Scorpio (with real name of: Charles Davis) he is main antagonist of the film Dirty Harry. He is portrayed by Andrew ''Andy'' Robinson.
Not much about the life of Scorpio, a few of the thing that is known under the Scorpio is that gardener allowed him to live in a small room inside in a soccer stadium. Scorpio decided to start killing in San Francisco. The film begins with his first appearance when he kills a young woman in the pool with his sniper rifle.
He then leaves a message to the police, when Dirty and Harry arrives at the scene of crime, Scorpio demands that he receive 100 million dollars or he will kill a priest or a black person. But later, the Scorpio is seen trying to kill a black man when helicopter arrives, the Scorpio is prevented from killing, but flees the place. A while later the Scorpio kills a black boy with a shot in his face. The police then try to kill a trap to get the Scorpio since he said he would kill a Catholic priest, Harry along with his partner Chico González await the Scorpio on the roof, Scorpio arrives to kill the priest but Harry appears so the two start shooting against each other, more Scorpio manages escape, Scorpio furious with the police he kidnaps a child from and buries him alive. The Scorpio demands money he will let her die buried alive, Harry and Chico kept in touch without the Scorpio knowing, when Harry and Scorpio met, they began to fight, Scorpio would betray his promise he would let the girl go and kill Harry, but unfortunately Chico appears and saves Harry, despite having taken a shot and had survived he stabs the Scorpio with a pocketknife, but Scorpio escaped once more. Harry went to the doctor who treated and found out where he lived. With all this Scorpio was arrested and questioned by Harry, he then stepped on his injury so he revealed the whereabouts of the girl, he then calls a lawyer, when the police will go after the girl she unfortunately appears dead, the Scorpio is released from prison for having his rights violated and because Harry has illegally entered the premises. Harry then followed the Scorpio more of this he would pay one he would pay a thug to beat him making it looks like he was harassing for try to get him off his back. Scorpio goes to a liquor store and beats bartenders and steals a P38 gun, Scorpio's last plan was to kidnap a school bus packed with children and keep them as a repository while he demanded money from the police so you can flee the county.
Knowing that the Scorpio could flee, Harry disobeys can to ruin the Scorpio's plan. He intercepts the bus so he and Scorpio have a last confrontation they shoot at each other. Scorpio soon sees a boy fishing and takes him hostage nd tells Harry to press his gun. Then Harry pretended to put it on the ground just to shoot Scorpio's arm so he was letting the boy escape, then Harry points the gun at the Scorpio after a brief chat Scorpio laughed and grabbed his gun to try to kill Harry, but Harry shot Scorpio thus killing that falls inside a lake.