“ | Evil-Sonic? Anti-Sonic? Old news. The new hotness is a real Scourge. | „ |
~ Scourge re-naming himself. |
“ | All hail the king, baby! | „ |
~ Scourge's popular catchphrase. |
“ | You can try to write me off, mutation, evil twin-- whatever. But the truth is I'm Sonic the Hedgehog at his full potential. | „ |
~ Scourge to two of his counterparts. |
Scourge the Hedgehog, originally known as Evil Sonic, (or Anti-Sonic), is a major antagonist in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series by Archie.
He is a sadistic and tyrannical version of Sonic the Hedgehog that hails from an alternate version of Mobius known as Moebius, who repeatedly faced off against his heroic counterpart and the Freedom Fighters. After many conflicts with his heroic counterpart, Anti-Sonic would be mutated by the power of the Master Emerald and choose a new name for himself, gradually becoming more powerful and deranged after this transformation; eventually conquering Moebius for himself, and transforming himself into Super Scourge. He is the former leader of the Suppression Squad, the leader of the Destructix, and Fiona Fox's boyfriend.
Anti-Sonic grew up in the shadow of his father, who helped move Anti-Mobius into a period of Great Peace but in the process neglected his son - embittering the young hedgehog and a mere ten years after the Great Peace begun Anti-Mobius found itself stale and degenerated: Anti-Sonic took the chance and overthrew his own father before teaming up with Anti-Sally to usurp King Maximilillian and transformed Anti-Mobius into a dictatorship in which he and his Anti-Freedom Fighters ruled with an iron fist, their only resistance being Julian Kintobor (a benevolent version of Dr. Eggman).
Multiversal Travels[]
Anti-Sonic first encountered Sonic when the heroic hedgehog took a detour through the Cosmic Interstate and became lost, winding up in Anti-Mobius, the two briefly fought one another until (somewhat ironically) Sonic was aided by Kintobor in defeating his evil counterpart: after this Sonic continued his trip along the Cosmic Interstate to return back to his native reality.
Anti-Sonic would returned however when the villainous Robo-Robotnik summoned him with the task of stopping all of his counterparts from guarding a giant hand which would activate the Giant Borg, a mission he gladly accept and accomplished, as Robo-Robotnik teleported the hand to his base while Anti-Sonic distracted the other Sonics. After this Anti-Sonic traveled to mainstream Mobius alongside his Anti-Freedom Fighters and began to terrorize the citizens of the planet until Sonic and his crew fought against them and sent them back to Anti-Mobius.
Anti-Sonic would afterwards return acting as Dr. Robotnik's ally, fooling Anti-Knuckles into helping him steal the Chaos Emeralds from the mainstream Floating Island and although the plan seemed to work at first Anti-Knuckles good nature coupled with the intervention of the Freedom Fighters meant that mainstream Knuckles had little difficulty defeating Anti-Sonic. After Robotnik Prime was killed off, an alternate Robo-Robotnik (a different one than before) recruited Anti-Sonic to track down the fragments of the Giant Borg (the same weapon Anti-Sonic fought an army of alternate Sonics over to defend) - defeated on his first attempt he grew more confident after a second try and successfully collected all but one of the Giant Borg components. However Anti-Sonic mistook the other Robotnik with Robo-Robotnik and thus became trapped in that reality until he was rescued by Sonia and Manik: however his freedom was short lived as he was once again caught by Zonic the Zone Cop and sent to the No Zone as punishment for his crimes across the multiverse.
Anti-Sonic did not stay imprisoned long however and made his way back to mainstream Mobius only to suffer a fairly humiliating defeat by Antoine, resulting in Zonic taking him back to the No Zone. Yet Anti-Sonic just refused to stay down (a bit like his heroic counterpart) and soon escaped the No Zone again and returned to Anti-Mobius.
Upon returning to Anti-Mobius Anti-Sonic was confronted by Patch (the evil-counterpart of Antoine) and he defeated him. Anti-Sonic then proceeded to switch Patch with mainstream Antoine in order to torment them both - however he soon found himself impressed with how Patch began to use the opportunity to impersonate Antoine and seize power and decided to do the same thing to Sonic.
During his time impersonating Sonic, he made advances on many of the girls on mainstream Mobius but made a mistake when he tried to make a move on Rouge the Bat - she was not as easily taken in by Anti-Sonic's moves and in an attempt to impress her Anti-Sonic agreed to steal the Master Emerald for her.
