Antagonists Wiki

Peter Creedy is an antagonist of the comics V for Vendetta. He is also the secondary antagonist of the film.

He is portrayed by the late Tim Pigott-Smith.


Creedy is the leader of Norsefire who is secret police, an unlike Adam Susan who believes to fascism, he on the other hand is only driven by power. He also doesn't seem like Helen Heyer, who is suggested that police officers have little respect for him. He also has his right hand, Eric Finch, and when Dominic rejects his offer of close cooperation it annoys him and he threatens him. It is also clear that the reason for the lack for respect is because Creedy is incompent, he and his men failed to capture V on Susan's last public appearance, which without suspicion that the would murder him. And after Susan's death he and his forces take over London, nut nevertheless after his short term as ''emergency commander'', as the chief of staff turns against him, as he is bribed by Helen Heyer. And finally Harper and his men take Creedy and kill with a razor.


The version of the film is very different from the comics, he is a psychopath who believes that he ends always justify the means. He is the mastermind behind the biological engineering plague that is later attributed to terrorists and used to terrorize the public and give Norsefire total control. However, the trademark of Finger is the bags is the bags over their heads, after which Sutler orders the TV host, Gordon Deitrich, to be arrested for mocking Sutler on his show. After that, Creedy appears in person at Deitrich's house, which he beats Creedy with a cassette, which causes him to be executed for possessing prohibited material.

After his failure to prevent V's rebellion, he is critized by Sutler. He then makes a deal with V, get rid of Sutler. After that, he is soon humiliated by V when he goes to confront him, and in the end V kills him with this around his neck.
