Antagonists Wiki
Villain Overview

I'm not a bad person. Just had bad luck.
~ Flint Marko's most famous quote.
Spider-Man: Remember Ben Parker? THE OLD MAN YOU SHOT DOWN IN COLD BLOOD!?
Spider-Man: EVERYTHING!!!
~ Sandman and Spider-Man during their battle in the sewer.
Sandman: Where's the box, Peter?
Peter Parker: Flint, we can help everyone.
Sandman: I don't care!
~ Sandman to MCU Peter in No Way Home during the final battle.

Flint Marko, also known as Sandman, is the secondary antagonist of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man franchise. Serving as one of the two main antagonists (alongside Venom) of Spider-Man 3 and a major antagonist in the 2021 Marvel Cinematic Universe film Spider-Man: No Way Home.

He is a bank robber who is revealed to have been the one to actually shoot Uncle Ben, thus setting Peter's journey to become a superhero in motion. During an escape from prison, he falls into a particle accelerator which turns him into a living amalgamation of sand, turning him into a supervillain who eventually teams up with Eddie Brock to fight Spider-Man.

Years later, he is brought into an alternate universe, in a purely sand form, where he teams up with his universe's Green Goblin and alternate universe villains Lizard and Electro to not go back to his own timeline.

He was portrayed by Thomas Haden Church, who also played Roach in Tales from the Crypt Presents Demon Knight, Lyle Van de Groot in the George of the Jungle duology, Agent Stone in the first season of Twisted Metal, Killer Moth in the second season of Teen Titans, Dwayne LaFontant in Over the Hedge, Tal Hajus in John Carter and Quillgin in Regular Show.


I'm not a bad person. Just had bad luck.
~ Flint Marko to his wife and daughter before he leaves.

The extent of Flint Marko's personality before his incarceration is unclear, but it was more than obvious that he truly cared for his daughter Penny to the point of committing thefts to support her illness. This same love for Penny was further amplified after his transformation into Sandman, causing him to literally attack money transporters with his newfound abilities. When Spider-Man tried to stop him, Sandman saw him only as an obstacle to the healing of his daughter and did not hesitate to try to kill him when he got in his way.

Following his loss to Spider-Man when he was corrupted by the symbiote, during which he gets brutally beaten by him and loses the stolen money for Penny, Flint became even more ruthless and desperate to the point of falling into a relationship with Venom to take out Spider-Man after the new villain makes an offer to kill the Spider together. He then had no more detention, putting civilians in danger and almost crushing Spider-Man to death. Ultimately, Sandman's antagonistic actions were mostly the result of his fear of losing his daughter.

However, when he found out that Spider-Man was really Peter Parker, Flint lost all his animosity towards him, realizing that Peter was only opposing him because of what he had unwittingly done to Ben Parker. He then explained to Peter that he never wanted to do all the harm he caused and that he fully accepted to live with it for the rest of his life, accepting that it was too late to change the past but claiming that all he has left is his daughter. After Peter forgives him, Flint made his peace with him and left, now a man who made peace with his mistakes.

Upon being transported to an alternate universe (Earth-199999), Flint Marko is not a very trusting person as he's very quick to jump to conclusions or escape if he feels threatened. The only thing Marko really seems to care about is his daughter, as she was the only reason he was willing to put up with the other villains and accept Peter Parker's (Earth-199999's Peter Parker) offer to send him home. This desire to go home eventually turned to desperation as he tried to steal the Machina de Kadavus from Spider-Man without even caring about the other villains being cured.

Despite his distrusting nature, Marko did have a huge amount of respect and trust in his universes' Peter, even going to the lengths of protecting the Spider-Man from the alternate universe due to mistakenly thinking it was his Peter. This paid off as it was his Peter who was able to turn him back to normal before sending him home.


Marko is a career criminal and a loving father who commits robberies to afford his daughter's medical treatment after she is diagnosed with a serious illness.

Spider-Man (2002)[]

Marko is not seen in the film, with the following information being revealed in Spider-Man 3.

He and his partner-in-crime, Dennis Carradine, rob a fight promoter just as Peter Parker is exiting the wrestling arena. On the way out, Marko runs into Peter's Uncle Ben and tries to rob him. Uncle Ben tries to reason with him, and Marko is about to lower his weapon when Carradine suddenly startles him and the gun goes off by accident, killing Uncle Ben. Horrified and wracked with guilt, Marko flees the scene, and for years afterward Peter believes that Carradine murdered his uncle.

Spider-Man 3[]

Marko is eventually imprisoned for robbery, but escapes from prison. During his escape, he falls into an experimental particle accelerator that molecularly bonds him with sand, which gives him the power to turn into sand and shape-shift. He uses his new power to commit robberies, giving the money to his ex-wife Emma to pay for Penny's treatment.

Spider-Man - whose civilian alter ego is Peter Parker - foils one of Marko's robberies, although Marko gets away. Peter later learns from Captain George Stacy that Marko was Carradine's accomplice in several robberies, and that evidence links him to Uncle Ben's murder. After Spider-Man gains enhanced powers and increased aggression from the "Venom" symbiotic suit, he goes after Marko to avenge Uncle Ben. During a fight in the sewers, Spider-Man destroys a water tank that submerges Marko in water and turns him into mud and washes him away down a storm drain.

Marko survives, however, and rebuilds himself after being washed into a nearby river. He allies himself with Peter's rival photographer Eddie Brock, who has taken the symbiotic suit and become the supervillain Venom, in a plot to kill Spider-Man. They kidnap Peter's girlfriend Mary Jane Watson and hold her prisoner at a construction site. When Spider-Man comes to her rescue, Marko absorbs the sand at the construction site and transforms into a monstrous giant. Venom ensnares Spider-Man with his webbing, and Marko advances on him, intent on crushing him to death.

Just as he and Brock are about to kill Spider-Man, however, Peter's best friend Harry Osborn, dressed in his late father Norman's Green Goblin suit, attacks them by throwing a bomb at Marko, giving him enough time to free and save Spider-Man. Harry and Spider-Man save Mary Jane and kill Brock, though at the cost of Harry's life. Marko returns to his normal appearance and, upon learning Spider-Man's true identity, tells him the real story of Uncle Ben's death, and expresses remorse. Peter forgives Marko, who then turns back into sand and dissipates in the wind.

