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Is your mind playing tricks on you? Or am I?
~ The Scarecrow.
How many more bones would you crush? How many lives will you destroy in pursuit of what you call "justice"? You are the product of everything you fear: violence, darkness, helplessness. All that remains is for you to watch, as I drag your beloved Gotham into oblivion.
~ Scarecrow to Batman in the E3 gameplay demo, his most famous quote.
You will bring death to all who follow you.
~ The Scarecrow to Batman after Barbara Gordon's supposed death.
Dr. Jonathan Crane, better known as the Scarecrow, is the secondary antagonist of the Batman: Arkham franchise. He serves as one of the secondary antagonists of Batman: Arkham Asylum, the main antagonist of Batman: Arkham Knight, and the overarching antagonist of Batman: Arkham Shadow.
He is a former psychiatrist and sadistic criminal mastermind who serves as one of Batman's greatest enemies. He is determined to break his mind and as well as the minds of every citizen of Gotham City.
Realizing the power he could gain through controlling people's fears, he invented a fear-inducing chemical that douses his victims with crippling anxiety before using it for a life of crime. He later commands an alliance of supervillains in his master plan to finally destroy Batman once and for all.
In Arkham Asylum, he was voiced by Dino Andrade, who also played Charlie in the US version of The Queen's Corgi. In Arkham Knight, he was voiced by John Noble, who also played Denethor in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Unicron in Transformers: Prime, Brainiac in Superman: Unbound, Mallus in DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Henry Parish in Sleepy Hollow, Walternate in Fringe, Leland Monroe in L.A. Noire, the Diviner in Star Trek: Prodigy, and Ivan Yugorsky in Running Scared.
Taunted and bullied as a youth, Jonathan Crane vowed to overcome his fears through the study of psychology and biochemistry. Kicked out of his university for experimenting on human subjects, Crane then adopted the identity of the Scarecrow and armed himself with a specialised fear-inducing gas that makes a person's deepest phobias become frighteningly real. His ongoing criminal reign of terror makes him one of Batman's most psychologically dangerous foes.
~ The Scarecrow's bio in Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Between his traumatizing encounter with Killer Croc and the events of Arkham Knight, Scarecrow's personality took a drastic change. However, in both incarnations, he retained several traits: utter sadistic and psychopathic personality, borderline megalomania, complete brilliance and extreme dedication to the concept of fear; in fact, he saw it as a religion rather than a human emotion.
Scarecrow was first introduced as a highly deranged and completely sadistic villain who ruthlessly exposed Arkham Asylum orderlies and patients to his Fear Toxin, then later laughed at their terror and madness. Scarecrow's remorseless nature and manipulative traits were also shown during his therapy sessions with Doctor Murphy, he was able to fool the doctor into believing that he himself was a sane individual just an evil one instead. He considered his time at Arkham not as incarceration, but as scientific experimentation, which is how he retorted to any claim otherwise, while also dismissing the immorality of his fear experiments as irrelevant.
The only thing he showed any care towards was his own work: The mass production and utilization of his toxin as a weapon. The cause of Scarecrow's fixation was presumably from his own traumatic past; viciously taunted and bullied into his childhood and because of this, he dedicated himself as an adult to overpower any terror he encounters through biochemistry. Ironically in Arkham Knight, Scarecrow not only showed no fear (including when he was attacked by an enraged Batman) but displayed no emotions whatsoever being extremely calm and apathetic, remaining calm despite Batman repeatedly stopping each of his schemes, with the greatest emotional outburst being rage at the destruction of the Cloudburst, but even then, effortlessly returned to a state of calm confidence, relishing the certainty his next plan will break Batman. He generally remained in control of his emotions, that is until he overdosed with his own Fear Toxin, becoming a cowering mess.
