Antagonists Wiki

Only you have been able to resist me... and for that reason, you can no longer be permitted to live!
~ Purple Man to Daredevil.
Feel my will conquering yours! Hear my voice... look at my eyes! Look at me, slave!
~ Purple Man using his powers.

Zebediah Killgrave, better known as the Purple Man, is a major antagonist in the Marvel Universe, serving as the main antagonist of the Jessica Jones franchise and media, and a major antagonist in the Daredevil, Luke Cage and Avengers franchises.

He is an ex-spy who developed purple skin and mind-controlling abilities after being exposed to an experimental nerve gas, subsequently using these abilities to begin a life of crime. Over the years, he has shifted between using his powers for large-scale crimes to satisfying how own petty whims and sadistic desires. He is infamously known as an integral part of Jessica Jones' history, having used his powers to torment and enslave her for months, resulting in her giving up superheroics to become a private detective.

He serves as the main antagonist of Alias, Messiah Complex, Daredevil: Purple, Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter, and several other storylines. He is the archenemy of Jessica Jones, and an enemy of other multiple other heroes, including Daredevil, Luke Cage, Captain Marvel, Alpha Flight, and the Avengers.


Zebediah Killgrave was born in Rijeka, in what was at the time Yugoslavia and is now in Croatia. As an international spy, he was sent to infiltrate a chemical refinery. During the mission, he was accidentally doused with a chemical that turned his hair and skin purple.

Caught outright and questioned, Killgrave offered a weak, inadequate alibi to his captors. Much to his surprise, he was believed and released. Several more incidents of this nature demonstrated that the nerve gas had given Killgrave the superhuman ability to command the wills of other people.

Calling himself the Purple Man, Killgrave embarked on a criminal career. The Purple Man has vacillated between an actively criminal life and easy retirement. Morally, however, he has never reformed. He can most commonly be seen in expensive purple street clothes.

Other Media[]


X-Men: The Animated Series[]

Zebediah Killgrave appeared in the X-Men episode "No Mutant is an Island" voiced by Cedric Smith. In this episode, he does not use the "Purple Man" alias and in fact uses a face cream to hide his purple complexion in public.

He is depicted as a telepathic mutant terrorist posing as a philanthropist who plans on taking over the government using a group of young mutants (consisting of Skids, Boom Boom, Rusty Collins, and Wiz Kid) under his mental control. In the end, Cyclops gets in his way and eventually defeats him.

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes[]

Main article: Purple Man (Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes)

The Purple Man appears in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, voiced by Brent Spiner. He is shown escaping the Raft, along with other villains imprisoned there. In "Emperor Stark", Purple Man is revealed to be the mastermind behind the Avengers becoming world-controlling tyrants within a month by controlling Iron Man after a defeat, and manipulating him into developing a satellite that could spread his mind-controlling powers to the other Avengers.

Only Vision is left immune when being left on self-repair, and he manages to save the other Avengers from control. Upon Purple Man's satellite being destroyed, the Avengers gather at Stark Industries and defeat the villain, and with Iron Man, reminded of taunts by Purple Man, knocking him out with a finger flick in his face.

Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Main article: Kilgrave (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Purple Man appears in the Netflix series Marvel's Jessica Jones as the main antagonist of Season 1, where he differs from his comic counterpart as he lacks purple skin but keeps his purple clothing. It is also revealed that Kilgrave is only an alias and that his real name is Kevin Thompson and is from England rather than Yugoslavia. He is also never referred to as "Purple Man".

The origin of his mind-control powers also differs from the comics, rather than being doused in a chemical. Kilgrave got his powers as a child after his scientist parents saved his life by giving him an experimental viral treatment. He is played by David Tennant, who also played Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Sir Piers Pomfrey in St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold, Cale Erendreich in Bad Samaritan, Brendan Block in Secret Smile, Lord Commander in Final Space, Wilf in Postman Pat: The Movie, Dread the Evil Genie in Jake and the Never Land Pirates, and Brimscythe in The Legend of Vox Machina.