Spider-Man: No Way Home[]

Nineteen years after being forgiven by Peter, Flint fell victim to a failed Doctor Strange spell that transported him to an alternate universe (MCU Universe/Earth-199999) due to his knowledge of Spider-Man's secret identity. Mistaking the MCU Peter for his own, Flint aided him in defeating an alternate version of Electro (from the Webb universe), although they were both imprisoned in the Sanctum. When alternate versions of orman Osborn and Doctor Octopus (both of whom were from Flint's universe, Raimi universe) were arguing over whether or not the former died, Flint confirmed that both Osborn and Octopus died fighting their universes' Spider-Man and explained how they died. Flint, however, was mostly disinterested in the following events, only seeing being cured as a way home to his daughter and remaining in the form of a humanoid figure of sand rather than taking on his human form again. After the Green Goblin took over Norman Osborn's body, Flint joined the other uncured villains in fleeing rather than being cured.

Sandman later joined Electro and an alternate version of the Lizard (the latter being from the Webb universe, like Electro) in battling the MCU Spider-Man, his Spider-Man and the Webbverse Spider-Man. Sandman's version of Spider-Man managed to use the device that they had created to cure Flint. Flint reverted back into his human form, staring at his hands in shock. His Peter ordered him to stay put for his own safety and Flint was later returned to his own universe by Strange but at the cost of everyone in MCU forgetting who Spider-Man truly is. Assuming that Flint was from the present time like his Peter, he would have been sent back to the original timeline of the Raimi universe.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Sand Manipulation: Following an incident in which he fell into a super collider, Marko gained the ability to transform his body into sand. He can will his body to be hardened, compacted, dispersed or shaped, or a combination of those qualities, an Earth manipulation of sand and rock particles. However, after the battle at Liberty Island, his mutation was undone by Spider-Man, who was able to manage to return him to normal so he could finally live a reformed life.
    • Superhuman Strength: When Marko has enough sand, he could hit with many pounds of sand behind his punch.
    • Superhuman Durability: Since Marko was turned into sand, his body can take less damage from conventional methods.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Marko's mutation provides him with a significant increase in stamina, allowing him to fight for long periods of time.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: Since Marko was turned into sand, he can use it to heal any injuries that he has in seconds.
    • Transformation: Marko's true form is a humanoid made of sand, but he can turn himself into his original form as a human, or he can turn into a giant sand creature.
    • Flight: He can turn himself into a sandstorm, which enables him to fly great distances.
    • Self-Sustenance: Since Marko is made of sand, he has no need of food, water, or oxygen to survive.
    • Shapeshifting: Due to his human body destroyed through the process, Marko can change the color of sand. His striped shirt and cargo trousers are colored sand to make him appear as if he wears clothes, though they are sand mimicking the clothing he wore at the night of his accident since he can't take it off without shapeshifting.
    • Size Manipulation: Marko is able to stretch his sand molecules, growing to double his size.
    • Density Manipulation: Marko can manipulate his sand to control his density, to make himself hard as rock or thin as sand.
    • Intangibility: Marko can manipulate his density to allow anyone's attacks go right through him, making him untouchable.
    • Sand Absorption: Marko can absorb and use any sand along with his own.
    • Sand Blasts: Marko can project sand particles outward at high speeds, in a form of sandstorm.
    • Weapon Manifestation: Marko can mold his arms and hands into shapes, such as a mace or a sledgehammer.
    • Expert Combatant: Due to serving time in jail, Flint is able to defend himself well. Even before his transformation. His fighting skills gave Peter Parker a hard time during their run-ins.


Spider-Man 3[]

Sandman: I didn't want this. But I had no choice.
Peter Parker: We always have a choice. You had a choice when you killed my uncle.
Sandman: My daughter was dying. I needed money. I was scared. I told your uncle all I wanted was the car. And he said to me, "Why don't you just put down the gun and go home?" I realize now he was just trying to help me. Then I saw my partner running over with the cash, and the gun was in my hand. Did a terrible thing to you. I spent a lot of nights wishing I could take it back. I'm not asking you to forgive me. I just want you to understand.
~ Sandman admitting he never wanted to kill Ben Parker and that it was just an accident he regrets every day.
Sandman: I didn't choose to be this. The only thing left of me now... is my daughter.
Peter Parker: I forgive you.
~ Sandman's redemption after telling Peter the truth about Uncle Ben's murder.

Spider-Man: No Way Home[]

Peter, it’s me! Flint Marko! You remember?
~ Sandman to the MCU Peter Parker.
A different Peter. Weird.
~ Sandman seeing that the Peter Parker is not the same one from his universe.
Sandman: What was that? What did you just do to him?
Peter Parker: No, no, no, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay...
Sandman: Did you kill him?
Peter Parker: Whoa, whoa, whoa, listen, I can explain everything. You just have to trust me, please just trust me--
Sandman: I don't trust you! I don't know you!
~ Sandman about to attack Peter, thinking he killed Electro.
They both died. Fighting Spider-Man. It was all over the news. Green Goblin? Impaled by the glider you flew around on. And a couple years later, you, Doc Ock, drowned in the river with your machine.
~ Sandman explaining to Norman Osborn and Doctor Octopus about how they both die fighting Spider-Man.
I have a daughter, and I wanna see her. But he's not gonna send anyone home 'till he's finished his little science project back there.
~ Sandman expressing his feelings to Electro about escaping from Earth-199999.


