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...and only the eel remains.
~ A Foundation diver after encountering SCP-3000.

SCP-3000, sometimes referred to as Anantashesha, or simply The Eel, is a major character in the SCP Foundation series. It's a sea monster which is implied to be one of the Old Gods and the brother of the Serpent from the Wanderer's Library. Its object class is Thaumiel due to being a valuable asset to the Foundation.

It was originally an entry for the SCP-3000 contest which won 1st place, earning the post of SCP-3000. It plays a central role in the "Atzak" series.


Possible Origins[]

SCP-001 (Tufto's proposal)[]

SCP-3000 originally was in actuality, a normal, albeit extremely long eel unrelated to the Hindu god Anantashesha. However, when people first discovered it they believed that the creature was the deity, and so similar to the Scarlet King, the eel became Anantashesha through the power of human belief.


Originally, before the creation of the universe there were two opposite forces that helped shape creation. One force was the existence of "IS", creation and reality that existed, while the other was the reality of "IS NOT", non-existence. The two forces combined their powers to create all of reality allowing Mekhane and Yaldabaoth to seed the newly created universe with life. The remnants of the two forces would then manifest in the form of two brothers, the Serpent and the Eel, which became revered as holy figures by the people of the city of Audapaupadopolis.


SCP-3000 was at some point imprisoned inside SCP-6222, a mysterious facility named "FISH PRISON" which acted as a modified prison for all sea life that committed any type of crime. SCP-3000 was arrested with the crime of "Apotheosis", becoming an instance of SCP-6222-1 before later escaping or being freed from its cell.


SCP-3000 was discovered by the SCP Foundation in 1971 off the coast of India after the mysterious disappearance of two Bangladeshi fishing boats and fifteen crew members. They quickly sealed off the area and put the Aztak Protocol into place.

Initial Contact[]

Three divers, Alpha, Bravo, and Foxtrot, were tasked with making contact with SCP-3000. The mental effects of contact with SCP-3000 began to take effect when the divers began to refer to each other by the incorrect name, with Alpha attempting to talk to a deceased member of Foundation staff. Bravo became unable to see, and soon became temporarily unresponsive. Foxtrot suffered a headache before beginning to ramble and stating that "only the eel remains". The three divers began to become delusional and all but Bravo were eaten by SCP-3000. Bravo requested to stay behind and remained alive for three days before presumably being killed by SCP-3000.


The Foundation discovered the eel released a gas while eating, and that this gas had powerful amnestic effects. They called it Y-909 and chose too use it in their experiences. Thus, the area in which SCP-3000 resides is sealed off and regularly patrolled by Foundation personnel. No civilians are permitted to enter the area, and personnel must seek permission before having contact with this SCP. The Foundation submarine SCPF Eremita is tasked with carrying out the Aztak Protocol to extract Y-909 from the creature. Aztak consists of the Eremita feeding D-Class personnel to SCP-3000, causing SCP-3000 to excrete Y-909. Divers will then be dispatched to collect the substance during 3000's digestive process.

At some point, a Chaos Insurgency agent named Sam Biel while on a mission, encountered SCP-3000, leading to the monster removing all of his memories he had about himself. SCP-3000 decided to grant Biel some wishes and in response he wished to remember who he was, but as soon as he regained his memories back SCP-3000 inadvertently wiped his memories again until all wishes were used. This left SCP-3000 to return Biel to the surface where he was eventually picked up by the Foundation. After the O5 Council gave Biel several new identities for him to use, he became O5-11, also known as "The Liar", the head of the Department of Misinformation whose job was to keep the Foundation's existence a secret through ways which included utilizing Y-909.

Anantashesha Theory[]

Dr. Venkat Krishnamoorthy of the Foundation, after an encounter with SCP-3000 permanently affected his cognition, became convinced that the creature was the Hindu deity Anantashesha. Anantashesha is said to be the king of serpents, and will live past the end of time. Supposedly, when all is ended Anantashesha will still linger on. Dr. Krishnamoorthy was so horrified by this prospect that he committed suicide by feeding himself to SCP-3000. His last words before being eaten were "I was wrong, it's not-".

