IMPORTANT!: This article is about Hanzo Hasashi only, from the 1st and 2nd timeline, to see the new Scorpion of the Mortal Kombat 1 Timeline, see: Kuai Liang.
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Villain Overview
Get over here!
~ Scorpion's famous catchphrase.
Vengeance will be mine!
~ Scorpion's battlecry in Mortal Kombat (2011).
People like to say they've been to Hell and back... I happen to know the way by heart.
~ Scorpion
Hanzo Hasashi, better known as Scorpion, is one of the main protagonists and the mascot of the Mortal Kombat franchise.
Even though he has a neutral alignment, he has done some villainous acts. In Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, he allied with the Forces of Darkness to kill Taven and Daegon, due to having a grudge against the Elder Gods for "restoring" the Shirai Ryu members as undead monsters and not fully humans. He is also the former servant turned archenemy of Quan Chi.
He has been voiced by Ed Boon throughout the whole franchise.
In the original Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II, he was portrayed by Daniel Pesina, who also portrayed Sub-Zero, Reptile and Smoke in the same games.
In Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 and Mortal Kombat 4, he was portrayed by John Turk, who also portrayed Sub-Zero, Reptile, Smoke, Ermac and Shang Tsung in the former game.
In Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, he was portrayed by Sal Divita, who also portrayed Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke in Mortal Kombat 3.
He was played by Chris Casamassa in the 1995 movie and Mortal Kombat: Conquest.
He was played by J.J. Perry in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.
In Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm, he was voiced by Ron Perlman, who also voiced The Lich in Adventure Time, Sozin in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Clayface and Jax-Ur in the DC Animated Universe, Slade in Teen Titans, Deathstroke in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, Killer Croc, Bane and Rumor in The Batman, Wizard in Fantastic Four: The Animated Series, Warhok in Kim Possible, Kago in Tarzan II, the Stabbington Brothers in Tangled, Armaggon in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) and Bular in Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia.
In Mortal Kombat: Legacy, he was played by Ian Anthony Dale, who also played Kazuya Mishima in the movie adaptation of Tekken.
From Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe to Mortal Kombat X, he was voiced by Patrick Seitz, who also voiced Shao Kahn and Dark Kahn in the former game, Adamas and Kagemasa Toda in Record of Ragnarok, Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Endeavor in My Hero Academia, Franky in One Piece, Luke Valentine and the Captain in Hellsing Ultimate, Overlord in The Transformers: Titans Return and Dracula in Castlevania.
From Mortal Kombat 11, he has been voiced by Ron Yuan.
In the 2021 movie, he was played by Hiroyuki Sanada, who also played Shingen Yashida in The Wolverine, Akihiko in Avengers: Endgame, and Dumo the Sumo in Minions.
Scorpion has been depicted in many different ways throughout the Mortal Kombat franchise, but is always portrayed in a yellow ninja outfit with black pants, belt, undershirt, a balaclava with a yellow faceplate overlapping it, and occasionally two crossed swords mounted on his back.
Scorpion unmasked is known as Inferno Scorpion. This design reappears in the Challenge Tower, fighting Kano in the Netherrealm. His costumes incorporate his namesake more and more with each game, especially his latest redesign. The hilts of his swords now resemble the stingers of scorpions, while his shoulder pads and mouthpiece are also molded after scorpions.
Scorpion can best be described as the embodiment of vengeance and hatred. His vendetta against those who have wronged him is what drives pretty much all his motivations. His desire to get revenge is so huge that he will join any side good or evil for the sake of achieving his own goals but he is often seen serving a villain, especially Quan Chi, until he learned the truth about him. Even so, he, at least at first, showed more remorse for working for his family's true killer rather than the crimes he committed while under him.
While his ninja appearance and desire for revenge may make him seem completely villainous at first. in actuality he is not inherently evil. Scorpion is rather a morally neutral character as his own personal goals matter more to him than things like the fates of the realms and will serve any side with the singular personal hope of achieving them, but as a result, he often ends up doing either good or evil things depending on what side he serves, which often is the evil side. However, even after the events of the rebooted timeline, the main series hasn't revealed the true extent of his crimes while serving under Quan Chi.