  • He is the only villain in the Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy who doesn't die. He is also the third villain in the films to be redeemed.
  • Just like Eddie Brock/Venom, his alias "Sandman" was never mentioned in the film. However, in the film when the news was broadcasted to the citizens of New York, the news reporter called Flint "The Sandman". He was always known as Marko. Furthermore, Flint Marko is his actual name in the film, whereas in the comics it is an alias, and his real name is William Baker.
  • In the video game adaptation of Spider-Man 3, Sandman's fate is very different to his fate in the movie. At the end of the game, a cop appears with Sandman's daughter, and he is reunited with his daughter, and after that, he apologizes to Spider-Man for what happened. It was unknown if he was arrested by the cop after this. Additionally, he only helps Eddie Brock kill Spider-Man because Brock kidnapped his daughter, unlike the film where he was willing to help him.
  • On May 4, 2007, while promoting the film on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Thomas Haden Church revealed that he broke three knuckles during the subway scene where he swings to punch Spider-Man and ends up punching a chunk of the wall away. Church said that the effects crew had told him that the brick in the middle was fake while the upper and lower ones were real. Unfortunately, the foam brick had not actually been put in place yet, and when Sam Raimi yelled 'action', Church spun around and punched the real brick on the first take.
  • It took three years to create the visual effects required to portray the Sandman's powers. To understand the dynamics of sand, various experiments were conducted with sand (launching sand at stunt men, splashing the stuff around and pouring it over ledges). Sand sculptors were also consulted for advice.
  • Real sand was used for Sandman, except when characters were being buried or covered in sand. Since real sand would have been a possible hazard for such scenes, ground up corncobs were used instead.
  • The first shot of the Sandman forming took roughly 6 months to create.
  • Church was offered the role of Sandman on the strength of his performance in the film Sideways (2004). He accepted the part despite the fact that there was no script.
  • To prepare for his role as the Sandman, Thomas Haden Church worked out for 16 months, losing ten pounds of fat and gaining 28 pounds of muscle. He based his performance on misunderstood monsters, like the title character from The Golem (1920), Frankenstein's Monster (1931) and King Kong (1933).
  • According to composer Christopher Young, the Sandman's theme was composed with two contrabass saxophones, two contrabass clarinets, two contrabass bassoons and eight (very low) French horns to describe Sandman as "heavy and aggressive." Venom's theme was meant to make him sound "vicious and demonic" and used eight French horns.
  • A scene of Spider-Man battling a giant Sandman at a construction site was previously done in the cartoon Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends: Spider-Man: Unmasked! (1983).
  • The union between Venom and Sandman originally had Venom just offering the cash Sandman needs to save his daughter in exchange for helping him kill Spider-Man, but during the battle, Sandman's daughter would come and tell her father that she could not be cured and was going to die, and wanted to die with her father being a good man, not a criminal.
  • In other earlier scripts of the film, Lizard and Electro were planned to be the antagonists, rather than Venom and the Sandman. However, the Lizard appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) while Electro appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014).
  • In No Way Home, archival footage of Thomas Church from Spider-Man 3 was used for his human appearance, which appeared very briefly in the film, and is of the moment he was in the particle accelerator when it activated, thereby is appropriate since it is both the beginning and end of his status as Sandman.
  • Sandman is possibly the only of the five villains from No Way Home who wasn't transported to the MCU during the events of his movie. He seemed to be transported to the MCU some years after the events of Spider-Man 3 because he asked MCU Spider-Man if he remembered him thinking he was his own Spider-Man.
  • Flint's fate after the events of Spider-Man 3 are unclear, as he hasn't died or suffered any consequence to anyone's knowledge. If he was still alive and a free man during the events of No Way Home, he probably was pulled from the original timeline in his universe like his Peter, which would mean that he would have been sent back to the original timeline of the Raimi universe like his Peter.
    • Since he was an escapee from prison, he was likely returned to prison, since remaining on the run would mean he could never see his daughter Penny again; theoretically, since his manslaughter of Ben Parker was accidental, Raimi Spider-Man could have spoken on his behalf to shift the responsibility of the death back on to the late Carradine, thus allowing Flint a reduced sentence so he could be with his daughter again before she grows up.

External Links[]


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Epstein | Racist Cops | Street Gang | Marco | Don Luis | William Woogard | Genarro Rizzo | Shane | Stephanie | Gargamel (2011) | Azrael (2011) | Robert Ledgard | Vera Cruz | Zeca Ledgard | Marilla Ledgard | Fulgencio | Mike Morris | Edward de Vere | Boris the Animal | Weasel | Lilly | Obadiah Price | Mr. Wu | Boglodites | Agent Gorman | Old Joe | Martin Vanger | Gottfried Vanger | Vilos Cohaagen (2012) | United Federation of Britain (Carl Hauser, Lori, Harry & Police Synthetics) | Lizard | Gustav Fiers | Cash Register Thief | Norman Osborn | Raoul Silva | Patrice | Severine | Boat Captain | Calvin Candie | Stephen | Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly | Butch Pooch | Billy Crash | Big Daddy Bennet | Brittle Brothers | Speck Brothers | Stonesipher | The Regulators | Leonide Moguy | Bill Sharp | Old Man Carrucan | Smitty Bacall | Satan | Danny McBride | Jonah Hill | Demons | Ursa | Skrel | Eli Raphelson | Martin Walker | Emil Stenz | Skip Tyler | Muriel Walker | Frat Boy Andy | Vexy and Hackus | Carrie White | Margaret White | Mortimer Snerds (Chris Hargensen) | Billy Nolan | Tina Blake | Raymond Sellars | OmniCorp (Rick Mattox, Tom Pope & Liz Kline) | Antoine Vallon | Karen Dean | Thomas King | Quinta Corvus | Marcus Proculus | Electro | Green Goblin | Donald Menken | Rhino | Ashley Kafka | Felicia Hardy | Vladimir Pushkin | Nicolai Itchenko | Slavi | Agent Kruger | Jessica Delacourt | John Carlyle | Guy Danlily | Colleen Hannigan | Annie's Fake Parents | Jungler | Gretchen Palmer | Vincent Moore | Hippo | Amerika | Ninja | Yolandi | Vincent Sofel | Donkey Kong | Pac-Man | Eddie Plant | Lady Lisa | Slappy the Dummy | Monsters (Giant Praying Mantis, Will Blake, Lawn Gnomes, Madame Doom, Brent Green, Haunted Car, Count Nightwing, The Haunted Mask, Igor, Headless Horseman, Nila Rahmad, Grim Reaper & Bride of Frankenstein) | Ernst Stavro Blofeld | SPECTRE (Max Denbigh, Mr. Hinx, Marco Sciarra, Moreau, Dr. Vogel, Guerra, Abrika, Marshall, Valerian, Lorenzo, Gallo, Francesco & Marco | Rhonda George | Norman Nordstrom | Hugo Vega | Caesar Braga | Rowan North | Mayhem | Martin Heiss | Electrocuted Ghost | Gertrude Aldridge | Anna Walsh | Bartholomew Bogue | McCann | Denali | Francis Begbie | Sick Boy | Vulture | Bestman Salvage (Tinkerer, Shocker #1, Shocker #2 & Randy Vale) | Mac Gargan | Aaron Davis | Jason Van Horn | Bats | Darling | Eddie No-Nose | Griff | Doc | Wallace Corporation (Niander Wallace & Luv) | Russel Van Pelt | Tommy Madigan | Camilla Salander | Jan Holtser | Dave York | Thomas McGregor | Mr. McGregor | Mrs. McGregor | James Tod | Slender Man | Eddie Brock/Venom | Carlton Drake/Riot | Life Foundation (Roland Treece) | Cletus Kasady | High-T | The Twins | Riza Stavros | Luca Brasi | The Hive | Mysterio | Mysterio's Crew (William Ginter Riva, Victoria Snow, Gutes Guterman, Janice Lincoln, & Doug) | Elementals (Molten Man, Hydro-Man, Sandman, Cyclone & Elemental Fusion) | John Bosley | Hodak | Alexander Brock | Jurgen the Brutal | Fiona Landers | Melinda Landers | Sam Landers | Isabel Aretas | Armando Armas | Melanie Cole | Dr. Emil Harting | Jimmy Dalton | Marcus Tibbs | Barnabas | Samuel Whiskers | Tom Kitten | Mitten | Raylan | Carnage | Shriek | Kasady Family | Ivo Shandor | Mariah | Janek | Sadie Deever | Braddock | Santiago Moncada | Michael Morbius | Milo Morbius | White Death | Lemon | Tangerine | The Prince | The Hornet | The Wolf | Walter Deville | Mr. Grumps

