During the time the Digidestined were fighting Myotismon at Tokyo, the Dark Masters took over the DigitalWorld and warped it into Spiral Mountain, with Puppetmon ruling over the forest. Puppetmon is the smallest of the Dark Masters and the only Dark Master to last longer then any of the others during their ruling period. Puppetmon is the size of a 7 year old, with the mentality of a spoiled brat and a firey temper. Having fun and playing games is all he wants to do. But the kind of games he plays involve death and destruction, even his toys are capable of inflicting pain on people.
Modeled after a marionette, Puppetmon can use his strings to control people, making the him the puppeteer. Puppetmon also carries his Bullet Hammer, which he uses for his "Puppet Pummel" attack and the plank on his back like a boomerang. Puppetmon has no real concept on friendship, thinking that people should do what he tells them. In fact, most of his henchmen stay with him only because they fear death.
Unlike the other Dark Masters, Puppetmon played with the children and didn't take them seriously. In fact, he kidnapped TK and forced him in a game of hide and seek, with Puppetmon seeking and using a gun to make the game "more fun." Fortunely TKmanaged to tick off Puppet, by calling him boring, and asked if he could meet some of Puppetmon's friends. Puppetmon tried to make excuses, but ran off, saying he'd bring a friend back. Puppetmon then hastily - and literally - MADE a friend of wood and junk. But when he brought it back for TK to see, the boy had escaped, but not before trashing Puppetmon's playroom.
While Puppetmon attempted to get revenge on the DigiDestined for his playroom being destroyed, Cherrymon managed to use Matt's memories to convinced him to turn on Tai, which made Puppetmon all too eager to watch WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon duke it out, but the presence of a mysterious being ruined that plan. After the kids went their seperate ways, Tai and his group decided to take the battle with Puppetmon to his mansion. By the time Puppetmon made it back there after he got side "attacked" by MetalEtemon, Digidestined used Puppetmon's cannon against him.
Puppetmon fought the kids head on and lost his hammer and winning edge. In a desperate move, Puppetmon used his power to bring his mansion to life to attack the gang long enough for him to escape. He then found MetalGarurumon. He tried to use his strings to control him, but his demands were not met. Matt showed up and explained to Puppetmon that no-one would listen to him, because no-one was his friend. Hearing that made the marionette angrily charge them head on.
MetalGarurumon fatally blasted him at close range, which caused the mansion to collapse. As he lay dying, Puppetmon finally realized he never could have beaten the kids because he lacked what they had: true friendship. And with that he died....
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