Scorpion initially had a caring and honorable side to him as well as Hanzo Hasashi, his original human side, but which gets buried and repressed time and time again due to his lust for vengeance. He dearly loved his wife and son Harumi and Satoshi and had good relations with his clan the Shirai Ryu. But once him, his clan and family was massacred by their rival clan the Lin Kuei, Hanzo was reborn as the vengeful revenant/spectre known today as Scorpion.
Powers and Abilities[]
As a human, he was known for his amazing, almost blinding speed and assassination skills. But when brought back as a demon, he had the ability to breath and control fire, teleport, and spawn a kunai (dubbed as "spear") tipped chain from his palm, launching it towards his opponent like a harpoon, and yank them over to his position, yelling with a signature "GET OVER HERE!" or 'COME HERE!".
Can make his skull breath fire.
He also has an extremely high level of strength, like most Mortal Kombatants, able to rip off limbs with little to no problem. He also can take a comical amount of damage, withstanding having his neck broken, organs stabbed, and eyes gouged out.
Scorpion also has the ability to teleport and can activate this ability without doing a gesture but by thinking instead, he often uses it as a surprise or ambush attack, and he can also open portals to the Netherrealm at will. Scorpion's powers also get stronger the longer he is in the Netherrealm, which proved to be extremely helpful when he was torturing Quan Chi in the Netherrealm.
In some incarnations, includes movies, Scorpion's kunai resembles a skeletal snake with jaws full of sharp canines.
Spectre Physiology: After being resurrected as a spectre of the Netherrealm by the sorcerer Quan Chi, Scorpion was given many abilities to make him one of thr most powerful characters in Mortal Kombat.
Superhuman Strength: Scorpion's strength is far more powerful than any peak human character. He is strong enough to rip someone's spinal cord out while the skull is still attached.
Superhuman Speed: Scorpion possesses incredible speed to be as fast as Raiden.
Superhuman Agility: Scorpion is one of the few Mortal Kombat characters who has incredible agility
Superhuman Reflexes: Although rarely seen, Scorpion does have incredible reflexes when facing opponents.
Invulnerability: Scorpion has shown to endure even the strongest of attacks.
Superhuman Stamina: Scorpion can fight tirelessly when facing a large number of opponents.
Self-Sustenance: Scorpion doesn't need to eat or drink if he is undead.
Superhuman Senses: Scorpion has shown to have incredible senses. He knew when Raiden teleported to the Netherrealm.
Teleportation: Scorpion is able to teleport in a burst of flames.
Magic: Scorpion does have a degree of magic after being resurrected.
Hellfire Manipulation: Scorpion is most commonly associated with Hellfire, the Netherrealm's variant of fire.
Heat Resistance: Scorpion is immune to Hellfire and other aspects of fire.
Fire Breath: Scorpion can breathe fire on to his opponents in order to kill them. He uses this in his Toasty fatality.
Necromancy: Scorpion can resurrect beings from the dead.
Summoning: Scorpion can summon hellfire and Hellspawns from underneath his opponents.
Portal Creation: Scorpion can summon portals to enter any realm
Resurrection: Scorpion is capable of resurrection, even if his physical body is fully destroyed, as demonstrated in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance where he was supposedly killed by Quan Chi when he kicked him into a pool of acid in the Acid Bath, but later returned to life in order to find the Deadly Alliance and their minions. He also came back to life in the Mortal Kombat X comic series after Havik brutally killed him by destroying his chest and lungs.
Immortality: As an undead spectre, Scorpion cannot age.
Master Martial Artist: Like many ninjas, Scorpion is well-versed in the art of armed combat. Scorpion has bested the likes of Kung Lao, Nightwolf, Cyrax, Sektor, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, and Raiden.
Pi Gua
Moi Fah
Master Acrobat: Scorpion is one of the finest acrobats alongside Liu kang and Sonya Blade.
Weapons Mastery: Scorpion is an expert in using weapons. He mostly is known for using his Kunai spear in combat.
High Intelligence: Scorpion is highly intelligent and is great at making strategies.