However, Sonic proved himself way more resourceful than Anti-Sonic had imagined and returned to mainstream Mobius to battle Anti-Sonic once again. The two fought until Locke appeared and teleported Anti-Sonic away from the Master Emerald. Despite failing to impress Rouge, Anti-Sonic did manage to give her a smaller gemstone and thus gained a continued partnership with her (though not the romantic one he desired).
Birth of Scourge[]
Anti-Sonic and Rouge would soon try and steal the Master Emerald again but had to battle Locke again: this time however Anti-Sonic didn't aid Rouge and instead took the opportunity to steal the Emerald for himself and attempted to go into a Super-Transformation as a "birthday gift" to himself - however Locke refused to let this happen and punched Anti-Sonic with a chaos-infused strike that left two slash scars on his torso - however Anti-Sonic soon recovered and had attained a partial transformation: his fur now green, his eyes blue, his teeth sharper, and his strength enhanced.
Anti-Sonic then declared himself a "real scourge" and that the days of being a mere "evil-twin" of Sonic was over - he then brutally assaulted Locke and prepared to kill him but was stopped by Rouge, who told him that under her rules they would not kill.
Scourge decides to get revenge on Sonic instead and by using the power of Chaos Control he transported himself and Rouge to Knothole. Scourge confronts Sonic and Shadow as they are battling Croctobot, and briefly teams up with the two to deal with the robot. Scourge then attacks Sonic and overpowers him, and does the same to Shadow afterwards, but starts to becomes weaker as the two hedgehogs ganged up on him and is subsequently overwhelmed when more of Sonic's allies came to his aid.
Taking Rouge with him, he fled, pursued by a vengeful Shadow, and the two seemed doomed until a Warp Ring portal appeared and saved them from Shadow's wrath. The Warp Ring had been sent by Doctor Finitevus, who proceeded to explain to Scourge that he required assistance in his upcoming plans.
Working with Finitevus[]
Not long after Scourge had escaped Shadow's wrath along with Rouge, a warp ring supplied by Doctor Finitevus led the duo to an unknown location where Finitevus stood asking if they were interested in joining him in his goals. Scourge was quick to oblige so long as it involved harming Sonic in any way, shape or form. Scourge served as Finitevus' right hand man, teaming up with the Destructix on various occasions. His most scathing blow to Sonic and the others came when he revealed that he had become romantically involved with Fiona Fox, who then left with him after they briefly did battle with Sonic, Tails, and Amy Rose. Fiona had been one of those who believed Scourge to be the real Sonic, but after learning the truth found Scourge's evil attitude and ambition more appealing.
Scourge would remain on Finitevus' side despite Fiona's misgivings and his own doubts about Finitevus' plans. Fearing that Finitevus' plan might fail, he charged up his Warp Ring with energy from the Master Emerald, and was witness to Finitevus' tirade on how "corrupt" the world had become and his plan to "cleanse" (exterminate) all life in a wave of Emerald fire.
Scourge's fears reached their breaking point during the fight between Super Sonic and Enerjak. Scourge recognized that with Enerjak on the loose, nowhere on Mobius would be safe, so he convinced Fiona to leave Mobius altogether. Scourge admitted that ever since his battle with Sonic, he had been deeply considering Sonic's comments that he and Scourge weren't so different. Knowing he had changed since his transformation, Scourge resolved to find answers to who he was now, and left with Fiona through the enhanced Warp Ring, to the places he could find them. Scourge promised Fiona, however, that it would be fun.
The Suppression Squad[]
Scourge returned to Anti-Mobius, intent on distinguishing and separating everything from their Prime Mobius counterparts. Within a matter of days, Scourge took control of the entire planet, crowning himself King and making Fiona his Queen, and took back control of the Anti-Freedom Fighters, renaming and reshaping them into the Suppression Squad. Upon stealing a pair of Globe Posts, Scourge plotted, with Fiona's aid, to launch an assault and invade Freedom HQ.
When the Posts were repaired and reactivated, Scourge sent the Squad ahead, who found the base's defenders surprised and unprepared. A pitched battle ensued, until Sonic returned from his duties with the Chaotix in New Megaopolis to turn the tide, only for Scourge to make his grand entrance and appear before them. Scourge then proceeded to battle Sonic, and in the midst of the battle, it was hinted he holds some unknown incentive that keeps the Squad loyal to him.
Eventually the pitched battle between the two groups led the base dangerously close to collapse, forcing the Freedom Fighters to retreat, leaving Scourge victorious, though his taunting towards Sonic enraged him to the point he vowed to return for revenge.
