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“ | He had a big bag. Other children were in the bag too. I think we go to other houses, I hear people screaming outside the bag all during the night. Each house he put another child in the bag. Then after the night he take us away. | „ |
~ Ekaterina Morozova describing SCP-4666 shortly before her death. |
“ | I get sick. When you can't make the toys, you become the toys. | „ |
~ Ekaterina Morozova describing how SCP-4666 kills children |
SCP-4666, also referred to as The Yule Man, is a minor antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. He is a humanoid figure that travels around the world killing families and kidnapping children. Because of his ability to teleport at will and extreme difficulty to contain, he is classified as Keter by the Foundation.
Though little photographic or video material exists of SCP-4666, reports have described him appearing as an extremely tall humanoid appearing to resemble an elderly male with white hair. Reports and survivors claim SCP-4666 is always completely nude regardless of weather or conditions. Fingerprints have been discovered at investigated locations, though they exhibit properties not found in humans, such as a double-whorl pattern. Hair has been found, though the DNA does not belong to any known creature, human or animal. His teeth marks also do not match any known creature.
Fanart of SCP-4666 consistently shows him with inhuman facial features, including enormous black eyes and an unnaturally wide mouth filled with numerous long teeth. 4666 is not described this way in the article itself, however.
Possible Origins[]
SCP-4666 was originally one of the many evil names belonging to SCP-5925, one of the fairies from SCP-4000 who was able to gather a number of names which transformed him into Santa Claus. However, after he lost a number of his name, one of his evil names manifested as the Yule Man who began kidnapping children and forcing them to make toys out of the bodies of fellow kidnapped children.
It's also possible that his origin lies somewhere in Scandinavia, as his name is of Danish origin and the earliest report of him was in Scandinavia.
SCP-4666 was first brought to the Foundation's attention in 1974, when his anomalous properties were first witnessed by Foundation personnel and the stories were first recorded, though the reports of the entity date back to circa 1498.
Web and media traffic is monitored by the SCP Foundation, and forces are deployed if a family is suspected of being targeted by SCP-4666. All reports of killings are falsified to appear as non-anomalous home invasion murders, with evidence confiscated. Despite this, SCP-4666 has yet to be taken into custody.
In 2018, an SCP-4666-1 Event in Hoonah, Alaska, produced a large doll made from an emaciated body of a child. However, the child, named Ekaterina Morozova (age 7) was still alive, though unconscious. She was rushed to a hospital, where she was interviewed by a Foundation researcher. She told him that she, along with many other children, were abducted in a bag after being forced to watch their families being murdered. They were then brought underground to a series of tunnels, where SCP-4666 forced them to make the toys out of the body parts of other abductees with minimal sustenance for years. If they stopped working at any time, even by falling asleep, they were denied food and water and were tortured by being hit, burned, bitten, or cooked alive in a furnace and devoured in front of the other slaves. However, when a child is no longer able to make toys, they are added to the materials used to make them. Morozova got sick and could no longer work, so SCP-4666 had the others partially mutilate her and make her into a doll, rendering her unconscious until she was "delivered" to the next family and rushed to the hospital. However, only 18 hours after her discovery, Morozova died from multiple organ failures resulting severe malnourishment.
Possible Endings[]
SCP-001 (Ihp/Locke Proposal)[]
As a result of Site-100's manipulation, SCP-4666 was introduced to SCP-231-7. After this, once in every 24 hours, SCP-4666 visited 231-7, doing something to her, which replaced procedure 110-Montauk and also lessened the psychological impact on the girl, while 4666 collected the "inhabitants" from 231-7 to make toys, sparing the innocent children from 4666 and effectively nullifying the threat of both SCPs.
Behavior and Procedure[]
SCP-4666 only becomes active for 12 nights every year, from the night of December 21-22 to the night of January 1-2, manifesting and seemingly teleporting to any location above 40°N latitude, where he will designate a household and family, always with one or more small children under the age of 8.
Reports state that on the first through seventh nights of SCP-4666's "active period" termed Weissnacht Events, the children of the household will catch sight of SCP-4666 around their abode, standing in the distance. Occasionally, children will wake at night to see a figure standing outside their windows watching them sleep.
On the eighth through eleventh nights of activity, the entire family, including adults, will report hearing footsteps on their roofs or in their attics, as well as a putrid smell emanating from an unknown source. Many reports say the families describe the experiences to be similar to that of a haunting and may assume him to be such.
On the twelfth and final night of activity, one of two scenarios will occur:
The first (which is most common), all members of the victimized family will be incapacitated, restrained, and herded into a single room, where SCP-4666 will proceed to murder all members in front of each other with the exception of one child, which will be abducted. The methods of incapacitating, restraining, and killing vary with each event. The murder victims are always tortured to death, with every member of each family dying in the same manner.