Shortly after Dr. Krishnamoorthy's death, his colleague Dr. Mannava realised that his memories were being affected by his contact with SCP-3000. He began to remember things that never happened to him, and discovered that he was remembering things from Dr. Krishnamoorthy's past. This led him to finally discover the truth about SCP-3000:

Something about it, some latent part of its creation, abhors cognition. It breaks down human consciousness and scatters the part of us that we believe is a soul until all that remains is what we really are: electrical signals that will some day become inert.

Dr. Mannava later entered a vegetative state after deliberately ingesting a large quantity of Y-909.


SCP-3000 is a massive, aquatic, serpentine entity that strongly resembles a giant moray eel (Gymnothorax javanicus). The full size of SCP-3000 is impossible to determine, but is estimated to be roughly between 600 and 900 kilometers in length. Its head measures roughly 2.5m in diameter and sections of the body proper are as large as 10m in diameter.

When interacting with Calvin Lucien and Adam Ivanov, SCP-3000 took the appearance similar to its brother in a humanoid shape, but other than that is unknown as it hurt looking at it.

Powers and Abilities[]

SCP-3000 is typically a sedentary creature, only moving its head during feeding or in response to stimuli, while the body rarely moves at all. Despite this, it moves extremely quickly to kill its prey. SCP-3000 appears to have psychic abilities, as demonstrated when a Foundation agent named Williams was exposed to it and began smashing his head against the submarine window before dying while whispering "There's nothing". As it eats its prey, it excretes a black substance known as Y-909 that the Foundation uses to make amnestics.


I… I believe that SCP-3000 is Anantashesha. I believe that this… this aberration, this treachery against cognition, is the result of us being in the presence of a god.
~ Venkat Krishnamoorthy
I do not think that the eel is Anantashesha. I don't think it would matter if it was. What is clear to me now, as I feel myself coming apart, is not that the eel is some mythological creature, or divine serpent. Perhaps it's just a primitive creature that eluded us, holding no malice; perhaps it really is a primordial deity, harboring resent beneath the surface. The eel is not the harbinger of my demise, or humanity's doom. The eel is not the end of all things, it only shows us what the end looks like.
~ Dr. Anand Mannava

In Other Media[]

In Movies[]

SCP-3000 - The Short Film[]

SCP-3000 appears in the 8-minute animated movie SCP-3000 The Unending Serpent created by ForlornFoundry as the titular central antagonist. The movie is about the exploration and discovery of SCP-3000.



  • In "AFTERLIFE OPHIDIAN /// The Foundation Over Heaven", SCP-3999 is alluded as the opposite of SCP-3000.
  • When SCP-3000 was cross-tested with SCP-729-J it became so terrified of the plush toy that it left the ocean entirely while leaving a note for the Foundation in which it stated that they would get a free lifetime supply of its amnestic and that it would be gone for some time due to it needing to calm down after the encounter.
  • In the universe of SCP-6001 where the Compendium, a benevolent amalgam organization of different GoIs, took over the world and declared worldwide peace with all anomalies, SCP-3000 is a revered figure just like his brother with people parading with a long eel skeleton even acquiring its power of ignorance which makes it hard for other people to recall who they are.
  • During an alternate timeline where the being known as UBU attacked the Earth and tortured every living thing, UBU threw SCP-3000 out of the ocean and dragged it all around Asia and North America before tying it around the neck of SCP-169, the leviathan.
  • SCP-3000 may have been inspired by the Maw-Ray (formerly known as Unagi) in Super Mario 64, as they are based on the exact same real life animal albeit taken to gigantic proportions.