Though he was a genius in his own regard, what made Scarecrow more despicably intelligent was his knowledge of people's pressure points. During his therapy sessions, he used cutting words and veiled threats to drive his psychiatrist into a state of paranoia until he revealed that he had secretly been dosing Murphy with his toxin for weeks. This was also shown when he kidnapped Barbara Gordon as to fend off Batman then constantly, sadistically attacks him with threats against her life during Stagg's Airship as to leave him off guard. He also deduced that Commissioner Gordon's greatest fear was that he blamed himself for his daughter's paraplegic condition and needed to protect her, however buried beneath this was the fear that he'd fail and used this as an advantage to control Gordon after he and Batman confronted him.
His personality change was extremely evident during his terrorist threat to Gotham. In Arkham Asylum, when he was the essence of a fear-obsessed madman, who was always undertoned with a constant maniacal laugh, in Arkham Knight, he became a powerful and calculated mastermind, speaking in a calm deep voice with a monotone and displaying an emotionless persona but still shows sadistic humor and momentary fury at times. Whereas originally Scarecrow saw fear as the foundation for every action that humanity does and humans were driven by it more than anything else, in Arkham Knight, he began to see it as a part of life itself, even claiming to Batman when he was defeated at Arkham Mansion that "without fear, life is meaningless." He also became deranged and obsessed with Batman, otherwise he is more specifically destroying his legacy by showing the world he was just an afraid man like everybody else, which failed.
While he had a goal in Arkham Knight to unmask Batman's true identity, he personally wasn't interested in who Batman really is; rather, he simply wanted to expose Batman as another way to undermine his myth and permeate fear across the populace. He was briefly amused upon seeing under the mask was Bruce Wayne, yet just accepted it without concern, resuming the torture to the next stage, as the plot to spread fear was the only thing that mattered to him.
Skills and Abilities[]
Genius Intellect: Scarecrow is a gifted psychiatrist and chemist in the specialty of anxiety disorders and psychoactive drugs. He was such a genius that, according to Simon Stagg's recordings, he could create a remedy for anxiety and depression within a year, however opts to focus purely on terror.
Manipulation: The Scarecrow is an excellent manipulator, being able to turn Gordon against Batman and torment the Dark Knight before beginning his endgame. He was also able to convince Batman's rogues, most of whom hate each other, into an allegiance.
Fear Resistance: Due to testing many of his drugs on himself, the Scarecrow is unable to experience true fear except for when cornered by Batman. However, he would later be mentally broken by his newest fear toxin which expresses just how powerful it was.
Pain Endurance: He was able to survive Killer Croc's attack and swim to shore in spite of injuries to his face, body, and legs. When Batman (unknowingly to Crane, possessed by the Joker) used his full strength to fling Scarecrow across the room, he was able to recover with no sign of pain.
Needle Gloves: Scarecrow's signature weapons are brown gloves with syringes containing fear gas that he typically uses to stab his enemies to torment them. The glove can also spray the gas from the back of his gloves as seen on Stagg's airship.
Glock 11: Scarecrow's personal sidearm which Barbara used to kill herself in one of Batman's hallucinations and the gun with which he shot Robin. He lost it after Red Hood shot it out of his hand, and Batman broke free and tackled him.
Arrogance: Due to his intellect, he had immense confidence in his chances of defeating Batman; however, his confidence is an element that caused his defeat. In Arkham Asylum, he toyed with Batman, rather than give him a fatal dose of his fear toxin. Similarly, in Arkham Knight, he continuously withholds information from Arkham Knight's army, finding amusement and data in Batman's tactics, as well as gradually increasing the deployment of the army, preferring to meticulously torture Batman, rather than use all assets from the start. He feels no threat due to his certainty that his plans are infallible.
Physical Weakness/Lack of Fighting Talent: Due to his reliance on fear toxin, recruitment of underlings, and preference for psychological warfare, he can be vulnerable to direct assaults. If he does physically attack, it relies entirely on surprise or distraction as while he isn't below average physical fitness, he falls far beneath the physical strength and combat skills of Batman.
Batman: Arkham Asylum[]
There is no Crane...only Scarecrow!