In the second scenario, having occurred 15% in recorded Weissnacht Events, no harm will come to the family. Footsteps will be heard, but no sign of forced entry will be found. In the morning, children will wake up to find toys at the foot of their beds, crudely crafted from the remains of deceased human children.
Exactly how SCP-4666 determines the outcome of a Weissnacht Event is currently unknown.
Known Weissnacht Events[]
- Croatia, circa 1466: Though many of the details surrounding the event were lost, surviving reports say that the family members had "been made to suffer greatly" prior to death. The archbishop who oversaw the investigation wrote that he believed the family had been killed as part of a demonic ritual. One child of unknown gender & age was abducted.
- Ontario, Canada, 1689: All family members were murdered by unknown methods and hung upside-down from the ceiling of the house. One child was abducted, and another escaped into town barely alive, reporting a "naked man" breaking into her home and slaughtering her family to the authorities.
- Eichstätt, Germany, 1913: A family of two parents and five children were killed, with the sixth child (male, age 3) abducted. All members were restrained by being pinned to walls with pitchforks and knives. Their tongues were then removed, causing them to hemorrhage to death. Symbols written in their blood were painted on the hides of the live, unharmed livestock of the residence.
- Plyos, Soviet Union, 1956: A family killed, and a child (male, age 4) abducted. The family was tortured by having their feet burned down to the bone over an open fire, and then had their heads crushed by blunt objects. Hundreds of bite marks were found on the bodies, presumably inflicted postmortem.
- Skudeneshavn, Norway, 1971: A family was killed by having their limbs forcibly removed, then being stabbed to death by the bones from their mutilated limbs. Their intestines were then eviscerated and strewn about. Feces from the mutilated intestines were used to draw more symbols. A child (female, age 5) was abducted.
- Egilsstaðir, Iceland, 1996: Family mutilated by having skin from their backs and groins removed and partially consumed. They were then decapitated with a bucksaw and had their bodies returned to their beds, with their heads placed on the stairs to the second floor in decreasing order of age. A child (female, age 4) was abducted.
- Dubovka, Russia, 2016: While the details surrounding the event are inaccessible, it is known that this was the event where then 5-year-old Ekaterina Morozova was abducted from.
Known SCP-4666-A Instances[]
- Nurmes, Finland, 1811: A drum made from human skin stretched over wood and sewn on with tendons. Included two wooden drumsticks.
- Gelligaer, Wales, 1857: Gift given was a small knife approximately 15cm long, with the blade taking up the last 6cm, made from a carved child's bone. Unknown symbols were carved into the handle.
- Makat, Kazakhstan, 1903: Gift given was a flute made from a hollowed-out child's femur and dyed red with blood.
- Bangor, Michigan, 1960: A box containing 13 humanoid figurines made from the pharyngeal bones of human children with real human hair and clothed with bits of bloody cloth, tied together with strips of human tendon.
- Cape Broyle, Canada, 1976: A ball made from the decapitated head of a 2 or 3-year-old boy covered in 19 layers of human skin.
- Baard, Netherlands, 2006: A wooden hairbrush that, instead of bristles, had 43 children's teeth fixed to it. The teeth dated from a few years to over a hundred years old.
- Hoonah, Alaska, 2018: Several instances, including the barely still alive Ekaterina Morozova, who had her scalp and hair removed and replaced with another, her mouth sewn shut with tendons, her "makeup" done with children's blood, three of her fingers missing, and her eyes forcibly removed and replaced with pebbles.
- SCP-4666 was an entry in the SCP-4000 contest which won 17th place.
- SCP-4666 bears several similarities with holiday figures, such as Santa Claus and Krampus.
- In the universe of SCP-5000, in which the SCP Foundation began exterminating the entire human race, the Foundation used several temporal anomalies under their possession to make everywhere eternal Christmas which caused SCP-4666 to attack surviving human groups who were hiding from the slaughter.
- In "Sell, Clickbait, Profit" which takes place in the "Broken Masquerade" canon, in the first Christmas that was taking place following the breaking of the Veil of Secrecy SCP-4666's existence became known to the world which prompted a Foundation doctor to form a set of rules for families who wished to avoid SCP-4666's attacks.
- In the universe of SCP-6001 where the Compendium, a benevolent amalgam organization of different GoIs, took over the world and declared worldwide peace with all anomalies, the Compendium has taken down SCP-4666 (referred to as a "Russian Folk-Demon) and liberated thousands of abducted children from the clutches of his lair.
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