Invasion & Betrayal[]
A couple of days later, Metal Sonic, under the direct control of Dr. Eggman, arrived and told Miles he was here to see Sonic. Miles, instead, summoned Scourge to inform him Metal Sonic had arrived on the scene. Instead of leaving, Eggman had Metal Sonic attack Scourge, saying "Why pass up one uppity hedgehog for another?" As they battled, Sonic himself arrived, intent on battling Scourge and re-taking Freedom HQ on his own, as the Republic of Acorn opted to focus their attacks on New Megaopolis and they doubted Scourge would make his gains on Mobius as easily as on "Moebius". Scourge was manipulated by Miles into ordering the Suppression Squad to allow himself to battle Metal Sonic, but soon found himself out-matched. Sonic saved him at the last second, and offered another temporary truce. Scourge told Sonic to save his sympathy, as he was happy to bust two Sonic heads. Metal Sonic felt the same way, and Sonic found himself battling both. During the fight, Scourge offered Sonic the chance to conquer Mobius himself, and then, together, take over the Multiverse. Sonic barely stuttered in response. Soon, Eggman dispatched reinforcements to deal with both hedgehogs in the form of Metal Scourge.
The battle started up again, with the robotic duplicates quickly holding their own. Sonic asked Scourge to reconsider a truce, but instead Scourge pointed out Sonic hadn't answered his question about conquering Mobius and then the Multiverse. Sonic didn't refuse, as such, instead insisting he was too preoccupied with the present right now. Grinning evilly, Scourge took that as a "yes". As the battle amplified, Scourge's temper began to flare, refusing to give the robotic duplicates any ground when the battle began damaging Freedom HQ. Scourge also insisted to Fiona that he could handle them, when she asked if she and the Squad should step in. In the end, however, he broke down and asked the Squad for help, leading to Metal Sonic and Metal Scourge's destruction. Later that night, Scourge entered Sonic's home intent on doing him harm, only to be halted by Jules Hedgehog. After a bitter exchange of words between the two, Scourge left without causing any trouble.
Not long after, Scourge sent Miles to bomb New Mobotropolis. But when Miles returned, apparently being chased by the Freedom Fighters, he and the rest of the squad, except Fiona, revealed their planned betrayal. Angry at Scourge for constantly abusing them, they attacked him alongside the Freedom Fighters. At first, Scourge and Fiona were getting the upper hand against both teams, but Sonic returned from his trip to Moebius and attacked Scourge. However, Boomer then blasted both hedgehogs and Miles threw them into the portal leading back to Moebius before it was closed. Scourge, now trapped on Moebius with Sonic and Amy, promised to get revenge on his team, but then looked in fear at his old stalker, Rosy the Rascal, who told Scourge how she had an "extra-special smash" for him.
Rise, Defeat, Imprisonment[]
The fight was interrupted when Shadow arrived by using Chaos Control. Though he was actually looking for the Special Zone, Sonic asked if he wanted to help him beat up Scourge, to which Shadow replied "sure". Metal Sonic arrived later, followed by Silver the Hedgehog and Rob as well as Amy and Rosy. A confused Silver was unable to determine which one was Sonic, and attempted to ask the others as they fought. Because they ignored him, he got angry and impatient and captured them all with his psychic powers. Silver stated that he had come from the future to destroy Sonic, and then attacked Sonic. Rob O' threatened Silver for a explanation, and Silver stated that during this point in time one of the legendary Freedom Fighters betrays and destroys them, dooming the future. He then stated that only Sonic was remembered to have had that kind of power. However, Scourge jumped in and attacked both of them, claiming that Silver should use his powers to give himself "a less-stupid haircut". Shortly afterwards, Sonic made a proposal to everyone to stop attacking each other and strictly finish off Scourge. But Scourge didn't give up. He rushed to the throne room, followed by Sonic and Shadow. Scourge turned the tables on everyone, claiming he placed Anarchy Beryl in his throne. This managed to turn Scourge into a stronger form: Super Scourge.
Despite their efforts, the numerous hedgehogs were no match for Super Scourge, who defeated all of them. Super Scourge then proceeded to defeat the combined might of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad (minus Rotor and Fiona), who had returned to Moebius expecting Scourge to be defeated. While he seemed to be unbeatable, Sonic eventually realized the Anarchy Beryl would have a different (and negative) effect on Scourge to contrast the positive effect the Chaos Emeralds had on him once the transformation ended. Luring Super Scourge away from the others, Sonic managed to stall for time until Super Scourge reverted to his normal form. As Sonic speculated, the Anarchy Beryl drained him of what energy he had left in his normal form, leaving him vulnerable and exhausted. Scourge stated that Sonic and his friends were nothing compared to him, only for the Blue Blur to angrily state he was nothing but a selfish bully who uses dirty tactics to get his way. He was then able to easily defeat Scourge and captured him.