What Makes Him Pure Evil?[]

  • He's a serial rapist who hypnotizes young women (especially college girls) into having sex with him and/or each other. At least six equally-hypnotic children were birthed from these rapes, one of whom's mother even died in the process of said birth.
  • He's by all means an abusive parent; once his children's mothers (one of whom he personally made walk off the roof to her death) were all either dead or in prison, he kidnaps them to amplify his own powers by using them as living batteries.
  • Once at a local Denny's, he hypnotized the 34 customers to stop breathing just so he could eat his breakfast in peace as they were too noisy, resulting in all their deaths. It's also said in-universe that there were 40 incidents like this in total, leaving little to the imagination regarding how many more innocents shared the same fate.
  • He kidnapped, tortured and enslaved superheroine Jessica Jones for eight months on end, thus leaving her with massive PTSD. To be specific, he forced her to watch him rape college girls while also cruelly brainwashing her into lusting after him during the whole ordeal, making her jealous that he's not having sex with her instead.
  • While in control of Manhattan, he kills 13 college students with a sonic device and frames Songbird for it, and then later cowardly orders the entire borough to commit suicide when the Thunderbolts have him cornered.
  • He uses a mind-control machine to cause global chaos just to spite Daredevil. Then, upon becoming dissatisfied with the results, Killgrave angrily states his intent to make Daredevil eat his own best friend and/or stomp on puppies.
  • Although he once committed suicide out of (what seemed like) remorse for his actions, this becomes completely subverted after his resurrection when he breaks a deal with Jessica and tries to kill his own son Benjamin in her body, and even threatens to make Jessica's husband Luke Cage go on a killing spree before taking his own life, sadistically taunting Jessica the entire time, thus showing he's back to being the same selfish hedonist he always was.
    • It's also worth mentioning that even back then, Killgrave was actually pretty selfish in committing suicide since another factor was the belief that he didn't fit in on Earth due to his god complex. Thus, his remorse was honestly moot from the start.
  • Overall, he's easily one of the most despicable Earth-bound sociopaths in the entire franchise, and by far the worst rapist of them all.

External Links[]


           Daredevil (2014) logo Villains

Absorbing Man | A.I.M. | Ammo | Ani-Men | Ape-Man | Arcade | Baron Strucker | Baron Zemo | Beetle | Black Cat | Blackheart | Black Spectre | Black Widow | Bullet | Boomerang | Bullseye | Bushwacker | Chameleon | Commander Kraken | Crossbones | Crossbow | Crusher | Cobra | Death-Stalker | Death's Head | Diablo | Doctor Faustus | Dormammu | Eel | Electro | Enforcers | Executioner | Fixer | Frog-Man | Galactus | Gladiator | Green Goblin | Hammerhead | Hand | Hate-Monger | Hobgolin | Hood | HYDRA | Indestructible Man | Impossible Man | Jaguar | J. Jonah Jameson | Jack O' Lantern | Jester | Jigsaw | Juggernaut | Kingpin | Kirigi | Kraven | Lady Bullseye | Leap-Frog | Loki Laufeyson | Lucia Von Bardas | Ladykiller | Machinesmith | Madame Viper | Magneto | Mandrill | Masked Marauder | Masters of Evil | Matador | Mephisto | Micah Synn | Mister Fear | Mister Hyde | Mole Man | Montana | Mysterio | Namor | Nightmare | Nitro | Norman Osborn | Nuke | Omega Red | Owl | Ox | Paladin | Plastoid | Punisher | Punisher (Earth-95126) | Puppet Master | Purple Man | Ramrod | Rhino | Ringmaster | Rose | Sabretooth | Sandman | Scorpion | Silver Sable | Silver Samurai | Sin-Eater | Sinister Six | Skrulls | Slug | Spot | Tombstone | Trapster | Tribune | Turk Barrett | Typhoid Mary | Tyrannus | Ulik | Ultron | Vanessa Fisk | Vulture

Kingpin | Bullseye | Wesley Owen Welch | Jose Quesada | Falon

Season 1: Kingpin | James Wesley | Leland Owlsley | Vanessa Marianna | The Hand (Madame Gao & Nobu Yoshioka) | Turk Barrett | Carl Hoffman | Christian Blake | John Healy | Bill Fisk | Roscoe Sweeney
Season 2: The Hand (Nobu Yoshioka & Madame Gao) | Punisher | Elektra Natchios | Blacksmith | Turk Barrett | Roscoe Sweeney | Kingpin
Season 3: Kingpin | Bullseye | Vanessa Marianna | Tammy Hattley | Felix Manning | Rosalie Carbone

