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SCP-069-DE, also known as The Skull Spider, is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid-class SCP in the German Branch of the SCP Foundation.


SCP-069-DE is kept in terrarium room T-A1 in Site-DE19 measuring 15 m x 20 m x 15 m. The entire room T-A1 is made of 150 millimeter thick armored glass, which has an acid-resistant coating on the inside to withstand the attacks of SCP-069-DE, and the glass is mirrored on the inside to protect SCP-069-DE to block the view to the outside. It must always be ensured that the light intensity in the observation area (5000 lux) does not exceed the light intensity of room T-A1 (10000 lux). When this happens, the terrarium loses its mirror effect. The interior of the terrarium is designed after an Eastern European coniferous forest where SCP-069-DE was found. This type of device serves to reduce SCP-069-DE's aggressiveness. Twenty (20) motion detectors were installed in the facility; these are used to better locate SCP-069-DE. Room T-A1 is secured externally with eight (8) surveillance cameras. Ten (10) thermal imaging cameras were also installed. To contain SCP-069-DE, a facility was built that contains a powerful nerve agent to flood room T-A1 with gas in the event of an outbreak or before entering. This process serves to incapacitate SCP-069-DE. Furthermore, two (2) filter systems are installed that filter the nerve gas and even the smallest particles of SCP-069-DE (e.g. the hairs of SCP-069-DE) from the air. For safety reasons, a sprinkler system has also been installed, which is activated in the event of a fire to protect the fauna. The terrarium is illuminated from the inside with artificial sunlight (of 10,000 lux) to maintain the fauna in the terrarium. Room T-A1 can only be entered through a lock, which is also made of bulletproof glass. The lock serves to prevent SCP-069-DE from breaking containment when personnel enter the terrarium. A smaller sluice that offers space for a chimpanzee is also used to feed SCP-069-DE. Room T-A1 may only be entered with permission from three (3) Class A employees or more. Violations will be punished with disciplinary measures and transfer to another location.

All personnel assigned to SCP-069-DE must have completed various training and testing to ensure safe handling of SCP-069-DE.

  • Dealing with flamethrowers (Type 35 modernized)
  • Dealing with nerve gases
  • Handling chimpanzees for feeding
  • Dealing with spider venom treatments
  • Handling and behavior with SCP-069-DE

Personnel handling SCP-069-DE must not have arachnophobia, as this effect is greatly increased upon seeing SCP-069-DE and can lead to unwanted actions or incidents by personnel.

Before entering room T-A1, the prescribed protective clothing must be put on. This consists of an acid-resistant laboratory coat EN 467 and a respirator mask EN 136 of class 3 with eye protection, gloves EN 374 and boots EN ISO 20345 are also worn. Before entering room T-A1, it must be flooded with nerve gas (the process takes 10 minutes) to incapacitate SCP-069-DE. After this process, the room is cleaned by the filter system and you can now enter room T-A1. The maximum period of stay in room T-A1 is fifteen (15) minutes; this period may not be exceeded under any circumstances. For safety reasons, three (3) security officers equipped with flamethrowers (modernized Type 35) must always be present when entering the room. During the entire procedure, security officers must secure SCP-069-DE to protect the researchers. In the event that SCP-069-DE becomes active again, Room T-A1 must be hermetically sealed until security officials have recontained SCP-069-DE. If containment by security officials is not possible, an MTF unit must be activated immediately to bring SCP-069-DE back under control.

SCP-069-DE does not actually require any food, if SCP-069-DE is deprived of food it enters a resting state. This condition lasts until there is prey near SCP-069-DE again.

SCP-069-DE cannot be destroyed in any way, various types of tests have been performed to kill SCP-069-DE. The most effective method to incapacitate SCP-069-DE was to use fire, with SCP-069-DE taking no damage and only falling into a seemingly dead state. SCP-069-DE can also be incapacitated with nerve gas be set. SCP-069-DE does not die, but falls into a seemingly dead state. This state lasts for a few minutes until SCP-069-DE becomes active again. On its body, SCP-069-DE has a skull that appears to serve as armor; this skull is attached to the body by SCP-069-DE's own threads. Every attempt to remove the skull was unsuccessful. Exactly what purpose the skull serves is still completely unclear. The legs are slightly rotated at the hips (coxae), so the legs point more or less clearly forward. The legs are hairy and conspicuously thorny, the body is smooth but not shiny. The ends of the legs are pointed and serve as weapons for SCP-069-DE. SCP-069-DE has two other notable features. On the one hand, there is the jaw, which has so much strength that it can break bones with ease. SCP-069-DE can use its fangs to inject various poison mixtures. The second known property is the composition of the threads, SCP-069-DE can produce two different types of threads.