While Sonic was taking Scourge to the Zone Cops via the Cosmic Highway, Scourge broke loose and tried to escape, but he and Sonic were then arrested by Zone Cops Zector and Zespio for going through zones during a zone lock-down. The cops then took Sonic and Scourge to see Zonic via a Warp Ring. They arrive in a ruined No Zone and Scourge managed to escape by kicking the others out of the way and attempted to fully destroy the No Zone before moving on to Sonic's world. Sonic and the Zone Cops then met up with Zonic and battled Scourge. They quickly captured him thanks to Sonic's skills and Zonic's special Control Collar. Because of Scourge's mutation, he became a wild card in the "cosmic scheme of things" which was why he had not been arrested for his prolonged zone violations earlier. Scourge then said that he was "Sonic the Hedgehog at his full potential." before being taken to jail.
"Snot" the Inmate & Busting Out of Prison[]
Within Zone Jail, Scourge found himself subjected to Warden Zobotnik's special brand of "aggressive rehabilitation." He became the cellmate of the brutish Smalls the Cat and was soon nicknamed "Snot." His spines were cut short and he was forced to wear the Control Collar which suppressed his super speed and abilities. Helpless, he soon found himself the target of frequent beatings and other abuse from both guards and inmates alike. However, King Maxx made Scourge a deal; so long as the hedgehog didn't attempt to challenge his power within the prison, Maxx's gang wouldn't kill him. All this left Scourge a shadow of his former self; broken and scared, his only acquaintances were Verti-Cal and Horizont-Al, something which further embittered him. Thus, when Fiona got herself and the Destructix arrested with the intention of freeing Scourge, he feared it would invite retribution from King Maxx, and furiously tried to keep away from them, angering the rest of the Destructix who had gotten themselves arrested for his sake. Maxx did attempt to follow through on his threats with his thugs overwhelming Scourge, but he was rescued by Fiona, who told the former king that Scourge belonged to her gang now. She later spoke in private with Scourge, surprised at how far he had fallen; however, she eventually managed to help him get back his confidence and inspired him to turn the Destructix back to his side so that they could escape.
Eventually, Scourge was taken to Warden Zobotnik's office to talk about his association with the Destructix and got to watch a recording of their arrest. After seeing their strength first hand, Scourge lied to the Warden that he would not go near them, and went straight to Sergeant Simian and Predator Hawk. After hearing their life stories, he learned the former wanted to work with the strongest and the latter desired challenges for his skills, terms Scourge agreed to as a way of gaining their cooperation.
Having regained much of his confidence thanks to Fiona and her plan to bust out of jail, Scourge went to get payback from Jeffrey St. Croix while the latter was bullying Verti-Cal and Horizont-Al. Fiona intervened and pinned Scourge to the ground as part of a "show" to remove suspicion from them for the time being, but angered him somewhat for her enthusiastic act. Scourge then set off to recruit Lightning Lynx from a therapy session with Zouge the Bat, and bolstered the spited ninja's anger with the promise of revenge, causing the session to lose control and was returned to his cell. While in there, he had a very disturbing encounter with Flying Frog, but easily convinced the psycho to be on his side, though he was left feeling that Rosy was better company. That night, Fiona started the escape by unlocking the cell doors and disabling their gang's Control Collars, upon which Scourge immediately spin-dashed Smalls into the ceiling, eager for payback.
Once Scourge hunted down many of the people who mistreated him before. he had Predator bring Cal and Al to him. As thanks for them being nice to him in jail, Scourge had Simian break their Control Collars and let them loose on a rampage in their robotic, demigod forms. When Fiona told him that their gear was stolen, he gave the Destructix the order to search the Processing Area and that he would back them up (though this was just a cover for him to continue seeking revenge). After Scourge fought his way through numerous prisoners and guards, the warden authorized use of F.O.E. Inhibitors to take down Al and Cal, and told Scourge to surrender. Al and Cal begged Scourge for help, only to be mockingly dismissed as he fled the scene and escaped with the Destructix through a Warp Ring to Moebius. Once in the Grand Forest, Fiona told Scourge Dr. Finitevus had a job for them there, but he dismissed it while changing his clothes, and claimed the Destructix was his gang and that he had big plans for both his world & Sonic's.
