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A 501st Legion Trooper serves as the main protagonist in the 2005 video game, Star Wars Battlefront II. He is a member of the 501st Legion, later known as the Vader's Fist.

He is voiced by Temura Morrison who plays the Clones.


The 501st Legion Trooper is the playable character throughout the campaign of Star Wars Battlefront II. He first appears in the Clone Wars Missions of Mygeeto, Kashyyyk, Utapau, and Felucia as a clone trooper. Then, he executes Order 66 along with the rest of the clone troopers and helps defeat the Jedi and the Temple Guards at the Jedi Temple. Then, the campaign transitions into missions for the Galactic Empire. The 501st Legion Trooper, now an Imperial stormtrooper, then fights alongside the Galactic Imperial Stormtroopers on missions to defeat any forms of armed defiance towards the Galactic Empire.

He then fights the Rebel Alliance on the Death Star, Polis Massa, Tantive IV, Yavin 4, and the campaign ends when the 501st Legion Trooper helps the Galactic Empire win the Battle of Hoth.


The clone trooper was a fiercely loyal soldier who believed in what he and his brethren were created to be: an army of soldiers designed to be highly efficient and highly obedient. As a young clone, he was initially unsure of his readiness for war, admitting how years of training on Kamino did not compare to a real battlefield. However, the Republic's first victory on Geonosis reinforced the trooper's morale, believing himself battle-hardened and ready to serve the Republic in the Clone Wars.

In several entries of his journal, the trooper conveyed feelings of respect and even admiration for some members of the Jedi Order, particularly Aayla Secura, whom he credited for single-handedly saving the 501st during its mission on Felucia. The clone also held Yoda's fighting prowess in high regard, given that the trooper acknowledged how the Jedi Grand Master's presence on Kashyyyk all but guaranteed the Republic's success against a Separatist invasion force.

Despite his unyielding loyalty to the Republic, the trooper privately questioned some of his orders on occasion, particularly the ones that he did not understand or even agree with. Although he later developed a new-found sense of appreciation for the combat skills of the Wookiee warriors, the trooper was initially dismayed at the thought of so many clones dying for a race he dismissed as a "bunch of walking carpets." After Order 66 was initiated, the trooper quietly lamented the death of Secura, hoping that she was at least granted a quick death. During Operation: Knightfall, he concealed his own misgivings about the order to execute every member of the Jedi Order. Nevertheless, he remained focused on his duty, which he carried out with the same silence and cold determination that had overtaken the 501st Legion as they invaded the Jedi Temple.

Afterward, the clone adapted well to his new life as an Imperial stormtrooper. He staunchly supported the ideals of the New Order and obediently enforced Emperor Palpatine's rule through the brutal tactics that earned the 501st its nickname as "Vader's fist." When remnants of the former Separatist movement threatened to cause another outbreak of civil war, the trooper expressed utter hatred and contempt for the clones' battle droid counterparts. He could not bear the thought of fighting against more of his enemies from the Clone Wars, all of whom he bitterly referred to as "gearheads."

His loyalty to the Empire was so complete to the point where he had no reservations for fighting against his own kind, specifically an entire generation of Fett clones that had been engineered to take up arms against the Empire. Yet despite his subservient nature, the trooper did not approve of the Emperor's decision to marginalize Jango Fett's progeny with additional clones based on different templates. As the years went by, the trooper lamented on how the Imperial Army steadily became more diverse, much to the chagrin of the Fett clones.

The trooper, like many of his fellow Clone Wars veterans, secretly enjoyed stamping out local insurrections, simply because they gave the stormtroopers something to do in a time when very few were willing to oppose the Empire's military might. When the Rebel Alliance declared war against the Empire, the trooper complimented how the Rebellion was organized and growing in number. After the Death Star's destruction, the trooper was filled with hatred for the Rebels, all of whom he blamed for the deaths of so many Imperial soldiers, including two thirds of the 501st, some of whom he had served with since the beginning of the Clone Wars. Thus he came to regard the Rebellion as a dangerous threat, not just to the Empire, but also to the peace and security of the galaxy.