Animated Television
Aeon the Terrible | Winterbolt | Scratcher | Sam Spangles | Ice Dragons | Genie of the Ice Scepter

Live-Action Television
Mr. Horton | Bill the Rapist | Newman | Crazy Joe Davola | Bob | Tony Abado | Anubis | Sokar | Adria | Apophis | Serpent Guard | Replicators | Ba'al | Ben Chang | Stephen Spreck | Robert Laybourne | Greendale School Board | Alan Connor | Doppeldeaner | Subway | Starburns | Cory Radison | Murray | Silver Ballz | Roger DeSalvo | Preston Koogler | Toby Weeks | Cornelius Hawthorne | Ass Crack Bandit | Zombies | Blorgons | Evil Study Group | G.I. Jobra | Pierce Hawthorne | Space Dracula | Hannibal Lecter | Alana Bloom | Garret Jacob Hobbs | Abigail Hobbs | Abel Gideon | Tobias Budge | Randall Tier | Kidnapper | Clark Ingram | Eldon Stammets | Elliot Buddish | Lawrence Wells | Kade Prurnell | Mason Verger | Rinaldo Pazzi | Matteo Deogracias | Tommaso | Francis Dolarhyde | Dr. Jackson Han | Salen Morrison | Owen | Dr. Matt Coyle | Ethan Murphy | Billy Butcher | Frenchie | Vought-International (Madelyn Stillwell, Jonah Vogelbaum, Stan Edgar, Ashley Barrett, Frederick Vought, Victoria Neuman & Black-Ops Soldiers) | The Seven (Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, The Deep, A-Train, Lamplighter, Translucent & Stormfront) | Payback (Soldier Boy, Crimson Countess, Gunpowder, Swatto, Mindstorm & TNT Twins) | Naqib | Mesmer | Popclaw | Big Game | Love Sausage | Ground Hawk | Eagle the Archer | Alastair Adana | Blue Hawk | Little Nina | Silver Kincaid

See Also
007 Villains | Aardman Villains | Amblin Entertainment Villains | Angry Birds Villains | Bad Boys Villains | Blade Runner Villains | Blumhouse Productions Villains | Buena Vista International Villains | Castle Rock Entertainment Villains | Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Villains | Cowboy Bebop Villains | Community Villains | DreamWorks Villains | Final Fantasy Villains | Fright Night Villains | Ghostbusters Villains | Ghost Rider Villains | Godzilla Villains | Goosebumps Villains | Hellboy Villains | Hotel Transylvania Villains | Jackie Chan Adventures Villains | Jerry Bruckheimer Villains | Jumanji Villains | Karate Kid Villains | Left Behind Villains | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Men in Black Villains | Morbius: The Living Vampire Villains | Muppet Villains | Netflix Villains | New Line Cinema Villains | Punisher Villains | Paramount Villains | Rambo Villains | Resident Evil Villains | Ridley Scott Villains | Robocop Villains | Sony's Spider-Man Universe Villains | Spider-Man Villains | Steven Spielberg Villains | Stuart Little Villains | Syfy Villains | Stephen King Villains | Terminator Villains | The Boondocks Villains | The Boys Villains | The Dark Crystal Villains | The Grudge Villains | Total Recall Villains | Trainspotting Villains | Tim Burton Villains | Tintin Villains | Underworld Villains | Universal Soldier Villains | Venom Villlains | Village Roadshow Pictures Villains | Warner Bros. Villains | XXX Villains