“ | Not quite, babe. But a real scourge all the same. | „ |
~ Anti-Sonic after being mutated into Scourge. |
“ | Don't get me wrong, wuss. As much as I like messin' with you, I think I actually like Fiona. I mean, all the girls in my home dimension are dark from the get-go, but Fiona...she chooses to be! And that is hot! As for you. I've got you figured out! I know why you hate me. I know...and it's not the Fiona thing, or that I'm better looking...it's that all it takes is one bad day, and you'd be just like me. | „ |
~ Scourge explaining why he likes Fiona and taunting Sonic. |
- Scourge is the second evil version of Sonic to exist in the franchise, preceded by Cinos the Anti-Sonic; a version of Sonic from an alternate timeline who turned villainous after being infected with Chaos Energy from the Retro-Orbital-Chaos-Compressor (ROCC) device, appearing in the Sonic the Hedgehog novels published by Virgin Books (Sonic in the fourth dimension); one year before Anti-Sonic's debut in 1994. Coincidentally, Cinos' transformation bears some similarity to Anti-Sonic's transformation into Scourge.
- Scourge is also the first evil incarnation of Sonic to appear in a comic series, followed by Sonic the Comic's King Sonic, an evil version of Sonic from the Mirror Zone who was also transformed by the ROCC device, becoming a tyrant who conquered Mobius with his army of Badniks. Scourge bears many similarities to King Sonic, including being from a parallel version of Mobius, being a tyrant who conquered his planet with an iron fist, and having a super form (although King Sonic's super form would turn out to be a pacifist; mirroring his violent counterpart from the regular Mobius).
- Scourge's suggestion to Sonic that their only difference is "one bad day" is a reference to a line said by The Joker in Alan Moore's 1988 Batman: The Killing Joke graphic novel, where the Joker states that all it takes to drive a man to insanity is "one bad day", referring to the chemical accident he had, similar to how Scourge's accident transformed him from Evil Sonic to Scourge.
- Scourge's appearance was based on a glitch in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 that involves Sonic's palette turning green with black highlights, nicknamed "Ashura". It was confirmed through Archie Sonic Super Special Magazine Issue 1 that Scourge was indeed based on the glitched palette.
- Surge the Tenrec, a character from the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog comics, would also be based on the same glitch.
External links[]
- Scourge the Hedgehog on the Villains Wiki
- Scourge the Hedgehog on the Near Chaotic Wiki
- Scourge the Hedgehog on the Sonic Wiki
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Archie & Riverdale Sabrina the Teenage Witch & Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Sonic the Hedgehog |
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A.D.A.M. | Agunus | Anti-Geoffrey St. John | Arachne | Auto Automaton | Auto-Fiona | Bark the Polarbear | Bean the Dynamite | Benedict | Black Death | Blackjack | Boomer Walrus | Brass Knuckles | Breezie the Hedgehog | Brutus Kintobor | Bzzzz | CD-ROM Ram | Captain Claw | Captain Metal | Claws | Colin Kintobor | Combot | Comic Book Bots | Commander Brutus | Crocbot | Croctobot | D.R.A.T. | DYNAMAC | Dimitri | Doctor Finitevus | Downtown Ebony Hare | Drago Wolf | Dr. Finitevus | E.V.E | Eel Capone | Egg Sweeper | Emperor Metallix | Enerjak | Evil One | Ferron | Fiona Fox | Flame Legion | Flying Frog | Foxxy | French Frirus | Frost Legion | General Helmut Von Stryker | Grand Chief Whip | Grimer Wormtongue | Hooligans | Hired Mussels | Hunter | Iron Dominion | Iron King | Iron Queen | Ivanna Robotina | Ivo Robughnik | Johnny Snively | Kage Von Stryker | Kid Cruel | King Gong | Kodos | Kragok | Krudzu | Lien-Da | Lightning Lynx | Luger the Echidna | Mammoth Mogul | Marxio Brothers | Mathais Poe | Mecha Sally | Mechanaut | Menniker | Metal Scourge | Metal Sonic Troopers | Metallix | Miles "Tails" Prower | Misty-Re | Moritori Rex | Mr. Beta | Mr. Delta | Mr. Gamma | Ms. Alpha | Nusgau | Octobot | Order of Ixis | Overlord | Patch | Plasma | Proker Metallix | Predator Hawk | Princess Alicia Acorn | Professor Egg | Pseudo Sonic | Rabbot-Zilla | Raiju Clan | Rendfield T. Rodent | Robolactus | Rosy the Rascal | Rykor | Sallactor | Scourge the Hedgehog | Sergeant Simian | Serpentius | Shadowbots | Silver Snively | Sub-Boss | Suguna | Super Scourge | Super Sonic | Syntar | Termite-Nator | The Enchantress | Trogg | Universalamander | Wing Dingo | Xenin | Xorda | Yagyu Ninja | Zan See Also |