External Links[]


           SCPFoundation SCP VillainsSCP SCPFoundation

Major Organizations
Ambrose RestaurantsAnderson RoboticsArcadiaAre We Cool Yet?Black QueenChaos InsurgencyChicago SpiritChildren of the Scarlet KingChurch of the Broken GodDaevitesThe FactoryFifth ChurchGamers Against WeedGlobal Occult CoalitionGreazeburger IncorporatedGRU Division "P"Herman Fuller's Circus of the DisquietingImperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination AgencyJust Girly ThingsMarshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.Office for the Reclamation of Islamic ArtifactsSAPPHIRESarkicism (Adytum's Wake, Church of the Eternal Mother, Church of the Red Harvest, The Hunter's Black Lodge)SCP Foundation (O5 Council)Serpent's HandTotleighSoftValravn CorporationVikander-Kneed Technical Media

Minor/Recurring Organizations
Accelerate the FutureAhnenerbe ObskurakorpsBrazen HeartCowboysChildren of the TorchChosen of GodCrystal Elms ProductionsFoundation Elimination CoalitionGiftschreiberHANSARPHouse of ApollyonHouse of StarsLight Courier EnterprisesMyrmidon InternationalPENTAGRAMProponents of Paranormal RightsPokémon CompanySecond Haptic AssemblySin NombreSugarcomb ConfectionerySyncope SymphonyTwelve StarsWesthead MediaY.W.T.G.T.H.F.T.

International Organizations
AnnihilismHiveJapan Organisms Improvement and Creation LaboratoryMeat CircusP.O.R.A.SAPPHIRE

Safe SCPs
Bobble the ClownScarlet KingSCP-072SCP-245SCP-343SCP-432-1SCP-553SCP-695SCP-875-1SCP-875-3SCP-984-1SCP-1049SCP-1285-3SCP-1312-1SCP-1312-2SCP-1357-ASCP-1599SCP-1646-1SCP-1757-ASCP-1888-2SCP-1981-1SCP-2069SCP-2851-1SCP-3148SCP-4338SCP-4812-SSCP-4950SCP-5000-█SCP-(5.782×10⁵⁴)-567SCP-5705-1Suburb SlasherSCP-6789SCP-6977SCP-7091-1SCP-7898

Euclid SCPs
SCP-023SCP-031SCP-046-1SCP-049SCP-071SCP-075SCP-079SCP-080SCP-082SCP-087-1SCP-089SCP-096SCP-136-2SCP-137SCP-153SCP-157SCP-173SCP-178-1SCP-230SCP-247SCP-250SCP-277-R█SCP-286-1SCP-286-2SCP-303SCP-312SCP-333-CSCP-372SCP-400SCP-401SCP-428SCP-439SCP-457SCP-511SCP-513-1SCP-526-2SCP-542SCP-548SCP-567-9SCP-569SCP-617SCP-625SCP-631SCP-647SCP-650SCP-666-1SCP-681SCP-693SCP-701-1SCP-735SCP-745SCP-747SCP-767-15SCP-777-1SCP-797SCP-811SCP-844SCP-847SCP-899SCP-924SCP-930 EntitySCP-932SCP-956SCP-965SCP-966SCP-973-2SCP-974SCP-1051SCP-1060SCP-1111-1SCP-1120SCP-1145SCP-1299-1SCP-1316SCP-1337SCP-1451SCP-1471-ASCP-1499-1SCP-1701SCP-1749-2SCP-1897SCP-1913SCP-1919-1SCP-1972-BSCP-2014SCP-2059SCP-2254SCP-2315-1SCP-2363-ASCP-2396-BSCP-2401-AlphaSCP-2419-ASCP-2424SCP-2427-3SCP-2522SCP-2611-1SCP-2901SCP-2940-BSCP-2999SCP-3008-2SCP-3019-ASCP-3114SCP-3166SCP-3280SCP-3388SCP-3428SCP-3631-1SCP-3786SCP-3785-1SCP-3838-8SCP-3860SCP-4162SCP-4166-2SCP-4187-1SCP-4231-ASCP-4310SCP-4434SCP-4670SCP-4680SCP-4812-ESCP-4924-ASCP-4959 (SCP-4959-A)SCP-4975SCP-5045-1SCP-5935-1SCP-6076SCP-6198SCP-6618-ASCP-6661-1SCP-6979SCP-7110-2SCP-7533SCP-7579SCP-7725-CSCP-7785SCP-7840SCP-7983SCP-8999