Video Games
Kingpin | Bullseye | The Hand (Kirigi)

See Also
Elektra Villains

           Jessica Jones Title Villains

Absorbing Man | Bushmaster | Count Nefaria | Doctor Octopus | Emma Frost | Galactus | Green Goblin | Hobgoblin | HYDRA | J. Jonah Jameson | Kingpin | Kraven the Hunter | Magneto | Norman Osborn | Owl | Purple Man | Quicksand | Red Skull | Spot | Tiger Shark | Typhoid Mary | White Rabbit

Season 1: Kilgrave | Will Simpson | Dorothy Walker | Audrey Eastman
Season 2: Alisa Jones | Karl Malus | Pryce Cheng | Trish Walker | Dorothy Walker | Turk Barrett
Season 3: Trish Walker | Gregory Sallinger | Dorothy Walker

           Luke Cage - Logo Villains

A.I.M. | Arcade | Black Cat | Black Talon | Boomerang | Bushmaster | Chemistro | Constrictor | Cottonmouth | Deadpool | Doctor Doom | Doctor Octopus | Eel | Electro | Goliath | Hammerhead | J. Jonah Jameson | Killer Shrike | Kingpin | Kraven the Hunter | Living Monolith | Magneto | Master Khan | Masters of Evil | Medusa | Mister Negative | Mole Man | Moses Magnum | Nitro | Omega Red | Princess Python | Psycho-Man | Purple Man | Red Hulk | Rhino | Ringmaster | Sabretooth | Sandman | Satannish | Sinister Six | Skrulls | Songbird | Super-Skrull | Taskmaster | Tombstone | Vulture | Whirlwind | Zzzax

Season 1: Diamondback | Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades | Turk Barrett
Season 2: Black Mariah | Bushmaster | Shades | Turk Barrett