          508759 thumb Villains

Abomination | Absorbing Man | Agony | A.I.M. | Alistair Smythe | Annihilus | Answer | Apocalypse | Arcade | Ares | Arnim Zola | Attuma | Awesome Android | Baron Mordo | Baron Zemo | Basilisk | Batroc the Leaper | Beetle | Ben Riley | Beyonder | Big Man | Black Cat | Black Widow | Blackie Drago | Blastaar | Blizzard | Blob | Bolivar Trask | Bombshell | Boomerang | Brotherhood of Mutants | Brothers Grimm | Burglar | Bulldozer | Bullseye | Bushwacker | Cadaverous | Calypso | Carlton Drake | Carnage | Carrion | Chameleon | Chance | Constrictor | Count Nefaria | Crime-Master | Crimson Dynamo | Crossbones | D'Spayre | Daemos | Dark Avengers | Deadpool (Earth-1610) | Demogoblin | Destroyer | Diablo | Doctor Doom | Doctor Faustus | Doctor Octopus | Doppelganger | Dormammu | Dracula | Dreadknight | Egghead | Electro | Enchantress | Enclave | Enforcers | Equinox | Fancy Dan | Finisher | Firelord | Fixer | Freak | Frightful Four | Gabriel Stacy | Galactus | Gentleman | Ghost | Gibbon | Gog | Goliath | Grant Ward | Graviton | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn (Earth-1610, Earth-14154), Harry Osborn & Bart Hamilton) | Grey Gargoyle | Grizzly | Hallow's Eve | Hammerhead | Hand | Hazmat | High Evolutionary | Hitman | Hobgoblin | Hood | Human Fly | Humbug | Hybrid | HYDRA | Hydro-Man | Hypno-Hustler | Ironclad | Impossible Man | Inheritors | Inspector Krahn | Iguana | Itsy Bitsy | Jackal | Jack O' Lantern | Jester | Jigsaw | J. Jonah Jameson | Johnny Ohm | Jonas Harrow | Juggernaut | Justin Hammer | Kangaroo | Kang | Kaine | Karn | Killer Shrike | King Cobra | Kingpin | Knull | Kraven the Hunter | Kristoff Vernard | Lady Octopus | Lasher | Lady Deathstrike | Leader | Leap-Frog | Lee Price | Life Foundation | Lightmaster | Living Brain | Living Laser | Lizard ((Earth-65)) | Loki Laufeyson | Loxias Crown | Lucia Von Bardas | Mad Thinker | Madame Masque | Madame Viper | Maestro | Maggia | Magneto | Mandarin | Man-Spider | Man-Wolf | Mania | Masked Marauder | Master Mold | Masters of Evil | Maximus | Medusa | Menace | Mephisto | Mesmero | Mister Brownstone | Mister Fear | Mister Hyde | Mister Negative | M.O.D.O.K. | Mojo | Mole Man | Molten Man | Montana | Moonstone | Morbius | Morlun | Moses Magnum | Mystique | Mysterio (Quentin Beck, Daniel Berkhart & Francis Klum) | Nebula | Nekra | Nightmare | Niles Van Roekel | Nitro | Onslaught | Orka | Overdrive | Owl | Ox | Panda Mania | Phage | Phil Urich | Piledriver | Princess Python | The Prowler | Psycho-Man | Puma | Punisher | Punisher (Earth-95126) | Puppet Master | Purple Man | Quasimodo | Queen Goblin | Quicksilver | Ramrod | The Rattler (Dr. Henry Bingham) | Raze | Red Ghost | Red Skull (Johann Shmidt, Albert Malik) | Rhino | Rhino II | Richard Fisk | Ringer | Ringmaster | Riot | Roland Treece | The Rose | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Sabretooth | Sandman | Sarah Stacy | Sauron | Scarecrow | Scarlet Witch | Scorcher | Scorpion | Scorn | Scream | Sebastian Shaw | Secret Empire | Serpent Society | Sentinels | Seth Youngblood | Shocker | Shriek | Sin-Eater | Silvermane | Silver Sable | Sinister Six | Skaar | Skip Westcott | Skrulls | Skurge | Solus | Songbird | Speed Demon | Patton Parnel | Spider-Carnage | Spidercide | Spider Queen | Spider-Man Revenge Squad | Spider-Slayers | Spot | Stegron | Street | Super-Apes | Super-Skrull | Supercharger | Swarm | Symbiotes | Tarantula | Taskmaster | Terminus | Terrax | Thanos | The Thousand | Thunderball | Thunderbolt Ross | Thunderbolts | Tiger Shark | Tinkerer | Titania | Titanium Man | Toad | Tombstone | Trapster | Turner D. Century | Typhoid Mary | Tyrannus | U-Foes | Ultimatum | Ultron | Vapor | Vanessa Fisk | Vector | Venom (Eddie Brock) | Vera Arlen | Vermin | Vulture | The Wall | Walrus | Whiplash | White Rabbit | Whirlwind | Will-O'-The-Wisp | Wizard | Worthy | Wrecker | X-Ray | Zodiac | Zombie Spider-Man | Zombie Giant-Man | Zzzax

Original Trilogy
Spider-Man: Green Goblin | Dennis Carradine | Harry Osborn
Spider-Man 2: Doctor Octopus (His Tentacles) | Green Goblin | Harry Osborn
Spider-Man 3: | Venom (Symbiote Suit) | Sandman | New Goblin | Dennis Carradine | Green Goblin

Reboot Duology
The Amazing Spider-Man: Lizard | Rajit Ratha | Gustav Fiers | Cash Register Thief | Norman Osborn
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Electro | Green Goblin | Donald Menken | Rhino | Alistair Smythe | Ashley Kafka | Felicia Hardy | Gustav Fiers | Norman Osborn

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Bestman Salvage (Vulture, Tinkerer, Shocker #1, Shocker #2 & Randy Vale) | Mac Gargan | Aaron Davis
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Mysterio's Crew (Mysterio, William Ginter Riva, Victoria Snow, Gutes Guterman, Janice Lincoln, & Doug, Shanice) | Elementals (Molten Man, Hydro-Man, Sandman, Cyclone & Elemental Fusion) | Skrulls (Talos) | Obadiah Stane | J. Jonah Jameson
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Earth-96283 (Green Goblin, Sandman & Doctor Octopus (His Tentacles) | Earth-120703 (Electro & Lizard) | J. Jonah Jameson | Sadie Deever | Venom | Mysterio

Spider-Verse Series
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Prowler | Tombstone | Scorpion | Green Goblin | Lizard | Jonathan Ohnn
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: Spot | Lizard | Aaron Davis | Prowler | Anomalies (Vulture, Doctor Octopus, Typeface, Mysterio, Green Goblin, Rhino & Kraven the Hunter)

