Antagonists Wiki

The Pirates are the secondary antagonistic faction of Where's Waldo? episodes "Draining the Deep" and "The Birthday Blow-Out".


Draining the Deep[]

The pirates stole the great sea plug in order to drain the sea and get all the treasures that have sunk to the bottom. Odlaw tries to turn Pegbeard against Waldo, who is trying to restore the sea plug, in order to get his hands on the magic walking stick. Pegbeard's associate Sidney, does not take kindly to Odlaw.

The pirates unleashes the swordfish Boomer to attack Waldo and Woof, but Boomer got stopped by Waldo to put his magic walking stick on his mouth by getting the rock band out which he eat them alive earlier. When Boomer redeems to give Waldo and Woof a ride, Pegbeard orders Sidney to load up the cannon to blast the three, but he misses the shot.

When Waldo and Woof found the treasure, the pirates capture the two along with the treasure and Pegbeard's prepares to attack, but Waldo opens the chest and Pegbeard's crew fights over the coins. As Odlaw jumps into the ship and orders the pirates to get Waldo, Pegbeard’s crew tramples him twice while searching for Waldo and Woof.

Pegbeard's crew attempts to attack Waldo and Woof, but they stops and Waldo believes that they want to play. Waldo shows and gives Sidney the 1957 Mickey Mantle bubblegum card, which he redeems to befriend Waldo and turn against the pirates instead. Sidney also grabs Odlaw to prevent him from stealing Waldo's magic walking stick.

Captain Pegbeard brings the cannon at Waldo and Woof by preparing to blast them. Waldo brought out the cannonball repellent to make the ball blast Pegbeard instead. When Pegbeard is defeated, he falls off to the water.

The Birthday Blow-Out[]

When Waldo, Woof and Wenda arrives at the pirate ship, Donkey tells his captain that they have company. The pirate captain greets the three heroes who looking for the place to have fun. He tells Waldo that the pirates were having a party and playing pin on the tail of Donkey, but Wenda told the pirate captain that they can play musical chairs.

During the game, the pirate captain asks Wenda why have stop that music. He tells Donkey that he is out of musical chairs and orders the other pirate to start music. The Trench Coat Lady is baking chocolate cake while Waldo greets her for a recipe. She is angry confronts Waldo for accusing her for stealing and asks him anymore questions for her, but the chocolate cake is ready. The pirate captain angrily throw a tantrum at his crew over he's out, but the light turns off while Waldo, Woof and the Trench Coat Lady brings the chocolate cake to him. The pirate captain cries and hugs his mother while the pirates had a change of heart.

At the end, the pirates and porcupines celebrate Waldo's Birthday at Wenda's theater.


  • In "The Birthday Blow-Out", they are only pirates who later reformed.


           The Incredible World of DiC Logo Villains

Animated Television
Doctor Claw | M.A.D. | MAD Cat | MAD Ninja | Jungle Bob | Squint | King Koopa | Koopa Pack (Mouser, Tryclyde, Fryguy, Clawgrip, Koopas & Hammer Bros.) | Goombas | Bob-ombs | Bloopers | Ganon | Mother Brain | Eggplant Wizard | King Hippo | Koopa Kids (Bully Koopa, Big Mouth Koopa, Kooky Von Koopa, Cheatsy Koopa, Kootie Pie Koopa, Hip Koopa & Hop Koopa) | Odlaw | Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Scratch and Grounder | Coconuts | Dr. Robotnik (SATAM) | Snively Robotnik | Cluck | SWATbots | Pepito | Dr. Robotnik (Sonic Underground) | Sleet and Dingo | Maria Not | Gem Stone | Enchantra | Cassandra | Olivia | Peculiar Purple Pieman | Sour Grapes | Mountain Lion | Wolf | Bear

Live-Action Television

Animated Features
Madame LaCroque | Maximo and Dumbella Richard | Henri | Tyrannosaurus Rex | Ilya | Star Schnitzel-Nightningale | Emma Richard

Live-Action Features

See Also
Care Bears Villains | Inspector Gadget Villains | Madeline Villains | Sabrina: The Animated Series Villains | Sonic Cartoon Villains | Strawberry Shortcake Villains | Super Mario Cartoon Villains | The Legend of Zelda Villains | Where's Waldo? Villains

           Where's Waldo? logo Villains

1987 series
Captain Pegbeard | Sidney | Pirate Captain | Donkey | Trench Coat Lady

Red Dragon | Long-Tongued Dragon | Brown Dragon

Odlaw | Vampire King | Evil Grey Knights (Fred) | Blech | Gundra | Tabby | Hedge Monster | Porcina | Boomer | Yellow Underground Snakes | Guanomuck | Guanomuck's Henchmen | Master Trasher | Giants (J. Archibald Barrington III) | Ali Blobi | Six-Armed Cyclops | Carn | Vikings (Head Viking) | Norwood Oou | Gladiators | Genie | Snoozy and Woozy | Darrell Dinwiddie | Porcupines

2019 series
Main Villains
Odlulu | Fritz

Chinese Statues
Guardian Lions | Stone Dragon

Amazon Plants
Pitcher Plants | Vines | Banana Trees

Shadow Odlulu | Shadow People | Shadow Animals | Shadow Waldo | Shadow Wenda | Shadow Darma

Knights of England
Knight Captain | Knights of the Round Table

Halloween Decorations
Dracula | Frankie | Mums | Finny | Skeletons | Pumpkins | Bats | Ghosts | Purple Octopus | Witches | Scarecrows | Big Turnip

Fritzes | Mr. Grouchy | Cyclops | Mega Noodle Monster | Leopard Seals | Tarbosaurus | Snow Queen | Helka and Oliver | Octopuses