           Avengers Villains

Abomination | Abominatrix | Absorbing Man | Adolf Hitler | Agony | A.I.M. | Air-Walker | Alkhema | Aleksander Lukin | Alistair Smythe | Amatsu-Mikaboshi | Amora | Anaconda | Annihilus | Ani-Men | Answer | Apocalypse | Arcade | Ares | Arnim Zola | Atlas | Attuma | Avalanche | Awesome Android | Badoon | Barracuda | Baron Blood | Baron Mordo | Baron Wolfgang von Strucker | Baron Zemo | Basilisk | Batroc | Beetle | Beyonder | Bi-Beast | Black Knight | Blackout | Black Order | Black Cat | Black Mamba | Black Talon | Black Widow | Blackie Drago | Blastaar | Blitzkrieg | Blizzard | Blob | Blood Brothers | Bombshell | Boomerang | Brothers Grimm | Brotherhood of Evil Mutants | Bulldozer | Bullseye | Burglar | Bushmaster | Bushwacker | Cache | Cannibals (Marvel Universe Vs) | Carnage | Carrion | Calypso | Celestials | Centurion | Chameleon | Chance | Chemistro | Chester Goudal | Chitauri | Collector | Colonel Ross Whittaker | Commander Kraken | Constrictor | Corruptor | Cottonmouth | Count Nefaria | Cowled Commander | Crime-Master | Crimson Dynamo | Crimson Widow | Cristu Bulat | Crossbones | Crossfire | D'Spayre | Daken | Damage | Daniel Whitehall | Dark Avengers | Dark Elves | Deadpool | Deathbird | Deathurge | Death Adder | Deke Wainscroft | Demogoblin | Diablo | Diamondback | Doctor Doom | Doctor Faustus | Doctor Octopus | Doctor Spectrum | Dormammu | Dracula | Dreadknight | Druig | Eddie Brock | Eel | Egghead | Ego the Living Planet | Electro | Elementals | Elements of Doom | Enclave | Enforcers | Equinox | Exodus | Ezekiel Stane | Fabian Cortez | Famine | Fin Fang Foom | Finn Cooley | Firelord | Fixer | Fold | Frost | Frost Giants | Frightful Four | Galactus | Gargantus | Garthan Saal | Ghost | Giganto | Goliath | Gladiator | Godzilla | Grand Director | Grandmaster | Grant Ward | Graviton | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn) | Grey Gargoyle | Grey Goblin | Griffin | Grim Reaper | Grizzly | Growing Man | Grotesk | Hammerhead | Hand | Hazmat | Hela | Hera | Herr Kleiser | Heinz Kruger | High Evolutionary | Hitman | Hive | Horsemen of Apocalypse | Hobgoblin | Hood | Hydro-Man | HYDRA | Immortus | Impossible Man | Inner Demons | Ironclad | Iron Monger | Jackal | J. Jonah Jameson | Jack O' Lantern | Jester | Jigsaw | Johnny Ohm | Jonas Hambleton | Jormungandr | Juggernaut | Justin Hammer | Kaine | Kang the Conqueror | Killer Shrike | King Cobra | Kingpin | Klaw | Knull | Korath the Pursuer | Korvac | Kraven the Hunter | Kree | Kristoff Vernard | Lady Deathstrike | The Leader | Lightmaster | Living Brain | Living Laser | Living Monolith | Lizard | Loki Laufeyson | Lucia Von Bardas | Ma Gnucci | Machinesmith | Mad Pharaoh | Mad Thinker | Madame Masque | Madame Viper | Madcap | Madelyne Pryor | Maelstrom | Maestro | Maginty | Magneto | Magus | The Maker | Malekith the Accursed | Man-Ape | Mandarin | Mandrill | Man-Spider | Man-Wolf | Master Man | Master Pandemonium | Masters of Evil | Masked Marauder | Maximus the Mad | Medusa | Melter | Menace | Mentallo | Mercurio the 4-D Man | Mesmero | Mephisto | Mister Fear | Mister Hyde | Mister Negative | Mister Payback | Mister Sinister | M.O.D.A.M. | M.O.D.O.K. | Mojo | Molecule Man | Mole Man | Molten Man | Monica Rappaccinni | Moonstone | Morbius the Living Vampire | Morgan le Fay | Moses Magnum | Mystique | Mysterio | Namor | Nebula | Nekra | Nicky Cavella | Nightmare | Nightshade | Niles Van Roekel | Nicky Cavella | Omega Red | Onslaught | Orka | Overdrive | Owl | Paladin | Phalanx | Phil Urich | Piledriver | Pluto | Presence | Princess Python | Proctor | Psycho-Man | Punisher | Puppet Master | Puma | Purple Man | Quasimodo | Quicksand | Quicksilver | Radioactive Man | Ragnarok | Ramrod | Rattler | Reavers | Red Ghost | Red Skull | Reverend Samuel Smith | Rhino | Rhino II | The Rose | Ringer | Ringmaster | Riot | Ronan the Accuser | Roxxon | Sabretooth | Sandman | Säurespritze | Sauron | Savage Land Mutates | Scarecrow | Scarlet Witch | Scorcher | Scorpion | Screaming Mimi | Sebastian Shaw | Secret Empire | Selene Gallio | Sentinels | Sentry 459 | Serpent Society | Shriek | Shocker | Shockwave | Sidewinder | Silver Sable | Sin | Sinister Six | Skaar | Skeleton Crew | Skrulls | Skurge | Slug | Space Phantom | Spider-Man Revenge Squad | Spider-Slayers | Spot | Squadron Sinister | Stranger | Street | Sunstroke | Superia | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Apes | Super Patriot | Super-Skrull | Supreme Intelligence | Superia | Surtur | Swarm | Swordsman | Symbiotes | Tarantula | Taskmaster | Technovore | Temugin | Ten Rings | Terminus | Thanos | Thorr Odinson | Thunderball | Thunderbolts | Thunderbolt Ross | Thundersword | Tiger Shark | Tinkerer | Titania | Titanium Man | Toad | Tombstone | Trapster | Trick Shot | Terrax the Tamer | Typhoid Mary | Tyrannus | U-Foes | Ulik | Ultimus | Ultron | Unicorn | Universal Church of Truth | Uranos | Vapor | Vector | Venom | Vermin | Vulture | Walrus | Warlord Krang | Whiplash | Whirlwind | White Rabbit | Will-O'-The-Wisp | Winter Soldier | Wizard | Wonder Man | Wrecker | Worthy | X-Ray | Yellow Claw | Ymir | Yon-Rogg | Zahnmörder | Zodiac | Zombie Giant-Man | Zombie Sentry | Zzzax

Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2: Herr Kleiser | Chitauri
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow: Ultron
The Avengers: Loki Laufeyson | Chitauri (The Other & Leviathans) | HYDRA (Gideon Malick & Jasper Sitwell) | Georgi Luchkov | Thanos
Avengers: Age of Ultron: Ultron | Ultron Sentinels | HYDRA (Wolfgang von Strucker, List, Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver) | Ulysses Klaue | Madame B | Chitauri (Leviathans) | Thanos
Avengers: Infinity War: Black Order (Thanos, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nebula, Outriders, Chitauri & Leviathans) | Red Skull | The Collector | Loki Laufeyson | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Thunderbolt Ross
Avengers: Endgame: Black Order (Thanos, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nebula, Outriders, Sakaaran Mercenaries, Chitauri, Leviathans & Chitauri Gorillas) | HYDRA/STRIKE (Red Skull, Alexander Pierce, Crossbones, Jasper Sitwell & Jack Rollins) | Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Kraglin Obfonteri | Dark Elves | Thunderbolt Ross | Akihiko

The Avengers: United They Stand
Ultron | Kang the Conqueror | Swordsman | Ringmaster | Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Absorbing Man, Boomerang, Moonstone, Tiger Shark & Whirlwind) | Attuma | Zodiac (Taurus & Scorpio) | Egghead | Scarlet Witch | Grim Reaper | Quicksilver | Namor | Doctor Doom | Baron Strucker | HYDRA | A.I.M. | Black Knight | The Collector

The Super Hero Squad Show
Doctor Doom | Mole Man | Fin Fang Foom | Abomination | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | M.O.D.O.K | Klaw | Toad | Melter | Dormammu | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Pyro | Whirlwind | Zzzax | Enchantress | Baron Mordo | Punisher | Egghead | Ringmaster | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Trapster | Mystique | Impossible Man | The Leader | Mad Thinker | Skurge | Crimson Dynamo | Batroc the Leaper | Loki Laufeyson | Magneto | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | HYDRA (Red Skull , Arnim Zola & Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) | Galactus | Terrax the Tamer | Firelord | Stardust | Thanos | Kree | Ego the Living Planet | Grandmaster | Annihilus | Nebula | Ronan the Accuser | Nightmare | Ultron | Dark Surfer | Sentinels | Dracula | High Evolutionary | Screaming Mimi

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
HYDRA (Red Skull, Baron Von Strucker, Grim Reaper, Arnim Zola, Doughboy & Madame Viper) | Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Enchantress, Skurge, Chemistro, Abomination, Crimson Dynamo & Grey Gargoyle) | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K) | Kree Empire (Supreme Intelligence, Colonel Yon-Rogg & Ronan the Accuser) | Absorbing Man | Klaw | Ultron | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | Red Hulk | Frost Giants (Loki Laufeyson & Ymir) | Technovore | Bi-Beast | The Leader | Whirlwind | Kang the Conqueror | Man-Ape | Malice | Mad Thinker | Mandrill | Graviton | Fenris Wolf | Lucia Von Bardas | Zzzax | Blizzard | Constrictor | Griffin | Living Laser | Whiplash | King Cobra | Magneto | Wendigo | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Ulik | Malekith the Accursed | Hela | Doctor Doom | Surtur | Glenn Talbot | Winter Soldier | J. Jonah Jameson | Destroyer | Annihilus | Purple Man | Galactus | Firelord | Stardust | Terrax the Tamer | Red Ghost | Super-Apes | Mandarin | Bushmaster | U-Foes (Vector, Vapor, X-Ray & Ironclad) | Crossfire | Serpent Society | Rattler | Death Adder | Anaconda | Air-Walker