~ The Scarecrow's first words in the series as he killed some people in Intensive Treatment.
Poor little Bat! You're in my world now!
~ The Scarecrow when Batman entered his terror world.
What are you doing, little Bat?
~ The Scarecrow when Batman was turning the first searchlight against him.
I will break you!
~ The Scarecrow.
Oh, there you are!
~ The Scarecrow.
Everything you see is under my control!
~ The Scarecrow.
What are you, Batman? Chicken?
~ The Scarecrow.
Dare to step into my gaze!
~ The Scarecrow.
Welcome to my world, Batman!
~ The Scarecrow.
You're fighting back. Good. It can only weaken your resolve.
~ The Scarecrow.
You cannot escape my gaze! You will die here!
~ The Scarecrow.
Look around you! These are the broken fragments of your mind!
~ The Scarecrow.
Your mind will shatter like glass!
~ The Scarecrow.
I see you, Batman.
~ The Scarecrow.
What was that?
~ The Scarecrow.
You're in my realm now. Everything is as real as I choose it to be.
~ The Scarecrow.
What are you trying to do?
~ The Scarecrow.
Stand still. This won't hurt.
~ The Scarecrow.
No, he's not. We really should feel sorry for him. He never fully got over his parents' death. It left him quite insane.
~ The Scarecrow.
I THINK YOU NEED A LITTLE MORE! Tell me, what demons do you have left to beat? Shall we see?
~ The Scarecrow.
He's all yours, Joker.
~ The Scarecrow.
How are you doing this? You've ingested enough toxins to drive ten men insane! What Are YOU!?
~ The Scarecrow.
Why fight it, Batman? You're as crazy as the rest of us. You need us as much as we need you. And to prove it, I'll flood the catacombs with enough Fear Gas to break the minds of everyone in Gotham for a 100 years.
~ The Scarecrow.
Too late, Batman! One step closer and this goes into the water. The caves will fill with your deepest, darkest nightmares and you will never reach your precious venom roots. Mwahahahahahha!
~ Scarecrow's last words before being attacked by Killer Croc.
Game Over Quotes[]
And at the end of fear... oblivion.
You failed, now suffer!
~ The Scarecrow
Now madness takes you, forever.
Arkham City[]
I will return, Batman. You will pay for what you have done to me. Fear will tear Gotham City to shreds.
~ Decoded messages from the Scarecrow that foreshadow his return.
Batman: Arkham Knight[]
This demonstration used just five ounces of my latest toxin. Tomorrow, this will seem like child's play. Gotham, this is your only warning.
~ Scarecrow's first broadcast.
Remnants of Gotham, I have messages for you all. To the vandals who stayed behind to pick the still warm flesh from Gotham's bones: Have your fun. You are under my protection. To the cowards quaking behind the police department's walls: You will not be spared. And to Batman: I have already won. Emptied your city with a vial of toxin and a few threatening words. That's how little the safety you provided was worth. And when the dawn comes...when Gotham lies in ruins and I turn my gaze to the world beyond...the legend of the Batman will be worth nothing at all.
~ The Scarecrow's broadcast after Gotham City was evacuated.
Gentlemen, tonight is the night that Gotham changes forever. The night, it becomes a wasteland of nightmares, a forsaken symbol of Batman's failure, a monument to fear. But more than that: we're about to turn Gotham into the epicentre of a blast that will transform the entire Eastern coast of America into MY domain.
Need I remind you that we are on a tight schedule here? Gotham is going to pay for what its 'saviour' did to me.
Arkham Knight: I had him in my sights! I could have ended it right there! Scarecrow: We have not broken him yet. It will come. Arkham Knight: No, I've waited long enough. Batman dies. Tonight. Scarecrow: Why do you hate him so much? Arkham Knight: You could never understand. Scarecrow: Your revenge is at hand. This is his last night. Arkham Knight: I'll make sure of it.
~ The radio traffic picked up by Oracle as Batman scanned for the ACE Chemicals workers.