Indomitable Will: As either a spectre, Scorpion's willpower is absolute. He's not afraid to take on the likes of anyone that confronts him.
It wasn't enough to kill me! You had to destroy every last remnant of my being, including my wife and child!
~ Scorpion thinking that Sub-Zero killed his family.
You cannot kill a dead man! You have defeated my physical form when my soul is eternal! You will pay for the massacre of my clan and family!
~ Scorpion if he is defeated by Sub-Zero in Mortal Kombat 4.
By defeating you, Sub-Zero, I have avenged the death of my family and clan. Now my soul can finally rest.
~ Scorpion believing he avenged his family's death
Unless you have knowledge of the sorcerer Quan Chi's whereabouts, do not waste my time, stranger.
~ Scorpion to Shujinko.
It would seem that you have already regained some of the Netherrealm's dark taint. What price do you ask?
~ Scorpion to Shujinko when he offers his aid to find Quan Chi.
Teaching you the dark rage that has consumed me since my death will only serve to delay my vengeance upon Quan Chi. I refuse your offer!
~ Scorpion to Shujinko.
Quan Chi killed my family and clan and then deceived me into believing Sub-Zero was their murderer. I have been corrupted by Quan Chi's wickedness. Now it is his turn to suffer.
~ Scorpion
Against the Elder Gods. They betrayed me. As reward for doing their bidding, they promised to resurrect my clan. They are no longer dead -- they are the undead! For this treachery, I will eliminate the Elder Gods' only means of saving the realms from Armageddon. I will destroy both your brother and you.
~ Scorpion explaining his reason for hating the Elder Gods.
Where is the Lin Kuei Sub-Zero? He killed my family and clan. I will have his HEAD!
~ Scorpion expressing his desire for revenge
What is this?! You are not Sub-Zero!
~ Scorpion is brought before Kuai Liang, the second Sub-Zero
~ Scorpion prepares to face Kuai Liang
The end is near!
~ Scorpion before facing Johnny Cage during Shinnok’s invasion of Earthrealm
You killed my wife! my son! And then you burrowed your ways into my head. Misdirected my vengeance. Cost me my one chance to have them restored!
~ Scorpion threatening Quan Chi.
Quiet, sorcerer! Nothing can save you now!
~ Scorpion prepares to fight Quan Chi
Blood for blood. Your debt is paid.
~ Scorpion to Quan Chi after executing him in Mortal Kombat X.
Scorpion is one of the most popular characters in the Mortal Kombat series, partially thanks to his having the most human-like personality, as opposed to the all noble and good ones of the good characters and all evil and cruel ones of the evil characters. He is considered the mascot of the franchise.
During his boss battle in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, if the player dodges his spear too many times, Scorpion will scream "Get the f*** over here!" or "Get over here, bitch!"
When he is dragged into lava at the end of the battle, he gives a thumbs up, a reference to Terminator 2: Judgment Day, where the T-800 gave a thumbs up to John Connor as it submerged itself in molten metal.
His catchphrase "Get over here!" has become super iconic in pop culture.
In Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, there is a humorous fictional video called "Cooking with Scorpion".
Scorpion appears in every generation of Mortal Kombat games with the exception of the version of Mortal Kombat Trilogy.
Ed Boon has admitted in various interviews that Scorpion is his favorite character and that any game without him feels incomplete. Ed Boon also voices him in the older titles.
His fighting stance in the earlier games is a reference to his name with his up raised arm acting as his “scorpion tail”.
Scorpion’s real name may be a reference to Hanzo Hattori, an actual samurai and possible ninja.
Scorpion appeared in the Screwattack show, Death Battle, where he was pitted against Ryu from Street Fighter. In the fight, Scorpion managed to win despite the power of Ryu's Satsui no Hado and his Power of Nothingness, mostly thanks to his bringing his opponent to the Netherrealm, which kept powering him up to allow him to take the karateka down. Also helping was that most of Ryu's attacks could barely even hurt him, much less kill him.
In Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Scorpion has two different costumes (and is also the only one to do so); a padded costume resembling his Mortal Kombat II costume and another resembling his Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 costume. The first costume only appears in cinematics and artwork renders, while the second only appears within gameplay.
Evil Organizations Army of Darkness |
Black Dragon Clan |
Brotherhood of Shadow |
Cyber Ninjas |
Dragon King's Army |
Festival of Death |
Forces of Darkness |
Kahn Guards |
Masked Guards |
Red Dragon Clan |
Shaakans |
Shadow Assassins |
Shadow Priests |
Tekunin |
The Deadly Alliance
Movies Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins (1995): Shang Tsung | Goro Mortal Kombat (1995): Shang Tsung | Kano | Goro | Sub-Zero | Scorpion | Reptile | Shao Kahn Mortal Kombat: Annihilation: Shao Kahn | Sindel | Shinnok | Mileena | Motaro | Sheeva | Ermac | Jade | Baraka | Cyrax | Smoke | Scorpion | Sub-Zero | Reptile | Rain Mortal Kombat: Rebirth: Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Reptile | Baraka Mortal Kombat: Legacy: Gadsen | Liu Kang | Baraka Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge: Scorpion | Quan Chi | Shang Tsung | Goro | Shao Kahn | Kano | Baraka | Reptile | Moloch | Motaro | One Being Mortal Kombat (2021): Shang Tsung | Sub-Zero | Mileena | Reiko | Kano | Kabal | Goro | Reptile | Nitara Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms: Shao Kahn | Shinnok | Shang Tsung | One Being | Scorpion | Lin Kuei Grandmaster | Sektor | Legends | Mileena | Smoke | Reiko | Kintaro | Jade | D'Vorah | Baraka | Li Mei Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind: Kano | Shang Tsung | Kabal | Kira | Kobra | Erron Black | Ferra and Torr | Drahmin | No Face | Tremor | Jarek | Kronika Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match:
Shinnok | Sareena | The Director | David Doubldy | Jataaka | Kia | Drahmin | Moloch
Shows Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm: Karbrac | Hideyoshi | Komodai | Oniro | Ruby | Zaggot | Zara | Zenkaro Mortal Kombat: Conquest: Bannak | Baron Reyland | Cilene | Jola | Kebral | Kiri and Ankha | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Queen Kreeya | Peron | Qali | Shang Tsung | Scorpion | Reptile | Siann, Mika and Sora | Sub-Zero | Vorpax
Comics Alex Luthor |
Amanda Waller |
Amazo |
Anomaly |
Anti-Monitor |
Atlas |
Atomic Skull |
Ballser |
Bane |
Barbatos |
Bernadeth |
Bertron |
Bizarro |
Black Adam |
Black Banshee |
Black Mercies |
Black Zero |
Blanque |
Blackrock |
Blaze |
Bloodsport |
Bloody Mary |
Brainiac |
Bruno Mannheim |
Boss Moxie |
Bug-Eyed Bandit |
Captain Boomerang |
Captain Cold |
Catwoman |
Cheetah |
Chemo |
Chessure |
Circe |
Clayface |
Coldcast |
Commander Gor |
Composite Superman |
Cyborg Superman |
Cythonna |
Dabney Donovan |
Dark Knights |
Darkseid |
Dax Novu |
Deathstroke |
Desaad |
Deuce & Charger |
Dev-Em |
Devilance |
The Devastator |
Doctor Light |
Doctor Manhattan |
Doctor Polaris |
Donna Troy |
Doomsday |
Earth-Man |
Eclipso |
The Enchantress |
Epoch |
Equus |
Eradicator |
Eradicator (Dark Multiverse) |
Ernest Smalley |
Eve Teschmacher |
Faora Hu-Ul |
Fastbak |
Female Furies |
Fifth-Dimensional Imps |
