankha | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Queen Kreeya | Peron | Qali | Shang Tsung | Scorpion | Reptile | Siann, Mika and Sora | Sub-Zero | Vorpax
