Antagonists Wiki

Jimmy McGill is the overall deuteragonist of the Breaking Bad franchise. He is the one of the two tetartagonists (alongside Hank Schrader) of Breaking Bad, the main protagonist of Breaking Bad: Original Minisodes, and Better Call Saul.

A former con artist who tried to go straight but fell back into a life of crime. After temporary suspension Jimmy returned to the law and operated under the Name Saul Goodman.

Saul Was a sleazy and unscrupulous lawyer who had a harassing attitude towards his assistant Francesca. When Badger Mayhew was arrested for selling meth Saul agreed to be his lawyer, because of this he was kidnapped by Badger's employees Walter White and Jesse Pinkman who threatened him to ensure Saul did not encourage Badger to Co-operate With the DEA.

Saul then helped them frame an old criminal associate he knew for being Heisenberg (Walter's alias). Saul charged 80,00 dollars so he would be able to create problems for the prosecution however the showrunner confirmed Saul got his associate off on a technicality meaning he cheated Walt and Jesse out of 80 thousand dollars.

Saul approached Walt at his workplace and permanently became his lawyer. Saul used his connections with the criminal Mike Ehrmantraut to set up a meeting between Walt, Jesse and Gus Fring. When Walt made money from the deal with Gus he was unable to spend it but Saul convinced him to launder it through the site his son has set up to pay for his dad's cancer treatment.

When Jesse's girlfriend Jane died of an overdose Saul sent Mike to the apartment to remove any incriminating evidence against Jesse. While Walt had retired and Jesse was in rehab Saul made his money by taking advantage of a tragic airplane crash getting money for several people who were "emotionally damaged' in order to fill his pockets.

Saul still saw opportunity in Walt's product and urged him to accept Gus's offer of working as his cook. Saul was enlisted by Jesse to get revenge on his parents for kicking him out of their house. Saul kept the name of his client anonymous and uses the parents failure to disclose the existence of a meth lab to strong arm them.

Knowing that Walt's wife Skyler had threatened to expose his crimes Saul hired Mike to Spy on her. When Walt learned about this he fired Saul as his lawyer. When Walt finally chose to accept Gus's offer Saul agreed to be his lawyer betraying Jesse in the process as Walt had spitefully cut him out of the business due to jealousy over Jesse using his formula.

When Walt's brother-in-law DEA Agent Hank Schrader came close to finding Walt and Jesse in the RV they used to cook Meth Walt assigned Saul with the task of creating a distraction. Saul then had his assistant Francesca call Hank and tell him his wife was in hospital.

After doing this Saul showed a rare sign of regret .this resulted in Hank confronting Jesse at his home and putting him in hospital. Saul witnessed Jesse threaten to turn Walt in if he was ever caught. Saul advised Walt that things would be better with Jesse out of the picture but Walt was reluctant to Kill his partner, instead Walt made Jesse his new lab assistant, replacing Gale Boetticer which also served to Keep Jesse from pressing charges against Hank.

When Jesse learned that two of Gus's dealers had used a kid to Kill his friend Combo he was disgusted and planned to poison the dealers. Walt  believed Jesse would mess it up and asked Saul to have him placed in a county Jail facility in order to Keep him from being Killed. Saul considered it a bad idea but still reached out to Mike who refused.

Walt eventually decided to tell Gus about Jesse's plans. The matter was seemingly settled When Gus told his dealers that he did not want any more children involved. but when their child accomplice later round up dead Jesse confronted the dealers with the intent to Kill them. The Dealers seemed like they were going to murder Jesse but Walt intervened and Killed him.

Following this Saul helped To hide Jesse and even lied about his location when he was threatened by Mike. Walt ordered Jesse to Kill Gale which made him and Jesse Gus's only living cooks and necessitated Gus keep them alive.

Saul became paranoid of Mike seeking revenge and hired Huell Babineaux as a bodyguard. Saul was also tasked by Jesse to deliver money to his girlfriend Andrea. During these two visits Saul was personable with Andrea and treated her son Brock Kindly.

Skyler had Saul give money to her former boss Ted Beneke so he could pay off the IRS and she could keep herself from being prosecuted for her role in doctoring the books. When Beneke wasted his money Sault sent Huell and his other henchman Kuby to intimidate Beneke wbich caused him to end up in hospital.

After Gus threatened Hank's life Walt  wanted to Keep him Safe and instructed Saul to warn the DEA. Saul was reluctant at first but Caved after further pleading from Walt.

Walt later confronted Saul over the situation With Beneke and was angered that Saul had given money to a man who had slept With his wife. Saul then revealed his disgust at Walt's plan to poison Brock in order to manipulate Jesse into killing Gus and tried to quit but was bullied by Walt into staying.

When Hank discovered Walt's identity as Heisenberg Saul said to send him on "a trip to Belize" but Walt refused to hurt family. When Jesse discovered The plan to poison Brock he attacked Saul. Saul advised Walt to whack Jesse but he refused once again. Saul decided to disappear himself and is last seen advising Walt to turn himself in In order to save Skyler from prosecution.