Crane: Do you really think you've won? Fear makes you predictable. I am in complete control. Batman: How do I shut it down? Crane: Let me go or she dies. Batman: What're you talking about? Crane: Barbara Gordon.
~ The Scarecrow when Batman confronted him at ACE Chemicals.
Nothing hurts like losing one of the family, knowing there is no one to blame but yourself.
~ The Scarecrow as he escaped ACE Chemicals.
Gentlemen, an announcement. Our one-time friend Mr. Stagg neglected to keep the Cloudburst charged and ready for operation. We will need to do the job ourselves. I need men in Biological Engineering ferrying energy cells to charge the device, and I need more men to defend them. Do not fail me.
~ The Scarecrow whilst on Stagg's airship.
You're not dying, it just feels like you are. My toxin is filling your lungs, drowning you in your greatest fears. What can you see? A city engulfed in fear? Betrayed by those you trust the most? Your darkest secrets revealed? As I tear your mind apart, Gotham will watch. I will cut that mask from your face, and the whole world will see the fear in your eyes. Then they too will understand. There is no savoir. No more hope... No more Batman. I've won.
~ Scarecrow after spraying Batman with his fear toxin in the Stagg Airship.
Astonishing, such brutality. You almost killed these men. You were ready to abandon your beliefs, everything you stand for. You tell yourself you are not like us. You tell yourself you are something more, something better. But fear reveals the truth, erodes your self-control. Soon you will kill and become that which you hate the most. Soon, the Bat will be broken!
~ Scarecrow's monologue after a fear induced Batman brutally beats the soldiers.
Something's changed. You're different.
~ Scarecrow noticing Joker's violent takeover of Batman.
How does it feel to see your city on the brink of ruin? Your friends in the clutches of death? You've stretched yourself too far this time, Batman, and now your failure is all but complete. As that final dying breath escapes her body, she will know you are the one who failed her.
~ One of the Scarecrow's broadcasts,
Welcome to Gotham...The City of Fear.
~ Scarecrow after activating the Cloudburst.
Batman: On your knees, Crane. Now! Crane: So, you did it. I must admit, I had my doubts that you could make this happen. Batman: I'm not asking again. Crane: And I'm not talking. It is time.
~ The Scarecrow when confronted by Batman and Gordon atop Panessa Studios.
Call in the transport. It is time for the people of Gotham to see their saviour for who he truly is. A man. Just a man. Devoid of hope, betrayed by his friends, crippled by fear.
Gordon: Let her gone. Crane: You both still have a part to play. Gordon: We had a deal. Crane: Ha ha ha ha ha. Once I understood your greatest fear, controlling you was simple. You blame yourself for her condition. You need to protect her but, buried deep down is the inevitability that you will one day fail. And that fear makes you mine. Think very carefully about your next move, Commissioner. Her life depends on it.
~ The Scarecrow when Gordon betrayed Batman.
Crane: Did you think I wanted him dead? Did you think that would save your daughter? Do you know what happens when a man refuses to be controlled by his fears? He must face them. Barbara: I'm not scared. Crane: Shh... It's OK to be afraid.
~ The Scarecrow when Gordon supposedly shot and killed Batman.
Gallant police force of Gotham. I have a message for you. You are not safe. You are not protected. Batman will not save you. This is the beginning for the end for you, Dark Knight.
~ The Scarecrow after assaulting the GCPD.
Looking for someone? You should know by now that nowhere is safe. The Commissioner was so eager to betray you earlier when his daughter's life depended on it. And now, I have your Robin. The caged bird. Fascinating that your fears would drive you to lock your closest ally in a prison cell. Now those same fears will make you do as I say. There's a storage depot in Kingston. Go there, alone. Prepare to take off that mask. Or your friends will die.
~ The Scarecrow revealing that he had kidnapped Robin.
