Dr. Dilbert Dinkle, also known as Rip Van Tinkle, is the main antagonist of Dav Pilkey's children's graphic novel duology Super Diaper Baby.
He is a scientist and bank robber who wants revenge on the world for mistreating him after being transformed into a puddle of walking pee. He is Petey the Cat's former owner and Super Diaper Baby's second arch-nemesis.
At night, Dr. Dilbert Dinkle and Petey the Cat went to rob a bank. To do this, they used an invention called the “Liquidinator 2000”, which can turn things into water, to zap a bank wall. This turned the wall into water, so Dinkle entered the bank through there, with now needing to turn the main vault into water. While Dinkle takes measurements, Petey accidentally zapped the Liquidinator 2000 at him, turning him into a living puddle of water. Dinkle initially got mad at Petey, but soon, he realized that he now had water-based abilities and physics, so he used them to infiltrate the vault without needing to zap it.
After successfully stealing the money, Dinkle and Petey returned to their lair and Dinkle celebrated. The next day, Dinkle did many successful bank robberies with his new powers, and after returning home, he decided to sleep. In revenge, Petey drank him, and the next morning, upon reliving himself, he transformed Dinkle into a puddle of urine.