The hairs of SCP-069-DE have a strong stinging effect, comparable to ion channel inhibiting neurotoxins; these affect the nervous system, where they prevent the formation of action potentials and thus cause cramps and symptoms of paralysis. In extreme concentrations this can lead to respiratory or cardiac arrest. SCP-069-DE can release its hairs into the air, making it extremely dangerous to be near SCP-069-DE. The hairs grow back within two days.


SCP-069-DE is a giant spider belonging to the species Araneae (Heteropoda maxima), the only difference of SCP-069-DE from this species is its three times body size. SCP-069-DE has a diameter of 0.98 meters and the body is colored dull black.


  • The image used in the Villain infobox is a placeholder.

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           SCPFoundation SCP VillainsSCP SCPFoundation

Major Organizations
Ambrose RestaurantsAnderson RoboticsArcadiaAre We Cool Yet?Black QueenChaos InsurgencyChicago SpiritChildren of the Scarlet KingChurch of the Broken GodDaevitesThe FactoryFifth ChurchGamers Against WeedGlobal Occult CoalitionGreazeburger IncorporatedGRU Division "P"Herman Fuller's Circus of the DisquietingImperial Japanese Anomalous Matters Examination AgencyJust Girly ThingsMarshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.Office for the Reclamation of Islamic ArtifactsSAPPHIRESarkicism (Adytum's Wake, Church of the Eternal Mother, Church of the Red Harvest, The Hunter's Black Lodge)SCP Foundation (O5 Council)Serpent's HandTotleighSoftValravn CorporationVikander-Kneed Technical Media

Minor/Recurring Organizations
Accelerate the FutureAhnenerbe ObskurakorpsBrazen HeartCowboysChildren of the TorchChosen of GodCrystal Elms ProductionsFoundation Elimination CoalitionGiftschreiberHANSARPHouse of ApollyonHouse of StarsLight Courier EnterprisesMyrmidon InternationalPENTAGRAMProponents of Paranormal RightsPokémon CompanySecond Haptic AssemblySin NombreSugarcomb ConfectionerySyncope SymphonyTwelve StarsWesthead MediaY.W.T.G.T.H.F.T.

International Organizations
AnnihilismHiveJapan Organisms Improvement and Creation LaboratoryMeat CircusP.O.R.A.SAPPHIRE

Safe SCPs
Bobble the ClownScarlet KingSCP-072SCP-245SCP-343SCP-432-1SCP-553SCP-695SCP-875-1SCP-875-3SCP-984-1SCP-1049SCP-1285-3SCP-1312-1SCP-1312-2SCP-1357-ASCP-1599SCP-1646-1SCP-1757-ASCP-1888-2SCP-1981-1SCP-2069SCP-2851-1SCP-3148SCP-4338SCP-4812-SSCP-4950SCP-5000-█SCP-(5.782×10⁵⁴)-567SCP-5705-1Suburb SlasherSCP-6789SCP-6977SCP-7091-1SCP-7898

Euclid SCPs
SCP-023SCP-031SCP-046-1SCP-049SCP-071SCP-075SCP-079SCP-080SCP-082SCP-087-1SCP-089SCP-096SCP-136-2SCP-137SCP-153SCP-157SCP-173SCP-178-1SCP-230SCP-247SCP-250SCP-277-R█SCP-286-1SCP-286-2SCP-303SCP-312SCP-333-CSCP-372SCP-400SCP-401SCP-428SCP-439SCP-457SCP-511SCP-513-1SCP-526-2SCP-542SCP-548SCP-567-9SCP-569SCP-617SCP-625SCP-631SCP-647SCP-650SCP-666-1SCP-681SCP-693SCP-701-1SCP-735SCP-745SCP-747SCP-767-15SCP-777-1SCP-797SCP-811SCP-844SCP-847SCP-899SCP-924SCP-930 EntitySCP-932SCP-956SCP-965SCP-966SCP-973-2SCP-974SCP-1051SCP-1060SCP-1111-1SCP-1120SCP-1145SCP-1299-1SCP-1316SCP-1337SCP-1451SCP-1471-ASCP-1499-1SCP-1701SCP-1749-2SCP-1897SCP-1913SCP-1919-1SCP-1972-BSCP-2014SCP-2059SCP-2254SCP-2315-1SCP-2363-ASCP-2396-BSCP-2401-AlphaSCP-2419-ASCP-2424SCP-2427-3SCP-2522SCP-2611-1SCP-2901SCP-2940-BSCP-2999SCP-3008-2SCP-3019-ASCP-3114SCP-3166SCP-3280SCP-3388SCP-3428SCP-3631-1SCP-3786SCP-3785-1SCP-3838-8SCP-3860SCP-4162SCP-4166-2SCP-4187-1SCP-4231-ASCP-4310SCP-4434SCP-4670SCP-4680SCP-4812-ESCP-4924-ASCP-4959 (SCP-4959-A)SCP-4975SCP-5045-1SCP-5935-1SCP-6076SCP-6198SCP-6618-ASCP-6661-1SCP-6979SCP-7110-2SCP-7533SCP-7579SCP-7725-CSCP-7785SCP-7840SCP-7983SCP-8999