Spider-Man (1967)
Vulture | Green Goblin | Electro | Rhino | Mysterio | Doctor Octopus | Scorpion | Human Fly | Kingpin | Lizard | Spider-Slayer | Sandman | Dr. Matto Magneto | Enforcers (Cowboy & Ox) | Frederick Foswell | Mole Man | J. Jonah Jameson

Spider-Man (1981)
Doctor Doom | Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Lizard | Black Cat | Sandman | Silvermane | Magneto | Mysterio | Ringmaster | Green Goblin | Sidewinder | Kraven the Hunter | Red Skull | Chameleon | Vulture | Hammerhead | Wizard | Medusa

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981)
Green Goblin | Kraven the Hunter | Doctor Doom | Swarm | Chameleon | Electro | Brotherhood of Mutants (Magneto, Blob, Toad, and Mastermind) | Mysterio | Loki Laufeyson | Ymir | Mordred | Kingpin | Doctor Faustus | Red Skull | Juggernaut | Shocker | Sandman | Dracula | Scorpion | Beetle | Doctor Octopus | A.I.M.

Spider-Man: The Animated Series
Kingpin | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn & Harry Osborn) | Hobgoblin | Venom | Vanessa Fisk | Richard Fisk | Silvermane | Insidious Six (Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Rhino, Mysterio, Chameleon, Shocker, and Vulture) | Black Cat | Lizard | Morbius | Spider-Carnage | Spider-Slayers (Alistair Smythe | Carnage | Baron Mordo | Dormammu | Silver Sable | Hydro-Man | Prowler | Doctor Doom | Red Skull | Electro | Hammerhead | Tombstone | Punisher | Kraven the Hunter | Calypso | Herbert Landon | Jackal | Owl | Spot | Beyonder | J. Jonah Jameson | Spider-Carnage | Hobgoblin (Earth-98311) | Green Goblin (Earth-98311) | Carnage (Earth-98311)

Spider-Man Unlimited
High Evolutionary | Venom | Carnage | Electro | Kraven the Hunter | Green Goblin | Vulture | Man-Wolf | J. Jonah Jameson

Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
Harry Osborn | Electro | Kraven the Hunter | Turbo Jet | Kingpin | Lizard | Shikata | Silver Sable

The Spectacular Spider-Man
Green Goblin | Tombstone | Doctor Octopus | Hammerhead | Venom (Eddie Brock) | Sinister Six (Rhino, Vulture, Electro, Sandman, Mysterio & Kraven the Hunter) | Chameleon | Tinkerer | Enforcers (Shocker, Ricochet & Ox) | Molten Man | Silvermane | Silver Sable | Harry Osborn | Lizard | J. Jonah Jameson | Black Cat | Miles Warren | Frederick Foswell | Calypso | Roderick Kingsley | Morris Bench | Cletus Kasady

Ultimate Spider-Man
Doctor Octopus | Green Goblin | Harry Osborn | Taskmaster | HYDRA (Arnim Zola, Crossbones, Morbius & Baron Mordo) | Sinister Six (Kraven the Hunter, Rhino, Electro, Scorpion, Vulture & Hydro-Man) | Toad | Batroc the Leaper | Beetle | Lizard | Frightful Four (Wizard, Trapster & Klaw) | Juggernaut | Sandman | Venom | Loki Laufeyson | The Collector | Grandmaster | Carnage | Wolf Spider | Ultimate Green Goblin | Shocker | Shriek | Swarm | Dracula | Spider-Slayers (Kaine) | Absorbing Man | Abomination | Annihilus | Arcade | Attuma | Awesome Android | Blastaar | Blizzard | Boomerang | Chitauri | Deadpool | Destroyer | Doctor Doom | Dormammu | Skurge | Enforcers (Montana, Fancy Dan, Ox) | Frost Giants | Grizzly | Hammerhead | Jack O'Lantern | Korvac | The Leader | Living Laser | Man-Wolf | Maximus | Melter | Mesmero | M.O.D.O.K. | Molten Man | Mister Negative | Mysterio | Nightmare | Norma Osborn | Phalanx | Medusa | Sabretooth | Skaar | Galactus | Ulik | Whirlwind | Wrecker | Piledriver | Thunderball | Bulldozer | Ymir | Zodiac | Scorpio | Zzzax | J. Jonah Jameson

Spider-Man (2017)
Symbiotes (Venom, Scream, Scorn & Mania) | Dark Goblin | Hobgoblin | Doctor Octopus | Vulture/Goblin King | Alistair Smythe | Rhino | Jackal | Hammerhead | Electro | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K.) | Spider-Slayers | Lizard | Tinkerer | Swarm | Scorpion | Sinister Six | Kraven the Hunter | Man-Wolf | Silver Sable | Beetle | Spot | Prowler | Molten Man | Mister Negative | Chameleon | HYDRA (Crossbones & Arnim Zola) | Black Cat | Ghost | Blizzard | Absorbing Man | Crimson Dynamo | Overdrive | Mysterio | Jack O'Lantern | Silvermane | Lady Octopus | Paladin | Puma | Shocker | Living Brain | Sandman | Technovore | Baron Mordo | Knull | J. Jonah Jameson

Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021)
Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus | Rhino | Black Cat | Sandman | Electro | Arnim Zola | Lizard | Trapster

