Antagonists Wiki

S.C. Ruffey is an antagonist in The Railway Series and Thomas & Friends, appearing in the book Oliver the Western Engine and the episode "Toad Stands By". He is the leader of the Troublesome Trucks.




           PBS Kids logo (2022).svg Villains

Fireman Sam
Norman Price | Dilys Price | Bentley the Robot | Mandy Flood | Derek Price | Professor Pickles | Fire-Dog 2000 | Buck Douglas | Flex Dexter | Don Sledgehammer | Professor Polonium | Doctor Crumpton

Polar Bear | Mrs. Peng-Sniff | Giant Walrus | Roomba | The Thief

The Magic School Bus
Gerri Poveri | General Araneus | Horace Cope | Mr. Junkett | Inspector 47 | Janet Perlstein | Mr. Ruhle

Wild Kratts
Zach Varmitech | Donita Donata | Dabio | Gaston Gourmand | Paisley Paver | Rex

Berenstain Bears
Raffish Ralph | Green-Eyed Monster

Maya and Miguel
Cryptic Chameleon

Bob the Builder
Spud | Mr. Adams | Pirate Brickbeard | Mayor Snipe | Conrad | Thud | Crunch

Dr. Two-Brains | Theodore "Tobey" McCallister | Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy | Lady Redundant Woman | The Butcher | Whammer | Granny May | Mr. Big | Amazing Rope Guy | Nocan the Contrarian | Squeaky | Royal Dandy | The Learnerer | Victoria Best | Miss Power | Rhyme and Reason

Super Why!
The Big Bad Wolf | The Eraser | The Germs

The New Electric Company
The Pranksters (Francine Carruthers, Manny Spamboni, Annie Scrambler & Danny Rebus) | Gilda Flip | Sigmond Scrambler | Sandy Scrambler | Dr. Dark

Odd Squad
Odd Todd | President Obbs | Agent Ohlm | Otis' Duck Family (Brother Quack) | The Shadow | Brutus

Pinkalicious & Peterrific
Spritely the Sprite | Flutterbugs

Let's Go Luna!
Capicola and Pancetta

Hero Elementary

See Also
Arthur Villains | Cyberchase Villains | Sesame Street Villains | Thomas & Friends Villains

           1200px- Villains

Troublesome Trucks (S.C. Ruffey) | Diesel | Diesel 10 | 'Arry and Bert | The Spiteful Brakevan | Bulgy | Smudger | George | Boulder | Horrid Lorries | Max and Monty | Spencer | Den and Dart | Norman | Baz and Bernie | Norman Price | Dilys Price | Bentley the Robot | Mandy Flood | Derek Price | Professor Pickles | Fire-Dog 2000 | Mrs. Peng-Sniff | The Walrus | The Thief | Captain Feathersword | Spud

Wally the Great | Roland the Remarkable | Door | Rose Robber | Pirate Brickbeard | The Scrap Monster | Sailor John | Vinnie | Buck Douglas | Conrad | Thud | Crunch | Hurricane | Frankie | Flex Dexter | Don Sledgehammer | Professor Polonium | Doctor Crumpton

           Thomas and Friends Logo USA Villains

Diesel | 'Arry and Bert | Smudger | Diesel 10 | Spencer | Norman | Den and Dart | Vinnie | Hurricane | Frankie |

P.T. Boomer | Sailor John | Baz and Bernie | The Tiger Hunters | The Crown Thieves | Mr. Conductor's Evil Twin

Troublesome Trucks (S.C. Ruffey) | The Spiteful Brakevan | Bulgy | George | Horrid Lorries | Boulder | Splatter and Dodge | Max and Monty | Ace