Forgotten Villains |
Francis Redhorn |
Funky Flashman |
Galactic Golem |
Gilotina |
Gorilla Grodd |
Granny Goodness |
Green Man |
Glorious Godfrey |
Gzptlsnz |
H'El |
Heat Wave |
Hector Hammond |
Hellgrammite |
Helspont |
Hfuhruhurr |
Imperiex |
Intergang |
Jax-Ur |
Joker |
Jon Lane Kent |
Justice League of Earth |
Kaizen Gamorra |
Kalibak |
Kanto |
Karkull |
Killer Croc |
King Shark |
Kobra Cult |
Ku Klux Klan |
Lashina |
Last Sun |
Legion of Super-Villains |
Lex Luthor |
Livewire |
Lobo |
Mad Harriet |
Magpie |
Major Disaster |
Major Force |
Malice Vundabar |
Manchester Black |
Mandrakk |
Mantis |
Master Jailer |
Masters of Disaster |
Match |
Maxima |
Maxwell Lord |
Mercy Graves |
Metallo |
Mister Oz |
Mongal |
Mongul |
Mongul II |
Morgaine Le Fey |
Morgan Edge |
Mr. Freeze |
Mxyzptlk |
Neron |
Neutron |
Nick O' Teen |
Nimrod The Hunter |
Overman |
Parademons |
Parallax |
Parasite |
Phantom Zoners |
Planeteer |
Plasmus |
Plastique |
Prankster |
Preus |
Princess Zala Jor-El |
Prometheus |
Psycho-Pirate |
Queen Bee |
Queen of Fables |
Rampage |
Rogol Zaar |
Reverse-Flash |
Royal Flush Gang |
Samuel Lane |
Scarecrow |
Secret Society of Super Villains |
Shockwaver |
Shrapnel |
Silver Banshee |
Sinestro |
Sleez |
Solomon Grundy |
Subjekt-17 |
Suicide Squad |
Superboy-Prime |
Superdoom |
Superman Revenge Squad |
Superman (Earth-2) |
Superman (The Dark Side) |
The SuperMan |
Spellbinder |
Steppenwolf |
Stompa |
Talia al Ghul |
Tarantula |
Thaddeus Killgrave |
Thunder & Lightning |
Titano |
Tobias Whale |
Toyman |
Two-Face |
Ultra-Humanite |
Ultraman |
Ursa |
Vincent Edge |
Virman Vundabar |
Vyndktvx |
Weather Wizard |
Whirlicane |
Whisper A'Daire |
William Dunn |
Xa-Du |
Theatrical Movies Superman: Lex Luthor | Otis | Eve Teschmacher | General Zod | Non | Ursa | Brad Wilson Superman II: General Zod | Non | Ursa | Lex Luthor | Otis | Eve Teschmacher | Rocky Superman III: Ross Webster | Corrupted Superman | Vera Webster | Lorelei Ambrosia | Gus Gorman | Brad Wilson Superman IV: The Quest for Peace: Lex Luthor | Nuclear Man Superman Returns: Lex Luthor Man of Steel: Sword of Rao (Dru-Zod, Faora-Ul, Nam-Ek, Jax-Ur, Tor-An, Car-Vex, Nadira, & Dev-Em II) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Lex Luthor | Doomsday | Anatoli Knyazev | Mercy Graves | Cesar Santos | Amajagh | Joe Chill | Zod | Steppenwolf
Direct-to-video Movies Superman: Brainiac Attacks: Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves | Mister Mxyzptlk Superman: Doomsday: Lex Luthor | Superman Clone | Doomsday | Toyman | Mercy Graves Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam: Black Adam All-Star Superman: Lex Luthor | Solaris | Parasite | Nasthalthia Luthor | Bar-El & Lilo-El Superman vs. The Elite: The Elite (Manchester Black, Coldcast, Menagerie & Hat) | Atomic Skull Superman: Unbound: Brainiac The Death Of Superman: Doomsday | Lex Luthor | Intergang (Bruno Mannheim) | Mercy Graves | Cyborg Superman Reign Of The Supermen: Cyborg Superman | Darkseid | Parademons | Lex Luthor | Mercy Graves Superman: Red Son: Superman | Brainiac | Lex Luthor | Batman | Superior Man Superman: Man of Tomorrow: Parasite | Lobo | Lex Luthor
Television 1940's Superman Bulleteers | Inventor | Mechanical Monsters | Mad Scientist| Indian Scientist