Video Games
The Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge: Doctor Doom | Electro | Hobgoblin | Rhino | Boomerang | Grey Gargoyle | Oddball | Batroc the Leaper | Mysterio
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six: Sinister Six (Doctor Octopus, Electro, Hobgoblin, Mysterio, Sandman and Vulture)
Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin: Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Lizard | Electro | Sandman | Hobgoblin | Venom | Tinkerer | Mysterio | Vulture | Bullseye | Typhoid Mary
Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge: Arcade | Carnage | Rhino | Apocalypse | Juggernaut | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Master Mold
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage: Carnage | Shriek | Doppelganger | Demogoblin | Carrion
Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety: The Jury | Sentry | Ramshot | Screech | Bomblast | Firearm | Wysper | Life Foundation | Symbiotes (Carnage | Riot | Phage | Lasher | Agony | Scream)
Spider-Man (2000): Doctor Octopus | Symbiotes (Carnage, Venom, Monster Ock) | Jade Syndicate | Scorpion | Rhino | Mysterio, J. Jonah Jameson, Lizard
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro: Electro | Beetle | Hammerhead | Lizard |Sandman | Shocker
Spider-Man (2002): Green Goblin | Shocker | Vulture | Spider-Slayers | Scorpion | Kraven the Hunter | Dennis Carradine | Harry Osborn | J. Jonah Jameson | Green Goblin (Green Goblin Mode)
Spider-Man 2: Doctor Octopus | Harry Osborn | Rhino | Mysterio | Shocker | Puma | Black Cat | Vulture | Calypso | J. Jonah Jameson | Lizard
Ultimate Spider-Man: Bolivar Trask | Venom | Vulture | Silver Sable | Shocker | R.H.I.N.O. | Electro | Beetle | Green Goblin | Sandman | Carnage
Spider-Man 3: | Venom (Symbiote Suit) | Sandman | New Goblin | Lizard | Scorpion | Kraven the Hunter | Calypso | Kingpin | Rhino | Morbius | Shriek | H-Bombers (Mad Bomber) | J. Jonah Jameson | Electro
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: Spider-Man | Venom | Kingpin | Black Cat | Vulture | Electro | Tinkerer | Rhino
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions: Mysterio | Kraven the Hunter | Hammerhead | Hobgoblin | Electro | Sandman | Vulture | Scorpion | Deadpool | Juggernaut | Silver Sable | Goblin | Serena Patel | Carnage
Spider-Man: Edge of Time: Peter Parker | Atrocity | Walker Sloan | Anti-Venom | Doctor Octopus | Black Cat
The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Slayers (Alistair Smythe) | Lizard | Rhino | Vermin | Scorpion | Felicia Hardy | Iguana | Nattie
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Carnage | Kingpin | Green Goblin | Shocker | Kraven the Hunter | Black Cat | Electro | Chameleon | Norman Osborn | Cash Register Thief | Rhino | Hammerhead | Venom

See Also
Black Cat Villains | Cloak & Dagger Villains | Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Marvel's Spider-Man Villains | Morbius: The Living Vampire Villains | Prowler Villains | Punisher Villains | Scarlet Spider Villains | Silk Villains | Silver Sable Villains | Solo Villains | Sony's Spider-Man Universe Villains | Spider-Girl Villains | Spider-Gwen Villains | Spider-Man 2099 Villains | Spider-Man Noir Villains | Spider-Woman Villains | Toei's Spider-Man Villains | Venom Villains

           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Villains

Ten Rings
Mandarin | Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar | Abu Bakaar | Ahmed | Omar | Ten Rings Agent | Jackson Norriss | HYDRA Buyer | Death Dealer | Razor Fist | Gao Lei

Strategic Operations Command Center
Abomination | Thunderbolt Ross

Hammer Industries
Justin Hammer | Jack | Hammer Drones

Frost Giants
Loki Laufeyson | Laufey | Grundroth | Hailstrum | Raze | Jotunheim Beast

Hive | Red Skull | Arnim Zola | Daniel Whitehall | Wolfgang von Strucker | Grant Ward | Gideon Malick

Centipede Group
John Garrett | Ian Quinn | Raina | Edison Po | Deathlok | Debbie | Vanchat | Scorch | Kaminsky

Alexander Pierce | Crossbones | Jack Rollins

Winter Soldiers
Vasily Karpov | Winter Soldier | Josef | Wilfred Nagel

Aida | General Hale | Wilfred Malick | Heinz Kruger | HYDRA Lieutenant | Velt | Jasper Sitwell | Russo | Senator Stern | List | Scarlet Witch | Quicksilver | Mitchell Carson | HYDRA Buyer | Sunil Bakshi | Absorbing Man | Agent 33 | Blizzard | Kebo | Werner von Strucker | Giyera | Lucio | Alisha Whitley | Primitives | Hero Mercs | Dr. Leopold Fitz | Alistair Fitz | Ruby Hale | Qovas | Senator Atwood | HYDRA's Champion

Adolf Hitler | Roeder | Hutter | Schneider

Black Order
Thanos | Ebony Maw

The Other | Leviathans | Chitauri Gorillas

Proxima Midnight | Corvus Glaive | Cull Obsidian | Nebula | Outriders | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Aldrich Killian | Eric Savin | Trevor Slattery | Ellen Brandt | Sweat Shop Agent | Ponytail Express | Maya Hansen | Vice President Rodriguez | Extremis Soldiers

Dark Elves
Malekith the Accursed | Kurse the Strong

Duhg | Kronan Marauder

Kree Empire
Supreme Intelligence | Ronan the Accuser

Yon-Rogg | Minn-Erva | Korath the Pursuer | Att-lass | Bron-Char

Kree Watch
Kasius | Sinara | Faulnak | Vicar | Tye

Vin-Tak | Soh-Larr | Sakaaran Mercenaries | Exolon Monks

Yondu Ravager Clan
Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Horuz | Vorker | Tullk | Oblo | Taserface | Gef | Retch | Halfnut | Brahl | Narblik | Huhtar

Inhuman Afterlife
Jiaying | Gordon | Calvin L. Johnson | Raina | Alisha Whitley

Red Room
General Dreykov | Taskmaster | Madame B | Dottie Underwood | Black Widows

Kingpin's Criminal Empire

Tracksuit Mafia
Echo | William Lopez | Clown | Ivan Banionis | Tomas | Enrique | Dmitri

James Wesley | Leland Owlsley | Christian Blake | Carl Hoffman | John Healy | Bullseye | Vanessa Marianna | Tammy Hattley | Felix Manning | Eleanor Bishop

The Hand
Madame Gao | Nobu Yoshioka | Bakuto | Alexandra Reid | Elektra Natchios | Murakami | Sowande