Your fears have gotten the better of you, I see. How fitting that I will win and Batman's life will be over... Not because of what I have done to your precious city but because you are scared of what I will do to your friends... Your family. They are your weakness, hiding just below the surface. I am sure that you are scared of what will happen when I tear that mask from your face. What will we find? Your true identity or proof that, without your mask, you are nothing? Impotent. Powerless. Afraid. Leave your equipment on that table and we can find out.
~ The Scarecrow when Batman arrived at the storage depot.
The die is cast, Batman, and from now on I need your undivided attention. The nightmare is almost over, your failure almost complete. I can see it, and soon the whole world will see it too. Your eyes betray you. You are truly afraid.
Crane: Are you ready? Batman: This isn't going to end how you think, Crane. Crane: Enough bravado. It's too late for that. I don't care who you are, but they will. I'm going to rob them of hope. As they stare into your eyes, they will blame you... Failure will have a face and a name. It's time. Mr. Gordon, I would like you to do the honours. Gordon: I'm done taking orders from you. Crane: Take off that mask or my next shot will kill him.
~ The Scarecrow after capturing Batman in Arkham Asylum.
Wayne? Bruce Wayne? Now the world can see you for what you truly are. A legend laid bare. Powerless. Human. Afraid.
~ Scarecrow after revealing Batman's identity.
Do you understand, Gotham? You have no saviour. No more hope. No more Batman. I've won.
~ The Scarecrow after injecting Batman with a full dose of fear toxin.
Do you know what happens now, Mr. Wayne? I'm not going to kill you... I'm going to set you free... Free to see the city you swore to defend tear itself apart. Free to see everyone you love hunted down and killed. Every scream, every death, vengeance for all that Batman has done.
~ The Scarecrow to a Joker possessed Batman.
Impossible. Without fear, life is meaningless.
~ The Scarecrow when Batman defeated his Fear Toxin.
No. Stop. Help me.
~ The Scarecrow as Aaron Cash took him into custody and his last words.
Game Over Quotes[]
Die knowing that I will make them suffer, every one.
Didn't you know, Dark Knight, you can't fight fear?
Prepare yourself, Batman. My reign of terror starts now.
You die here, and your legend dies with you.
This is the end, Dark Knight, you've got nothing to be afraid of anymore.
You have failed to stop me, Batman, now Gotham will fall.
I wanted more than your death and Gotham's destruction, but you forced my hand.
Scarecrow's overall studious nature and scarecrow-like appearance from the comic books was inspired by Ichabod Crane from Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Ironically, John Noble, the voice for Arkhamverse Scarecrow, played a character from the Sleepy Hollow TV series who so happens to be related to the character Scarecrow was inspired by.
In the post-credit scene of Arkham Asylum, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, and Bane are each random options, whose arms can emerge from the water to grasp the crate of Titan formula. Due to it being tied to his side quest in Arkham City, it appears as though Bane is canon option.
Only he, Batman and Simon Stagg were confirmed to be able to survive the effects of the fear toxin in the Arkhamverse; he survived due to resilience built up over self-experimentation, Batman survived due to a combination of pure willpower and his body may have developed a partial immunity because of exposure to various toxins, and Simon Stagg survived because he was knocked unconscious before inhaling a lethal dose. Considering he has terrorized hundreds of people with his toxin, this Scarecrow easily has the highest kill count.
From a certain point of view, Scarecrow defeated Batman. While he failed to emotionally break him and plunge Gotham into terror, he succeeded in exposing the Dark Knight's identity to the world which forced Bruce Wayne to seemingly kill himself to protect his loved ones. His unveiling of Bruce Wayne's identity to Gotham and the world also gives him the distinction of not only being the only incarnation of Scarecrow to do so, but the only Batman villain in any medium thus far to succeed at this. Furthermore, depending on what happened at the end, the fallout resulted in Batman and Alfred giving up their lives; albeit, it seems apparent that their deaths were merely faked, as Batman wouldn't surrender his no killing rule, especially on Alfred; also, the true ending has a Demon Batman appear to some thugs, which implies that Batman reconcocted the fear toxin into less fatal version. This is ultimately subverted in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, where Batman is revealed to have eventually continued his career with his identity known.