Keter SCPs
Past and FutureThe PrototypeSCP-017SCP-019-2SCP-029SCP-035SCP-058SCP-060-AlphaSCP-076-2SCP-090SCP-106SCP-140-ASCP-149SCP-165SCP-204-1SCP-231-1SCP-280SCP-307SCP-352SCP-354 EntitiesSCP-363SCP-339SCP-427-1SCP-435-2SCP-469SCP-575SCP-582SCP-589SCP-610SCP-682SCP-718SCP-752-1SCP-783SCP-823SCP-835SCP-939SCP-940SCP-953SCP-968SCP-1000SCP-1048 (SCP-1048 Duplicates)SCP-1128SCP-1155SCP-1322-ASCP-1368-1SCP-1447-1SCP-1500SCP-1736SCP-1739SCP-1765SCP-1788-1SCP-1790SCP-1984-01SCP-2030-1SCP-2075SCP-2191-1SCP-2191-2SCP-2191-3SCP-2200-2SCP-2316 EntitySCP-2317-KSCP-2399SCP-2385SCP-2408-4SCP-2439SCP-2440SCP-2490SCP-2521SCP-2747SCP-2774-ASCP-2803-ASCP-2807SCP-2846-ASCP-2852SCP-2863SCP-2877SCP-2935 EntitySCP-2950SCP-3002SCP-3003-2SCP-3004-1SCP-3007 EntitySCP-3033SCP-3125SCP-3167SCP-3199SCP-3288 (Emperor Maximilian)SCP-3333-1SCP-3340SCP-3456SCP-3503SCP-3643SCP-3799SCP-3760SCP-3997SCP-4105-BSCP-4205SCP-4290SCP-4293SCP-4315-2SCP-4335SCP-4666SCP-4715SCP-4812-KSCP-4833SCP-4840-BSCP-4856SCP-4885SCP-4886SCP-4910SCP-4947SCP-5049-ASCP-5167SCP-5172SCP-5267-ASCP-5284SCP-5423SCP-5598SCP-5653SCP-5659SCP-5683SCP-5761-1SCP-6004SCP-6013SCP-6096SCP-6426SCP-6427SCP-6448SCP-6455SCP-6596SCP-6789SCP-6810SCP-7219SCP-7380SCP-7436SCP-7569SCP-7776-ASCP-7932

Apollyon SCPs
When Day BreaksSCP-3999SCP-6820-ASCP-7853

Thaumiel SCPs

Esoteric SCPs
SCP-UBUSCP-2085-1SCP-2744SCP-2845SCP-3396SCP-3700-2SCP-3895SCP-4444SCP-4755SCP-4971-▽SCP-5004-ASCP-5034SCP-5651-1SCP-5346 EntitySCP-INTEGERSCP-6004SCP-6061-1SCP-6666SCP-6747-CSCP-6987SCP-7450SCP-7660

Explained SCPs

Neutralized/Decommissioned SCPs

Joke SCPs

International SCPs
Spanish Branch

French Branch

German Branch

Italian Branch

Japanese Branch
SakuranushiSCP-002-JP-EXSCP-███-JPSCP-030-JPSCP-036-JP EntitiesSCP-058-JPSCP-070-JP-2SCP-173-JPSCP-192-JP-1SCP-262-JP-ASCP-268-JPSCP-272-JP-2SCP-279-JPSCP-291-JP-1SCP-361-JPSCP-373-JPSCP-444-JPSCP-471-JP-1SCP-489-JPSCP-565-JPSCP-682-JP-JSCP-683-JPSCP-835-JPSCP-835-JP-JSCP-910-JPSCP-981-JPSCP-1004-JPSCP-1035-JP EntitySCP-1326-JP-KSCP-1801-JPSCP-2455-JPSCP-2901-JP-1SCP-3122-JP