Felix Blake | Holden Radcliffe | Anton Ivanov | Tucker Shockley | Ellen Nadeer | Victor Ramon | Hellfire

Kaecilius | Lucian Aster

Ayesha | Sovereign Admiral | Zylak | Sovereign Chambermaid

Arishem the Judge | Eson the Searcher | Ego the Living Planet | Tiamut the Communicator

Bestman Salvage
Vulture | Tinkerer | Shocker #1 | Shocker #2 | Randy Vale

Berserker Army
Hela Odinsdottir | Skurge | Fenris Wolf

Sakaaran Guards
The Grandmaster | Topaz | Sakaaran Mercenaries

Fire Demons
Surtur | Fire Dragon

Cerberus Squad
Agent Orange | Blacksmith | Jigsaw | Morty Bennett | Carson Wolf | Punisher

The Pride
Jonah | Leslie Dean | Tina Minoru | Robert Minoru | Geoffrey Wilder | Catherine Wilder | Victor Stein | Janet Stein | Dale Yorkes | Stacey Yorkes

Sambisan Militants
Sambisan Captain

Talos | Norex

Mysterio's Crew

Molten Man | Hydro-Man | Sandman | Elemental Fusion

William Ginter Riva | Victoria Snow | Gutes Guterman | Janice Lincoln | Doug

Roxxon Corporation
Peter Scarborough | Terrors

Sarge's Squad
Sarge | Snowflake | Jaco | Pax

Chronicom Hunters
Sibyl | Atarah | Malachi | Luke | Baal-Gad | Abel | Isaiah

Sonny Burch's Gang
Sonny Burch | Uzman | Anitolov | Knox | Stoltz

The Coven
Morgan le Fay | Cassandra | Bronwyn

Georges Batroc | Ferdinand Lopez | Gerald Durand | Louie

Flag Smashers
Flag-Smasher | Dovich | Gigi | DeeDee | Lennox | Nico | Matias | Diego

Time Variance Authority
He Who Remains | Ravonna Renslayer | Miss Minutes | Hunter D-90 | Minuteman 90018371

Soul Eaters

Iron Man | Captain America | Hawkeye | Falcon | Doctor Strange | Wong | Ebony Maw | Cull Obsidian | Hank Pym | Janet van Dyne | Hope van Dyne | Happy Hogan | Sharon Carter | Scarlet Witch | Thanos

Ikaris | Sprite

Kro | Enkidu

Green Goblin | Sandman | Doctor Octopus

Electro | Lizard

Disciples of Ammit
Arthur Harrow | Ammit

Clan Destine
Najma | Fariha | Aadam | Saleem

Assorted Variants
Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Boastful Loki | President Loki | Glamshades Loki | Pokey Loki | Bicycle Loki | Infinity Ultron | The Collector | Yellowjacket | Strange Supreme | Sinister Strange | Prince Killmonger | Arnim Zola | Venom | Karl Mordo (Earth-838)

Iron Monger | Samuel Sterns | Tough Guy Leader | Whiplash | Anton Vanko | The Destroyer | Georgi Luchkov | Herman | White Power Dave | The Collector | Garthan Saal | Moloka Dar | Monstrous Inmate | Ultron | Ultron Sentinels | Ulysses Klaue | Yellowjacket | Helmut Zemo | Karl Mordo | Dormammu | Abilisk | Mac Gargan | Aaron Davis | Erik Killmonger | W'Kabi | Linbani | Linda | Dave | N'Jobu | Ghost | Bill Foster | Elihas Starr | Akihiko | J. Jonah Jameson | Valentina Allegra de Fontaine | Camilla Reyes | Franklin Hall | Lorelei | Marcus Daniels | Christian Ward | Jakob Nystrom | Lash | Katya Belyakov | Johann Fennhoff | Turk Barrett | Bill Fisk | Lash | Whitney Frost | Kilgrave | Will Simpson | Dorothy Walker | Audrey Eastman | Diamondback | Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades | Eli Morrow | Lucy Bauer | Harold Meachum | Jim Pierce | Maximus | Lewis Wilson | Tony Gnucci | Lance | Paulie | Leo | Frank Dean | Darius Davis | Detective Flores | Graviton | Grill | Samuel Voss | Alisa Jones | Karl Malus | Pryce Cheng | Detective Connors | Bushmaster | Steel Serpent | Typhoid Mary | Rosalie Carbone | Frank Dean | Darius Davis | Detective Flores | Topher | Anthony Wall/AWOL | Anderson Schultz | John Pilgrim | Eliza Schultz | Krista Dumont | D'Spayre | Mayhem | Lia Dewan | Izel | Shrike | Id Simmons | Trish Walker | Gregory Sallinger | Nathaniel Malick | Kora | Marduk Helstrom | Kthara | Basar | Magoth | Raum | Agatha Harkness | Tyler Hayward | Sharon Carter | Alioth | Khonshu | Anton Mogart | Wendy Spector | Ribbon Demon | Gargantos | Gorr the God Butcher | Zeus | Black Berserkers | Rapu | Hercules

           508759 thumb Cinematic Villains

Original Trilogy
Green Goblin | Doctor Octopus | Doctor Octopus' Tentacles | Sandman | Venom | New Goblin | Dennis Carradine

Amazing Duology
Lizard | Electro | Green Goblin | Norman Osborn | Gustav Fiers | Rhino | Cash Register Thief

Home Trilogy
Vulture | Hermann Schultz | Mac Gargan | Mysterio | Green Goblin (Raimiverse) | Doctor Octopus (Raimiverse) | Doctor Octopus' Tentacles (Raimiverse) | Sandman (Raimiverse) | Lizard (Webbverse) | Electro (Webbverse)

Spider-Verse Trilogy
Kingpin | Doctor Octopus | Green Goblin | Tombstone | Scorpion | Prowler | Spot | Vulture | Aaron Davis (Earth-42) | Prowler (Earth-42)

Venom Doulogy
Venom | Carlton Drake | Riot | Roland Treece | Shakedown Thug | Cletus Kasady | Carnage | Shriek

Michael Morbius | Milo Morbius | Vulture (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Madame Web
Ezekiel Sims