The Riddler actually succeeded in exposing Batman in the episode "Pirates of the Neverland: At Wit's End / Batman Family Feud" from Cartoon Network's MAD, where he tricks Batman (who is depicted like a stubborn crime fighter and not fully heroic at all like most incarnations) into not arresting him in exchange of changing the questions of Family Feud to ensure his victory. Batman agrees and wins after responding three questions about him, with the last one being which is his secret identity, only to realize too late that he has given away his secret, to which the Riddler calls him a "sucker" for falling into his trap. However, Cartoon Network's MAD is in no way canonical within the DC Universe and its parallel Earths.
Ironically, the Riddler from the Arkhamverse is depicted as being jealous towards the Scarecrow at the end for exposing Batman's identity, suggesting that he wanted to be the one to unmask the Dark Knight, although it's also possible that he just couldn't believe it as for him it didn't have too much sense for a known rich playboy like Bruce Wayne to be Gotham City's defender.
Superman and his Regime from the Injustice series have also exposed Batman's secret identity to the public, but unlike Scarecrow, Superman's unmasking of Batman did not drive Bruce into hiding; he still actively continues his crime-fighting career with his identity known presumably from the lack of government structures and for his role in disbanding the One Earth Regime. The Regime also never made him resort to destroying Wayne Enterprises nor possibly dying to stop them.
This version of Scarecrow is notably more serious and evil than other incarnations, at least in Arkham Knight. He also plays highly sadistic mind games throughout the game and actually came close to destroying Gotham more than any other version has before; if not directly, then through his fear toxin feeding the Joker within Batman (although, ironically, by overdosing Batman, he poisoned the Joker imprint, leading to its imprisonment deep within Bruce's subconscious). Plus, he has the highest kill count.
He is also the most destructive antagonist of the Arkham series, as his plans of terror were not just for Gotham, but the entire Eastern seacoast and, presumably, the whole world. This plot surpasses those of Hugo Strange, Penguin, Victor Zsasz, and the Joker.
In an unfortunate way, his legacy survived. While Batman was using a more docile type of the fear toxin, upon his brainwashing by Brainiac shortly before the events of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Batman used the full-strength toxin to torture and kill multiple civilians and police in Metropolis.
While a babbling mess at the end of Arkham Knight, apparently sometime between then and the beginning of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, he had recovered enough for Harley Quinn to pry information about his fear toxin out of him, though over time since he was still in a stammering state.
Coincidentally, this version of the Scarecrow's role in Batman: Arkham Knight seems to mirror that the Scarecrow was intended to play in Batman Unchained, the cancelled fifth movie of the 1990s Batman film series by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher. Much like in Arkham Knight, the Scarecrow was going to be the main antagonist, allied with Harley Quinn and other notable villains while the Joker would return as a hallucination thanks to his fear toxin.
Other Antagonists Quincy Sharp | Victor Zsasz | Frank Boles | Razor | Dr. Penelope Young | Catwoman | Mister Hammer | Sickle | Solomon Grundy | Talia al Ghul | Azrael | Deadshot | Hush | Mad Hatter | Calendar Man | Electrocutioner | Copperhead | Lady Shiva | Commissioner Loeb | Howard Branden | Ricky "Loose Lips" LeBlanc | Tracey Buxton | Candy | Alberto Falcone | Anarky | Bird | Henry Adams | Christina Bell | Johnny Charisma | Albert King | Professor Pyg | Man-Bat | Deacon Blackfire | JT Wicker | Warden Ranken | Nyssa Raatko
Groups and Gangs Joker's Gang | Thugs | Lunatic Inmates | TYGER | League of Assassins | Penguin's Gang | Two-Face's Gang | Riddler Thugs | Harley's Gang | Black Mask's Gang | Falcone Crime Family | Bane's Militia | Anarky's Gang | Arkham Knight's Militia