Korean Branch

Russian Branch
SCP-1026-RUSCP-1030-RU EntitiesSCP-1062-RUSCP-1069-RUSCP-1084-RUSCP-1098-RU-1SCP-1109-RUSCP-1306-RUSCP-1366-RUSCP-1966-RUSCP-3321-RU-J

Chinese Branch

Traditional Chinese Branch

Thai Branch

Portuguese Branch
SCP-045-PT-J EntitiesSCP-050-PTSCP-101-PT-6SCP-124-PT-A

Ukrainian Branch

SCP-001 Proposals
SCP-001 (The Council)SCP-001 (The Database)SCP-001 (Atonement)SCP-001 (Past and Future)SCP-001 (The Prototype)SCP-001 (The Factory)SCP-001 (The Scarlet King)SCP-001 (The Way It Ends)SCP-001 (The Black Moon)SCP-001-A1 (The Preserver)SCP-001 (When Day Breaks) (SCP-001-A)

Canonical SCP Beings
AbsenceAdam el AsemAlagaddansAnnouncerApakhtAuthorsBlinkersBrothers DeathChildren of the NightEndFaeriesHe-Who-Made-DarkHe-Who-Made-LightMalidramagiuanNeon GodNeverwerePattern ScreamersQueen MabSCP-5000-█StridersStudio GuardiansTherionUnclean

Old Gods
Black MoonCarnegiasCrocosquidThe FactoryHanged KingHe Who Walks Beneath DreamsHr'sthnpolJeserLord GoranMa'tolMolochSaturn DeerScarlet KingSCP-682SCP-2845SCP-3000SCP-3004-1SCP-4315-2SCP-4947SCP-4950SCP-4971-▽TeranThothTitaniaViolet QueenVerdant MageVoruteutXiolt-laYaldabaothZsar Magoth

Old Gods' Servants
Adytum's Wake (Cornelius P. Bodfel III)Ambassador of AlagaddaArchonsBLACKSTARBobble the ClownChosen of GodChildren of the Scarlet King (Elder Rockwell, John Yttoric)Church of the Broken God (Robert Bumaro, Trunnion, Hedwig)Daevites (Orvo, Lror, Ydax)Fifth Church (Celebration 'Big Cheese' Horace)Grand Karcist IonJames AndersonMr. ReddSCP-035SCP-076-2SCP-096SCP-2852SCP-3456SCP-3700-2SCP-3785-1SCP-4231-A

Adam el AsemBlack QueenCalvin LucienCarl FraserCornelius P. Bodfel IIICynthia CordierD-3826D-4986D-7294dadoDaniel DeVornDr. DämmerDr. Elliott EmersonDr. Jack BrightDr. Madison CraggsDr. WDraga NegrescuEdwin FalkirkElijahElizabeth CrockerEnigmaENTITY-NaClOEvelyn MayEzekiel ClarkFather PatGeneral BoweGrand Karcist IonHedwigHerman FullerIris DarkJames AndersonJames FranklinJean Durand and Mátyás NemeşJoseph LowryKeeLeeKonrad WeissLaurence MichaudLeonid ChernoffLeopold ILovataarMadeleine von SchaefferMarshall Ford EverettMavra IsimeriaMilo IgorvichMikkel BorovMr. ReddMr. NightNadoxO5-0OrokOtari IosavaParis KiranPico WilsonPit SlothRandolph MetzgerRasmin YelkovRichard ChappellRobert BumaroRobert GatesRuprecht CartetRuiz DuchampRyoto HishakakuSaarnSamuel DecardSCP-2089-1's CaptorSerViper1995Simon OswaltSkitter MarshallSmiling ManThomas GrahamTravelerTrunnionUIU 1933-001Vincent Anderson

SCPs in Video Games
SCP-035SCP-049SCP-079SCP-087-1SCP-087-B EntitiesSCP-096SCP-106SCP-173SCP-178-1SCP-372SCP-513-1SCP-553SCP-682SCP-860-2SCP-939SCP-966SCP-1026-RUSCP-1048SCP-1048 DuplicatesSCP-1499-1SCP-3008-2SCP-XXXX

Disambiguation Pages

Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors.