Avengers Assemble
HYDRA/A.I.M. (Red Skull, M.O.D.O.K, Blood Brothers, Grim Reaper, Crossbones & Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) | J. Jonah Jameson | Doctor Doom | Ulik | Impossible Man | Dracula | Attuma | Hyperion | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Bulldozer | Destroyer | Loki Laufeyson | Chitauri | Justin Hammer | Mojo | Galactus | Ringmaster | Black Order (Thanos) | Hela | Winter Soldier | Nighthawk | Zarda | Crimson Dynamo | Radioactive Man | Zzzax | Dormammu | Ultron | U-Foes (Vector, Vapor, X-Ray & Ironclad) | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Absorbing Man | Titania | Whirlwind | Fin Fang Foom | Maximus | Medusa | Masters of Evil/Thunderbolts (Baron Zemo, Beetle, Screaming Mimi, Moonstone, Fixer & Goliath) | Klaw | Ghost | A.I.M. (Kang the Conqueror, Whiplash & Spymaster) | Abomination | Kree Empire | Egghead | The Leader | Crimson Widow | Arnim Zola | Enchantress | Skurge | Typhoid Mary | Ares | Taskmaster | Doughboy | Ulik | Beyonder | Baron Mordo | Symbiotes | Morgan le Fey | Tiger Shark | Erik Killmonger | Princess Zanda | Man-Ape | Madame Masque | Kraven the Hunter | Vulture | Orka

Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers
Loki Laufeyson | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K.) | Abomination | Baron Zemo | HYDRA (Red Skull, Crossbones) | King Cobra | Whirlwind | Tiger Shark | Whiplash | Diamondback | Crimson Dynamo | Dormammu | Sabretooth | Diablo | Graviton | Juggernaut | Lizard | Absorbing Man | Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, Wrecker) | Silver Samurai | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) | Venom | Ultron | Cottonmouth | Doctor Octopus | Mandarin | Ronan | Fin Fang Foom | Baron Blood | Vampires | Bi-Beast | Obadiah Stane | Predator X | Mystique | Taskmaster | Blizzard

Marvel Future Avengers
Masters of Evil (Ares, Enchantress, Leader, Winter Soldier) | Loki Laufeyson | Kang the Conqueror | Maximus | HYDRA/A.I.M. (Red Skull, M.O.D.O.K., Arnim Zola) | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) | Super-Adaptoid | Deadpool | Morgan le Fay | Klaw | Crossbones | Blizzard | Diamondback | The Hood | Ezekiel Stane

Marvel's M.O.D.O.K.
M.O.D.O.K. | A.I.M. | Monica Rappaccini | The Anomaly | Hexus | Super-Adaptoid | Austin Van Der Sleet | Mister Sinister | Madame Masque | Whirlwind | Mandrill | The Leader | Arcade | Fin Fang Foom | The Brood | Frost Giants

What If...?
Infinity Ultron | Yellowjacket | Loki Laufeyson | The Destroyer | Brock Rumlow | Jack Rollins | Thunderbolt Ross | Whiplash | Arnim Zola | Prince Killmonger | Strange Supreme | Georges Batroc | Ego | Zombies (Scarlet Witch)

Video Games
Captain America and The Avengers: Red Skull | Crossbones | Klaw | Living Laser | Whirlwind | Sentinel | Wizard | Grim Reaper | Mandarin | Juggernaut | Ultron
Avengers in Galactic Storm: Kree (Ronan, Korath & Supreme Intelligence)
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth: Skrulls
Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers - Ultimate Heroes: Red Skull | Loki Laufeyson | Baron Zemo | A.I.M. (M.O.D.O.K.) | Abomination | Graviton | Tiger Shark
LEGO Marvel's Avengers: Loki Laufeyson | Malekith the Accursed | Kurse | Various Villains
Marvel's Avengers: M.O.D.O.K. | Monica Rappaccinni | Abomination | Taskmaster | Super-Adaptoid | Lyle Getz | Maestro | Klaw | Crossbones

See Also
Avengers Academy Villains | Marvel Avengers Alliance Villains | Young Avengers Villains

           Namor the Sub-Mariner (1990) Logo Villains

Abomination | Adolf Hitler | A.I.M. | Aqueos | Attuma | Baron Wolfgang von Strucker | Baron Mordo | Batroc the Leaper | Boomerang | Brotherhood of Evil Mutants | Byrrah | Commander Kraken | Destiny | Doctor Doom | Emma Frost | Giganto | Glenn Talbot | Goldbug | Griggin | High Evolutionary | HYDRA | Karthon the Quester | Kraken | Krang | Leader | Lemuel Dorcas | Loki Laufeyson | Liyra | Mangeto | Master Khan | Master Man | Mastermind | M.O.D.O.K | Mole Man | Morgan le Fay | Naga | Namor | Nitro | Norman Osborn | Orka | Piranha | Plantman | Puppet Master | Purple Man | Quicksilver | Rajah | Red Skull | Scarlet Witch | Serpent Society | Set | Skrulls | Skurge | Super-Skrull | Symbiotes | Thanos | Taskmaster | Thunderbolt Ross | Thunderbolts | Tiger Shark | Toad | Trapster | Tyrak | Tyrannus | U-Man | Vampires | Venom (Mac Gargan) | Whiplash | Wizard | Xemnu | Yellow Claw