            Star-wars-legends Villains

Galactic Alliance Guard
Darth Caedus | Tahiri Veila

Galactic Empire
Emperor Palpatine

Admiral Galak Fyyar | Armand Isard | Baron Merillion Tarko | Crispin Hoedaack | Carnor Jax | COMPNOR | Ennix Devian | Faie | Gilad Pellaeon | Lord Hethrir | Imperial Navy | Juno Eclipse | Kir Kanos | Roan Fel | Natasi Daala | Ozzik Sturn | Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front | PROXY | Rom Mohc | Rukh | Sarkli | Sate Pestage | Stafuv Rahz | Thrawn | Tenn Graneet | Trioculus | Warlord Zsinj | Ysanne Isard

One Sith
Darth Krayt

Sith Lords
Darth Azard | Darth Havok | Darth Kruhl | Darth Luft | Darth Maladi | Darth Nihl | Darth Rauder | Darth Reave | Darth Ruyn | Darth Stryfe | Darth Talon | Darth Vurik | Darth Wredd | Darth Wyyrlok I | Darth Wyyrlok II | Darth Wyyrlok III | Saarai | Vul Isen

Darth Krayt's Sith Troopers | Morlish Veed

Prophets of the Dark Side
Cronal | Darth Millennial | Jedgar | Kadann | Sariss

Sith and Dark Jedi
Abeloth | Adas | Ajunta Pall | Aleema Keto | Alema Rar | Alora | Azrakel | Black Knights | Boc Aseca | Brakiss | Brotherhood of Darkness | Crado | The Dark Apprentice | The Dark Underlord | Darth Andeddu | Darth Bane | Darth Cognus | Darth Desolous | Darth Gean | Darth Gravid | Darth Guile | Darth Homiiz | Darth Karnage | Darth Morias | Darth Phobos | Darth Plagueis | Darth Ramage | Darth Rivan | Darth Ruin | Darth Scabrous | Darth Simi | Darth Vectivus | Darth Venamis | Darth Zannah | Desann | Exar Kun | Freedon Nadd | Galen Marek | Gorc and Pic | Jerec | Jorus C'baoth | Joruus C'baoth | Karness Muur | Kazdan Paratus | Komari Vosa | Kueller | Lomi Plo | Lumiya | Luuke Skywalker | Mara Jade | Maris Brood | Maw | Reborn | Rugess Nome | Sarcev Quest | Skere Kaan | Sora Bulq | Sorzus Syn | Tamith Kai | Tavion Axmis | Tol Skorr | Ulic Qel-Droma | Unidentified Sith Master (Dxun) | Vergere | Welk | X1 | Xanatos | Xendor | XoXaan | Yun | Zekk | Zona Luka

Yuuzhan Vong
Czulkang Lah | Drathul | Elan | Harrar | Mezhan Kwaad | Nas Choka | Nen Yim | Nom Anor | Onimi | Peace Brigade | Shimmra Jamaane | Tsavong Lah

Confederacy of Independent Systems
Alto Stratus | Cavik Toth | Cydon Prax | Durge | Gizor Dellso | Kul Teska | Oro Dassyne | Sun Fac

Dark Acolytes
Sev'rance Tann | Sora Bulq | Asajj Ventress | Tol Skorr | Kadrian Sey

Mighella | Sai Sircu | Zalem

Glitteryll Conspiracy
Asanté Vos | Chom Frey Kaa | Pol Secura

New Galactic Empire
Cos Dashit | Crispin Hoedaack | Darth Vader | Valorum | Vantos Coll

Amanoa | Ban Papeega | Bando Gora Captain | Beilert Valance | Borsk Fey'lya | Burbakker Teep | Chop'aa Notimo | Connus Treli | Drexl Roosh | Dur Gejjen | Durga the Hutt | Erisi Dlarit | Gardulla the Elder | Gault Rennow | General Grievous | Gorog | Granta Omega | Grappa the Hutt | Groff Haugg | Hanharr | Jenna Zan Arbor | Kleef | Krayt Dragons | Longo Two-Guns | Lord Starkiller | Mandalore the Indomitable | Meeko Ghintee | Montross | Niles Ferrier | Prince Xizor | Reelo Baruk | Sebolto | Sun Guard | Lord Nyax | Talon Karrde | Thrackan Sal-Solo | Tor Vizsla | Tyber Zann | Zorba the Hutt