Keter SCPs
Past and FutureThe PrototypeSCP-017SCP-019-2SCP-029SCP-035SCP-058SCP-060-AlphaSCP-076-2SCP-090SCP-106SCP-140-ASCP-149SCP-165SCP-204-1SCP-231-1SCP-280SCP-307SCP-352SCP-354 EntitiesSCP-363SCP-339SCP-427-1SCP-435-2SCP-469SCP-575SCP-582SCP-589SCP-610SCP-682SCP-718SCP-752-1SCP-783SCP-823SCP-835SCP-939SCP-940SCP-953SCP-968SCP-1000SCP-1048 (SCP-1048 Duplicates)SCP-1128SCP-1155SCP-1322-ASCP-1368-1SCP-1447-1SCP-1500SCP-1736SCP-1739SCP-1765SCP-1788-1SCP-1790SCP-1984-01SCP-2030-1SCP-2075SCP-2191-1SCP-2191-2SCP-2191-3SCP-2200-2SCP-2316 EntitySCP-2317-KSCP-2399SCP-2385SCP-2408-4SCP-2439SCP-2440SCP-2490SCP-2521SCP-2747SCP-2774-ASCP-2803-ASCP-2807SCP-2846-ASCP-2852SCP-2863SCP-2877SCP-2935 EntitySCP-2950SCP-3002SCP-3003-2SCP-3004-1SCP-3007 EntitySCP-3033SCP-3125SCP-3167SCP-3199SCP-3288 (Emperor Maximilian)SCP-3333-1SCP-3340SCP-3456SCP-3503SCP-3643SCP-3799SCP-3760SCP-3997SCP-4105-BSCP-4205SCP-4290SCP-4293SCP-4315-2SCP-4335SCP-4666SCP-4715SCP-4812-KSCP-4833SCP-4840-BSCP-4856SCP-4885SCP-4886SCP-4910SCP-4947SCP-5049-ASCP-5167SCP-5172SCP-5267-ASCP-5284SCP-5423SCP-5598SCP-5653SCP-5659SCP-5683SCP-5761-1SCP-6004SCP-6013SCP-6096SCP-6426SCP-6427SCP-6448SCP-6455SCP-6596SCP-6789SCP-6810SCP-7219SCP-7380SCP-7436SCP-7569SCP-7776-ASCP-7932

Apollyon SCPs
When Day BreaksSCP-3999SCP-6820-ASCP-7853

Thaumiel SCPs

Esoteric SCPs
SCP-UBUSCP-2085-1SCP-2744SCP-2845SCP-3396SCP-3700-2SCP-3895SCP-4444SCP-4755SCP-4971-▽SCP-5004-ASCP-5034SCP-5651-1SCP-5346 EntitySCP-INTEGERSCP-6004SCP-6061-1SCP-6666SCP-6747-CSCP-6987SCP-7450SCP-7660

Explained SCPs

Neutralized/Decommissioned SCPs

Joke SCPs

International SCPs
Spanish Branch

French Branch

German Branch

Italian Branch

Japanese Branch
SakuranushiSCP-002-JP-EXSCP-███-JPSCP-030-JPSCP-036-JP EntitiesSCP-058-JPSCP-070-JP-2SCP-173-JPSCP-192-JP-1SCP-262-JP-ASCP-268-JPSCP-272-JP-2SCP-279-JPSCP-291-JP-1SCP-361-JPSCP-373-JPSCP-444-JPSCP-471-JP-1SCP-489-JPSCP-565-JPSCP-682-JP-JSCP-683-JPSCP-835-JPSCP-835-JP-JSCP-910-JPSCP-981-JPSCP-1004-JPSCP-1035-JP EntitySCP-1326-JP-KSCP-1801-JPSCP-2455-JPSCP-2901-JP-1SCP-3122-JP