           MarvelTeamUpTitle Villains

Abomination | A.I.M. | Annihilus | Ape-Man | Arcade | Basilisk | Batroc the Leaper | Black Cat | Black Widow | Blastaar | Big Man | Blizzard | Boomerang | Bulldozer | Chameleon | Collector | Constrictor | Crime-Master | Deadpool | Doctor Doom | Doctor Faustus | Doctor Octopus | Dracula | D'Spayre | Electro | Emma Frost | Enforcers | Equinox | Fin Fang Foom | Fixer | Flag-Smasher | Frightful Four | Gorgon | Green Goblin | Grey Gargoyle | Griffin | Harry Osborn | Jackal | J. Jonah Jameson | Juggernaut | Kang | Killer Shrike | Kingpin | Kraven | Lightmaster | Living Monolith | Lizard | Madame Masque | Maggia | Mandarin | Maximus | Mentallo | Mister Fear | M.O.D.O.K. | Mole Man | Montana | Morbius | Mysterio | Namor | Nightshade | Norman Osborn | Owl | Piledriver | Plantman | Puppet Master | Punisher | Purple Man | Quasimodo | Quicksilver | Red Skull | Rhino | Ringmaster | Sandman | Satannish | Scarlet Witch | Scorpion | Silver Sable | Silver Samurai | Skrulls | Steel Serpent | Stegron | Stranger | Super-Skrull | Taskmaster | Thunderball | Thunderbolt Ross | Tiger Shark | Trapster | Tyrannus | Vermin | Vulture | Whiplash | Wizard | Wrecker

           Alpha Flight LogoVillains

Arcade | Attuma | Baron Strucker | Belasco | Beyonder | Constrictor | Diablo | Egghead | Eel | Galactus | Grey Gargoyle | Kingpin | Klaw | Lady Deathstrike | Living Laser | Magneto | Mandrill | Master of the World | Mephisto | Mesmero | Mr. Hyde | Mole Man | Mysterio | Nekra | Nightmare | Onslaught | Owl | Porcupine | Purple Man | Rhino | Ringmaster | Roxxon | Sauron | Scorpion | Sebastian Shaw | Super-Skrull | Taskmaster | Tinkerer | Trapster | Wendigo | Whirlwind | Worthy

           Heroes for Hire Vol 3 Logo Villains

Absorbing Man | A.I.M. | Avalanche | Awesome Android | Baron Zemo | Batroc the Leaper | Beetle | Black Cat | Blastaar | Blizzard | Bombshell | Boomerang | Bushmaster | Captain Hero | Chemistro | Constrictor | Controller | Cottonmouth | Deadpool | Dire Wraiths | Doctor Doom | Doctor Octopus | Eel | Electro | Equinox | Exodus | Firefly | Fixer | Goliath | Gorilla Man | Grey Gargoyle | Grim Reaper | Hammerhead | High Evolutionary | HYDRA | Ironclad | J. Jonah Jameson | Juggernaut | Kang the Conqueror | Killer Shrike | Klaw | Living Monolith | Madcap | Malekith | Man-Ape | Man-Beast | Master Khan | Master of the World | Mole Man | Moonstone | Namor | Nightshade | Nitro | Onslaught | Owl | Orka | Punisher | Puppet Master | Purple Man | Quicksilver | Red Hulk | Red Skull | Sabretooth | Sandman | Scarlet Witch | Scimitar | Scorpion | Shocker | Shockwave | Shrunken Bones | Silver Sable | Sin | Skrulls | Songbird | Stoneface | Super-Adaptoid | Super-Skrull | Thanos | Thunderbolts | Tiger Shark | Titania | Toad | U-Foes | Unus | Vapor | Vector | Warhawk | Whiplash | Whirlwind | Worthy | X-Ray