Korean Branch

Russian Branch
SCP-1026-RUSCP-1030-RU EntitiesSCP-1062-RUSCP-1069-RUSCP-1084-RUSCP-1098-RU-1SCP-1109-RUSCP-1306-RUSCP-1366-RUSCP-1966-RUSCP-3321-RU-J

Chinese Branch

Traditional Chinese Branch

Thai Branch

Portuguese Branch
SCP-045-PT-J EntitiesSCP-050-PTSCP-101-PT-6SCP-124-PT-A

Ukrainian Branch

SCP-001 Proposals
SCP-001 (The Council)SCP-001 (The Database)SCP-001 (Atonement)SCP-001 (Past and Future)SCP-001 (The Prototype)SCP-001 (The Factory)SCP-001 (The Scarlet King)SCP-001 (The Way It Ends)SCP-001 (The Black Moon)SCP-001-A1 (The Preserver)SCP-001 (When Day Breaks) (SCP-001-A)

Canonical SCP Beings
AbsenceAdam el AsemAlagaddansAnnouncerApakhtAuthorsBlinkersBrothers DeathChildren of the NightEndFaeriesHe-Who-Made-DarkHe-Who-Made-LightMalidramagiuanNeon GodNeverwerePattern ScreamersQueen MabSCP-5000-█StridersStudio GuardiansTherionUnclean

Old Gods
Black MoonCarnegiasCrocosquidThe FactoryHanged KingHe Who Walks Beneath DreamsHr'sthnpolJeserLord GoranMa'tolMolochSaturn DeerScarlet KingSCP-682SCP-2845SCP-3000SCP-3004-1SCP-4315-2SCP-4947SCP-4950SCP-4971-▽TeranThothTitaniaViolet QueenVerdant MageVoruteutXiolt-laYaldabaothZsar Magoth

Old Gods' Servants
Adytum's Wake (Cornelius P. Bodfel III)Ambassador of AlagaddaArchonsBLACKSTARBobble the ClownChosen of GodChildren of the Scarlet King (Elder Rockwell, John Yttoric)Church of the Broken God (Robert Bumaro, Trunnion, Hedwig)Daevites (Orvo, Lror, Ydax)Fifth Church (Celebration 'Big Cheese' Horace)Grand Karcist IonJames AndersonMr. ReddSCP-035SCP-076-2SCP-096SCP-2852SCP-3456SCP-3700-2SCP-3785-1SCP-4231-A

Adam el AsemBlack QueenCalvin LucienCarl FraserCornelius P. Bodfel IIICynthia CordierD-3826D-4986D-7294dadoDaniel DeVornDr. DämmerDr. Elliott EmersonDr. Jack BrightDr. Madison CraggsDr. WDraga NegrescuEdwin FalkirkElijahElizabeth CrockerEnigmaENTITY-NaClOEvelyn MayEzekiel ClarkFather PatGeneral BoweGrand Karcist IonHedwigHerman FullerIris DarkJames AndersonJames FranklinJean Durand and Mátyás NemeşJoseph LowryKeeLeeKonrad WeissLaurence MichaudLeonid ChernoffLeopold ILovataarMadeleine von SchaefferMarshall Ford EverettMavra IsimeriaMilo IgorvichMikkel BorovMr. ReddMr. NightNadoxO5-0OrokOtari IosavaParis KiranPico WilsonPit SlothRandolph MetzgerRasmin YelkovRichard ChappellRobert BumaroRobert GatesRuprecht CartetRuiz DuchampRyoto HishakakuSaarnSamuel DecardSCP-2089-1's CaptorSerViper1995Simon OswaltSkitter MarshallSmiling ManThomas GrahamTravelerTrunnionUIU 1933-001Vincent Anderson

SCPs in Video Games
SCP-035SCP-049SCP-079SCP-087-1SCP-087-B EntitiesSCP-096SCP-106SCP-173SCP-178-1SCP-372SCP-513-1SCP-553SCP-682SCP-860-2SCP-939SCP-966SCP-1026-RUSCP-1048SCP-1048 DuplicatesSCP-1499-1SCP-3008-2SCP-XXXX

Disambiguation Pages

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors.
